Tuesday, 16 December 2008

WATAFCUK, wataafcuk ??

gilaaaaaaa ! by this time punn adaa org yg macam iyaa ? GILAAAA ! YOUUU ANNOYED ME YOUU KNOW !! shit !!

whats up withh this annoyingg people ? kmuu pkir youu'll gets cradits for that ? is that youre attension ? FCUK ! it wont works on me mann ! once i say no, then it'll gonna be no FOREVER ! unless, youu promise to be good ! heeh..

when, shes not around, i tot my life would be normal like everydood deserved. INDAAA RUPAANYAAA ! adaa tiaa juaa yg.. SHITT !! MENYANAKKNN ? mann, berabis waa !

so, please mann ! get a life.. and please, dont act youre innocent and making people's felt guilty. thats just.. so wrong ! think waaa ! knn diapaa tiaa your brains if youu dint even used it ? indaaa pyahh dii ajar waa lgii tuu. MATEY IHH..

and, one more thing.. youu should appreciate that i layann youu annoying people at the first place. ani indaa.. youu even keep on pushing me. sanak waa kuu yo ! sadar sadar thh yg akuu atuu, not really into kmuu. im single, so who the fcuk are youu to belabihh belabihh kn ownn me ? come on !

and and, munn rasanyaa dirii atuu beboipren, janganthh kn menggatal lgii ! indaa cukup satuu palir kaaa ? i know im being rude here and im sorry for that. its just, YOUU ANNOYED FCUKING ME SO FCUKINGG MUCHH !

macam, the person who closed to me punn get annoyed by kamuu sii annoying people. so, please mann. i begging her, adangthh mengannoyed org anii. sii casby annoyingg, rugged juaa. indaa juaa kuu sanak ! wel, it depands. HAHAH ! tpi, bnr kn cas ? so, kmu kmuu sii annoyingg peoples, baikthh kenalan smaa my bitchh sii casby. learn from him how he cann controlled that annoying to become a funny and silly and laughhs thing. cas, ajar dorangg. hahah ! jgn ajar lainn ihh.. matii tuu. HAHAH !

so, yes.. chill mann. chill.. dont sweat.. relex.. and dont think by your doing it, people will like youu laa konon. ALUM.. but, munn sii casby, sukaa plngg org tuu. sunyii waa tplngg munn yaa indaa annoyingg. bnr.. membgii kecariann ! HAHAH ! indaa jaa cas ? jaaa ~

hahah. no offence and shit people. siapaa yaa terasaa, sabar sjaa. yg indaa, LETS BERBITCHING ABOUT IT ! HAHAH ! but, yeahh.. chill.. wel, okey dokey then people. adious ! x\

ps; to people who ever terasaa, and to annoying chickaa, youu have to remember that, doesnt mean i dint layann youu, i dint seems care, i whateveryouuthink, indaa semestiinyaa i hate kamuu. i love youu indeed people. youu just dont understand. i never hate my own friends. so, here, i wanna say sorry and god bless. so, roger that people. cheerious ! x)

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