yess, .!. to youu ! *sorry people, thats only dedicated to HAYAL-ERs !
its subuhh now. was ndaa mood kann berblog sebenarnyaa. but, thenn.. something comes up. shiiit ! wheres fiffy ? PEP ! abng needs youu here awal anii ! heeh.. berbithingg juaa kuu nie. but, wait.. since kakaa and adek eqahh's here, why not samaaa drngg kann ? whichh MORE SIUK-ER !! HAHAH ! *sheeeet ! :P
YES, i laughed alot muchh. ihh.. NAUHH ! WE LAUGH ALOTSs ! HAHAH. shit, siukk ihh.. its started whenn i saw some shit whichh is shit shit the most. andd, HAHAH. sure it makes us laughed. munn kamu, kamuu punn ketawaa klii. pacahh waa web atuu. kann EQAHH ? hahah. macam, membagii sasak juaa, membagii ketawaa juaa, like.. should i say.. hayal ? NAUHH.. but, its HAYALL IHHH ! hahah.
tpii bnr, ANNOYING is the best word to describe 'that thing'. kakaa waa.. macam, eventho, shes not really into this web thingy, but.. yatahh yg paling over bitching once yaa tengok 'IT' HAHAH. mann.. full of shit. andd yeahh, kakaa nie yg gives ideaa arahh kamii kamii to post about it. HAHAH. macam sasak bnr juaa yaa sudahh tuu.
shit mann, sudahh punn hayal, cawii lgii tuu. buduhh sulnyaa ! HAHAH. wait, buduhh muchh eqq ? hahah. kakaa said, its MIHIR ANDD SO SOO POKLANN MANN ! HAHAH ! shit.. i cannot stop laughing about it. keep on repeatingg waa dii otak. eqahh punn tuu i believe. JOMBLO ihh.. hahah. i know, the meaning of joblo is single in indons, but.. i found it that, that word is so calii muchh and reminds me of 'IT' ! HAHAHA ! JOBLO !! HAHAH ! wel, thats because.. masaa tengok ituu web, the tv is on ARUNA. kakaa's on it. yatahh.. kedengarann tiaa kuu org menyabut. heeh. so, yeahh..
ihh ihh.. enoughh ihh ! ngalehh juaa mengucap ucap anii ahh ! lurus waa nyaa fiffy atuu. it is TIRING MUCHH ! HAHAH. wel, enough said. goodnight people.
ps; ADEK EQAHH andd KAKAA who i LOVE the most duringg this posting time. I LOVE KAMUU DUAA. *hugs.. andd kakaa said to this 'IT', "please, jagann hayal and OVER !" hahah! :P:P
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