Saturday, 24 January 2009


done blogging last night, i was on dvds sjaa. until the next morningg ? wel, its sampai tengahharii tho. i dint sleep at all. i even watched indo's movies. sjaa melayann. and also about books ? heeh.. since im into this amway stuff, they did mentiond that reading books only can changed ourself. whichh is ture. no one cann changed us right ? even our parents. friends apaathh lgii ? chicks ? if people says that, thats just a bulls talk. bnr.. so, i watched about this book smpai abis. i forgot the title. its something cool ideas. so, yeahh.. i learned that how books are so important ? wel, i know that we all learned that since we're a kids and thats why we goes to school kn ? i know that. just, in my case, im kindaa lazy for books and it always makes me sleepy. so, cant deny that. and yeahh.. before, i do read books plngg. but, bukuu yg weird weird. goosebum one of it. heeh..

and so, back to the story, i was just berdvds sampai tengaharii at abng place. while him, awal pagii dahh bgnn pergi kerjaa. and since i dint sleep at all, i feels like my eyes was bangkak. then, i went to the toilet and tengok. and shit ! no wonder my left eye blik blik tears itself. bangkak waa. labuu lgii tuu my eyeback. gilaa mann.. indaa sexy waa mataa tuu. hahah. i was expecting my body yg lampuhh pasal makan mayo ani, whichh it turned, my eyeback yg lampuhh. hahah. xP then, around 11ishh, abng blik and yeahh, he wanted to send me home tiaa. as he said last night. so, yeahh.. i grabed some dvds and bounced back home. x) i was tired muchh. and my eyes macam org stone sjaa waa. hahah. its been awhile mann ! x\ hahah. will be on track for that. hahah. xP anwy, it was a long way drive from jalan muaraa to my place tumasik. so, i was just resting while on our way home. x)

reached home, i dint terus tdur. since mummy and fiffy was there, me and abng hanged there. talking withh mummy apaa. and since im hungry, i dint go to bed. waited til lunchh sjaa. so, melayann tv kmi. youu wouldnt believe me what ceritaa kmi liat. hahah. was watchhing amboi, amboi, amboi.. HAHAH ! macam apaa ! bulehh ? belakuu ? cann ? hahah ! bancii kuu mliat sii azwann alii atuu ! kamahh sulnyaa ! eeeee ! xS then, lunchh time. i ate sadangg. apaa yg adaa, yatahh kuu makann tuu. nyamann makann kuu. abng apaathh lgii. he mentiond how he misses masakann mummy. i believe i will be cematuu tuu soon. x\ and so, after lunchh.. abng bounced back to work. and while me, hangout withh fiffy in my room. was watching dvd punn. ceritaa stone&ed. hahah. pacahh waa the story. and adaa this words lawaa and its banar. been there punn. it says, 'life is a lot better when you're stoneed' hahah. i am so agree withh that. why so ? pasal, it makes us rajinn. org yg salahh gunaa, abis laa. i used that stuff for my pce and pmb tho. npaa yg results bagus. wel, it depands caraa pembelajarann laa. in my case, there always musics on while im belajar and stoneed ? hee. o'levels sjaa akuu salahh gunaa. damn ! x\

and so, since im too freaking tired, half way the story, i fall asleep tiaa. awalnyaa, fiffy was there. when i terbgn around antahh, i wokeup, and lockedup myself and turned my aircond back on. macam bgas tutup karann perasaan kuu. so, tdur semulaa nyamanly. x) and by 1ishh am, i wokeup and im looking for food. hee. pelapar kliahh ! xP so, since theres food tersediaa, chilled kuu kajap liat tv. tpi, boreng borengg. and since its been awhile rasaanyaa i dint eat maggie indomie, i cooked satuu and eat it rice, chicken and cornbeef. and drink cold milo. so, cool down kajap liat tv pasal kekanyangan. then after that, i went to my room and sambungg my movie. and yeahh.. now, i just done watchingg it. peluii the story. hahah. time pacahh meliat nyamann ihh. confirmed ! xP so, yeahh.. advice here, people, please stay away from drugs. x) it cann ruined your life sometimes. so, yeahh.. unless youu used it in a good ways, then that'll be no probs. hee. sleep well and goodnights people. adious ! xD

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