Thursday, 29 January 2009

tired.. x\

as i wokeup, kakaa and kl's chicks was standing outside my room. then, they lepak in my room. and thank god i slept sudahh awalnyaa. if not, yatahh indaa btdur lgii tuu. and so, hang out tiaa sekajap apaa. and then, by 8ishh to 9, i went out and abng joy was there. then, breakfast tiaa kuu. since hes having mee mamak that mummy buat awalnyaa. hee. pendangkii kliahh sii wiraa ani. tbuat makanann, i couldnt say no. hahah. xP

done makan, we're watching tv kajap. then, lepak diroom sekajap. sekalii, since kuu indaa smpai teabis meliat ceritaa gothikaa, menyambung blik tiaa kuu. after that, catwomen menyambungg. hahah. ohh, catwomen.. *cair.. hahah. and yeahh.. i was berlappy as well tho. but, i watched youtube sjaa. and porn site ? HAHAH ! xP facebook and checking updates. then, yeahh.. terlalaii beryoutube laa kuu kebanyakannyaa. was beronline juaa as well. then, i stoped when i heard imanlove's voice. xD so, samaa iman kajap. since kakaa kenaa crii olehh iman, then samaa kakaa tiaa yaa. so, sambung beryoutube. and when catwomen abis, ngam lunchh time. then kakaa and kl's chicks had there lunchh around 1ishh klii. while me, samaa imann tiaa sjaa. i takde seleraa nak makan awalnyaa. so, yeahh.. was hungry plngg.

around 2ishh to 3, bruu kuu makann. i ate, ikan masak merahh, ayam goreng, ikan berabus, but the kuahh sjaa, and ikan masinn. hahah ! masin hantap ! x\ tpi nyamann. hahah. xP then, after makan, i went to my room and lepak withh kl's chicks and pacahly, we watched catwomen againn. until 4ishh to 5 patangg. i took my shower after that since i had meeting. so, yeahh.. awal kuu beready. then abng jozy came and jln around 5ishh to 6 tuu laa. when to amway kajap and ramai org there. whichh pukul after isyak, we had inforamaa juaa. so, rescheduled laa the meetingg. so, we endup drumahh abng. he wanted to mandii apaa. so, yeahh.. lepak there while melayann kerupoks sjaa. and yeahh, since we had to ambil meezan lgi di rimbaa, awal tiaa we bounce and reached scouts building around 8 laa. bnyak familiar faces i saw there. and then, inforamaa started tiaa. ramai waa org. but the room was small. adaa lgii chicks tuu ihh ! hahah. xP and the thing thats on was great laa. all talking about money. well, siapaa juaa indaa mauu duit ? siapaa juaa indaa mauu kayaa ? pasal, the successed people adaa waa disnaa juaa. gilaa mann.. membgii jealous sjaa ! hahah ! xP but, serious shit, drii kuu dngar advice org yg indaa pedahh pedahh, baik kuu mendangar org yg success kn ? tantuu.. hahah.

around 10ishh, the thing abis. so, we had the chance to meet the people laa. yg bgi speech and all. for me, i had the chance to meet the chicks yg lawaa tdi. hahah. whichh, i dont. indaa gentle ! hahah. stared stared plngg her. but, yeahh.. liat laa sjaa blik. come on, rambutnyaa lgii curly. kalahh waa kuu tuu. hahah ! membgii meltingg sjaa ! then, bounced from there laa. tpi, knaa bwaa jlnkuu after that. so, ikut sjaa tiaa. funn laa. no funn when the rain falls hardly lastnight. berijap baa. indaa nampak jln. reached home around 1ishh to 2. heeh..

sampai rumahh, trusthh kuu ngampaii. lalahh.. minumkuu sikit untuk nyaman tdur. hahah. fcuk that. and yeahh, tdur, tdur, tdur and tdur. x) but 3ishh subuhh, i moved ke tv's room. ttdur tiaa kuu. kes kn mliat football ihh.. so, yeahh.. til here for now. cheerious ! x)

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