Saturday, 17 January 2009


last night, since my back was too sangal berlappy, i tukar-ed beronline thro phone. so that i cann limpang limpangg and all. so, was bercintaa withh her back smpaii pagii. kes smpaii kn tdur laa nie. too badly, shes got dc-ed. since its morning sudahh, i went to the kitchenn to jumpaa the maid. mummy was there, so i told mummy that, theres fishh i wanted to bgii them. the fishh yg kairol dapat. and so, ive heard they said, the fishh called ikann lelayy. then i went back to my room, terus tdur tiaa.

by around 2ishh, i was terbgnn pasal my msn berbunyii. then i saw i had 1msg. she msgd me and explaind what happend tdii pgii. i replied and tdur semulaa. was tired muchh punn. then by 5ishh patangg, i wokeup and terus bermsg withh her. i even bergossib-ed samaa adek eqahh punn. HAHAH ! our no 1 fans eqahh ? xP

then went out, and diluar was sunyii. i went to the kitchen and genaa was there. shes iman's used to be babysitter before. then, looks for foods tpii antahh, takde seleraa. ke tamuu seleraa kuu mencrii seleraa. HAHAH ! apaakn ?! so, i endup bertv. was bertv smpaii 7ishh klii.

then, kakaa came down and asked me to be ready. wel, since we had planned to liat diki spinn. and so, i took my shower and terus bwaa niniboy berdinner. soon after that, abng didi and indraa fetch us tiaa.

so, we went to batuu besurat. diki adaa spinn di wardrop. antahh, lurus kaa tuu namanyaa ? pokoknyaa adaa war war laa. hee. anwy, reached there, rmaii org disnaa. it was 8ishh klii. and many faces yg i used to see di gadongg. and to be tepat, rmaii org facebook baa. heheh.

diki was there spinning sudahh. and yet, theres not a party. diki adaa demo sjaa. so, hang there sampaii abis. i meet some friends there punn. and by 930, everythingg done tiaa. since, diki adaa spinn juaa at rienaa's aunty pnyaa house, so we bounced ksnaa.

we singgahh ke rumahh abng didi first. diki wanna ambil some stuff, then bounced away to selambigar. on our way ksnaa, adaa car crushed dii trafficlights gadong. gilaaa ! berijap baa. we stoped kesiringg then went to tempat kejadiann. i saw, adaa bini bini ampai ampaii. it was org chinese. the car was ancur and theres small kid involved. kesiann. damit lgii masehh tuu. x'S macam, 3-4 tahunn. theres blood tiaa apaa. then, rmaii org dtg meliat. and thank god nothing bad happend. that girl pengsann sjaa klii. read newspaper for tomorrow. maybe adaa tuu.

since, the cops came by, and everything settle maybe, kmii menerusknn perjalanann tiaa. kindaa sunyii tiaa sorang sorang dalam keretaa. atuu kn awalnyaa kmii beibun ibunn. kakaa apaathh lgii, traumaa smpaii menanggis waa. xS

then, when we arrived rienaa's aunty's place. rmaii baa keretaa. and surely rmaii org punn. whichh it was. rupanyaa adaa bday party. so, we masuk and everyone was mabruks. then, kmii kenaa suruhh makann apaa. but, i dint makann. pasal, im sure i'll be drinkingg. takut menjeluak waa.

so, i mulaakn dengann drinking martini's, andd smpaii melarat melarat. banyak drinks there. macam, youu cann just chose what drink youu want. hee. sanangg atii ! xP then, after done makann, diki start to pasangg the equipment and yes, the party started ! xD

since im in my other world. melayann thh kuu gnyaa. gilaaa mann ! all that reminds me of kk. where we go clubbin rmai rmaii. and, yg dgn dgnkuu tdii anii lgii yg semuaa dgn kuu dii kk. hahah. rinduu kuu plngg. HAHAH ! indraa kn bwaa ke kk. maybe this sunday or next sudahh. but, yet.. i still wanna make sure the parents melapas or not. heeh.. and so, i was melayann until i kindaa lost abit ? bruuthh kuu bermoodkn menarii.

then, when im nyamann enoughh, ihh.. menarii thh kuu ihh.. hahah. siuk laa.. happeningg. diki lgii mainn. lost waa olehhnyaa. hahah. nyams berabis ! xD and so, we dance, we sweat and we bergilaa muchh. hee. lost abit sjaa. bukannyaa club punn kn lost berabis. xP

melayann, melayann.. sampaii adaa org endingg. xP heheh. ohh, anwy.. happy birthday againn to birthday girl. hee. god bless. ;) stay hott.. xP cehh ~ indaa biasaa ! hahah. then, by around 2, the party ended tiaa. plus, rmaii yg bebalikan waa juaa sudahh. wel, org kerajaa kn ? HAHAH.

then, we panyap panyap things and bounced home tiaa. since adaa org endingg, we send him home duluu ke rimbaa. then, since im tired, melimpang thh kuu gnyaa dalam keretaa smpaii tertdur. kakaa wakes me, pkir smpaii rumahh sudahh. rupanyaa, makan duluu. it was di mata mataa. arhh liyanaa. after makann, blik rumahh tiaa. smpai rumahh around 3ishh to 4 klii.

sampaii to my room, i terus called her melapur dirii. hee. and yes, we supposed berwebcam this subuhh. but, since im too tired to do so, on the phone thh sjaa. done otp, we went chattingg. but, then i've got dc-ed. munn kn online semulaa, kesian juaa her. i woke her up when i called her. so, let it be sjaa. will msg her punn after this blogginn. and since im tired sudahh katik katik anii, i think i should need my deep sleep instead. so, till here thh duluu yes kamuu ? goodnights.. x)

ohh, and photos will be upload soon enoughh. IF.. im to rajin to do so. so, nights people. adious ! ;)

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