Saturday, 29 November 2008

memanat with sii pukii.

hahah. awuu.. sii pukii ! wel, she calld me sii palir. so, ngam thh tuu yaa, pukii jumpaa palir. anwy, stop withh that stuff. its annoying when we talk and tell and mention about it right ? i know.. but, funn. no ? HAHAH ! salahh salahh tiaa. wel, hemm.. lets talk about her now. shes my ugamaa's friend. gilaa.. lamaa muchh sudahh tuu. eventho we're that closed, but not really incontact and shit. reason, maybe we're busy for our "thing". heeh.. whichh i dont know what. hahah. panat ? yes, i always knew that. yeahh, last night. we were memanat. she tegur-ed me dii online. asking either i know this '8968434' number. when i dialed it, sure will its not on my contact list. i asked why, and she told me that, he/she been kacau-ing bothh she and her boiprenn. smpaii she asked me to tnyaa org dst. matii.. rasaa juaa tuu. awuu, shes so inlove withh her boiprenn. *kn pukii ? eventho, bothh them anii always, always kenaa kacauu. kenaa kacauu as in, biasaa laa.. munn org couple, indaa kn youu dint know.. knaa kcauu kcauu laaa pokoknyaa. yes, i know that cause, she always complaining this and that to me. *pitty this couple.. but, hey.. eventho cematuu, i admire this couple pasal, they've been together like nearly 5years sudahh ? shit.. lamaa waa tuu. macam macam happend, she complaind. and yahh.. since, we we're onlining dii malam, i asked her either i cann post about her to this blog. but, she said.. bulehh, and mention that shes a pembunuhh. i dont know what she means by that tho. *jgn sjaa yaa ani sirial killer bnr. munn, breakfast cereal killer indaa apaa laa. wait, she told me that she ate alot nowdays. asal stress, makann. and andd, atuu punn kuu jealous tuu sebenarnyaa. HAHAH ! since, i wanna be fat so muchh. xP sekaliikn, i asked her about her fb. and asked her to add me selajur. pasal, i wanna see the pictures. since lamaa sudahh indaa nampak cousinkuu yang gilaa ani juaa. cousin ? awuu.. shes related to me thro our grand's side. and im SHOCKED bilaa liat gambarnyaa ! berubahh muchh waa yaa. kuu complain complain lge tuu. HAHAH ! menyumpahh laa yaa juaa. xP andanggnyaa tuu. menyumpahh nyumpahh atuu perkaraa biasaa sudahh happend to ihh between us. never pernahh indaa menyumpahh asal bercontact. hahah. knn pukii ? awuu waa, ckap pasal yaa ani, i havent mention her name punn. duluu, way back dii ugamaa, we called her by the name DEEKAY. why deekay ? pasal, yaa Dayangkuu. so, its DK. hahah. andd, she dint want me to mention her fully name her. but, not by the name FISRAA. she said, namaa rantai or galangnyaa tuu. the combination of her and the boipren's name. Fisraa. indaa kuu silap, atuu plngg. since ive curii-ed her gambars dii fb, i'll upload it soon. shes one of the best oldschool ugamaa's friend and theverycrazy cousin i ever had. i think.. hahah. if youu wanna know her, sorry to say.. jgnthh.. HAHAH. unless, shes the one said that youre her friend. yes, she is a choosey cheesey. PEMILIHH nie sii pukiikuu sorg ani. hahah ! but, once youu know her better, membgii sakit parut juaa withh her jokes, murai-ness and bibiran-ness. but, honest.. walaupunn yaa cematuu, i NEVER get ANNOYED by her. HAHAH ! enough said. ngalehh kuu sudahh bitching about her. just, youre the best and i always love youu pukii ! HAHAH ! *smile..

ps; if theres any wrong typing and shit, sorry. pasal, im using my phoney to post this. its my firsttimer. kn mencubaa. so, yeahh.. good evening semuaa ! x)

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