Saturday, 20 December 2008

morningg, beachh ! xD

and so, here i am still kindaa half-awake, tired. x] i just got home from the beachh. its 10ishh now..
what a saturday morningg. x)

wel, last night.. i was kindaa not-to-sleep, whichh i turned into sleeepingg ? x\ so yeahh, i was watching tv last night. mtv and all. but, takde yang funn, and happening movies. so i watchhed cartoon, whichh makes me sleepy and fall asleeep. tired muchh.. x]

then, when i opend my eyes, i findout that, im on a bright place. and so, its 7ishh in the morningg. and yeahh, going to the beachh ! xD since we make it happend, so i took my morningg shower and all. and then by 8ishh, she fetchh me home. x) *nice car btw.. ;)

so we when to tungkuu beaach. x) she said, shes gonna tengok-ed org surfingg there. til it turns to 'gmg' session. x) so, we parked somewhere in a very nice view. x) *its lawaaa. x) its a very nice sunny view beachh. xD

then we endup walkingg to the stones.. and, shit ! what a very nice morningg breeze. xD nyamann muchh, when the wind blows all over your facee. it feels like, youu had a morningg shower withh the breeeezed. hahah. plus, when we're in a highhper moood. hahh.. so freshh rasanyaa. xD

then we had some talks, pictures, when im all highhperd withh the sunny beachh and views. i just asked her to relex.. shes seems mengusut withh the ex-bf thingy. and im here to make youu chills, and happy. hee. x) we talks, til the picture do the talkingg. not that bnyak plngg. will update it soon, insha-god.. hee. x) its siuk laa. not that baad.. its the beachh, perfect place to let it out things that been bothered our mind and all. it might works sometimes. at least, it out. throw awaaay to the ocean. x) it feels free from anythingg. hee. x) and since its, 9ishh to 10, we had to bounce back home. hee.. *nothing, but the views. x) lawaaa muchh ! xP

in the car, we listen to some nyamann's music. hee. macam dalam club plngg perasaanku. xD i even could see the greeen lights. wel, im on the mood. ;) we raunn gadoong and its ramaii org. wel, kn bukaa kadaii, biasaa laaa. org kn kerajaa. she wanted to blii ice cream. but, since she had something came up, so tak jdii tiaa. hee. by 10ishh, i reachhed home.

i walked to my room, and biasaa, lock and load. hee. pasangg dvd and time to have my deeep sleeep ! xD so, im gonna bouce withh a cheers here. so, have a nice day people. x)

ohh, and good morningg.. hee. x)

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