well, its always started with happiness and ended with sadness ! thats just love.
gilaa, i just wanna share sikit here how stupid my love life is. and thats why i never wanted to be or anythings with love shit. wel, some would say that, love is that, love is this. but, in my case, love is good when youu think its great. what im trying to say here is, if we started on a nice track of love, and i believe its gonna be nice all the way, no matter what. what i mean no matter what is, even the relations ended, nothing called enemy or against to each other.
mun ceritaaku lain, awal siuk ih.. ituu laa.. ini laa.. behh sanaa.. behh snii.. but, come on ? sudahh problem, kan semuaa di ungkit ungkit ! likee, WTF yo ? segala galaa kan diungkit ! sampai yang org lain indaa tauu punn tauu waa.. macam apaa ! worst thing lgii, our privacy in bed kann di heboh hebohh kan ? macam.. apaa kann yo ? mestii kaa cematuu ? is it a must ?? atuu tplng kann jdii issue nie ? it happened to siapa sjaa. munn sudahh suka samaa sukaa, sayang sama sayang. even we did that shit pun, mau samaa mau. anii macam, akuu tplng yang pnyaa salah nie ? come on.. akuu indaa majal ! if youu want it, then fcuk it. if you dont, then dont.
then youu talking about maruah now ? wel, munn ko kan pkir kan about that, then youu should mentioned it awal. munn nyaa big bro tuu, "sudahh tantuk, bruuth kan sadar ?" yatahh calii tuu ! then, akuu ko ucap menipuu laa. apaa laa. ituu laa. yang ko ? cakap sayang, tpii ko sumpahh sumpahh ! ingat apaa ? barbie doll ? mann.. think before youu said it ! duluu, te-lap u, lap u ! anii, akuu plng kann ko jadikan kain pelap muu ?
and one more thing, i believe some of youu guys would be mad for what i said here. sorry to say, but yeahh.. thats just my stupid love life line. maybe youu dont and wont respect my request, but i obey what my parents dicision ! ko sendiri indaa respectkan parents kuu, why would i respect your keturunan ? hell no yo ! mintaa maaf sjaa. my parents who madelove and beranakkan akuu. i will and always obey their orders ! munn kan ikut org lainn, sorry sjaa !
and seriously, i dont wanna post this shit, but since youu makes me wanna do it, then why not ? youu let the world know our shits. so, why cant i ? samaa samaa dihh.. u lap me, i lap u kann ? for youu i will laa konon ! youu jump, i jump laa konon. ceritaa cematuu kann ko ikutkann. liat dihh balik ceritaa titanic ahh.. manaa tiaa youu jump, i jumpnyaa atuu ? sii rose sendiri juaa yang letting sii jack tingalam ! kamii lelakii anii yang matii kelamasan !
HAHAHAHH !! some shit post ! and, just the heart who wanna let it out. so, yeahh.. no terasa terasa. rekaan semata mata dan tiada yang hidup dan yang mati. HAHAHAH !
ggodmorning and have a nice day ! :)
p/s; " live is hard, when youu think its hard ! "