Sunday, 25 July 2010

we never knows :)

Allah, if either me nor him, couldnt see the world again.. i promise i will never find another.. i will keep him in my heart eventho one of us are gonna gone someday.. eventho its gonna hurt to face the fact, i promise my life wont be same when he's not around :') one thing i wanted You to know, forgive us for everything we've done.

p/s : iloveyou

i miss you

heey, asalamualaikum :D

babe, i miss you sudah.. nyehh.. guess whatt baby? wani arah rumah my aunty awal ani :( after balik dari taman tadi, my cousin ambil.. mami ada function.. and i havent mandi yet plus belum sembahyang! heh.. and im tireddd too.. belum wah wani balik rumaah :s *kusut.

oh yes! sayang jahaaaat tadi.. nyaman ketawanya meliat si wani pakai sinjang.. campaaa.. tapi handsome kan sayang? kan? kan? hahah lame..

bah bah, atu saja sayang.. blank i :D see you when you see me

p/s : i love you

Sunday, 18 July 2010

hello baby! ;)

saaayaaaang.. i miss you. i try to call you but it couldnt get thru.. sayang off your phonee ehh?

anyway, i just got back home and im tiredd.. um, maybe i will revise later after dinner.. and might be sleeping afterthat.. just so you know.. just in case you read this, contact me once youre not busy. alright?

xo assalamualaikum

p/s ; iloveyou

Friday, 16 July 2010

today's routine ;)

heyy sayang.. i miss you awal ani.. anyway, wanted to know what im up to today? well, heree.. let me tell you a bit..

i woke up around ten plus, if im not mistaken.. then, as usual shower, breakfast then kemas bilikk.. then, scanning my school stuff.. just in case wani ada homeworks.. afterthat, im jobless.. i fall asleep tia..

after mid-day, im up.. mami bawa jalann.. mami beurut pasal kakinya sakit.. then, went to gadong, drop hp adik di wywy.. silahau, ia lupa lock codenya.. wani jua yang mikirkan.. pfft.. now, accidentally my phone yang silahau tak tentu pasal ;s entah eh, malas wani mikirkan..

after 2hours waiting, we off dari gadong.. then, makan kejap before balik rumah.. then yeahh.. home tiaa..

now, ni blogging sajaa.. ermm.. atu saja kali? bah.. asalamualaikum. xx

p/s ; iloveyou
babeee, just in case you read this.. IMISSYOU! :) and, i wonder what are you up to awal ani. hee.. anyway, i havent read you letter for today.. should i read it now??

well, letter huh? yaah, i have three letters with me. which wiraa gave me on the 14th masatu.. he asked me to read it when he's gone to jakarta.. so yeah..

*sigh* baby, i miss you! *majaal. i know you do too.. arent you? hee.. aright babe, you be good. dont forget your prayer :)

p/s i love you

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

i love you

sayangg!! happy 4th monthsary to you :D
you be good nanti di JAKARTA, okayh??

i don't have muchh to sayy actually. but yeahh, i'm gonna miss you babyy.
alrighht thenn.. maybe thats all for now :)

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

karangan! ;D

heyy, iwani is here ;D well, i wanna share about my malay composition. since wiraa wanted to know what does its all about, so yeahh. im not gonna cerita semua. why? i didnt remember the contain clearly.. terlalu banyak.. heh.

the title ;

ada seorang sahabat Amar, yang bernama Mally. Mally seorang yang suka pentingkan diri sendiri dan tidak berhati perut langsung.. dia mempunyai syarikat perusahaan yang besar.

Mally tidak tahu apa erti kesusahan. hidupnya di penuhi dengan kemewahan harta benda.. yang menyedihkan lagi, dia tidak ada perasaan kasih sayang walaupun dia sudaah beristeri.. dia suka merendahkan orang lain.. dan tidak suka menolong orang..

pada setiap pagi dan petang, Mally akan pergi ke pejabatnya.. tetapi, waktu jam kerjanya tidak tentu kerana dia adalah seorang bos. dia sering berkata 'ini syarikat saya. saya boleh buat apa sahaja' dia paling tidak ingin tahu tentang masalah syarikat. semua masalah syarikat dia menyerahkan kepada pegawai bawahannya..

pada suatu hari, Amar datang ke pejabat Mally untuk meminta sedikit pertolongan.. syarikat Amar mengalami masalah kewangan. dia menceritakan apa yang terjadi tentang syarikatnya.. Amar yang datang membawa harapan agar Mally dapat menolongnya. malah, Mally menolak untuk menolongnya. Mally berkata kepada Amar, 'wang saya bukan untuk menolong orang. awak carilah sahabat awak yang lain.' dengan perasaan hampa, Amar meninggalkan pejabat Mally tanpa mengatakan apa apa..

setelah beberapa bulan kemudian, syarikat Amar kembali seperti biasaa. Amar dapat pertolongan dari bapa saudaranya, Wira. Amar berasa sangat bersyukur kerana telah diberi pertolongan setimpal atas sikapnya yang suka bersabar.

tiba tiba pada waktu Amar dalam perjalanan pergi ke pejabatnya, dia menerima panggilan dari Mally. Mally mengkhabarkan bahawa pejabatnya telah terbakar. dia meminta tolong kepada Amar. pada awalnya, Amar berasa simpati tetapi apabila dia mengingati kisah yang berlaku beberapa bulan lepas, membuat dia sakit hati. Amar menutup panggilan Mally tanpa sepatah kata.

Mally sedar atas sikapnya yang suka mementingkan diri sendiri.. dia berasa menyesal tetapi semua itu sudah terlambat.. sekarang, Mally tinggal berseorangan di rumah yang kecil.. dia telah menceraikan isterinya pada beberapa bulan yang lalu. Mally berkerja sebagai pencuci kereta untuk menyara hidupnya sehari hari. malangnya hari Mally, dia yang biasanya duduk mengarahkan pegawai bawahannya untuk melakukan kerja, kini dia harus melakukan sendiri.


does it make sense? macam inda. pasal aku ada lupaa aah. nyeh. biar tia eh, si wiraa saja faham tu ;p *kan sayang? heheh

Monday, 12 July 2010

Just be POSITIVE ! ;D

So, what should i say here. Ohh, today is monday. I usually say that i hate monday. But, eversince i read the magic of thinking big, and being positive, i realized that, being hating the days are not that really good. Why so ? Because, once youu said, the day is that, the day is this.. Our mind might produces to what we think and say. Wel, ofcause, what youu say is what youu think right ? Duhh ~ hahah. Let me give some example, lets say youu say, "what a boreng day." then what will happen to youu ? Your mind started to produces bad things the whole day. Must be conected to bad stuff. Am i right ? But, when youu say, "today is awesom !" what will happen ? Everythings when perfect the whole day. With full of smile and all. No doubt about that. Why ? Ive been there. Youu've been there. Everyone does. So, let me ask youu, dont youu wanna be happy ? Healthy ? Instead of being fcut up, stressfull ? And once we're mad and stress, thats when your face grow old. No more healthy, ugly, lazy, and just laying down and waiting death to come to youu. Nyehs, but what we wanted is, to be cheerfull always, happy, smiles and success. Every deserved that, i know. I do too. How to do that, it always started from youu. Your life, your future, your decisions. What youu want is what youu will get. :)

mann, see how good is that book ? It teached me alot. Not youu, not her, not him but once youu read it, its for your own good. Dont youu wanna be good ? I never heard that theres people that dont wanna be good. Thats stupid. Hahah. We, as a human being, we're lucky to have brains to think. But, only youu to decided what type of thinking are youu wanna think. Simple as that.. And theres words says, "Life is hard when youu think its hard." so, i bet youu are more "better-er" then me. While me, im just an ordinary dude with full of dreams. Better full of dreams than drama. So, yeahh..

So, actually im out of words. Just that, since today my baby having her exams, again i wanna say goodluck to youu my dear love. I know youu cann do well. Youu have a strong better fresh positive brain. Used it wise.. Hee. May Allah bless youu baby. ;D goodluck ! Hee. Muahs ! *on your both cheeks, your forehead, and your nyummy lips.. Hee. Grrr..

So, let me stop til here then. Gonna continue my learning. Hee. To youu guys who read this, i wanna say goodmorning and have a very nice monday. Cheers ! ;D;D

p.s: i love youu.. ;D

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Random Post.

Hello blogger ! ;D i know its been awhile i dint update my blog. Sorry for that. Im just been with some stuff and all. So, yeahh.. Haai ! ;D

So, its early in the morning here now. And guess what ? Im still wide awake. And my tummy keeps on starving ALL THE TIME ! Eversince i finished my protein, it keeps my tummy starving all the way. Idkw.. ;s im hungry ! Eventho i just ate some fruits just now. Nyehs.. But somehow, since i aim to get fat, so why not right ? Fat ? Yes, i want to be chubby, at least ? No ? Wel, will see how its goes. Soon enough. Hee. ;D

and so, did i mention that im happy right now ? I happy cause germany atleast win their 3rd place for the fifa worldcup 2010. And i still cant accept that germany dint get thro to the final. Thats making me crazy. And thats making me to hate spain very muchh ! And how i wishh that spain wont be able to win the final match and doesnt mean i want netherland to win tho. But, yeahh.. Somehow, congrats to germany for the 3rd place. ;D

actually, ive got nothing much to say here. Just, right now, im still up and watching star movies. The spirit is on, so yeahh.. Both my scarrlet johannson and eva mandes is on. Hahah. ;p thats why im still up and watchh. But, somehow, i miss my girlfriend so bad. And, since shes having her exams soon, shes just being fragile to be disturbed. While me, im soon gonna go to Jakartaa ! So cant wait.. This 15th July, by 9ish pm, i've be firmed to fly off to Jakartaa. Hee. Ohh, and to youu my baby, incase your reading this, i wanna wishh youu a very goodluck for the exams yes ? I know youu cann do it well baby. Just dont stress, and think positive yes ? Do your revise wisely and pray to God as well. Everything will be just fine. Just pun some believe in that. I know youu cann baby. Iloveyouu. So muchh. Hee. ;D

So, talking about going to Jakarta, im just going there to attend some seminar. And its for my dreams come true. ;D i am so cant wait to go there ! I cann feels the fever already. Hahah. Lol.. Is just that, since my baby is fighting for her war, and me fighting for my rights. I just wanna make my dreams come true. Our dreams come true. Dream ? Yes, dreams.. "Dreams is the only key to success !" and "Success is the only best revenge !" :) so, yeahh..

Dreams ? What is my dreams ? My dreams is to create back a smile on my families. I just wanna have a happy family, where we have time to watch the tv together, eating breakfast, lunch and dinner together, and even pray the 5prayers together. I just want that actually. To have more time with the families. And my dreams just fixed with my baby's dream. All she ever wanted is to have a perfect family. Thats just so great dreams i ever meet actually. And yeahh.. I once been thinking that, if we marry on the young age, is it gonna be good or great ? And some would say that its not good, blablablaa.. But to me, if we married on the young age, we would have more time to fall inlove over and over again. Until we die. More love, more experiance we will get right ? More love produces.. ;D its just perfect. ;D

and one of my dreams, i want once i get married, i dont wanna ever used not even a single cent from my parents. I dont wanna let them stressed out. So, yeahh.. I know and i believe that'll be happening. Insha-Allah. With god's willing. ;D and nothings wrong if youu wanna have a big dreams. How i know this, cause now im reading 'The magic of thinking big, by David Swartz.' it says that, 'life is short to be little.' so, dream big guys. And when is the time ? Now is the time ! Thats what Linda Agus told me in her cd. Cd ? Yes, im learning frm cds now. Great cds. Why cds ? Cause those people who talks in those cds are people who doing the works on a right direction. As in success people. Its obvious right ? Success and unsuccess people, who do youu wanna listen ? And youu will find your answer in youu. To be a loser or a winner, wrong or right, stones or diamonds ? Youu decides what youu want by the way youu think what youu want in life and youu know that future is in your hands. So, nothings wrong to be a great person right ? So, yeahh.. ;D create big dreams now. The clear your dreams, the faster youu will achive it. Just believe and be positive. :)

and yeah, i think im gonna stop here. Why ? Cause i need to feed my tummy so bad right now. Im damn hungry. Nyehs.. Wel, i guess thats it thenn. Til here. And, good morning all and have a nice day. Create your day, always with a smiles. Cheerious thenn. Assalamualaikum. (: <3

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

spain vs germany

tonight, spain and germany will on the field! who pick spain? raise your feet! hahaha. over.. sasak li si wiraa ehh :p *sorry baby.. netherland ni menang.. hahah boh, kenapa ia jauh atu?

well, me and wiraa is betting for tonight's match which is spain! :( and germany :D whats the bet? its a $@!?# hahah thats mean, only two of us know what.. hehe

okeyy, i shouldd stop here now.. cause i currently chatting with my baby awal ani ;) alright, have a pleasant day everybodayy!