Tuesday, 27 January 2009

HCNY ! x)

today, i started my day by eating, again the fishh and eggs and bread stuff. its nyamann pasal, was watching friends as well. as usual, done sjaa, i went straight to my room and terus berdvd. was watching the rumor has it. heeh.. what a stupid story ! a guy who had sex on 3 generations ? should i say, nini, mamaa and cucuu. hahah. untungg ihh that guy. hahah. untungg peluii ! xP

after movie, was bercintaa. was otp punn tdii. sekalii, done everythingg, i took my shower. then, lunchh time, abng came. as we had meetingg, so yeahh.. then, makan lunchh samaa abngg. since amway anii mengungtunggkn apaa, so i decided to bwaa mamann. whichh i did and he came by to my house. show everything and he interested. and yaa joined the meetingg. indaa rugii waa juaa. pasal, its our own business. and no one is the boss. atuu yg siuknyaa. and once youu know the useful doing and joined this stuff, its bebaloi should i say. indaa merugiikn. so, yeahh.. munn adaa yg interested, silaa ambil telephone dan telephone sii wiraa mengikuti namaa yg adaa teteraa di telephone bimbit andaa. ninimuu ajii ! hahah. xP

sekaliikn, kmi ketelatann for the meetingg. it was started pkul 2 til 3 sebenarnyaa. whichh, kmi sampaii pkul 3. but, indaa apaa. adaa demo demo after that. sampai laa 6ishh.. and today, i gave $68 to abng and jdi member. baik awal kn ? ahir ahir krg, rugii laa apaa laa. so, yeahh.. plus, this amway berjalan lancar drii duluu til today waa. i never heard that drngg bankrupt and all. so, yes.. if thh amway ani menipuu sekiraa, meaning that they lied for 90ishh buahh countries waa. and plus againn, the product is drii uk. always the best brangann if it from uk. so, indaa merugiknn. x) join thh.. and make sure 18 above ahh. munn below 18 atuu, and tells that yaa amway, menipuu matii tuu anak atuu. hahah. xP used the brangan, indaa apaa laa. and importantly here, its sound macam amway atuu memajal menyuruhh ituu ini apaa. but, sebenarnyaa indaa. munn, interested, join and if not, its all good. just think for the future laa. manaa adaa kdaii lain, once kmuu belii the stuff, the kdaii bgii kmuu duit blik as a bonus kn ? in amway they does. so, yeahh.. just, think, think, think.. nyaa iman following the cartoon my friend tigher and pooh. heheh. i miss imanlove sudahh. x\

and so, bounced from that place where was di rumahh dj fauzann around 6ishh to 7. and plan kn belanjaa abng makan. but, too bad, sanak yaa kn ke mall. so, since payah payahh cri tempat makan, dirumahh tiaa sjaa. tantuu, i belanjaa him for free. hahah. xP since lappy in my room, berlappy kuu sekajap. online apaa, then dinner tiaa. both mummy and daddy came joined us berdinner. siuk waa, ketawaa ketawaa kmi. hahah. x) ohh, my dinner, i ate fishh and sambal belacan and timun. hahah. org brunei, biasaa laa. nyamann waa ! xP and and, akuu sebenarnyaa tsliurkn makann nasii ayam penyet waa. x\ *sesiapunn.

done makan, titanic was on di tv. but, sanak juaa kuu tuu ahh munn kn mliat blik blik atuu. tauu laa astro, yg blik blik. awuu, adaa siuknyaa. tpi, adaa sanaknyaa. hahah. so, me.. i went to my room after dinner and sambungg berlappy. uploaded some gambars and yeahh.. facebook, friendster and i even i p site bruu. hahah. but, wait until i check it first. xP and around 9ishh klii, im done berlappy and berdvd kuu. without a paddle was the movie. atuu punn ahh.. blik blik kuu liat, tpi alumthh kuu liat concentrately. hahah. krgthh kuu mliat lgii. and so, in anyhow, i was watching it and all i know is, i arrived nnl without diundangg. and my dreams was siuk ! hahah. i was beroutting ke kk withh friends and chicks. hahah. xP indaa tiaa siuk tuu ! cubaathh bnr. ihh.. in that dream, tantuu thh the wat's was on. hahah. and chicks ? semestinyaa. 2buahh keretaa convoy. hahah. siuk laa pokoknyaa. xP

4ishh subuhh, i terbgnn and im hungry. so, i wanna fcuk some food to eat now. lapar waa perut i. bunyi bunyii tiaa.. aiyaa.. so, til here duluu kamuu. have a goodnight sleep. adious ! x)

not to forget, i also wanna say HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to all and, go get drunk and collect angpauu bnyak byak ! then, if sampaii $68, jointhh amwy. jgn batahh batahh. HAHAH ! xP nights.. x)

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