Tuesday, 31 March 2009

dii ppb. x)

what goes around comes around.

hello blogger ! i know its been awhile sudahh i dint update my blog. so, yeahh.. gnyaaa gambar, sanak juaa sjaa org liat our posing. HAHAH ! so, i need to let it out something that've been bothered me every since im in ppb's hostel. things that made me kusut and all. so, yeahh.. menseteresskann banget ! but, i dont know where to start. hemm.. x\

lets start withh my roomate. they all are damn gilaa anddd sparks muchh with me. eventho we're ramai. but, understanding laa juaa. but, adaa juaa yg indaa. yg terasaa, diam diam sjaa. mikin ko becakap, mikin borengg suasanaa kamii atuu. HAYAL !! think before youu said anything mann. dont talk bulls on us. do respect us the way how WE respect youu. harap maklum ! ko ingat ko cool laa tuu ? youre only cool when youre with us. take note that. hahaha.

andd seperkaraa lgii, whenn a guy being such a lady. kann jdii dramaa queen. kononnyaa hes good enough for any girls laa tuu. youu know, being DRAMA KING should i say ? dood.. thats so wrong yo ! ko tauu ko salahh. so, please.. terimaa thh hakikat baa. just because of chicks ?? so bidaa mann. shame on youu. be mature yo ! alright ? bhh.. god blesss youu dood.

thats only problems yg menghantuui akuu laa so far. i malar get annoyed by that shit. annoying bnrr tuu ahh. and the rest, chicks pnyaa problems. biasaa laa.. back to the oldschool. kanak kanak pnyaa habit. heeh.. bercintaa indaa bertempat. paham pham laa.. sampaii kann besurat surat laa. apaa laa. heeh.. why i put my tittle as what goes around comes around, yatahh tuu waa.. zaman kanak kanak waa gnyaa tuu cematuu atuu. indaa jaa ? if adaa punn, prolly laa sikit. right ?

samaa samaa bepikir waa. anii.. indaa kann mauu ngalahh. thenn, kn kelahi kelahii.. mann, so childishh ihh.. bidaa muchh !! akuu bnr thh kuu sanak tuu ahh brngg cematuu atuu.. awuu.. indaa juaa lgii. HAHAH. go mampus there. hee. astagaa.. *elek wiraa.. hahah. xP

actually.. theres more i need to let it out. but since, i kat bengkel now berblogging, banyak gangguan waaa. plus.. im withh my bebehh now. HAHAHAH !i'll post later picture me and my behh. :P:P im out duluu. got things to do. adious.. :)

Thursday, 26 March 2009

Wednesday, 25 March 2009