Sunday, 25 January 2009


hello, and hey blogger. again here i am just wokeup and trus trus blogging. panat ? dont mention. hahah. wel, yes.. my blerg are being my friend and my share stories talk for what ive been doing since my last acident. and im doing it smpaii ani memblogging. just part of my the habit. so, here i wanna share a little story for what ive been thro today. quite advanture, extream ninimuu ajii. advanture apaa ! badtrip adaa ! x\

and so last night, when im done postingg, i was just berdvd in my room. done berdvd, i went out again to eat something. so, i saw antahh choco cupcakes. haramly, i ate it pasal im hungry. it looks nyaman and i dont know i should eat it or not. but, yeahh.. thats why i said haramly. x\ then watching tv sjaa. until i ate and all lahh. i mentiond it on my late posted. so, i ate that maggie, cornbeef, ayam goreng that i mentiond last time. and yeahh.. then, mummy bgn and checked the kitchenn. and even checkd the cupcakes. but, she dint even mad at all. so, halal tiaa sudahh. hee. and so, i went back to my room kn melayann dvd. im watching ceritaa august. borengg waa ceritaanyaa. maybe pasal akuu indaa paham klii. watchhed it smpaii abis. then around 7ishh morningg, i went out and evan almighty was on. so, mliat tiaa kuu. and what a funny stroy and stupid as well when they tried to copy and changed the real story about noahh. adaa samaanyaa. but, new york noahh laa konon ? bodohh muchh ! and so, while im outside melayan tv, abng came around 8ishh to 9. and as i said, we brothers klauu bjumpaa, nothing else but talking about future and lifes. and i even told abng that i joined amway. then, he gaves me advice and all laa. macam bedebate lgii tuu kn ? wel, chockingg it is.. x)

so, since the parents having their breakfast, so akuu mintaa masakkn arhh genaa. shes our maid now. yg before used to be iman's babysitter ? so, yeahh.. talking about maid, i realized that, philippinos maid are more way better that indos maid. bnr tahh.. know why ? since mary and genaa live in this house, gilaaa waa. dapur yg i always pkai selipar ksnaa punn, macam, jrangg kuu sudahh beselipar rumahh. bersihh waa rumahh. harapkn amahh indo drumahh ani ? duiii ~ haramkn bersihh rumahh anii. see, pkir org islam ani thh more bersihh ahh. ndaa juaa ihh.. better plngg phills baa. i dint say that muslim people indaa bersihh. but, just that. since theres, 5 maids drumahh ani. so, yeahh.. 3phillipinos and 2 indos. heeh..

and so, i asked genaa to make me maggin indo again for breakfast. along withh talur mataa lembuu halfcooked. then, abng mauu juaa as well. so, few mins siap. then makann breakfast. done breakfast, i buat manisann and still berdebate samaa abngg. until, bothh us masuk my room kn ongkii. then, i pasangg dvd. the sweetest thing. hahah ! nyanyat waa kuu meliat ! xP bukann plngg apaa. pasal unrated story waa. hahah. xP so, melayann melayann sampaii abng went out. since i was bercintaa as well. and and, berceritaa pasal mandii, shit.. keharumann badankuu atuu thh buatkuu alum mandi drii kuu meetingg last time ahh. whichh i still wearing the samaa bjuu and boxer ? hahah ! xP then, since shes gonna go mandi, i took my shower as well. and yeahh.. nyaman rasaanyaa mandii pagii atuu. biasaa, i never had chance mann. xP malam bruu mandii tuu. so, after showeer, i sambungg back my dvd smpaii abis. and since borengg ndaa lgii kn diliat, i decided to go out and blii dvds. since akuu mandii sudahh atuu juaa. so, yeahh.. x)

i went out and asked for car arhh daddy. so, i went out whichh daddy said jgn batahh pasal kn ambil fiffy lgii. since i only wanna blii dvd gnyaa, knaa pinjamkn tiaa kuu keretaa. it was 12noonishh.. on my way ke bangunann kuningg, my back tyre melatup ! xS but, i dint know that at first til i parked my car. went out, then hemm.. bisaii.. melatup waa. xS so, indaa kuu mauu stress, memilihh dvds kuu duluu. i even met some friends there. and yeahh, done withh dvds, kiraanyaa kn drive the car slowly smpaii rumahh thh nie. but, ijap pnyaa pasal, i stoped by di utamaa bowlingg and parked the car there. and damn ! panas muchh the sunn heat on me. so, i went to jollibee and belii some choco pearl coolers. and yeahh, called daddy and gtauu what happend. whichh frm g to z. ertinyaa indaa complete thh tuu. xP so, i waited outside jollibee and wait for daddy to come. x\

while waitingg, my ex's sisters came by to jollibee and yeahh, we talks and all. and her big sister pnyaa daughter kiut muchh. hee. x) then, drngg makan jollibee, and soon after that, daddy came samaa abng kanzul. then, yeahh.. doingg the tyre changging and all. gilaaa mann. im all sweaty muchh. adaa lgii chicks tuu ihh ! heeh.. but, fcuk that ! baikkuu ngusaii tyre. hahah. tantuu, at least i learned something. that chicks indaa juaa menanggung masaa depan kuu. cehh ~ lurusthh jodohhkuu, abis ihh. HAHAH ! xP and so, done everythingg, bothh me and daddy trus ambil fiffy. around 1ishh klii. then, blik home. fiffy bwaa lunchh, but i dont felt like eatingg. so, melayan dvd tiaa kuu. and, i bought dvd swordfishh sudahh ! xD pasal di tv last time becutt waa. borengg juaa tuu. was watching their eyes were watching god. halle berry yo ! xD then, abng came and joined me. when both fiffy and abng went out, i locked myself up as usual and finishh the story peacefully. around 4ishh patangg, the dvd abis and since im tired, i read book sekajap kn tdur. then, tdur tiaa kuu after that. x)

til here thh duluu kuu ceritaa. kn makan kuu. lapar ! xS ohh, and goodnight all. x) adious !

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