kata orang ku jatuh cinta, kepada dirimu,
cinta sampai tergila-gila,
oh rindu,
rinduku memikirkan kamu,
hanyalah dirimu,
yang membuatku mabuk kepayang..
cinta cinta cinta pada dirimu,
rindu rindu rindu akan senyummu,
hanya satu kamu yang aku mau,
sampai mati kau kan selalu ku tunggu..
yang membuat hidupku lebih indah,
dari hari yang lalu,
yang membuat hati berbunga-bunga,
tinggalkan rasa yang lalu..
oh cinta,
kata orang ku jatuh cinta, kepada dirimu,
cinta sampai tergila-gila,
hmmm rindu,
oh, rinduku memikirkan kamu,
hanyalah dirimu,
yang membuatku mabuk kepayang..
cinta cinta cinta pada dirimu,
rindu rindu rindu akan senyummu,
hanya satu kamu yang aku mau,
sampai mati kau kan selalu ku tunggu..
yang membuat hidupku lebih indah,
dari hari yang lalu,
yang membuat hati berbunga-bunga,
tinggalkan rasa yang lalu..
bagaikan racun,
dia terus membiusku,
menebarkan aroma,
ke dalam seluruh tubuhku,
detak jantung pun,
berhenti, di saat ku bertemu denganmu,
tak kuasa ku menolak..
cinta cinta cinta pada dirimu,
rindu rindu rindu akan senyummu,
hanya satu kamu yang aku mau,
sampai mati kau kan selalu ku tunggu..
yang membuat hidupku lebih indah,
dari hari yang lalu,
yang membuat hati berbunga-bunga,
tinggalkan rasa yang lalu..
cinta cinta cinta,
yang membuat hidupku lebih indah,
dari hari yang lalu,
yang membuat hati berbunga-bunga,
tinggalkan rasa yang lalu..
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
cinta yang sebenar-benar cinta di sisi Allah.
terlalu tinggi kemuliaan dan darjat Rasulullah SAW :
untuk renungan bersama ;
mungkin kita terlupa dengan artikel ini. detik-detik
Rasulullah SAW menghadapi sakaratul maut. ada
sebuah kisah tentang cinta yang sebenar-benar
cinta yang dicontohkan Allah melalui kehidupan
pagi itu, walaupun langit telah mulai menguning,
burung-burung gurun enggan mengepakkan
sayap. pagi itu, Rasulullah dengan suara terbatas
memberikan khutbah, "wahai umutku, kita semua
ada dalam kekuasaan Allah dan cinta kasih-Nya.
maka taati dan bertakwalah kepada-Nya. ku
wariskan dua perkara pada kalian, Al-Quran dan
sunnah ku. barang siapa mencintai sunnahku,
bererti mencintai aku dan kelak orang-orang yang
mencintaiku, akan masuk syurga bersama-sama
aku." khutbah singkat itu diakhiri dengan
pandangan mata Rasullullah yang tenang dan
penuh minat menatap sahabatnya satu persatu.
Abu Bakar menatap mata itu dengan berkaca-kaca,
Umar hanya naik turun menahan nafas dan
tangisnya. Usman menghela nafas panjang dan Ali
menundukkan kepalanya. isyarat itu telah datang,
saatnya sudah tiba. " Rasulullah akan meninggalkan
kita semua ", keluh hati semua sahabat kala itu.
manusia tercinta itu, hampir selesai menunaikan
tugasnya di dunia. tanda-tanda itu semakin kuat,
tatkala Ali dan Fadhal dengan cergas menangkap
Rasulullah yang bekeadaan lemah dan goyah ketika
turun dari mimbar. di saat itu, kalau mampu,
seluruh sahabat yang hadir di sana pasti akan
menahan detik-detik berlalu.
matahari kian tinggi, tapi pintu rumah Rasulullah
masih tertutup. sedang di dalamnya, Rasulullah
sedang terbaring lemah dengan keningnya yang
berkeringat dan membasahi pelepah kurma yang
menjadi alas tidurnya.
tiba-tiba dari luar pintu terdengar seorang yang
berseru mengucapkan salam. " boleh saya masuk?
" tanyanya. tapi Fatimah tidak mengizinkannya
masuk, " maafkanlah, ayahku sedang demam ",
kata Fatimah yang membalikkan badan dan
menutup pintu. kemudian ia kembali menemani
ayahnya yang ternyata sudah membuka mata dan
bertanya pada Fatimah,
" siapakah itu wahai anakku? " " tak tahulah ayahku,
orang seperti baru sekali ini aku melihatnya ", tutur
Fatimah lembut. lalu, Rasulullah menatap puterinya
itu dengan pandangan yang menggetarkan.
seolah-olah bahagian demi bahagian wajah
anaknya itu hendak dikenang. " ketahuilah, dialah
yang menghapuskan kenikmatan sementara,
dialah yang memisahkan pertemuan di dunia.
dialah malaikatul maut ", kata Rasulullah. Fatimah
pun menahan ledakkan tangisnya.
malaikat maut datang menghampiri, tapi Rasulullah
menanyakan kenapa Jibril tidak ikut sama
menyertainya. kemudian dipanggilah Jibril yang
sebelumnya sudah bersiap di atas langit dunia
menyambut roh kekasih Allah dan penghulu dunia
" Jibril, jelaskan apa hak ku nanti di hadapan Allah? "
tanya Rasulullah dengan suara yang amat lemah. "
pintu-pintu langit telah terbuka, para malaikat telah
menanti rohmu. semua syurga terbuka lebar
menanti kedatangan mu ", kata Jibril. tapi itu
ternyata tidak membuatkan Rasulullah lega,
matanya masih penuh kecemasan. " engkau tidak
senang mendengar khabar ini? ", tanya Jibril. "
khabarkan kepada ku bagaimana nasib umatku
kelak? " kata Rasulullah. " jangan khuatir, wahai
Rasul Allah, aku pernah mendengar Allah
berfirman kepadaku ; ' Ku haramkan syurga bagi
siapa saja, kecuali umat Muhammad telah berada
di dalamnya. ' ", jawap Jibril.
detik-detik semakin dekat, saatnya Izrail melakukan
tugas. perlahan roh Rasulullah ditarik. nampak
seluruh tubuh Rasulullah bersimbah peluh, urat-
urat lehernya menegang.
" Jibril, betapa sakit sakaratul maut ini. " perlahan
Rasulullah mengaduh. Fatimah terpejam, Ali yang
di sampingnya menunduk semakin dalam dan
Jibril memalingkan muka. " jijikkah kau melihatku,
hingga kau palingkan wajahmu Jibril? " tanya
Rasulullah pada malaikat penghantar wahyu itu. "
siapakah yang sanggup, melihat kekasih Allah di
renggut ajal ", kata Jibril. sebentar kemudian
terdengar Rasulullah memekik kerana sakit yang
tidak tertahankan lagi. " Ya Allah, dasyatnya maut
ini, timpakan saja semua seksa maut ini kepadaku,
jangan pada umatku. " badan Rasulullah mulai
dingin, kaki dan dadanya sudah tidak bergerak lagi.
bibirnya bergetar seakan hendak membisikkan
sesuatu, Ali segara mendekatkan telinganya "
uushiikum bis shalati, wa maa malakat aimanuku ",
peliharalah solat dan peliharalah orang-orang
lemah di antaramu. " di luar pintu tangis mulai
terdengar bersahutan, sahabat saling berpelukan.
Fatimah menutupkan tangan di wajahnya, dan Ali
kembali mendekatkan telinganya ke bibir Rasulullah
yang mulai kebiruan. " umatku, umatku, umatku. "
dan berakhirlah hidup manusia mulia yang
memberi sinaran itu. kini, mampukah kita
mencintai sepertinya??
Allahumma sholli 'ala Muhammad wa baarik wa
salim 'alaihi. betapa cintanya Rasulullah kepada kita.
untuk renungan bersama ;
mungkin kita terlupa dengan artikel ini. detik-detik
Rasulullah SAW menghadapi sakaratul maut. ada
sebuah kisah tentang cinta yang sebenar-benar
cinta yang dicontohkan Allah melalui kehidupan
pagi itu, walaupun langit telah mulai menguning,
burung-burung gurun enggan mengepakkan
sayap. pagi itu, Rasulullah dengan suara terbatas
memberikan khutbah, "wahai umutku, kita semua
ada dalam kekuasaan Allah dan cinta kasih-Nya.
maka taati dan bertakwalah kepada-Nya. ku
wariskan dua perkara pada kalian, Al-Quran dan
sunnah ku. barang siapa mencintai sunnahku,
bererti mencintai aku dan kelak orang-orang yang
mencintaiku, akan masuk syurga bersama-sama
aku." khutbah singkat itu diakhiri dengan
pandangan mata Rasullullah yang tenang dan
penuh minat menatap sahabatnya satu persatu.
Abu Bakar menatap mata itu dengan berkaca-kaca,
Umar hanya naik turun menahan nafas dan
tangisnya. Usman menghela nafas panjang dan Ali
menundukkan kepalanya. isyarat itu telah datang,
saatnya sudah tiba. " Rasulullah akan meninggalkan
kita semua ", keluh hati semua sahabat kala itu.
manusia tercinta itu, hampir selesai menunaikan
tugasnya di dunia. tanda-tanda itu semakin kuat,
tatkala Ali dan Fadhal dengan cergas menangkap
Rasulullah yang bekeadaan lemah dan goyah ketika
turun dari mimbar. di saat itu, kalau mampu,
seluruh sahabat yang hadir di sana pasti akan
menahan detik-detik berlalu.
matahari kian tinggi, tapi pintu rumah Rasulullah
masih tertutup. sedang di dalamnya, Rasulullah
sedang terbaring lemah dengan keningnya yang
berkeringat dan membasahi pelepah kurma yang
menjadi alas tidurnya.
tiba-tiba dari luar pintu terdengar seorang yang
berseru mengucapkan salam. " boleh saya masuk?
" tanyanya. tapi Fatimah tidak mengizinkannya
masuk, " maafkanlah, ayahku sedang demam ",
kata Fatimah yang membalikkan badan dan
menutup pintu. kemudian ia kembali menemani
ayahnya yang ternyata sudah membuka mata dan
bertanya pada Fatimah,
" siapakah itu wahai anakku? " " tak tahulah ayahku,
orang seperti baru sekali ini aku melihatnya ", tutur
Fatimah lembut. lalu, Rasulullah menatap puterinya
itu dengan pandangan yang menggetarkan.
seolah-olah bahagian demi bahagian wajah
anaknya itu hendak dikenang. " ketahuilah, dialah
yang menghapuskan kenikmatan sementara,
dialah yang memisahkan pertemuan di dunia.
dialah malaikatul maut ", kata Rasulullah. Fatimah
pun menahan ledakkan tangisnya.
malaikat maut datang menghampiri, tapi Rasulullah
menanyakan kenapa Jibril tidak ikut sama
menyertainya. kemudian dipanggilah Jibril yang
sebelumnya sudah bersiap di atas langit dunia
menyambut roh kekasih Allah dan penghulu dunia
" Jibril, jelaskan apa hak ku nanti di hadapan Allah? "
tanya Rasulullah dengan suara yang amat lemah. "
pintu-pintu langit telah terbuka, para malaikat telah
menanti rohmu. semua syurga terbuka lebar
menanti kedatangan mu ", kata Jibril. tapi itu
ternyata tidak membuatkan Rasulullah lega,
matanya masih penuh kecemasan. " engkau tidak
senang mendengar khabar ini? ", tanya Jibril. "
khabarkan kepada ku bagaimana nasib umatku
kelak? " kata Rasulullah. " jangan khuatir, wahai
Rasul Allah, aku pernah mendengar Allah
berfirman kepadaku ; ' Ku haramkan syurga bagi
siapa saja, kecuali umat Muhammad telah berada
di dalamnya. ' ", jawap Jibril.
detik-detik semakin dekat, saatnya Izrail melakukan
tugas. perlahan roh Rasulullah ditarik. nampak
seluruh tubuh Rasulullah bersimbah peluh, urat-
urat lehernya menegang.
" Jibril, betapa sakit sakaratul maut ini. " perlahan
Rasulullah mengaduh. Fatimah terpejam, Ali yang
di sampingnya menunduk semakin dalam dan
Jibril memalingkan muka. " jijikkah kau melihatku,
hingga kau palingkan wajahmu Jibril? " tanya
Rasulullah pada malaikat penghantar wahyu itu. "
siapakah yang sanggup, melihat kekasih Allah di
renggut ajal ", kata Jibril. sebentar kemudian
terdengar Rasulullah memekik kerana sakit yang
tidak tertahankan lagi. " Ya Allah, dasyatnya maut
ini, timpakan saja semua seksa maut ini kepadaku,
jangan pada umatku. " badan Rasulullah mulai
dingin, kaki dan dadanya sudah tidak bergerak lagi.
bibirnya bergetar seakan hendak membisikkan
sesuatu, Ali segara mendekatkan telinganya "
uushiikum bis shalati, wa maa malakat aimanuku ",
peliharalah solat dan peliharalah orang-orang
lemah di antaramu. " di luar pintu tangis mulai
terdengar bersahutan, sahabat saling berpelukan.
Fatimah menutupkan tangan di wajahnya, dan Ali
kembali mendekatkan telinganya ke bibir Rasulullah
yang mulai kebiruan. " umatku, umatku, umatku. "
dan berakhirlah hidup manusia mulia yang
memberi sinaran itu. kini, mampukah kita
mencintai sepertinya??
Allahumma sholli 'ala Muhammad wa baarik wa
salim 'alaihi. betapa cintanya Rasulullah kepada kita.
Saturday, 19 March 2011
heeeellloooo readers!! here I go again with my story. :D first thing first, how's your day so far? hope you guys cherish your every moment.. okay, let me start about my today's routine.
I woke up around 11plus in the morning tadi.. which counted as late. I ate medicine last night.. so I'm drugged~ bukan overdose sayang, bukan.. haahah.. adakah overdose.. over tah juaa.. then, I get my shower.. that's obvious tho.. :) once I've done, eat my lunch while watching tv..
watching tv then melayan my twitter and foursquare.. till entaahh, yang penting, I spent alot of time on the internet.. and that's considered as wasting time? I know. :) I seriously got nothing to do.. I'm not schooling at the moment plus school holiday session! I'm waiting for Business School.. which kemasukan ke sekolahnya on July!? but, the interview is on April. nyehh.. I'm rotten.. well, not that really rotten! I appreciate that I could still learning by reading books? and that's atleast.. :)
back to the topic, after spending alot of time on the internet, I get my shower again. plus almost malam pun sudah.. so yeah.. and that time wiraa is on seminar.. he said the seminar was so hilarious! and I expected that so.. wiraa always do mentioned that seminar was very hilarious and awesome? so yeah.. those who had experienced it, they knows well how does it feel during the seminar.. I always wanted to join them, but I couldn't. sighs. somehow, there's always next time tho :D
so, where were we just now? oh yes, after I've done showering.. I get my dinner w/ the families.. and I'm sooo full! p/s; sudah sayang dinner tu?? awak mesti gemuk once you get back in Brunei! sikit pun jadi tahh ;pp hahah..
once I've done, masuk bilik.. reading some books.. and was kan online tadi sama wiraa but then lagging tia jua MSN ahh~ kecundang. *bahasa si wiraa. "kecundang" inda mau login.. so we end up, later saja online.. plus wiraa got circle meeting at the moment.. then, here I am.. blogging for the third time about my everyday since wiraa wanted me to do so..
and I think that's all for today? salam. xx.
p/s; I sayang you, wiraa!!
I woke up around 11plus in the morning tadi.. which counted as late. I ate medicine last night.. so I'm drugged~ bukan overdose sayang, bukan.. haahah.. adakah overdose.. over tah juaa.. then, I get my shower.. that's obvious tho.. :) once I've done, eat my lunch while watching tv..
watching tv then melayan my twitter and foursquare.. till entaahh, yang penting, I spent alot of time on the internet.. and that's considered as wasting time? I know. :) I seriously got nothing to do.. I'm not schooling at the moment plus school holiday session! I'm waiting for Business School.. which kemasukan ke sekolahnya on July!? but, the interview is on April. nyehh.. I'm rotten.. well, not that really rotten! I appreciate that I could still learning by reading books? and that's atleast.. :)
back to the topic, after spending alot of time on the internet, I get my shower again. plus almost malam pun sudah.. so yeah.. and that time wiraa is on seminar.. he said the seminar was so hilarious! and I expected that so.. wiraa always do mentioned that seminar was very hilarious and awesome? so yeah.. those who had experienced it, they knows well how does it feel during the seminar.. I always wanted to join them, but I couldn't. sighs. somehow, there's always next time tho :D
so, where were we just now? oh yes, after I've done showering.. I get my dinner w/ the families.. and I'm sooo full! p/s; sudah sayang dinner tu?? awak mesti gemuk once you get back in Brunei! sikit pun jadi tahh ;pp hahah..
once I've done, masuk bilik.. reading some books.. and was kan online tadi sama wiraa but then lagging tia jua MSN ahh~ kecundang. *bahasa si wiraa. "kecundang" inda mau login.. so we end up, later saja online.. plus wiraa got circle meeting at the moment.. then, here I am.. blogging for the third time about my everyday since wiraa wanted me to do so..
and I think that's all for today? salam. xx.
p/s; I sayang you, wiraa!!
Friday, 18 March 2011
whhaat a daaayy.. fridaay..
hello and good evening everyone.. today is the second day wiraa is not around.. they got seminar tomorrow till the next day.. if I'm not mistaken?
and I'm here again to update what's going on the whole day.. so let me begin.. I woke up early today like around seven plus? kena bangunkan pasal kan ke graveyard.. but then, I couldn't. girls' matter.. so, cancel ke graveyard tia..
then, I wanted to continue my sleep tapi inda dapat.. ;c nyeh.. jimmy is being so annoying.. well, as always. hehh.. so, I end up contact wiraa which in the same time he's awake jua rupanya, cause his roommate #?!&ring. hahah.. kesian si wiraa ;pp
we chit chat on MSN.. then lagging tia jua~ sabar ajeee.. hee.. then, blablablah.. closed conversation, pasal wiraa kan mandi and breakfast and so do I.. but, after we off.. I fall asleep accidentally!? bukan pulang mandi apa.. ;s p/s ; sorry sayang..
after few hours, I'm awake then I get my shower and ate my lunch terus w/ the siblings.. once we've done, we watched dvd in mami's room. which is malay movie? nyangkung. about the storylane, is mostly boring.. well, I'm not really concentrate watching it cause busy fixing something on the internet.. so yeah..
then, blablablah I went to my bedroom.. was kinda sleepy jua, so I off to bed, sleeping for few hours.. I'm awake again which I'm not that sure what time was it.. few minutes gone, I'm still stucked on my bed.. lagging belum panas engine.. hahaha..
then then, bangun. mandi lagi.. kena bawa jalan.. dinner outside.. firstly, we're heading to time square again, inda pandaikan berenti shopping muluu.. hahah.. mulu lah jua ah? then, after dari sanaa we're heading to soon lee lambak.. stop there, makan..
when we get there, we accidentally met my uncle, my so called 'uda' :) so he joined us.. I chit chat w/ him and talking about wiraa? well, that's obvious. my uncle always asked about wiraa.. rindu kali ia? heheh ;p after awhile, my uncle jalan tia.. in the same time we've finished our meal..
after that, on the road heading to our home.. :) once got home, I hit my shower plus it's raining just now.. so, done everything, here I am again.. blogging ;) and I guess it's enough for today.. adios. xx
p.s; I love you wiraa!
and I'm here again to update what's going on the whole day.. so let me begin.. I woke up early today like around seven plus? kena bangunkan pasal kan ke graveyard.. but then, I couldn't. girls' matter.. so, cancel ke graveyard tia..
then, I wanted to continue my sleep tapi inda dapat.. ;c nyeh.. jimmy is being so annoying.. well, as always. hehh.. so, I end up contact wiraa which in the same time he's awake jua rupanya, cause his roommate #?!&ring. hahah.. kesian si wiraa ;pp
we chit chat on MSN.. then lagging tia jua~ sabar ajeee.. hee.. then, blablablah.. closed conversation, pasal wiraa kan mandi and breakfast and so do I.. but, after we off.. I fall asleep accidentally!? bukan pulang mandi apa.. ;s p/s ; sorry sayang..
after few hours, I'm awake then I get my shower and ate my lunch terus w/ the siblings.. once we've done, we watched dvd in mami's room. which is malay movie? nyangkung. about the storylane, is mostly boring.. well, I'm not really concentrate watching it cause busy fixing something on the internet.. so yeah..
then, blablablah I went to my bedroom.. was kinda sleepy jua, so I off to bed, sleeping for few hours.. I'm awake again which I'm not that sure what time was it.. few minutes gone, I'm still stucked on my bed.. lagging belum panas engine.. hahaha..
then then, bangun. mandi lagi.. kena bawa jalan.. dinner outside.. firstly, we're heading to time square again, inda pandaikan berenti shopping muluu.. hahah.. mulu lah jua ah? then, after dari sanaa we're heading to soon lee lambak.. stop there, makan..
when we get there, we accidentally met my uncle, my so called 'uda' :) so he joined us.. I chit chat w/ him and talking about wiraa? well, that's obvious. my uncle always asked about wiraa.. rindu kali ia? heheh ;p after awhile, my uncle jalan tia.. in the same time we've finished our meal..
after that, on the road heading to our home.. :) once got home, I hit my shower plus it's raining just now.. so, done everything, here I am again.. blogging ;) and I guess it's enough for today.. adios. xx
p.s; I love you wiraa!
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Fine Thursday.
salam and good night readers. wiraa's girlfriend is here again today.. I'll blog my everyday, since wiraa is not around bytheway.. :)
so, let me share what's going on.. my thursday's morning was soo tiring.. well, not to the very.. I was just packed all stuffs yang inda bepakai ke dalam store.. lumayan jua lah mengalihnya.. mana inda seorang saja yang mengerjakan. which is me, of course. why not 'maid' do those stuff?? we don't have maid and we're big enough to have maid, we can handle our things on our own.. well, that's not a big deal tho.
after I've done everything, I hit the bathroom and get my shower! get fresh.. I'm all sweat.. not feeling so comfortable. lain lah kalau wiraa made me sweat. lol.. then, I ate my lunch.. once I've done, berehat.. resting plus tired equal to nyenyak tidur.. hahah. so, I end up te fall asleep until what time? I'm not sure what time..
when I've recover my tiredness, I got nothing to do tah jua.. so, I just wasted my time watching tv.. and blablablah, I get my shower again. my mother took us out.. us as in, my siblings.. we went to the night market.. which is, foods foods foods! hehhe.. p/s ; sayang, I'm getting fat and fat.. sayang bila lagi kan fat fat nya!? hahah..
after went to the night market, we're heading to the supermarket.. bought some kitchen's stuff.. when nothing is left to buy, we went home tiaa.. sudah sampai rumah, hit my dinner..
then, watched tv again for awhile.. few minutes, I went to my bedroom.. and now, here I am.. berhujah tentang my day.. apadih, berhujah jua lah..
conclusion, nothing much happened today.. I really miss my baby right now, like so bad? yeah, soo baddd.. :c
till here then.. I'll post you what's going on tomorrow.. InsyaAllah. bonjour readers. xx.
so, let me share what's going on.. my thursday's morning was soo tiring.. well, not to the very.. I was just packed all stuffs yang inda bepakai ke dalam store.. lumayan jua lah mengalihnya.. mana inda seorang saja yang mengerjakan. which is me, of course. why not 'maid' do those stuff?? we don't have maid and we're big enough to have maid, we can handle our things on our own.. well, that's not a big deal tho.
after I've done everything, I hit the bathroom and get my shower! get fresh.. I'm all sweat.. not feeling so comfortable. lain lah kalau wiraa made me sweat. lol.. then, I ate my lunch.. once I've done, berehat.. resting plus tired equal to nyenyak tidur.. hahah. so, I end up te fall asleep until what time? I'm not sure what time..
when I've recover my tiredness, I got nothing to do tah jua.. so, I just wasted my time watching tv.. and blablablah, I get my shower again. my mother took us out.. us as in, my siblings.. we went to the night market.. which is, foods foods foods! hehhe.. p/s ; sayang, I'm getting fat and fat.. sayang bila lagi kan fat fat nya!? hahah..
after went to the night market, we're heading to the supermarket.. bought some kitchen's stuff.. when nothing is left to buy, we went home tiaa.. sudah sampai rumah, hit my dinner..
then, watched tv again for awhile.. few minutes, I went to my bedroom.. and now, here I am.. berhujah tentang my day.. apadih, berhujah jua lah..
conclusion, nothing much happened today.. I really miss my baby right now, like so bad? yeah, soo baddd.. :c
till here then.. I'll post you what's going on tomorrow.. InsyaAllah. bonjour readers. xx.
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Rainy Wednesday Nighhtt..
hello readers. it's been awhile I didn't post on my boyfriend's blog.. yeah, it's been awhilee.. so, let me share what I got.
fyi, my boyfriend just off to Jakarta w/ his families. they got seminar to attend till this 21st of March.. seminar that can make them dreams more higher and inspire? oh yes guys, dream big!! remember when ;
'' you can dream it so, you can achieve it in anyways. '' trust it. as long as you're ready to change your better life to greater life. then, why not? right? :)
enough said. take it or leave it. that's all your choices. you made your decision. do think big. what you have right now, doesn't guarantee your tomorrow. trust me. today don't promise you tomorrow. make something new. stop being slaves to your boss.. eh? am I too much here? well, thats true tho.. think of this, working for your family or your boss? :)
I think till here then. I'll post what's going on besok.. bonjour readers. xx
p/s ; sayang, I miss you already.. you do takecare there.. keep learning since you could. I love you! :D
fyi, my boyfriend just off to Jakarta w/ his families. they got seminar to attend till this 21st of March.. seminar that can make them dreams more higher and inspire? oh yes guys, dream big!! remember when ;
'' you can dream it so, you can achieve it in anyways. '' trust it. as long as you're ready to change your better life to greater life. then, why not? right? :)
enough said. take it or leave it. that's all your choices. you made your decision. do think big. what you have right now, doesn't guarantee your tomorrow. trust me. today don't promise you tomorrow. make something new. stop being slaves to your boss.. eh? am I too much here? well, thats true tho.. think of this, working for your family or your boss? :)
I think till here then. I'll post what's going on besok.. bonjour readers. xx
p/s ; sayang, I miss you already.. you do takecare there.. keep learning since you could. I love you! :D
Tak kan pernah habis airmataku,
Bila ku ingat tentang dirimu,
Mungkin hanya kau yang tahu,
Mengapa sampai saat ini ku masih sendiri,
Adakah di sana kau rindu padaku,
Meski kita kini ada di dunia berbeda,
Bila masih mungkin waktu kuputar,
kan kutunggu dirimu
Biarlah ku simpan,
sampai nanti aku kan ada di sana
Tenanglah dirimu dalam kedamaian
Ingatlah cintaku,
kau tak terlihat lagi
Namun cintamu abadi
Bila ku ingat tentang dirimu,
Mungkin hanya kau yang tahu,
Mengapa sampai saat ini ku masih sendiri,
Adakah di sana kau rindu padaku,
Meski kita kini ada di dunia berbeda,
Bila masih mungkin waktu kuputar,
kan kutunggu dirimu
Biarlah ku simpan,
sampai nanti aku kan ada di sana
Tenanglah dirimu dalam kedamaian
Ingatlah cintaku,
kau tak terlihat lagi
Namun cintamu abadi
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
dear, blogger. The time just ticks to 15/03/2011. Yesterday was our big day. Me and my baaby. Its our 12th monthsarry been together, or i should say, its our one year anniversarry ? Hee. Bruneian people might says, "duhh, sekadar ! Setahun jagung maseh." true that as well.. But, who cares ? Its my day, her day and our day. That all matters.
Firstly, i wanna thank God that i fall for someone like her. Eventho i maybe dont know either her parents playing with the fire or not. But, what im sure that, she's the bomb. She explods my heart with her loves, faiths, honest, believes, spirit and etc etc.. Its too much to mentiond. But, in other words, she created a smile on my face nearly everyday until today. Even if she is not around me, i can still feels her next to me. And thats make me missing her almost every minutes of my everyday and night. Deep ? I know.. Its a year been thro. Everythings happend.
It all started with smile, like, fall, love, mad, angry, jealousy, lies, sadness, tears, pitty, regrat, honest, believes, happiness, doubt, God, families, me, you, and true loves. Every words, negatives, positives, we've been thro together and the footprints we left is only memories. Memories thro the whole year. But, alhamdulilah. We've both learnd alot from our past and mistakes. And alhamdulilah as well tht we've reachs this moment.
Nothing much to mention actually. Just, the whats next is, im hoping for God bless our relations always. With more positives thinking, with great minded, and giving what we've dreams of. Giving more strength to face the unwelcome deals and giving us lights to shows the right path in lifes. A bright futures, a freedom of times, everythings. All i ever want is us grows up together and learn what we could, and be old with only her indeed. So, im out of words now.
And again, happy 12monthsarry to you love. And a happy one year anniversarry to you baaby. I sayang you.. :)<3
p/s: you are heaven's fall for me to have. - wira julaihi.
Firstly, i wanna thank God that i fall for someone like her. Eventho i maybe dont know either her parents playing with the fire or not. But, what im sure that, she's the bomb. She explods my heart with her loves, faiths, honest, believes, spirit and etc etc.. Its too much to mentiond. But, in other words, she created a smile on my face nearly everyday until today. Even if she is not around me, i can still feels her next to me. And thats make me missing her almost every minutes of my everyday and night. Deep ? I know.. Its a year been thro. Everythings happend.
It all started with smile, like, fall, love, mad, angry, jealousy, lies, sadness, tears, pitty, regrat, honest, believes, happiness, doubt, God, families, me, you, and true loves. Every words, negatives, positives, we've been thro together and the footprints we left is only memories. Memories thro the whole year. But, alhamdulilah. We've both learnd alot from our past and mistakes. And alhamdulilah as well tht we've reachs this moment.
Nothing much to mention actually. Just, the whats next is, im hoping for God bless our relations always. With more positives thinking, with great minded, and giving what we've dreams of. Giving more strength to face the unwelcome deals and giving us lights to shows the right path in lifes. A bright futures, a freedom of times, everythings. All i ever want is us grows up together and learn what we could, and be old with only her indeed. So, im out of words now.
And again, happy 12monthsarry to you love. And a happy one year anniversarry to you baaby. I sayang you.. :)<3
p/s: you are heaven's fall for me to have. - wira julaihi.
Friday, 11 March 2011
3rd month of the year.
why is that, thats because, lately, honestly speaking, i lost my focus. On my goal, life, love, and everything. I just dont know what happend to me lately. But somehow, i know it will last and i wont be happening again.
Its all started when i had a fight with my dad. Seriously, being a powerful choleric, your point finger, must control. True what ibu anie told us at the weekends last month. Its not easy to a powerful choleric once their ego's been touch. Anytime, anywhere, it'll explode without using their thinking. Alhamdulilah that i learn how to not to react to something that can causes trouble. Its true, being a powerful choleric, they wouldnt give any chance to other people to win their war. Either his right nor wrong, it will be always right. They just born to be a leader. Always being the "Mr Right."
what im trying to let it out here is about my life this few days back. Im not being myself til i realized that, i always follow what i wanted. It doesnt matter was it bad, good, wrong, or right. Without using any thinking i just shout it out load. I just dont know what happend to me this few days. But, yet.. I dint regrate it. Why ? If im not being that, i wouldnt know nothing til right now. But somehow, i created tears to someone i love the most. Idk how to say sorry. Cause everytime i did, it'll happen again and again. Whats the use of saying sorry ?
But, in other word, it says that, its better to say sorry all the time. Eventho your right, or your wrong. Cause people who felt sorry, actually they sorry for themselves. Realizing and learning form the mistake they had made. Cause, "failure is success when we learn from our own mistakes." but, it tooks time to make the decision. To decide is the hardest part. We all can decide, but not all qualified. Thats the thing. I know that i knew it, but im still doing it. Thats stupid should i say ? But, every broken can be fixed. It'll fades away. The stupidity must go away. And i really hope, i find my answer at the away weekend this coming next weekends. Amin.
What i always wanted is, first, i want to disiplin myself to our Creator. Cause, i know that everything comes from Him. I always wanted to get clean and always prepared to face anything humblely or humanity. Second, i want to have my quality time with the ones i love. Share loves, ideas, everything in positively. A perfect family. Eventho im not that educated guy, nothing to be proud with, at least i want to make my family and the ones i love proud of me. There is something to me. And lastly, i want to change my lifestyle to a better one. To be freedom in and on everything. From my A til Z. I dont want to own stress life like all the wrong quardrant's people have now. I dint say working is a bad thing. But, working to whom is countable. I dont wanna work for people's life, since theres lives who needs people like you to work it out. I just want to be different in many ways. A great life instead of good life. As the secret tot me, to feels and always visualized what type of living lifestyle that we want it.
Wel, it seems im out of words already here. All im hoping here is to have the answers to my questions at the away weekends. Amin.
Its all started when i had a fight with my dad. Seriously, being a powerful choleric, your point finger, must control. True what ibu anie told us at the weekends last month. Its not easy to a powerful choleric once their ego's been touch. Anytime, anywhere, it'll explode without using their thinking. Alhamdulilah that i learn how to not to react to something that can causes trouble. Its true, being a powerful choleric, they wouldnt give any chance to other people to win their war. Either his right nor wrong, it will be always right. They just born to be a leader. Always being the "Mr Right."
what im trying to let it out here is about my life this few days back. Im not being myself til i realized that, i always follow what i wanted. It doesnt matter was it bad, good, wrong, or right. Without using any thinking i just shout it out load. I just dont know what happend to me this few days. But, yet.. I dint regrate it. Why ? If im not being that, i wouldnt know nothing til right now. But somehow, i created tears to someone i love the most. Idk how to say sorry. Cause everytime i did, it'll happen again and again. Whats the use of saying sorry ?
But, in other word, it says that, its better to say sorry all the time. Eventho your right, or your wrong. Cause people who felt sorry, actually they sorry for themselves. Realizing and learning form the mistake they had made. Cause, "failure is success when we learn from our own mistakes." but, it tooks time to make the decision. To decide is the hardest part. We all can decide, but not all qualified. Thats the thing. I know that i knew it, but im still doing it. Thats stupid should i say ? But, every broken can be fixed. It'll fades away. The stupidity must go away. And i really hope, i find my answer at the away weekend this coming next weekends. Amin.
What i always wanted is, first, i want to disiplin myself to our Creator. Cause, i know that everything comes from Him. I always wanted to get clean and always prepared to face anything humblely or humanity. Second, i want to have my quality time with the ones i love. Share loves, ideas, everything in positively. A perfect family. Eventho im not that educated guy, nothing to be proud with, at least i want to make my family and the ones i love proud of me. There is something to me. And lastly, i want to change my lifestyle to a better one. To be freedom in and on everything. From my A til Z. I dont want to own stress life like all the wrong quardrant's people have now. I dint say working is a bad thing. But, working to whom is countable. I dont wanna work for people's life, since theres lives who needs people like you to work it out. I just want to be different in many ways. A great life instead of good life. As the secret tot me, to feels and always visualized what type of living lifestyle that we want it.
Wel, it seems im out of words already here. All im hoping here is to have the answers to my questions at the away weekends. Amin.
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