Sunday, 28 December 2008

passport to new year ! ;)

after had my sikit meal last night, i stayed dii tv's room. kes kn menunggu ceritaa friends. tpi, tpii.. ceritaa spiderman3 interupted me. so, i was terlalaii watching it smpaii abis. sekalii, by 10ishh klii. abng datangg. and he brought chicken pie. nyamann yo ! HAHAH. falling kuu for it. heeh.. and even brought me a very good meds.

abng gaves me advice and all for doing life since its nearly new year. why not that, why not this. so yeahh.. brother to brother. *thanks bro. ;) and so, by maybe tengahh harii, i terfall asleeep. x\

and by 9ishh malam, i wokeup. pasal, there a big knocks on my door. but, i ignored it. heeh.. few mins, i went out. takde org. so, i cari-ed food. but antahh.. i tak feels like eatingg. so i go mandii.. and after that, i took my meds and terus bwaa main game. and i even menghayatii my mp3's songs. hee. feelingg it tho. ;) and again.. i thought about the custume party. hahahah ! since, im nyamann muchh, indaa plngg kuu tejalann kemanaa manaa. plus, i just need my rest. x)

by 12ishh klii, i went out kn tnyaa about my passport, then daddy was like, "ihh.. alum siap passportmuu ahh." "indaathh ko dpt pigii tuu." i was so down masaa dngr ituu. eventho im highh, trus waa kuu downn. then, i just terus makann. bruuth kn makan rasaakuu. then, after makan, daddy was like.. go to mummy, and ambil your passport. ketawaa ketawaa tiaa yaa. so, i rann up and getting it. hee. then, small talks withh mummy. and yeahh.. i got my passport tiaa. xD

i even chat withh abng tdii. he said that hes going to kk as well. but, either jln malam ani or esuk. so, macam kn ikut awal juaa kuu ahh.. tpii, antahh.. i asked casby, tpii takde responed. so, antahh.. lets see what time brings me. heeh.. kk ! kk ! xP

wel, nothings really going on today. just, i like the part where i dngr mp3. theres bnyak songs reminds me of some friends.. hee. adaa lgii laguu jamilahh jamidongg tuu ! HAHAH. terkenangg tiaa kuu time rayaa. heeh.. turun naik tutong ho. hee. i had funn doing it before. and i learned something as well. hee. and yes, sii janahh kuu teingat. hee. sii janahh jamidong. ;) hee. happy new year and advance birthday to youu beb. incase tak tersampat. heeh..

so, im running out of words tiaa. i think i should bounce now. so, nights people. have a nice sleeep. x)

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