Saturday, 30 April 2011

here again..

here is the next language, pelayanan (act of services).

kecaman atas kegagalan pasangan anda untuk melakukan sesuatu buat anda mungkin bisa dijadikan petunjuk bahwa "pelayanan" adalah bahasa cinta primer anda. pelayanan pelayanan seharusnya tidak perlu dipaksakan tetapi harus diberikan cuma cuma dan diterima cuma cuma pula, dan diselesaikan sebagaimana yang diminta..

• bahkan apabila kita bersedia mengikuti permohonan pasangan kita, kita suka melakukannya dengan cara kita sendiri mengikuti persyaratan kita. pelayanan kasih berarti memenuhi harapan pasangan kita. usahakan mengorek keterangan secara terperinci dari pasangan anda mengenai beberapa tugas baru yang mereka ingin dari anda dan lakukan persis seperti yang diinginkan.

• pilihlah tiga tugas sederhana dan tidak berarti yang sebenarnya anda sama sekali tidai sukai tetapi tahu bahwa pasngan anda akan senang sekali kalau diselesaikan. beri kejutan kepada pasangan anda dengan mengerjakan tugas tugas itu tanpa diminta lagi.

• banyak pasangan merasa bahwa mereka telah mengatasi peran stereotip dari pria atau wanita dalam hubungan mereka. tetapi masih saja ada tersisa prasangka. bahas perasaan perasaan anda yang paling mendalam mengenai berbagi semua aktivitas dan latar belakang sejarah keluarga anda untuk menghilangkan prasangka prasangka tersebut.

• banyak masalah berasal dari mitos bahwa kita harus membuang "perilaku pacaran" setelah menikah. cobalah mengingat kembali keintiman dan kasih sayang yang luar biasa yang merupakan buah buah pelayanan di masa itu. untuk menjalin kedekatan lagi, cobalah melakukan lagi praktek praktek yang dulu untuk melihat apakah memang ada hubungan dengan kemesraan antara anda berdua.

okay, next is the last language, physical touch. :) will post it besok. salam.

next one ;)

okay now we're moving to the next language which is menerima hadiah hadiah (gift).

hadiah hadiah adalah simbol simbol nyata dari cinta, apakah hadiah hadiah itu merupakan barang barang yang anda beli atau buat sendiri atau kehadiran anda sediakan untuk pasangan anda? hadiah mendemonstrasikan bahwa anda peduli dan hadiah mewakili nilai hubungan anda.

• nilai sebuah hadiah ada di dalam mata orang yang melihatnya. barangkali anda tidak begitu menghargai hadiah yang anda terima. pertimbangkan maksud si pemberi dan rubahlah pemikiran anda dan mulailah menghargai kasih sayang yang diperagakan oleh si pemberi.

• gunakan nasihat penulis dan buat daftar dari hadiah hadiah penghargaan yang sudah anda berikan kepada pasangan anda di masa lalu. di luar itu, usahakan mencari masukan lebih banyak dari orang lain yang mengenal dan mengetahui selera pasangan anda. sekarang tentukan untuk memberi satu tanda kasih sayang, betapapun kecilnya, sesuai dengan kesukaan pasangan anda. lakukan ini tiap minggu selama bulan berikut.

• barangkali dalam pikiran anda hadiah dan keuangan tidak berpadu dengan baik sekarang ini. tetapi jika memberi hadiah merupakan investasi dalam diri "milik" anda yang paling berharga, anda bisa melihatnya sebagai tabungan atau kemantapan. tinjau dana anda dan beranilah berkorban lebih banyak untuk pasangan anda.

• jika hadiah hadiah merupakan bahasa cinta pasangan anda, maka hal itu mungkin mengharuskan anda menghentikan - untuk sementara - prioritas-prioritas diri anda sendiri. ingat lagi di tahun tahun terakhir situasi situasi di mana sebuah hadiah atau hadiah dari kehadiran anda sangat didambakan pasangan anda dan anda gagal untuk menyediakan. anda seharusnya bisa hadir demi kepentingan pasangan anda. dengan sadar rencanakan untuk membuat pilihan pilihan yang sukar di lain kesempatan nanti.

• ingat bahwa memberikan diri anda berarti jauh lebih banyak daripada sekadar kehadiran fisik anda. usahakan untuk berbagi kejadian penting setidaknya sekali saja dari acara acara anda sendiri. kemudian usahakan untuk juga berbagi aktivitas pasangan anda.

we will move to the next language soon.. ;) good evening.

Friday, 29 April 2011


hello and good evening everyone. iwani is again today.. im going to share what was happening yesterday morning. i got interview at SP under secretarial studies.. the interview was going well, but i was kinda nervous.. you know thats was my first timee ;s

let me cerita cerita awal nya cemana.. i woke up around six, if im not mistaken.. was tebangun pasal wiraa texted me.. thanks for that sayang.. then getting ready, ate some breakfast  then jalan dropped the siblings sekolah..  

after that we're heading to gadong tia.. traffic jam everywhere.. my tum
my started to freaks me out! nervousssssss. hahaha then around seven plus i arrived at SP. the entrance ramai orang, luckily i met my cousin. he handle for the interview attendance.. then i was lead to the, i dont know what they call the room, its like lecture room.. then once i entered, ramai orang esp perempuan.. so i sat at the back cause front sit full sudah.. kan jadi front sitter lah ni konon nya but then, syukur apa yang ada.. heheh

while waiting my name kena panggil, i tried to "break  the ice" with this girl who sat next to me.. but to badd i dont know her name.. i was just asking what course shes in to, her education background.. and she asked the same quest and asking me either imma freshy o level or not.. then blabla.. her name kena called. we're not in the same course anyway.. shes on bussiness & finance studies.

after few minutes, my name was called.. the girls on my row wishing me good luck, i appreciate that.. ohh then i was lead by the student di sana, should i say my bakal senior.. to the first floor room. then kena suruh tunggu again.. wani yang ke 5 kena interview, eventho numbernya top 10.. i feel like yang ke 10! seriously. it takes very long time..

then tunggu punya tunggu.. my turn tiaa.. panic i sampai IC jatuh.. hahahh ada yang sampai lupa bag nya tertinggal lagi tu.. sabo je lah. ;) well my turn kan tu, sekali ketuk pintu masuk that room.. theres 3 perempuan yang interview.. they asked me for my IC and certificate.. they asked alot of questions.. whats my name what should they call my name, about my family, my education background, berlakon sekejap.. hahah as in what should i do if im a secretary.. so yeah..

then blabla.. we're done tiaa.. bagi salam, keluar.. tunggu kena ambil.. ikut ke office tempat my mom kerja. the end.

Thursday, 28 April 2011

today's subject

okay now we review on second language, quality time. in malay, saat-saat mengesankan..

ringkasan ;

melalui saat-saat mengesankan bersama-sama dengan berbagi, mendengarkan dan turut ambil bagian dalam aktivitas berarti bersamaan mengkomunikasikan bahwa kita sungguh-sungguh peduli pada pasangan kita dan menikmati kebersamaan kita..

"pekerjaan saya begitu menuntut" mungkin merupakan pernyataan beralasan untuk tidak melalui saat-saat mengesankan bersama pasangan anda.. tetapi sukses dan penyediaan kebutuhan material tidak bisa menggantikan keintiman.. buatlah rencana dengan pasangan anda untuk menyeimbangkan tanggyng jawab anda dan untuk menyediakan cukup waktu buat saat-saat mengesankan.. jangan ragu ragu untuk berkorban apabila anda harus membuat kompensasi dan menukar waktu anda dengan hal hal lain.

tengok kembali ke masalah besar terakhir atau tantang pasangan anda dihadapannya. tulislah cara cara berikut ini yang bisa membuat anda mencapai hasil yang jauh lebih baik : (a) nasihat dikurangi dan simpati di tambah. ; (b) pengertian ditambah dan jalan keluar dikurangi. ; (c) pertanyaan pertanyaan ditambah dan kesimpulan dikurangi. ; (d) lebih banyak perhatian pada orangnya daripada pada masalahnya.

cari tahu seberapa penting "aktivitas yang dibagi" didalam perkahwinan anda. pisahkan tiga pangalaman yang sangat mendekatkan anda berdua merupakan sumber kenangan yang sangat membahagiakan. apakah pengalaman pengalaman ini melibatkan saat saat mengesankan dalam aktivitas yang dibagi? rencana aktivitas baru yang berkemukinan besar akan menciptakan "kenangan" tak terlupakan.

bersikaplah jujur terhadap peran perasaan dalam kehidupan anda. kapan pengungkapan perasaan yang tepat membawa jalan keluar yang sehat atas satu masalah atau menyelesaikan kejadian yang positif? pada umumnya,apakah anda menekan atau takut pada emosi anda? apakah membesar besarkan atau membengkok perasaan anda? bagaimana perasaan anda menjalin dengan perasaan anda? bagaimana aspek emosi dari cara berkomunikasi anda membaik?

should remember that

okay, thats all for todayy ;) adios.. xx

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

today's subject. :)

hello and goodnight blogger. well, Iwani is here again.. just straight to the point, as wira wanted me to post on his blog, I'm going to share some of the summary of the five love languages book.

tonight, I'm going to post the first love language.. it is words of affirmation. in malay, kata-kata pendukung. first thing first, I'm going to post it in malay-indo language. just to make sure you guys. ;)

ringkasan ;

1. pada suatu malam tertentu besi kesempatan kepada pasangan anda untuk berbagi impian-impiannya, minatnya dan bakat-bakatnya. keluarkan dari dalam dirinya semua rinciannya melalui mendengarkan yani disertai empati. setelah menempatkan diri anda di dalam kedudukan pasangan anda dengan penuh kasih sayang dan ketulusan, bakar lah semangatnya dan tawarkan untuk membantunya mencapai semua sasaran tersebut dengan cara apa pun.

2. keakraban mungkin bisa menciptakan merendahkan atau ketidaksopanan dan bentuk-bentuk lain yang berbeda. periksalah beberapa karakteristik dari hubungan anda di minggu terakhir. apakah nada suara anda keras, sikap anda sarkastis atau sudut pandang anda menghakimi? apakah anda hanya memusatkan pada bagian di mana pasangan anda gagal? carilah solusi untuk masalah-masalah ini dan usahakan untuk meminta maaf.

3. evaluasikan gaya berhubungan and di bidang pola-pola komunikasi. apakah kata-kata anda mencerminkan permohonan, saran dan tuntutan? atau apakah kata-kata itu menjurus ke tuntutan, ultimatum atau bahkan ancaman? ingat bahwa pilihan, kemauan bebas dan pelayanan suka rela adalah aspek-aspek kunci dari kasih sayang. bagaimana anda bisa memperbaiki pendekatan verbal anda terhadap pasangan anda?

4. ada bermacam-macam cara tanpa batas untuk berkomunikasi dengan kata-kata secara ramah, intim dan mendukung bersama pasangan anda. sebagaimana disarankan dalam buku ini, buatlah catatan berjudul "kata-kata pendukung" di dalam mana anda mencatat cara-cara kreatif dan bermutu tinggi untuk mengangkat pasangan anda, bahkan untuk hal-hal yang paling kecil pun. bahan bacaan yang memacu semangat dan menganjurkan bagaimana membantu diri anda sendiri terutama akan sangat berarti dalam usaha ini.

so.. pujian, kata-kata yang membesarkan hati dan permohonan-permohonan dan bukan tuntutan semua mendukung nilai-nilai pasangan anda. kata-kata itu menciptakan keintiman, menyembuhkan luka dan mengeluarkan segenap potensi dari pasangan anda.

to be continue..

next, will post the second language.. if God's willing. night..

p/s ; baby, I sayang you ;)

Monday, 25 April 2011

happy birthday, Dad. :')

here as a son to you would like to say, "Happy Birthday!" to you, daddy. May Allah bless you always with your 58th of age. I know how struggle you to have us, the 5 Jush's and 2 little princess as a niece. Here also, i wanna thank you for being a great Dad and a great Leader to our family. And Dad, you are always been a Hero to me, to us one family. You inspired me softly with all your hard works to protect us as one family. Eventho, i ever made you down with my carier. But, Dad, with all i have now, i will wake up and fight for my rights with the name of our family. And i promise to you, Dad, we will create back the smiles on our family. We will have a great life instead of a good life. Thats what we can promise you, Dad. Again, we wish you have a great happy birthday, Haji Julaihi. And have a great 58th years old. We always proud of you, as our Dad. We love you, always. :')

and also, not to forget to say happy birthday to Hazirah!! ;D God bless you little cousin. ;D;D

Sunday, 24 April 2011

when there's a will, there's always a way.

who said that we can't create a better future ? Who said that we can't make our dreams come true ? Who said that we can't have a great life ? Who said ? The one who said that you can't, look back their lifes. Who them to judge you ? Are their lifes great enough to said that you couldn't make it ? Is their lifes you wanna end up ? That's up to you. You who owns your lifes. No one did, but you.

The thing is, there's nothing is impossible in this world. It word itself says that, 'im possible'. So, what ever you want is already happening in your mind. It happend on your mind before it happens infront of your eyes.

Have you ever realized that, what ever you think, what ever you wanted in your mind, happend to you ? Like, if you want a new type of mobile phone, when you visualise it, and all of a sudden, you have it ? It doesn't mind how long it might takes. But, still it's happening.

Thats why your mind who needs to be feed with good and positives things. Cause, if youre not, what ever you thinks become things. That's the reason why if you focus more to negatives and failure or maybe extremly hard to a thing, it will comes to bad things that you thinks. Thats why when a kid playing bicycle, and always said that, "don't fall, don't fall." but endup falling. Why ? Because the mind of thinking that we focus on.

Thats why, what ever you want in this world, you can have it. In any ways. Eventho its good or bad, positive or negative, success or fail, yes or no, up or down, happy or sad. Everything! But, why not if we focus on all good stuff. Great stuff. With God's willing, it might come more better. It's just suits with the words, "satu percakapan, adalah satu doa." cause, what you say, is what you think. Unless, you're talking without thinking. That's when everything goes wrong. Cause, "life is hard, when you THINK it's hard."

so, yeahh.. That's all that i wanna share for this morning. Have a great sunday and a great weakends guys. Cheers! God bless you! :)

Saturday, 23 April 2011


hello, Iwani's here. well, I'm not going to talk much anyway.. because currently, I am waiting for wiraa!! :c which I bet he fall asleep during on MSN tadi. he must be tired after got two bc today.. kesian.. heheh..
p/s ; baby, I sayang you!!

soooo, entah.. I'm going to crush my bed after this, sleeping! alright, bye readers. and sorry if it's kinda boring.. hahah.. duh, it's just a random post pulang.. ;)

Thursday, 21 April 2011

feels like blogging.

dear blogger, idkw if it's at night, i barely hard to go to sleep sudah. Eventho i did, i only slept for only atleast 2hours. bukan plng ku kn inda mensyukuri, but thats the thing, when can i go back sleeping normally ?

Wel, it's a waste of time to sleep in the morning til midday. I could do so much things during that time, which i end up wasting it by sleeping tah pulang. How can i turn it back my sleeping to normal ? Should i just not go to sleep til tomorrow night ? Or, should i just force my self to go to sleep by eating sleeping pills or high myself to sleep ?

To be honest, i'm tired sudaah to be like a batman ! Wokeup at night and sleep at day. I wanna be atleast superman instead ! Why ? Cause, he has diamond on his chest. A diamond towards his heart. Wel, atleast ?

Bukan plng ku inda mensyukuri, its just that, i wanna have a normal life like everyone does. Thats all. I think i need to consel about that to my upline. Why them ? Cause they know better should i say ? Or maybe aku kurang supliment kali ? Or too much thinking ? ;s

to wakeup at night, make me feels lonely. I couldnt just bangunkan org just to acompany me. What about them kan ? They need their time jua. I do understand that. But, thats the thing.. Is there anything that i could do so that i can just sleep baack normally ? Instead of reading book ? :/

watching movie ? Naah, i might gonna pass on that. Why so ? I don't wanna see things that not inspired me or help me with my goals. Unless, that movies make me move fast towards my goals and inspired me and something to do with my goals. Like for an example, kung fu panda. They said, it's a great movie. Why so, it learn how to focus. But, thats what they say.. Til know, im looking forward for that movie. Anyone ?

But, whats make me awake jua, starving ! I always starved at night. And what makes me go out sometimes is, just to get some foods. Wel, some might say, macam nada makan dirumah ? But, thats the thing, who wants to go to the kitchen and cook the same food everyday ? Banar plng, atleast something and save duit. Mun nada selera ? Apa kes ? Makan saja sikit ? And few hours, lapar balik and cook it again ? Membazir jua tu, no ? What if org rumah ada kan mau makan jua kan ? But yet, maybe the next day nya kaah ? You know.. It's hard right ? Hard, when you think its hard. Nyehs..

Macam ani, kan bahapa th ku nie ? Ngampai ganya half nekad di katil ? How i wish i have bini yang halal to be next to me, all the time. Soon.. ;p bini taah apa ! Tunggu taah diamond, then why not ? Harus ada kerjanya. Apa kerja and solutionnya nie, it's winning 7. I don't wanna miss the celebrations. ;D

baah blogger, i think enough becurhat with you for tonight. Til we meet again. Sleep well and gooddawn guys. Cheers ! :)

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

i know this couldn't be happening.

yes, i know this couldn't be happening. I still don't know who is wrong and who is right. It's just that, all of those words hurt me. Even looking the bites on my body while im looking myself nakedly on the mirror, could hurt me. Like, do i deserved this ? I don't ! I don't want this. Its just to much hurts to handle. God, you know i'm not that strong enough to face all this, alone. ;(

satu, persatu waah mematuk otakku. Mana atu, ani.. Everythings come and hunt me in one time ? God, please gives me the strength to face all this. Because of her, aku sanggup cancel my trip to Thailand this coming june. I did tried to give her the best of me, but everything turns to worst tplng ?

What did i do wrong ?? I know, im not working. I know, im not studying. I know, im not that rich. I know my limits. I have my limits. But, when it comes to her, i just couldn't handle it. Is it me, or is it her ? Idk.. Im clueless here.. I did even asked forgiveness to You, God. Every of my prayers. I even asked some strength for me to face all Your problems.

But indeed, You gave me more problems to handle. I just don't know where should i start. I just don't know where to fix first. Please God, do show me some ways. I believe in You, God.

Am i wrong to have her ? But if i do, why you send her to me ? Why you make me falled in loved with the wrong person at first place ? Why i can't let her go when we both created the sins ? Or maybe because of those sins You want us seperated ? Thats make sence tho. But, why now ?? Why when i started to know her deeply ? Why not at the begining of our love story ? Cause, God, i promise You that only her that i wanna take care of.

She even opended up my heart to reach You back. Why God ? Am i not that perfect for her sudah ? Am i just being tested ? Seriously, i give up. Instead you take back our love and happiness, it's better You took along my heart. Im just too weak to face it. And im too weak to fix it. Why, cause i promise to take care of her and she even made me stay and still fight for my dreams. God, if i do made a mistakes, then i'm sorry and hope You forgives me for my wrongdoing all this year.

Now i realized, how i should love You more in this case. Im just too stupid to gave her all my love til i forget that i should love You indeed. But, somehow.. I thank You for giving me the chance to taking care of her all this year. And i appreciate to have her in my whole life. She is just the best thing ever happend in my life. Eventho, she thinks i'm a wrong person to be with in her life, but to me, you are the best thing ever happend.

She did created baack the smiles on my face. She even made my wounds stop bleeding frm the past. Shes just what i ever wanted all this time. Honestly, i just can't stop my love to love you, wani. Somehow, i thank You, God for what ever happend between us. I always appreciate to have you around, wani. I always gonna put my love to you to a place where it belong. :')

Monday, 18 April 2011

tebangun tarus blogging.

wel, hey all. I don't know what to post actually, but i do feels like blogging. So, here. Let me just share what happend to me this few days back.

Where should i start ? :/ wel, last 15th apr, 2011. I was with my baabylove. We spend our balated monthsarry which is on the 14th apr ? So, yeahh.. She cooked for me and always making me some puddings for me and the parents. Cause the parents like her pudding pasal inda manis. Thats what the parents said laah. So, yeahh.. Here i wanna say thank you for being so kind to them both sayang. I appreciate it. ;D

so, we spend our times together, until abng came and bringing a form for bulan june, going thailand. And yeah, isi the borang and all. And yeah, insha-Allah i'll be in thailand this coming june. Honestly speaking, its gonna be my first time ksna. Apaakah usulnya. Will post pun tuu. Hee. So, blablablaa ~ after magrib, i send my baaby home. Since daddy pun minta drop ke rumah amit. So, its a why not ? Ngam pelintasan. Was with rahim jua that time. So, after dropped both them daddy and my baaby, we went to manggis mall. Wel, checking my bonus jua tarus di bank there.

And alhamdulilah, it always never disappointed laah. Thank God for that. So, kmi survey brng brng there. And still, that red nike shoes membuat ku gatal. But then, thats the thing. I born addidas. Dgn meliat ani lgi addidas jua, so yeahh.. Mcm, biasa makan betangan, sekali makan besudu. Apa hubungannya, inda plng ada papa. Hahah. But, yeahh.. Its a why not ubah trend. Right ? Time nada HUTANG kn dibayar laah aaa ? :)

behutang ? Yes, i do. But, this is baru baru th ku behutang plng. Perkara yang ku inda mau plng nie behutang aa.. Apa ada gaya labih, tapi behutang kn ? Baik lului usul, tapi beduit and inda behutang. Remember, org yang berhutang tidak masuk syurga sampai hutangnya selasai. So, yeahh.. AKU INDA MAU BEHUTANGG !! But, thats the thing, people just don't get it.

Anyhow, since i was hungry, alum makan the whole day, we endup di bandar. Makan at Rice n Grill. Aku tsliur black papernya sana. So, yeahh.. Makan sana, then meet up my friend there as well. And yeahh.. Atu pun that night, rahim yang bayarkan my food. Thanks to you rahim. I appreciate that. And may you have a very big business in the future. Amin. And for sure, i will gonna balas that back. Soon. :)

then we were prospecting and since khals and dadi bekirim foods. We went to gadong, and i bought for them junk food frm Mc D. Wel, semampu mampu ku atleast. Hope you guys appreciate that. And then, rahim dropped me at khal's. Since they want me to go there. Was beshisha-ing jua snaa. And antah, all of a sudden, i dont feel right. But, yeaah. Tidak perlu dibahas. Only God knows. Yang penting, we all kena ajar harus mensyukuri apa yang ada laah. Thats what i learned that time. Apa jua kan, orang inda bkraja ? Sabar ajaa. Then, we went back home. Alhamdulilah, i sempat do my prayer that time, and yeah.. I go to sleep.

The next day, it was saturday night. I wokeup and finds out that, i was invited to a party di kb thro fb frm hanis. But, my baaby disallowed me to go by saying no to the evant on my fb. So, yeahh.. And since im hungry, i contacted rahim to go out terus prospecting. And since my baby had no appitite kn makan drumah, i terus bwa ya makan laah. And she brings along her sisters.

We endup di gadong and having Mc D there. I miss eating burger king actually. But, since diBrunei nadaa, Mac D pun jadi thh. Plus, i was tsliur kn makan spicy chicken mc deluxe. So, yeahh.. But, my baaby and her sisters indaa makan ! Nyehs.. Melayan fries tplng saja nah. But, its alright. Next time lagi mun dimurahkan rezeki. Amin.

Then, send them home, we were meeting up people juaa. And yeahh.. It was great to be with the one you loves. And thanks to rahim juaa. The other rahim i mean. For dgnkn makan apaa. Hee. May you have a very big business in the future as well. Amin. Then balik rumah, tidur.

The next day, i wokeup awal. Which i had meeting to attend, but since i got problems about ride, them carry on with their own leader. I trust my business partner herol saida, to run the meeting, and alhamdulilah its bejalan dgn lancar. :) may your big business berjalan dgn lancar. Amin.

And at night tadi, i was meeting up my another business partner, mashadi. Its been awhile pun sudahh dint jumpa him. Asal kn jumpa, hes being busy jua with the love ones. Might understand jua. When it comes to family and all. Cause, the business school teached us that, number 1 is God, 2 is Family and 3 is Business/Job. So, i understand.

Somehow, back to my story, i was hungry and we endup di Tk Tea House, Kiarong. Makan and everything, tjumpa my other business partner jua tdi, azim. Sorry bro, Liverpool kalahh. Hahahaha ! ;p i did told you. Trust your upline. ;p somehow, may you have a bigger business in the future too. Amin. And to mash, im sorry if i was meyusahkan tdi. Somehow, may you have a big business in the future too.

And after that, he send me home and i go tidur. And 3ish to 4 am tdi tbgn and here i am berblogging. :) so, i think thats all for now. Plus, its subuh pun. I better bgnkn my baaby and pray sesama. Wel, til here then. Have a nice day guys, and dont forget your prayers. Assalamualaikum.. Cheers ! ;D;D

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Happy 13th Monthsarry ! ;D

aww.. Alhamdulilah. First of all, i wanna thank God that ive found you at first place. And i appreciate to have you in my life.

Been together with you, its not just love that i learned. Its many, how to handle things, how to avoid bad things, how to appreciate, how to be patience, how to disipline myself with my prayes. I just, i appreciate to have you in my life, iwani.

I know, some might say its only mokey love, love on a first sight, blablablaa ~ but, i dont care. What i care the most is i love you because of God send you to me.

Even lately we're in a control situations, but i believe, that God had planned something better for us. Even the family kinda awkward to me, but i believe God want me to learn something. Even tears might involved in our relations, but i believe God want us to be more better for our future.

Future ? Yes ! Why future, cause we can atleast create our future and ask frm God for a better future. Cause, everyone knows that we cannot changed what is past. We cannot change back our background. Cause, who we are, is what we wanted.

Wel, im in a missing session right now. Cause, just now we had a team phone session. And it was just great. But, more great when i realized that today is our 13th monthsarry. Alhamdulilah..

Loving you is like a story in a book that we've created. Theres many chapters and many things happend. But yet, once we read it back, we learned. Im still learning. I wanna learn. I wanna be always green so that i can still learn.

Somehow, my love to you, i couldnt express it with words. Only God knows. And baaby, you are part of my prayers that i always asked for.

And lastly, i wanna end it with a hope that, we could maintain our love everyday and everynight. Understand each other well. And always remember that, whenever God's with us, no one can stop our way. I always remind you this at the begining of our love, "always put God in you, no matter what happens."

again, happy 13th monthsarry to you love. Alhamdulilah, and i know that i cant promise to love you forever, but i'll try to make it forever. I love you and may God bless our relationship. <3

p/s; i miss you.. :')

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

the so-called-perfect-heart

One day a young man was standing in the middle of the town proclaiming that he had the most beautiful heart in the whole valley. A large
crowd gathered and they all admired his heart for it was perfect. There was not a mark or a flaw in it. Yes, they all agreed it truly was the most beautiful heart they had ever seen. The young man was very proud and boasted more loudly about his beautiful heart.

Suddenly, an old man appeared at the front of the crowd and said "Why your heart is not nearly as beautiful as mine?" The crowd and the young man looked at the old man's heart. It was beating strongly, but full of scars, it had places where pieces had been removed and other pieces put in, but they didn't fit quite right and there were several jagged edges. In fact, in some places there were deep gouges where whole pieces were missing.

The people stared - how can he say his heart is more beautiful, they thought? The young man looked at the old man's heart and saw its state and laughed. "You must be joking," he said. "Compare your heart with mine, mine is perfect and yours is a mess of scars and tears." "Yes," said the old man, "Yours is perfect looking but I would never trade with you. You see, every scar represents a person to whom I have given my love - I tear out a piece of my heart and give it to them, and often they give me a piece of their heart which fits into the empty place in my heart, but because the pieces aren't exact, I have some rough edges, which I cherish, because they
remind me of the love we shared. Sometimes I have given pieces of my heart away, and the other person hasn't returned a piece of his heart to me. These are the empty gouges -- giving love is taking a chance.

Although these gouges are painful, they stay open, reminding me of the love I have for these people too, and I hope someday they may return and fill the space I have waiting. So now do you see what true beauty is?"

The young man stood silently with tears running down his cheeks. He walked up to the old man, reached into his perfect young and beautiful heart, and ripped a piece out. He offered it to the old man with trembling hands. The old man took his offering, placed it in his heart and then took a piece from his old scarred heart and placed it in
the wound in the young man's heart. It fit, but not perfectly, as there were some jagged edges. The young man looked at his heart, not perfect
anymore but more beautiful than ever, since love from the old man's heart flowed into his. They
embraced and walked away side by side.

How sad it must be to go through life with a
whole untouched heart.

The Big Oak Tree

Tommy was eleven and Sabrina soon would be. Every morning they would meet beside the big
oak tree. In the summer, they would play together in the
sun and sit beneath the big oak tree when the day was done.

One time when they were talking of growing up some day,
they agreed they'd meet back there and maybe even stay. By the big oak tree they could build a little home and they would be together and neither one would roam.

When Tommy was thirteen and Sabrina soon would be, they stood together one last time beside the big oak tree. Tommy had to leave, his family soon would move. He took his pocketknife and in the big oak made a groove. The groove was Tommy's simple way of giving her his word. As he spoke so softly, this is what Sabrina heard: "On your eighteenth birthday, I'll return to our oak tree. Then we will be together forever, you and me."

City life was hectic and the years did fly quickly. Tommy never once forgot Sabrina's last good-bye. He had marked the calendar each year on her birthday. Soon he'd see the big oak tree and, maybe, even
stay. He would hold Sabrina's hand; together they'd
agree to stay beside each other, close to the big oak tree.

Tommy headed for the tree one Sunday
afternoon. It was her eighteenth birthday and he would see her soon. When Tommy reached the tree, he found a written note.
It was from Sabrina's mom, and here is what she wrote: "Sabrina cannot meet you, she won't be here today. In this envelope is what Sabrina has to say." He opened up the letter and his hands began to shake. As he read Sabrina's words, his heart began to break. "Tommy, dear. I know that you are standing by our tree. When you see a big oak tree, always think of me. I won't be here to meet you; the Angels came my way.
Nothing else would keep me from meeting you today.
Look up in the sky, and you'll know that I can see you standing there and waiting, beside our big
oak tree."

Monday, 11 April 2011

just wanna share what I read :)

hello readers.. Iwani is here
again.. well, straight to the topic..
I currently reading a book from Gary Chapman. his book title's is The Five Love Languages. here are some summary from the book I read.. enjoy. ;)

[1] Words of Affirmation ==> this is when you say how nice your couple looks, or how great the dinner tasted. these words will also build your mate's self image and confidence..

[2] Quality Time ==> some couples believe that being together, doing things together and focusing in on one another is the best way to show love. if this is your partner's love language, turn off the TV now and then and give one another some undivided attention.

[3] Gifts ==> it is universal in human cultures to give gifts. they don't have to be expensive to send a powerful message of love. couples who forget a birthday or anniversary or who never give gifts to someone who truly enjoys gift giving will find themselves with a couple who feels neglected and unloved.

[4] Acts of Service ==> discovering how you can best do something for your couple will require time and creativity. these acts of service like vacuuming, planting a garden, etc., need to be done with joy in order to be perceived as a gift of love.

[5] Physical Touch ==> sometimes just stroking your couple's back holding hands, or a peck on the cheek will fulfill this need.

simple? keep reading..

how to know your own love language? the answer is simple, just ask yourself with this questions ;
- how do I express love to others?
- what do I complain about the most?
- what do I request most often?

connecting in your partner's love language probably won't be natural for you. Gary Chapman says, "we're not talking comfort. we're talking love. love is something we do for someone else. so often couples love one another but they aren't connecting. they are sincere, but sincerity isn't enough."

in this book Gary Chapman recommends that we have a "Tank Check" 3 nights a week for 3 weeks. ask one another "how is your love tank tonight?" if, on a scale from zero to ten, it is less than 10, then ask your partner "what can I do to help fill it?"

so I hope you guys enjoy reading it.. you don't get enough? I suggest you to find that book :D adios!

p.s ; sayang!! you should read this book after me ;) I love you..

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Tangle Up In You by Staind

You're my world, the shelter from the rain
You're the pills that take away my pain
You're the light that helps me find my way
You're the words when I have nothing to say

And in this world where nothing else is true
Here I am still tangled up in you
I'm still tangled up in you
Still tangled up in you

You're the fire that warms me when I'm cold
You're the hand I have to hold as I grow old
You're the shore when I am lost at sea
You're only thing that I like about me

And in this world where nothing else is true
Here I am still tangled up in you
I'm still tangled up in you
How long has it been since this storyline began
And I hope it never ends and goes like this forever

In this world where nothing else is true
Here I am still tangled up in you, tangled up in you
I'm still tangled up in you
Still tangled up in you

Serpentine by Reamonn

Lost on a road going nowhere
Trying to take on the world
Searching for some one who understands
Sweet girl, sweet girl
Walking through fields of fire Hopelessly reaching for the skies Watching the flames growing higher Tonight

And she danced like serpentine
She's my burning desire
She mystifies
Her loves sets me on fire
Oh oh oh,
Oh oh oh oh oh.

Caught in a fear of embracing
Waiting for the beauty to arrive
All of the fears that you're facing Sweet child sweet child
No one can stop us from reaching Who says the Innocent survive
One more step into nowhere goodbye

She danced like serpentine

She's my burning desire
She's mystifies
Her loves lifting me higher than high

No one can stand in our way
Nothing can stop us on this day
I've never felt like this way

Can't let you slip away
Oh, oh
Can't let you slip away
Oh, oh
Can't let you slip away
Oh, oh

She danced like serpentine
She's my only desire
She mystifies
Her loves taking
Me higher

the value of a smile at Christmas.

It costs nothing, but creates much.
It enriches those who receive, without impoverishing those who give.
It happens in a flash and the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.
None are so rich they can get along without it, and none so poor but are richer for its benefits.
It creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in a business, and is the countersign of friends.
It is rest to the weary, daylight to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and Nature's best antidote for trouble.
Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is no earthly good to anybody till it is given away.
And if in the last-minute rush of Christmas buying some of our salespeople should be too tired to give you a smile, may we ask you to leave one of yours ?
For nobody needs a smile so much as those who have none left to give !

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Fix You - Coldplay

When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need

When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
And the tears come streaming down your face

When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste

Could it be worse?
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

And high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace

Tears stream down your face
And I
Tears stream down your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes

Tears stream down your face
And I
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

Tanpa Bintang - Anang ft. Aurel

Sepi ini tak kan membunuh kita
Karna kita selalu bersama
Bersamanya kita harus bahagia
Melawan semua aral yang ada bersama

Aku dan kamu selalu bersama
Habiskan malam walau tanpa bintang
Aku dan kamu saling berpelukan
Membunuh malam hingga pagi menjelang
Bersama selamanya

repeat *
repeat reff

Cinta aku seluas samudera
Sayang aku tak akan pudar
Cinta aku, aku dan kamu selamanya Aku dan kamu selalu bersama
Habiskan malam walau tanpa bintang

Aku dan kamu saling berpelukan
Membunuh malam hingga pagi menjelang Aku dan kamu selalu bersama
Habiskan malam walau tanpa bintang

Aku dan kamu saling berpelukan
Membunuh malam hingga pagi menjelang
Berdua selamanya, selamanya

Friday, 1 April 2011

april wish.

okeh, by reading back the text msg frm abng's, It make my tears fall, again. Yes, whatever he said is true. Whatever i wanted and asked frm God, is answered. Maybe not that clear, but i realized that He sent my brother to change my life and not just me. My parents and also my family and yet, many others families. Not just to have a bright life, but to make us one family back happily like what we've deserved.

He did mentioned about goals. But, yes. Eventho, i have no guts to reply you bng, i do set up my goals sudah. I do realized what mistakes i made, i even do realized what i needs to change. I do wanna change, im desperate to change my life so baad. I do wanna prove that me and my family deserve a great lifes.

But somehow, in all eyes, it seems im not that moving nor trying my best. I do, in silently. I do when i ever had the chance. I never miss to take the chance and i always since i could. Maybe not in a right or good ways, but i do realized that i also had a dreams. I do have my own dreams. I cant stop dreaming. But yet, i realized it is not that big enough yet to wash away my problems. Problems ? Yes.. My only problems is me. Im the problems of myself. I who need to change first.

Since major did asked me to keep on looking and searching for my dreams, i did pray to God everyday just to show me what way should i go, and which path should i follow. Cause, i always tought that following my family's way and successful people wouldnt enough for me. I can feels that i miss something. I always miss something. Which i realized frm all the seminars and funcitions that i attended, is only one thing. Its God. Im willing to give myself to the first priorities in life, which is God. Cause i believe that every bad and good, comes frm our Creator. As abng always said, "Just believe in miracles."

now i know. How i, as a mooslem needs to follow what to do's and the dont's. And here as well, i wanna thank God, that my girlfriend always there for me to force me not to give up. How shes not giving up just to sent to me her short vid clip on every msn she'd tried. In many ways i got inspired lately by the Law of Attraction. I need to face what i need to fix.

And my goals for this month is..
1. Core to God.
2. Core to my Family.
3. Extremely core to my Business.

And ofcourse, being a pacesetter and complete my winning 7. "777x7"
