Wednesday, 21 January 2009

always be a winner.

so, i started here by talking for what i did since last night. after done blogging and all, i was just antahh ahh. bhapaa kaa kuu.. lost ! but, all i remember is, i was in my room and sketching some cartoons. yes, cartoons. i like to draw myself as a cartoon and anyone who i feels like to sketchh. i wishh im blogging here usingg lappy. so that i cann upload the sketchh that i draw.

to bad, im just blogging through my phone awal ani. and so, since shes done sudahh sketching my face, i was drawing hers punn tdii pgii. but, not as good as her sketchhed on me. i'll upload it soon enough thh. and yeahh.. after done melukis, i was antahh.. was reading some blogs klii. or checking my facebook. and so, after that, i went to bed tiaa. around 9ishh morningg klii.

i had a nice and bad dreams. but, now i cant recall back whats it all about. pokoknyaa, it wakes me then i smiled. whichh, i realised it was 7ishh malam. it was raining that time. i felt like tdur semulaa tho. but, yet.. antahh.. i was lapar by the same time. and then, daddy knocks my door and bought some dinner. so, i went out, kes kn bwaa nini makann, but nini was out. so, i had my dinner alone. after dinner, i had my ongs then trus mandii.

after mandi, i was watching the news about how rmai org was there waiting outside the white house just to wait for the president-electd barack husein obamaa. gilaaa, 2millions people waa. time sii bushh, ndaa sampaii cematuu. and i felt lucky, cause i watched the history going on, in americaa. cause, i always thought that how lucky is our moyangg and nini was being in the history. like war and all. thats why i thought about, everytime i had my history lesson way back my school days. hee. and, now it happend to me sudahh. i saw and see the history. x)

but, since here, hujann labat, indaa tiaa mauu the astro. tauu tauu laa munn ujann labat. kecundangg tiaa. then, i went to my room and tengok dvd. kes kn tdur thh. but, indaa. i was watching ceritaa scoop. it was funn movie tho. watchh it until i heard the parents pnyaa voice. so, i went out and joined them liat the news. so, i stayed there and watchingg the history on makingg. hee.

since its late, around 2ishh klii, the parents naik. so, i was watching on my own while eatingg orange. hahah ! sajaa celebrate chinese new year awal. since i'll masuk ppb soon. and yes, corrections here. i was wrongg on last time pnyaa post. yg sii athh dint make it ? shit ! hes dapat rupaanyaa. but different course. hahahah ! confirmed tiaa begilaa nie ! xP hahahah ! xD ohh, back to the story, i was berlimauu. nyamann waa limauu chinaa. manis lgii.. hahah. awuu, celebrate awal kuu sorg sorg. xP

few mins after that, the parents came downn and drngg tdur dbwahh tonight. arhh living room. so, i went back to my room and sambungg my dvd. i was bercintaa punn juaa. so, yeahh.. bercintaa bercintaa, until a friend texted me and tnyaa that man united adaa matchh or indaa. i ask her back, tpi, yaa punn bangang. so, i went out mencheck. and yes, united had matchh against darby. whichh they wont the semi's. by 4-2 on the night and 4-3 on the agg. hee. since, im kindaa lapar tdi, i cooked maggie curry and eye withh some limauu kasturii. nyamann waa. xP and awalnyaa tdii, i ate pop mie. gilaa.. i ate alot this night. HAHAH ! xP

done berfootie, i went to my room and sambungg againn my dvd. blik blik bepaused waa. hahah. and yeahh, here i am blogging. hee. tpi, tpi.. since i had plans esuk, i think i should bounce now. sleep well ya'll. adious ! x)

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