yesterday, i went out samaa org org ppb. hahah. funn muchh tho. not onlyy org ppb plng. andd not all juaa yg dtg laa. awuu.. munn atuu.. adaaa ramaii tuu org ppb conquer mall ahh. but, yeahh.. org orng yg malar top top sjaa laa pokoknyaa adaa ke gdg. whichh kenaa patann tiaa, org org bagas hidup social. hahah. :P *kidding.
andd yeahh.. we meet up andd outting tiaa. andd soooo mengajutkann whenn i saw the ppb's wanitaa away from tudung. sooo, menghairann kann laa. indaa samaa wataknyaa. honest, bisaii lgii kamuu betudungg ihh. hahha. :P:P kiuuut ! :P but, takpe laa. andd sorry muchh kamuu kamuu, if kmuu adaa tegured akuu tpii, akuu ndaa respond. seriously, youu guys look different without tudung's on. indaa kuu kilalaa. so, yeahh.. mintaa maaf mintaa ampunn. hee.
so, yeahh.. went to gadongg.. yadaa.. yadaa.. yadaa.. jumpaaa that, jumpaa this.. mainn arcade apaa. kann liat movie laa kononn. ceritaa street figher. tpii, indaa kesampaiann tiaa juaa. kecundangg ihh.. kes kann blik patang thh nie sii wiraa anii. indaa juaa ihh.. mikin ahir, mikin ramaii baa geng ppb atuu. nahh.. last last, ahir plng blik. err.. 1ishh to 2 ? hahha. awuu.. late.. kmii, the guys mengopii lgii apaa. siuk laa. beibunn apaa. adaa lgii sii kudil ! nahh ! happeningg tiaa. hahah.
sii bb ? yatahh indaa sunyii tuu.. sii amir lgii.. indaa juaa abis becalii tuuu. saidaa lgii adaa. ihh.. memajal kuu nie.. happening laa. hahah. :P
andd yeahh.. todayy.. my plann is kann belii all stuff yg dii perluukann theree. so, yeahh.. i'll be in gadongg soon. so, i see youu whenn i see youu ! adoius.. hee. :D
Saturday, 28 February 2009
finally !
nahhh ! awuu.. bruu thh kuu tepost nie. wel, i did last time masaa dii class. masaa my last day tuu kann blik. or should i say, the day masaa kmii kann blik laa. tpii, sincee, was in a hurry, indaa tiaa tepost. so, yeahh.. sesiapunn tiaa sjaa. so, now.. heree i am kann beceritaa sikit. rmaii baa org tnyaa tnyaa, hows my lifes there, andd all. so, nahh.. let me share some laa ahh..
my life there is so muchh way very different ! hahah. if usual i always do that do this. but there, everythings changed tiaa. hee. alhamdulilahh. i cann survive withh no phones there. macam, its a waste plngg rasaanyaa munn bwaa phone snaa. benar. drii segii saving time andd all laa pokoknyaa. as we all know, masaa ituu emas. its so true muchh tho. you'll realized it one day. still wanna know why ? heree..
by 0430, kmii mestii bgnn dahh. why awal ? pasal, baik awal mandii then rabut rabut kann ? but, thank god my roommates memuaskann laa. eventho room kmii seramaii 13orangg. but, i felt lucky laa pokoknyaa. then, by 0530, we all had to go to surauu to do subuhh prayer. wel, yes.. di mestiikann. why ? perkaraa wajib waa tuu. kann kann ? but, atuu punn adaa yg indaa sudii memijakkann kakii ke surauu. in my case, i followed what ustazahh told us. that is, once we sleep, theres 3ikatann on our tubuhh badann. caraa membukaa the ikatann is, first, bwaa mandiii, second, berwuduuk andd lastlyy, sembahhyangg. whichh is truee thoo. youu all cann try it tho. thenn, what ustaz told us lgii, once youu sembahyang, thenn after that youu bwaa tdur, he said, our day indaa ceriaa tiaa. atuu punn benar laa. i tried before. knowingg without trying kann ? so, yeahh.. :)
after sembahyang, we had kuliahh subuhh. seriouslyy, atuu yg membgii kalat mataa tuu. siapaa kuat imann, tahann plngg tuu. org yg indaa baa, confirmed kecundangg. sampaii tertdur tdur tuu. but, sometimes, siuk juaaa. hee. kalauu akuu, yatahh blik balik ke jambann tuu cucii mataaa. hahah. tpii, munn lamahh bnr, walked away from surauu, andd end up dii katill tuu confirmedly. heeh.. :P andd yeahh.. biasaanyaa, kuliahh subuhh abis around 6ishh laa. org readyy bebajuu sudahh tuu. me, indaa tuu. until our breakfast sampaii. tauu laa, asal sjaa makann mestii o'o. :P after that, bruu bebajuu.
by 0710, kamii adaa baris pagii. biasaa laa. attendence anddd all. naikkann benderaa apaaa. done perbarisann pagii, all pelatihh pelatihh di mestiikann ke surauu. untuk bacaa doa pagii, andd evenn bacaa Al- Qurann as well. thenn, if adaa things kann dii sampaii kann arahh kamii, kenaa teruskann tiaa dii surauu tuu. until pukul 0800, we bounced all ke bengkel bengkel. but, onlyy on thursday sjaa kmii ke bengkel by 9. why ? pasal, adaa tahlil lgii. harii khamis kann ? biasaa laa.
thenn, bengkel. biasaa laa.. belajar andd all. learned some ilmuu yg berpatutann. hee. eventho, our sir is my own brother, i still anggap him as my sir in class. luar class lainn laa. andd atuu, kmii masaa last day kenaa bgii kuncii untuk our locker room. hahah. mine is number 15. :D ohh, by 1000, kmii adaa breaks for 30mins. atuu punn, if sampat, ampit thh kamii food tuu. if not, indaa thh tuu. had to blii dii cooperasii. whichh, bolehh laa juaa. not bad. ramai juaa org memblii. lapar pnyaa pasal. who cares kann ? heehh..
1030, masuk bengkel semulaa. sambung belajar. wel, tantuu laa kann. until, pukul 1200. kmii abis class andd kiraa rehat laa tuu. pasal at 1400, kamii masuk bengkel semulaa. my case tuu, sampaii sjaa hostel, i trus jemur my bjuu, andd munn adaa brngg kann sii sasahh, menyasahh thh kuu tuu. by 1230, kmii kesurauu. for zohor prayer. my penyasahhann, kuu tinggalkann tuu. abis sembahyangg. back semulaa andd menjamur apaa laa. done everything, bruu kuu lunchh tuu. atuu punn if the food still available. hahha. munn indaa, memblii nasii katok wardenn thh tuu. hee. awuu ihh.. kamii adaa nasii katok klii juaa ahh. :P
thenn, after makann, o'o terus mandii, thenn bebjuu thh kuu tuu. if still got time, i dint berehat dii room tuu. i go berehat sii surauu. beraircond. hahah. :P gilaa.. tengahh harii waa tuu. akuu mestii tuu beraircond ahh. akuu lgii yg kuat bepalohh. :S so, yeahh.. by 1400, masuk bengkel tiaa. sambungg belajar. and yeahh.. since kamii kkp ramaii. 50pelatihh. kamii kenaa bgii 2. kkp1 andd kkp2. im in kkp1. hee. no different plng. masehh juaa pelatihh kkp kann ? so, yeahh.. andd 50 atuu punn. ramaii ke bini binii. guys, 10org gnyaa. the rest, wanitaa. heeh..
thenn, by 1600, kamii abis class. pasal, adaa asar prayer. after asar kmii adaa perbarisann lgii. untuk menurunkann benderaa. andd againn, attendence beambil lgii for the second time. sometimes kawat tiaa lgii apaa. done that, free time tiaa. :D tpii, sayaa, mainn futsal ihh.. mauu juaa fit dii snaa kann ? hahah. krg jdii kakii bangkuu, peadhh juaa. so, yeahh.. i plays footballl there patang patangg. until, 1745 sjaa. why ? pasal, kann makann patang lgii. atuu punn kalauu ampit. menyasahh lgii. atuu punn if indaa ramaii. but, i usually, makann sjaa. thenn mandii for magrib prayer.
at 1830, kmii mestii dii surauu sudahh. so, sembahyangg thenn truskann membacaa membacaa tuu. while waiting for isyak. sometimes kamii berdikir juaa. hee. siuk laa. melapas stress teriak teriak. tantuu kann ? screamo kalimahh Allah. hee. bepahalaa juaa. hee. :P thennn, after that, free tiaa lgii kamii. by 2200, kiraa kiraa kamii done everything laa. manaa lgii adaa night classes. so, yeahh.. done sjaa. yatahh.. adaa yg menyasahh apaa tuu. munn adaa brng kann disasah, menyasahh thh tuu malam malam. andd supposed kamii kenaa suruhh tdur by 2300 laa. tpii, biasaa laa. adaa yg melapak lgii apaa. adaa yg menyasahh. be que up tuu apaa. adaa yg makann. adaa yg revise. adaa yg mainn games. biasaa laa. sorng sorng lainn caraanyaa melapaskann stress kann ? manaa lgii beguitar apaa. menyanyii nyanyii. hahah. funn laa juaa.
bnyak karenah karenahh yg memberangsangkann laa. hee. munn akuu, baikk kuu mandii, bersihhkann dirii thenn tdur. hahah ! tantuu nyamann. yatahh gnyaa masaa kamii berehat tuu. thenn, menyambung tiaa bebalik esuknyaa. so, whichh do youu prefer kamuu kamuu ? save your time kann berehat kaa or, melepak lepak lgii ? revise lainn ceritaa laa. so, yeahh.. ituu laa kehidupann kuu dii ppb. hahahah. indaa social lgii. hahaha. :P:P cubaa kamuu pikirkann.. sii wiraa sudahh tebuat, why not youu right ? so, live youre life. hee. adious ! :D
my life there is so muchh way very different ! hahah. if usual i always do that do this. but there, everythings changed tiaa. hee. alhamdulilahh. i cann survive withh no phones there. macam, its a waste plngg rasaanyaa munn bwaa phone snaa. benar. drii segii saving time andd all laa pokoknyaa. as we all know, masaa ituu emas. its so true muchh tho. you'll realized it one day. still wanna know why ? heree..
by 0430, kmii mestii bgnn dahh. why awal ? pasal, baik awal mandii then rabut rabut kann ? but, thank god my roommates memuaskann laa. eventho room kmii seramaii 13orangg. but, i felt lucky laa pokoknyaa. then, by 0530, we all had to go to surauu to do subuhh prayer. wel, yes.. di mestiikann. why ? perkaraa wajib waa tuu. kann kann ? but, atuu punn adaa yg indaa sudii memijakkann kakii ke surauu. in my case, i followed what ustazahh told us. that is, once we sleep, theres 3ikatann on our tubuhh badann. caraa membukaa the ikatann is, first, bwaa mandiii, second, berwuduuk andd lastlyy, sembahhyangg. whichh is truee thoo. youu all cann try it tho. thenn, what ustaz told us lgii, once youu sembahyang, thenn after that youu bwaa tdur, he said, our day indaa ceriaa tiaa. atuu punn benar laa. i tried before. knowingg without trying kann ? so, yeahh.. :)
after sembahyang, we had kuliahh subuhh. seriouslyy, atuu yg membgii kalat mataa tuu. siapaa kuat imann, tahann plngg tuu. org yg indaa baa, confirmed kecundangg. sampaii tertdur tdur tuu. but, sometimes, siuk juaaa. hee. kalauu akuu, yatahh blik balik ke jambann tuu cucii mataaa. hahah. tpii, munn lamahh bnr, walked away from surauu, andd end up dii katill tuu confirmedly. heeh.. :P andd yeahh.. biasaanyaa, kuliahh subuhh abis around 6ishh laa. org readyy bebajuu sudahh tuu. me, indaa tuu. until our breakfast sampaii. tauu laa, asal sjaa makann mestii o'o. :P after that, bruu bebajuu.
by 0710, kamii adaa baris pagii. biasaa laa. attendence anddd all. naikkann benderaa apaaa. done perbarisann pagii, all pelatihh pelatihh di mestiikann ke surauu. untuk bacaa doa pagii, andd evenn bacaa Al- Qurann as well. thenn, if adaa things kann dii sampaii kann arahh kamii, kenaa teruskann tiaa dii surauu tuu. until pukul 0800, we bounced all ke bengkel bengkel. but, onlyy on thursday sjaa kmii ke bengkel by 9. why ? pasal, adaa tahlil lgii. harii khamis kann ? biasaa laa.
thenn, bengkel. biasaa laa.. belajar andd all. learned some ilmuu yg berpatutann. hee. eventho, our sir is my own brother, i still anggap him as my sir in class. luar class lainn laa. andd atuu, kmii masaa last day kenaa bgii kuncii untuk our locker room. hahah. mine is number 15. :D ohh, by 1000, kmii adaa breaks for 30mins. atuu punn, if sampat, ampit thh kamii food tuu. if not, indaa thh tuu. had to blii dii cooperasii. whichh, bolehh laa juaa. not bad. ramai juaa org memblii. lapar pnyaa pasal. who cares kann ? heehh..
1030, masuk bengkel semulaa. sambung belajar. wel, tantuu laa kann. until, pukul 1200. kmii abis class andd kiraa rehat laa tuu. pasal at 1400, kamii masuk bengkel semulaa. my case tuu, sampaii sjaa hostel, i trus jemur my bjuu, andd munn adaa brngg kann sii sasahh, menyasahh thh kuu tuu. by 1230, kmii kesurauu. for zohor prayer. my penyasahhann, kuu tinggalkann tuu. abis sembahyangg. back semulaa andd menjamur apaa laa. done everything, bruu kuu lunchh tuu. atuu punn if the food still available. hahha. munn indaa, memblii nasii katok wardenn thh tuu. hee. awuu ihh.. kamii adaa nasii katok klii juaa ahh. :P
thenn, after makann, o'o terus mandii, thenn bebjuu thh kuu tuu. if still got time, i dint berehat dii room tuu. i go berehat sii surauu. beraircond. hahah. :P gilaa.. tengahh harii waa tuu. akuu mestii tuu beraircond ahh. akuu lgii yg kuat bepalohh. :S so, yeahh.. by 1400, masuk bengkel tiaa. sambungg belajar. and yeahh.. since kamii kkp ramaii. 50pelatihh. kamii kenaa bgii 2. kkp1 andd kkp2. im in kkp1. hee. no different plng. masehh juaa pelatihh kkp kann ? so, yeahh.. andd 50 atuu punn. ramaii ke bini binii. guys, 10org gnyaa. the rest, wanitaa. heeh..
thenn, by 1600, kamii abis class. pasal, adaa asar prayer. after asar kmii adaa perbarisann lgii. untuk menurunkann benderaa. andd againn, attendence beambil lgii for the second time. sometimes kawat tiaa lgii apaa. done that, free time tiaa. :D tpii, sayaa, mainn futsal ihh.. mauu juaa fit dii snaa kann ? hahah. krg jdii kakii bangkuu, peadhh juaa. so, yeahh.. i plays footballl there patang patangg. until, 1745 sjaa. why ? pasal, kann makann patang lgii. atuu punn kalauu ampit. menyasahh lgii. atuu punn if indaa ramaii. but, i usually, makann sjaa. thenn mandii for magrib prayer.
at 1830, kmii mestii dii surauu sudahh. so, sembahyangg thenn truskann membacaa membacaa tuu. while waiting for isyak. sometimes kamii berdikir juaa. hee. siuk laa. melapas stress teriak teriak. tantuu kann ? screamo kalimahh Allah. hee. bepahalaa juaa. hee. :P thennn, after that, free tiaa lgii kamii. by 2200, kiraa kiraa kamii done everything laa. manaa lgii adaa night classes. so, yeahh.. done sjaa. yatahh.. adaa yg menyasahh apaa tuu. munn adaa brng kann disasah, menyasahh thh tuu malam malam. andd supposed kamii kenaa suruhh tdur by 2300 laa. tpii, biasaa laa. adaa yg melapak lgii apaa. adaa yg menyasahh. be que up tuu apaa. adaa yg makann. adaa yg revise. adaa yg mainn games. biasaa laa. sorng sorng lainn caraanyaa melapaskann stress kann ? manaa lgii beguitar apaa. menyanyii nyanyii. hahah. funn laa juaa.
bnyak karenah karenahh yg memberangsangkann laa. hee. munn akuu, baikk kuu mandii, bersihhkann dirii thenn tdur. hahah ! tantuu nyamann. yatahh gnyaa masaa kamii berehat tuu. thenn, menyambung tiaa bebalik esuknyaa. so, whichh do youu prefer kamuu kamuu ? save your time kann berehat kaa or, melepak lepak lgii ? revise lainn ceritaa laa. so, yeahh.. ituu laa kehidupann kuu dii ppb. hahahah. indaa social lgii. hahaha. :P:P cubaa kamuu pikirkann.. sii wiraa sudahh tebuat, why not youu right ? so, live youre life. hee. adious ! :D
Sunday, 22 February 2009
baaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbaaaaaaaa black sheeeeepppppp!!!
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Monday, 16 February 2009
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Thursday, 12 February 2009
nothing sure as a rollercoster (sp?) ride. :)
hello.. it's been awhile. sorry wira. :)
hows you doin' there? hoping that everything is fine. well, just checking. i have nothing to say : / and imissyou.
to fiffy, its your special day! :) have fun
no.. at the top of our lungs theres no, no such thing as too young (:
ohh, buckhead. *hugs
hows you doin' there? hoping that everything is fine. well, just checking. i have nothing to say : / and imissyou.
to fiffy, its your special day! :) have fun
no.. at the top of our lungs theres no, no such thing as too young (:
ohh, buckhead. *hugs
Sunday, 8 February 2009
wiraa! hahahh. you didn't tell me youve checked your blerg. but, thanks to let us know. i'm glad that you were having fun. thumbsup for you there ;)
i'll always gonna miss you here buckhead. xP
be back on the 17th Feb huh? jangan saja inda mengontact kami kami here. it's bad that you didnt left any arah cbox. even nudge pun complain. kan? hehehe. but thats okay. and again, thanks for letting us know about your day in ppb. takecare alright. ;)
goodnight. ;)
i'll always gonna miss you here buckhead. xP
be back on the 17th Feb huh? jangan saja inda mengontact kami kami here. it's bad that you didnt left any arah cbox. even nudge pun complain. kan? hehehe. but thats okay. and again, thanks for letting us know about your day in ppb. takecare alright. ;)
goodnight. ;)
was here kamuu !!! :D
GUYS !!! hello andd here i am bloging. HAHAH ! wel, its nearly 1 here. and, wanna know what kamuu ?? my first day in ppb was so siuk muchh ! :D:D dint expected to be that siuk, whenn me, myself meets athh. come on.. HAHAH. andd more siuk-er whenn hes my fcuking roommate ? HAHAH. as i was saying last time.. wanna rock ppb withh him, which it happened ! HAHAHAH !
and so, to be honest, my roommate is so, siuk whenn theres bob, abng andd adik. :D more siuk-er lgii, whenn innocent peoples yg seroom smaa kamii punn ikut bergilaa waa. heheh. ohh.. first day was tiring. wel, tantuu thh tuu kann ? whichh had to berorintasii tiaa apaa. tpii, siuk laa. :) first day juaa, all my roommate jdii my closed friends here. whichh, kamii seramaii, 13orangg in one big room. but, i felt lucky, pasal.. we had our ownn jambann. :D
why is that, pasal, it supposed kami 12people sjaa in one big room. whichh kmii 13people andd the rest, adaa yg 6 people in one room tiaa. adaa plngg juaa yg 13orangg. but, too bad they had to shared bathroom. wel, one bathhroom. heeh.. andd so, we had to bgnn awal andd biasaa laa, do the five prayers. hee. 0:) kamii heree, kenaa ajar-ed back to basic tiaa. wel, its normal punn. but, theres banyak motivasiis heree. gilaa waa. :S semuaa padas padas. tpii, it opens up my mind since then.
andd about food here. :/ once lambat sjaa, indaa tiaa ampit tuu. heehh.. kmii thh yg banyak complained about foods. heeh.. cnaathh juaa ah ? our room, next to th kitchenn here, whichh shared withh 3rooms ? come on.. oranggnyaa lgii manaa pedulii tuu. wel, skip that. andd my 2nd day here, was just great. as youu know laa. alum spark and all. and our ajk's rugged rugged ! :D they care muchh alot. :) plus, drngg thh yg meraaygeng kamii tuu. aiyaa. but, so far so good.
the teachers here punn, cool cool. bruu 4 harii snii, kamii 5orangg, who is, me, athh, bob, adik andd abng, rapat tiaa withh them. hahah. wel, awuu.. kmii superstar snii kliahh ! :P cehh ~ but, pokoknyaa, i had funn laa juaa here. andd i cried whenn we all kenaa bacaakann adaa this doaa, whichh something about taubat. gilaa waaa ! :S:S touchhed berabiss waa kuu. andd it helps me to be who i am sebenarnyaa. how proud i should be as a muslim dood. alhamdulilahh laa juaa here. :')
3rd day, all guys kenaa bawaa keluar. pasal, had to pray for friday's pray. andd yeahh, withh that all kindaa the funn this here, doesnt meann i forgot my outside lovers. :) i always misses kamuu kamuu out there. benar thh. :') but, sabar.. let me be the right guy first. believing myself andd all. then, whenn im all ready be one of it, insha-Allah, i get back to what i've been missingg. mostly the lovers. youu, of cause i do misses youu punn. :')
since its pusat pembanggunnann beliaa here, kmii did bnyak activities. macam last night, it was siuk muchh sungguhh ! kmii mainn blindfold. hee. wel, since i was the leader in my team, i had to be more berquality laa pokoknyaa. andd yeahh.. we're here, no matter girls or boys, kmii macam adii beradii sudahh pun. evenn the teacher punn we called kakaa andd all laa. hee. oh, hows my timing here, i had to bgnn by 430am andd abis belajar, at 10pm. kiraa tiaa, berapaa jam gnyaa kmii kann rest ahh ? atuu punn ahh.. we had to do our own laundry. heehh.. tired muchh kamuu. benar thh.. :')
andd our last day berorientasii was.. :'( dealing withh tears againn and all. laughh atuu perkaraa biasaa kann. so, yeahh.. cried whenn, all the ajk's had to let us live ourself alone. so, its so menyedihhkan youu know. :'( before that, kamii adaa many things happend laa. too muchh to describe how tired i was. but, with my soul, confirmed indaa sanggup youu know. thats honest. :'] andd yeahh as i mentioned tdii i was blogging at 12ishh, awal anii, it supposed to be harii sundayy now. so, anii sjaa duluu i cann post niee. andd maybe, this 17th, kmii pulangg rumahh just for awhile. pasal, kmii ikut kebangsaan ahh. :') so, til here duluu yes ? love youu kamu kamuu. hee. andd thanks againn to youu my love, for keep on updatingg it. andd, as i said, its okehh punn if youre busy there to update my blog. :) understandd punn i. hee. wel, im tired now.. i really think i sould sleep now.. since, im only the one who banggunann here. so, nights people. *hugs.
ps; i might not really check my blog macam before. so, roger that yes ? :')
and so, to be honest, my roommate is so, siuk whenn theres bob, abng andd adik. :D more siuk-er lgii, whenn innocent peoples yg seroom smaa kamii punn ikut bergilaa waa. heheh. ohh.. first day was tiring. wel, tantuu thh tuu kann ? whichh had to berorintasii tiaa apaa. tpii, siuk laa. :) first day juaa, all my roommate jdii my closed friends here. whichh, kamii seramaii, 13orangg in one big room. but, i felt lucky, pasal.. we had our ownn jambann. :D
why is that, pasal, it supposed kami 12people sjaa in one big room. whichh kmii 13people andd the rest, adaa yg 6 people in one room tiaa. adaa plngg juaa yg 13orangg. but, too bad they had to shared bathroom. wel, one bathhroom. heeh.. andd so, we had to bgnn awal andd biasaa laa, do the five prayers. hee. 0:) kamii heree, kenaa ajar-ed back to basic tiaa. wel, its normal punn. but, theres banyak motivasiis heree. gilaa waa. :S semuaa padas padas. tpii, it opens up my mind since then.
andd about food here. :/ once lambat sjaa, indaa tiaa ampit tuu. heehh.. kmii thh yg banyak complained about foods. heeh.. cnaathh juaa ah ? our room, next to th kitchenn here, whichh shared withh 3rooms ? come on.. oranggnyaa lgii manaa pedulii tuu. wel, skip that. andd my 2nd day here, was just great. as youu know laa. alum spark and all. and our ajk's rugged rugged ! :D they care muchh alot. :) plus, drngg thh yg meraaygeng kamii tuu. aiyaa. but, so far so good.
the teachers here punn, cool cool. bruu 4 harii snii, kamii 5orangg, who is, me, athh, bob, adik andd abng, rapat tiaa withh them. hahah. wel, awuu.. kmii superstar snii kliahh ! :P cehh ~ but, pokoknyaa, i had funn laa juaa here. andd i cried whenn we all kenaa bacaakann adaa this doaa, whichh something about taubat. gilaa waaa ! :S:S touchhed berabiss waa kuu. andd it helps me to be who i am sebenarnyaa. how proud i should be as a muslim dood. alhamdulilahh laa juaa here. :')
3rd day, all guys kenaa bawaa keluar. pasal, had to pray for friday's pray. andd yeahh, withh that all kindaa the funn this here, doesnt meann i forgot my outside lovers. :) i always misses kamuu kamuu out there. benar thh. :') but, sabar.. let me be the right guy first. believing myself andd all. then, whenn im all ready be one of it, insha-Allah, i get back to what i've been missingg. mostly the lovers. youu, of cause i do misses youu punn. :')
since its pusat pembanggunnann beliaa here, kmii did bnyak activities. macam last night, it was siuk muchh sungguhh ! kmii mainn blindfold. hee. wel, since i was the leader in my team, i had to be more berquality laa pokoknyaa. andd yeahh.. we're here, no matter girls or boys, kmii macam adii beradii sudahh pun. evenn the teacher punn we called kakaa andd all laa. hee. oh, hows my timing here, i had to bgnn by 430am andd abis belajar, at 10pm. kiraa tiaa, berapaa jam gnyaa kmii kann rest ahh ? atuu punn ahh.. we had to do our own laundry. heehh.. tired muchh kamuu. benar thh.. :')
andd our last day berorientasii was.. :'( dealing withh tears againn and all. laughh atuu perkaraa biasaa kann. so, yeahh.. cried whenn, all the ajk's had to let us live ourself alone. so, its so menyedihhkan youu know. :'( before that, kamii adaa many things happend laa. too muchh to describe how tired i was. but, with my soul, confirmed indaa sanggup youu know. thats honest. :'] andd yeahh as i mentioned tdii i was blogging at 12ishh, awal anii, it supposed to be harii sundayy now. so, anii sjaa duluu i cann post niee. andd maybe, this 17th, kmii pulangg rumahh just for awhile. pasal, kmii ikut kebangsaan ahh. :') so, til here duluu yes ? love youu kamu kamuu. hee. andd thanks againn to youu my love, for keep on updatingg it. andd, as i said, its okehh punn if youre busy there to update my blog. :) understandd punn i. hee. wel, im tired now.. i really think i sould sleep now.. since, im only the one who banggunann here. so, nights people. *hugs.
ps; i might not really check my blog macam before. so, roger that yes ? :')
Saturday, 7 February 2009
you left me memories
goodmorning everyone.
oh i want to inform that might im not going to update weh's blog few days. heeh, but will reply kamu kamu punya text arah cbox, if you leave any.
to wiraa, i miss our memories. hehh, balik balik yes? sanak saja orang. hehe. eh youu, im watching raise your voice. and guess what hillary duff's room no. 315. xP i knoww. sekadar. but yeah it's your number, buckhead! heeh, and i remember we used to watch tv sambil online. siuk tu. heheh
Bh bhh, till here dulu. adios. x)
oh i want to inform that might im not going to update weh's blog few days. heeh, but will reply kamu kamu punya text arah cbox, if you leave any.
to wiraa, i miss our memories. hehh, balik balik yes? sanak saja orang. hehe. eh youu, im watching raise your voice. and guess what hillary duff's room no. 315. xP i knoww. sekadar. but yeah it's your number, buckhead! heeh, and i remember we used to watch tv sambil online. siuk tu. heheh
Bh bhh, till here dulu. adios. x)
Friday, 6 February 2009
never stop :)
is it raining still? gilaaaaa. banar banar tu eh. xP goodmorning readers. i had a baddream justnow. forgot to wash my feet before sleep. x) i prefer to share my nightmare with wehh if hes here. it's about him pun. thats why terus post. hehe. buckhead, thanks. glad that i dreamt about him but too bad. he was mean x/
how do i start...he was home at Tumasik and i was there too. celebrating iman's birthday i guess. since he didn't get the chance to say goodbye to imanlove, temimpi pulang nah. it's bad, i know. then, the party was a mess. ehh malas becerita. skip that.. hehe.
wiraa, behapaa youu now?
is your roommate okaay?
how about the meal?
kami rindu wiraa here. i know i didn't post alot, but as you wanted. i update kann. x) and check your blog everydaaaaay. hahah alum pulang lama but yes, everyday will do. :) buckhead, i miss your voice. and the way you put a smile on my face, your eyes, your bulliness. hehehe. betah ihh. xS bh bhh.. readers, i'll updatekan lagi later. have a nice day :)
p/s : don't forget kami
how do i start...he was home at Tumasik and i was there too. celebrating iman's birthday i guess. since he didn't get the chance to say goodbye to imanlove, temimpi pulang nah. it's bad, i know. then, the party was a mess. ehh malas becerita. skip that.. hehe.
wiraa, behapaa youu now?
is your roommate okaay?
how about the meal?
kami rindu wiraa here. i know i didn't post alot, but as you wanted. i update kann. x) and check your blog everydaaaaay. hahah alum pulang lama but yes, everyday will do. :) buckhead, i miss your voice. and the way you put a smile on my face, your eyes, your bulliness. hehehe. betah ihh. xS bh bhh.. readers, i'll updatekan lagi later. have a nice day :)
p/s : don't forget kami
everything is different when youre not around
:) hello. wiraa, its raining outside there. pun raining at ppb i guess? you know when its raining, it reminds me of you. i miss you buckhead. we all do i guess. kan? x) my midnight isn't the same as always. used to go online ni with you, back before you berjahat with me. xp damnit, its just different. tapi, few nights before you gone to ppb, no jahat jahat tiaa. sweeeet x)
thankyou wehh, for being there when i needed youu. thanks for trusting me to do all of this. will hold your words and we both make it real when you come back later. haha. bengang people what ive been saying about? we promised. but its not right for me to tell tell here since im not allowed to.. er, maybe. xP all i keep saying in my mind is HURRY BACK buckhead. x) see wehh, the rain is getting havier. bowhh xP
though youve been bad to me some times, andang pun si wehh devil. but, the other site of you, youre baik. agree people? awu jaa. youve said to me theres no use to have a gun without bullets. ingat wehh? time kecundang nii. with tears and stuff, you've been there with me. to support me and never gaveup. thankyou once again, i achieved one of my dreams sudahh. *hugs.. ohh wehh, i just can't think of any other words right noww to make this post sparks. all i want to say is, i miss the past. and i need it now. its like, my night is a nightmare. hope you doing fine now. bet yore in your doom, with your roomate, sleepingg. have a nice dream dear. and all of us here pray for your joy, be good in class and find new friends. ofcourse, your roomate will be your first friend. i guarenteee! xP setauu. hahaha. mcm membaca saja you ah. hope you will x)
bh bhh.. its midnight, and it will not be wise for me and for youu readers yang have school later to be late to bed x) good night people. and thanks for reading.
p/s : wehh, i sayang youu.
thankyou wehh, for being there when i needed youu. thanks for trusting me to do all of this. will hold your words and we both make it real when you come back later. haha. bengang people what ive been saying about? we promised. but its not right for me to tell tell here since im not allowed to.. er, maybe. xP all i keep saying in my mind is HURRY BACK buckhead. x) see wehh, the rain is getting havier. bowhh xP
though youve been bad to me some times, andang pun si wehh devil. but, the other site of you, youre baik. agree people? awu jaa. youve said to me theres no use to have a gun without bullets. ingat wehh? time kecundang nii. with tears and stuff, you've been there with me. to support me and never gaveup. thankyou once again, i achieved one of my dreams sudahh. *hugs.. ohh wehh, i just can't think of any other words right noww to make this post sparks. all i want to say is, i miss the past. and i need it now. its like, my night is a nightmare. hope you doing fine now. bet yore in your doom, with your roomate, sleepingg. have a nice dream dear. and all of us here pray for your joy, be good in class and find new friends. ofcourse, your roomate will be your first friend. i guarenteee! xP setauu. hahaha. mcm membaca saja you ah. hope you will x)
bh bhh.. its midnight, and it will not be wise for me and for youu readers yang have school later to be late to bed x) good night people. and thanks for reading.
p/s : wehh, i sayang youu.
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
for a start, hello readers. x) its 4th February and as you all know weh is now at ppb. the first day indeed. and just incase you read this, wehh. i miss you already. heehh.. he told me to tell in this post of what hes been doing yesterday. IF i remember apa. xp Weh wokeup early i guess, had his shower and off to buy a big bag. penuh tia kali bag ah with his red stuffs xp 'shopping ya sama daddy'. andthen, he played golf since its his last day :s and lastly.. lastnight di rumah abangnya tiaa yaa. waiting for his last moment before ppb which! andang pun di ppb the abang's place. heheh. in other words for you wehh, 'semangat' hahaha! :P
wehh, for this first post, i dont have much to say pulang yang sebenar benarnya. i'll make your wish come true soon xP yang about the bad and good about youu. okeh? terpaksa buat karangan dulu. hahahah. heehh, imissyou buckhead!
so.. i think thats it dulu, will update again soon. x) see wehh. i updatekan sudah xP eventah inda seberapa. hahah. *hugs*
wehh, for this first post, i dont have much to say pulang yang sebenar benarnya. i'll make your wish come true soon xP yang about the bad and good about youu. okeh? terpaksa buat karangan dulu. hahahah. heehh, imissyou buckhead!
so.. i think thats it dulu, will update again soon. x) see wehh. i updatekan sudah xP eventah inda seberapa. hahah. *hugs*
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
goodbye ? x\
as i mentioned here, all about ppb thingy, and yeahh.. it happens. how soon it was, how im gonna go menghilangg, so this shit happens. aiyo ! for how long ? for 9months i'll be arrested. whichh ive heard, only once a month bruu kluar and if theres any holidays maybe. birthday kuu, kluar plngg tuu. hahah. xP but, here i say awal awal. to those yg birthdays frm 4th feb to 9months after that, sorry if indaa tergreet. okehh ? may youu all had a bless wishes. x)
and yeahh.. mummy agreed withh me to pass all my personal stuff like phone apaa arhh someone. but, pyahh muchh tiaa juaa. she must be busy withh her school and studies juaa kn ? so, i might cancel that up. but, talking about my blerg anii, dont be hairann if yaa berupdate kliiahh ? cause, theres someone gonnaa works on it. so, yeahh.. blogger, just say that shes someone very the very rapat muchh hantap to me sudahh. so, layann her yes ? and sure will, im gonna miss kamu kamuu. x')
to them yg rajin visited my blog and to them who rocks my cbox. hahah. nudge, alaii, aai, chilaa, nabster, wanii, suii, annaa, ec, izahh, qis, ziqahh and all. pokoknyaa ramaii lagii laa. mostly to my adek belabihh muchh kuu sii eqahh ! i know, we tak sempat meet up and all. but, yeahh.. i always gonna miss kamuu kamuu tiaa. to alaii for beingg there againn. nudge for creatingg smiles. hee. i love youu, people. xD ohh, not to forget to the haters on my cbox ! hahah. eventho kmuu antii brabis kn akuu, still appreciate that kmuu masehh juaa setiaa memvisited blog kuu ani. hahah. youu people rocks me. \m/
and ofcause, to fiffy.. baikthh blajar bebanar ! form 5 nie ! adangthh kn begauk ! blik blik juaa kerumahh. suii, drenaa, acut yaa munn yaa bolahh ! xP hahah. gilaaa, macam membuat wasiat sjaa. hahah. it reminds me of my old friend duluu masaa skulahh. yaa bruu bruuan bcgup, kalii batuk batuk. awuu, bewasiat tiaa yaa. hahah. bginyaa lgii akuu tuu. cehh ~ mentangg mentangg yaa bgas belajar pasal wasiat. terinfluence plngg yaa. hahah ! wel, now, adaa plngg yaa masehh hidup. hahah. funny ihh..
and yeahh.. enough withh the speechh. just, eventho i wont be around, will do think about me yes ? hahah. klauu mauu laa juaa. munn indaa, jgnn. hee. peace. xP hemm.. aaaarrkkkkhhh !! *screamingg. without phone lgii tuu ! wel, i cann bringg it plngg. so that, i cann contact contact org. hahah. otp apaa. but, bulehh youu ? xP hahah. antahh ihh.. should i break the rules ? xP let see hows my first month disnaa laa ahh ? thenn, pandai pandaii thh i tuu.
and ohh, hopefully roommate kuu org org cool. hahah. mudahan thh ndaa yg uncool. hee. AMINN !! and also at least adaa faces yg kuu kenalii laa juaa. adaa, sii athh. tpii, indaa smaa tiaa juaa bidang bidangann atuu ! heeh.. just, i very hopes that my time ani, orgnyaa cool cool laa. hee. chicksnyaa punn hot hot. cehh ~ xP sorry youu.. xP hee. so, should i say goodbye now ? hahah ! makan kn matii thh juaa usulnyaa ihh.. pachh aaa ! xP
ohh, to those yg bengangg why i'll be gone by tomorow is because, i'll be sleeping at abng's place. where is dii ppb juaa ? hahah. tantuu, ampir.. heeh.. so, semestinyaa, i wont be active withh this onlining thingy. so, harap maklum yes ? hee. people, be good and to jann, be strongg, to eqahh, stay belabihh, to nudge, keep on rockingg, to alaii, jgnthh kn begauk ! so, since im not really good in goodbyes, so, adious ya'll. doa doakn sjaa kuu. askum. x)
and yeahh.. mummy agreed withh me to pass all my personal stuff like phone apaa arhh someone. but, pyahh muchh tiaa juaa. she must be busy withh her school and studies juaa kn ? so, i might cancel that up. but, talking about my blerg anii, dont be hairann if yaa berupdate kliiahh ? cause, theres someone gonnaa works on it. so, yeahh.. blogger, just say that shes someone very the very rapat muchh hantap to me sudahh. so, layann her yes ? and sure will, im gonna miss kamu kamuu. x')
to them yg rajin visited my blog and to them who rocks my cbox. hahah. nudge, alaii, aai, chilaa, nabster, wanii, suii, annaa, ec, izahh, qis, ziqahh and all. pokoknyaa ramaii lagii laa. mostly to my adek belabihh muchh kuu sii eqahh ! i know, we tak sempat meet up and all. but, yeahh.. i always gonna miss kamuu kamuu tiaa. to alaii for beingg there againn. nudge for creatingg smiles. hee. i love youu, people. xD ohh, not to forget to the haters on my cbox ! hahah. eventho kmuu antii brabis kn akuu, still appreciate that kmuu masehh juaa setiaa memvisited blog kuu ani. hahah. youu people rocks me. \m/
and ofcause, to fiffy.. baikthh blajar bebanar ! form 5 nie ! adangthh kn begauk ! blik blik juaa kerumahh. suii, drenaa, acut yaa munn yaa bolahh ! xP hahah. gilaaa, macam membuat wasiat sjaa. hahah. it reminds me of my old friend duluu masaa skulahh. yaa bruu bruuan bcgup, kalii batuk batuk. awuu, bewasiat tiaa yaa. hahah. bginyaa lgii akuu tuu. cehh ~ mentangg mentangg yaa bgas belajar pasal wasiat. terinfluence plngg yaa. hahah ! wel, now, adaa plngg yaa masehh hidup. hahah. funny ihh..
and yeahh.. enough withh the speechh. just, eventho i wont be around, will do think about me yes ? hahah. klauu mauu laa juaa. munn indaa, jgnn. hee. peace. xP hemm.. aaaarrkkkkhhh !! *screamingg. without phone lgii tuu ! wel, i cann bringg it plngg. so that, i cann contact contact org. hahah. otp apaa. but, bulehh youu ? xP hahah. antahh ihh.. should i break the rules ? xP let see hows my first month disnaa laa ahh ? thenn, pandai pandaii thh i tuu.
and ohh, hopefully roommate kuu org org cool. hahah. mudahan thh ndaa yg uncool. hee. AMINN !! and also at least adaa faces yg kuu kenalii laa juaa. adaa, sii athh. tpii, indaa smaa tiaa juaa bidang bidangann atuu ! heeh.. just, i very hopes that my time ani, orgnyaa cool cool laa. hee. chicksnyaa punn hot hot. cehh ~ xP sorry youu.. xP hee. so, should i say goodbye now ? hahah ! makan kn matii thh juaa usulnyaa ihh.. pachh aaa ! xP
ohh, to those yg bengangg why i'll be gone by tomorow is because, i'll be sleeping at abng's place. where is dii ppb juaa ? hahah. tantuu, ampir.. heeh.. so, semestinyaa, i wont be active withh this onlining thingy. so, harap maklum yes ? hee. people, be good and to jann, be strongg, to eqahh, stay belabihh, to nudge, keep on rockingg, to alaii, jgnthh kn begauk ! so, since im not really good in goodbyes, so, adious ya'll. doa doakn sjaa kuu. askum. x)
my everyday life.
by 1ishh, i wokeup tdii. went out, kakaa was there makann. then, since im going to ppb this 4th FEB, 2009, so i called daddy and wanted to buy some stuffs. since last time, alum terabis kuu bershopping. so, daddy said, hes on his way blik. so, i ran to my room and naked myself then took my shower.
semanaa manaa, i feels like, i was blik sekulahh trus mandii. heeh.. weird. then, after shower i get ready and all. i was berchattingg withh some friends juaa tdii. by around 2, daddy came and trus tiaa bwaa kuu jlnn. and shit.. i realized that i missplace where i put my shades. arhh abngg's ride klii. i keep on lupaa kn crii tuu until i went out and meliat siang atuu. sekajap kuu kusut pasal shades, sekajap juaa ilangg the kusutness. so, we went to nearby kedaii. where is dii first emp. & supermarket. known by, bangunan kuningg dii batuu satuu.
so, i bought things that needed laa like stationery stuffs. i bought it all red in colour. tantuu, asal merahh akuu pnyaa. hahah. xP my file, sikit lgii i wanted to blii file mickey mouse. but, nahh.. i prefer it all red. so, i bought red towel as well. sudahh kn kebwahh, tersinggahh tiaa juaa mataa atuu arhh kasut. so, i bought sport shoes. wel, adaa plngg sudahh, but since the surat says kasut putehh, so daddy punn like, jgnthh kn break the rules anii. so, i bought the same adidas shoes that i survey di mall last saturday. and yeahh. ke keretaa ngantar barangg, then blik semulaa memilihh some stuff.
since ive been asked to bwaa segalaa baldii and umo untuk menyasahh, so againn, i bought it in red colour. umonyaa punn merahh. hahah. xP then, barangg mandii lgii. since daddy said, blii sjaa yg biasaa, so i tak jdii belii starter pack for personal stuff yg di amway. heeh.. then, sabunn, i bought palmolive and shampoo punn on the same brand. cehh.. warnaa merahh kliiahh. shampoonyaa gnyaa warnaa meron campur putehh. heeh.. then, deodorant punn merahh. berus gigi, i bought yg 3 in 1. pasal, i saw adaa warnaa merahh and hijauu. hee. colgate, tantuu thh yg merahh hijauu tuu ahh. and everything yg needed klauu tnii kn behidup laa pokoknyaa. hahah. nyamann mataakuu liat warnaa merahh atuu. then, otw blik, singgahh di tailor and my sluar siap. x]
sampaii rumahh, i terus askd the maid cucii all the things yg kn dipkai ke badann. tantuu indaa gatal kn ? and pacahhly, 1 thing i forgot to blii tdii. beg basar baa. since i lost mine yg duluu. yatahh kn memblii lgii. aiyahh.. indaa kuu mauu pkaii beg belayar ! hahah. mun atuu, daddy bnyk tuu dii atas ahh. but, yeahh.. no ! x\
when the things karingg sudahh. awuu, sekajap karingg baa. panas waa today. so, i terus tried it on. and, hahahahahah ! seluar putungkuu skinny yo. indaa plngg nyaman makaii, but, my fault juaa yg mauu cematuu. so, yeahh.. rasaakn laa ko wiraa. then, i just rest dibilik, peacefully. x)
then, by 8 we supposed adaa meetingg, but i dont feel like going. pasal, i wannaa bermalas malas di blik kuu, whichh i'll be gone. x\ heeh.. so, i stayed at home tiaa sjaa. until bruu kuu terasaa lapar. mintaa masakan tiaa kuu arhh genaa. whichh badtrip tiaa juaa ! gas abis.. x\ few hour after that, daddy came and tukar the gas. then, done makan, i had my dinner awal samaa daddy tiaa. wel, for me, yaa juaa breakfast, lunchh and dinner tuu. heeh.. after that, lockedup in my room tiaa. x)
until 10 klii, kakaa mintaa dgni ke pasar malam kn belii food. but me, lalaii berfb and blogging sekajap tdii. then, blik rumahh, i just minum air kelapaa. lamaa dahh indaa minum that. heeh.. indaa nyaman ahh.. xP pasal, my ilt adaa. xD ice lemon teaa i mean. x) then around 11, the parents came and mummy bought me kerupok lekor. hee. alum plngg kuu makann tuu. krg thh.. and yeahh.. berbloggingg tiaa kuu now. bh, bhh.. i'll post lgii my last post later. x') last ? heeh.. x\
semanaa manaa, i feels like, i was blik sekulahh trus mandii. heeh.. weird. then, after shower i get ready and all. i was berchattingg withh some friends juaa tdii. by around 2, daddy came and trus tiaa bwaa kuu jlnn. and shit.. i realized that i missplace where i put my shades. arhh abngg's ride klii. i keep on lupaa kn crii tuu until i went out and meliat siang atuu. sekajap kuu kusut pasal shades, sekajap juaa ilangg the kusutness. so, we went to nearby kedaii. where is dii first emp. & supermarket. known by, bangunan kuningg dii batuu satuu.
so, i bought things that needed laa like stationery stuffs. i bought it all red in colour. tantuu, asal merahh akuu pnyaa. hahah. xP my file, sikit lgii i wanted to blii file mickey mouse. but, nahh.. i prefer it all red. so, i bought red towel as well. sudahh kn kebwahh, tersinggahh tiaa juaa mataa atuu arhh kasut. so, i bought sport shoes. wel, adaa plngg sudahh, but since the surat says kasut putehh, so daddy punn like, jgnthh kn break the rules anii. so, i bought the same adidas shoes that i survey di mall last saturday. and yeahh. ke keretaa ngantar barangg, then blik semulaa memilihh some stuff.
since ive been asked to bwaa segalaa baldii and umo untuk menyasahh, so againn, i bought it in red colour. umonyaa punn merahh. hahah. xP then, barangg mandii lgii. since daddy said, blii sjaa yg biasaa, so i tak jdii belii starter pack for personal stuff yg di amway. heeh.. then, sabunn, i bought palmolive and shampoo punn on the same brand. cehh.. warnaa merahh kliiahh. shampoonyaa gnyaa warnaa meron campur putehh. heeh.. then, deodorant punn merahh. berus gigi, i bought yg 3 in 1. pasal, i saw adaa warnaa merahh and hijauu. hee. colgate, tantuu thh yg merahh hijauu tuu ahh. and everything yg needed klauu tnii kn behidup laa pokoknyaa. hahah. nyamann mataakuu liat warnaa merahh atuu. then, otw blik, singgahh di tailor and my sluar siap. x]
sampaii rumahh, i terus askd the maid cucii all the things yg kn dipkai ke badann. tantuu indaa gatal kn ? and pacahhly, 1 thing i forgot to blii tdii. beg basar baa. since i lost mine yg duluu. yatahh kn memblii lgii. aiyahh.. indaa kuu mauu pkaii beg belayar ! hahah. mun atuu, daddy bnyk tuu dii atas ahh. but, yeahh.. no ! x\
when the things karingg sudahh. awuu, sekajap karingg baa. panas waa today. so, i terus tried it on. and, hahahahahah ! seluar putungkuu skinny yo. indaa plngg nyaman makaii, but, my fault juaa yg mauu cematuu. so, yeahh.. rasaakn laa ko wiraa. then, i just rest dibilik, peacefully. x)
then, by 8 we supposed adaa meetingg, but i dont feel like going. pasal, i wannaa bermalas malas di blik kuu, whichh i'll be gone. x\ heeh.. so, i stayed at home tiaa sjaa. until bruu kuu terasaa lapar. mintaa masakan tiaa kuu arhh genaa. whichh badtrip tiaa juaa ! gas abis.. x\ few hour after that, daddy came and tukar the gas. then, done makan, i had my dinner awal samaa daddy tiaa. wel, for me, yaa juaa breakfast, lunchh and dinner tuu. heeh.. after that, lockedup in my room tiaa. x)
until 10 klii, kakaa mintaa dgni ke pasar malam kn belii food. but me, lalaii berfb and blogging sekajap tdii. then, blik rumahh, i just minum air kelapaa. lamaa dahh indaa minum that. heeh.. indaa nyaman ahh.. xP pasal, my ilt adaa. xD ice lemon teaa i mean. x) then around 11, the parents came and mummy bought me kerupok lekor. hee. alum plngg kuu makann tuu. krg thh.. and yeahh.. berbloggingg tiaa kuu now. bh, bhh.. i'll post lgii my last post later. x') last ? heeh.. x\
when youu, against me.
so, here i wannaa share sikit about, when people, who is your own fcukingg friends, beingg someone different, just to kenaakn us, ourself and i.
sebatah batahh kuu berblog anii. wel, its been 4months. ive learned how shes beingg shit, how her being bitchh and how stupid friends are being pretenders. i wont mention who. siapaa terasaa, sorry sjaa. and i even learned how your love is just a lie to me. sakit ? i should be.. but, if dipkirkn bnr bnr ahh, why so i be in this sakit shit ? youre just nobody to me. what ? my friend ? taie laa ! is that what youu call a friend when drngg sendirii yg against ourself ? pkai namaa atuu laa, inii laa, apaa laa. tpii, knaa patann juaa masehh ! dont youu think youre just wastingg your golden time ? mann.. i just kesiann bnrnyaa. i understand how alone, bored, kusut, sasak and all youu are. but, come on ! your friends are not your games to play. im not your barbie dolls. akuu bukann bonekaa youu know. if youu thought so, fine.. i am your bonekaa who had brains to think, and hearts to feels.
be yourself baa munn kn bancii org atuu. anii, buat atuu laa.. ani laa.. no need to fool around when youu dint had enough tools. jadii bahlul sjaa ko kn ? i know laa, some, adaa yg melapas garam laa apaa. tpii, think waa ! arahh org klii ? indaa budohh kn tuu ? wel, as i said blik blik, im not perfect and so do youu. so, yg kmuu kn sakit hatii bhapaa ? we're just the same.. human beingg. lainn yaa yg adaa boobs and all that. tpii, still.. tnii manusiaa waa. ko adaa hatii, akuu punn adaa. ko adaa feelings, akuu ndaa klii ? see.. kmuu kn bancii org punn, what for ? so that, kmuu atuu jdii ratuu ? rajaa ? jdii taie lalat adaa laa ! indaa plngg bebauu ihh.. tpii, taie juaa masehh namanyaa kn ? mehir juaa tuu.. so, im not beingg busy body kaa apaa. just, think before kmuu do atuu baa. bulehh bejahat.. wel, people cann do mistakes. menipunn sunat kaa apaa.. tpi, jgnn ketaraa. ani, tarangg tarangg. dont youu think, macam pedahh menipuu tuu ? bnrr, akuu indaa plngg apaa. bancii punn kuu indaa. apaa kaa.. just, menagur sjaa. calii waa..
manaa lgii yg mauu mauu kn jdii perfect sanggat atuu. kn meluruskn org laa apaa laa. munn ko sendirii biut, cnaa org kn pecayaa ? alum kuu tejumpaa nyamo org perfect dii duniaa anii. nabii nabii lgii buat silap. ani, kauu tplngg kn setaie melurus luruskn org. bnr ihh.. at least youu care laa. apaa laa. alasann kmuu gnyaa tuu. so, here juaa i wanna sampaiikn to youu that. all of youu must adaa DTA. means, dont trust anybody.
ive been usingg that since ive been told by abng. i was still schoolingg tuu klii. whichh, bnr baa bgunaa. the more kuu percayaa cakap org, the more paloii baa dirii olehhnyaa. siapaa juaa mauu paloii kn ? thats why thh tni sekulahh. teachers lain laa. atuu, the teached us about something we dont know. atuu punn, some teachers adaa yg buat mistakes. see ? still juaa.. blik blik baa. indaa pandaii miss tuu. manaa lgii yg mintaa attension ! atuu, lgii tiaa. kn mintaa kesiann, tpii ihh.. antahh ihh !
why not kmuu just live your life and share the happiness samaa org next to youu. tantuu no harm doingg. pasalkn.. if kmuu thh kn bersecret secret ahh.. bnr ihh.. bejanjii laa apaa laa. but one day, munn arhh org kmuu bersecret secret atuu kn membukaa mulutnyaa juaa, apaa kn kmuu buat ? cubaathh ? mulut org, kmuu indaa dpt tutup. but we cann shut our mouthh instead. am i right ? yatahh.. apaathh lgii yg mistakes, wrong doings apaa tuu. abis abis jdii issues. tauu laa org melayuu anii. yg hal damit sejumput punn bulehh jdii sebasar bumii. yatahh bgii malas tuu. so, why dont we stop that shit.. buildup something good and yg tantuu mendatangkn faedahh ? doesnt mean, akuu suruhh kmuu jdii selfishh. but, talkingg about selfishh, indaa salahh baa sometimes. its your own lifes. so, who cares ? ko kn pedulikn org punn, munn ko sakit, bukannyaa org lain yg feel the painn. ko sendirii juaa kn ? so, yatahh tuu ahh.. be yourself. go withh the flow. happy go lucky. tantuu.. pray alot ! think about your own future. and just remember, DTA. dont trust anybody. believe in youu. so, lastly from me, rock your life ! \m/
ps; 'life is hard, when youu think its hard.'
sebatah batahh kuu berblog anii. wel, its been 4months. ive learned how shes beingg shit, how her being bitchh and how stupid friends are being pretenders. i wont mention who. siapaa terasaa, sorry sjaa. and i even learned how your love is just a lie to me. sakit ? i should be.. but, if dipkirkn bnr bnr ahh, why so i be in this sakit shit ? youre just nobody to me. what ? my friend ? taie laa ! is that what youu call a friend when drngg sendirii yg against ourself ? pkai namaa atuu laa, inii laa, apaa laa. tpii, knaa patann juaa masehh ! dont youu think youre just wastingg your golden time ? mann.. i just kesiann bnrnyaa. i understand how alone, bored, kusut, sasak and all youu are. but, come on ! your friends are not your games to play. im not your barbie dolls. akuu bukann bonekaa youu know. if youu thought so, fine.. i am your bonekaa who had brains to think, and hearts to feels.
be yourself baa munn kn bancii org atuu. anii, buat atuu laa.. ani laa.. no need to fool around when youu dint had enough tools. jadii bahlul sjaa ko kn ? i know laa, some, adaa yg melapas garam laa apaa. tpii, think waa ! arahh org klii ? indaa budohh kn tuu ? wel, as i said blik blik, im not perfect and so do youu. so, yg kmuu kn sakit hatii bhapaa ? we're just the same.. human beingg. lainn yaa yg adaa boobs and all that. tpii, still.. tnii manusiaa waa. ko adaa hatii, akuu punn adaa. ko adaa feelings, akuu ndaa klii ? see.. kmuu kn bancii org punn, what for ? so that, kmuu atuu jdii ratuu ? rajaa ? jdii taie lalat adaa laa ! indaa plngg bebauu ihh.. tpii, taie juaa masehh namanyaa kn ? mehir juaa tuu.. so, im not beingg busy body kaa apaa. just, think before kmuu do atuu baa. bulehh bejahat.. wel, people cann do mistakes. menipunn sunat kaa apaa.. tpi, jgnn ketaraa. ani, tarangg tarangg. dont youu think, macam pedahh menipuu tuu ? bnrr, akuu indaa plngg apaa. bancii punn kuu indaa. apaa kaa.. just, menagur sjaa. calii waa..
manaa lgii yg mauu mauu kn jdii perfect sanggat atuu. kn meluruskn org laa apaa laa. munn ko sendirii biut, cnaa org kn pecayaa ? alum kuu tejumpaa nyamo org perfect dii duniaa anii. nabii nabii lgii buat silap. ani, kauu tplngg kn setaie melurus luruskn org. bnr ihh.. at least youu care laa. apaa laa. alasann kmuu gnyaa tuu. so, here juaa i wanna sampaiikn to youu that. all of youu must adaa DTA. means, dont trust anybody.
ive been usingg that since ive been told by abng. i was still schoolingg tuu klii. whichh, bnr baa bgunaa. the more kuu percayaa cakap org, the more paloii baa dirii olehhnyaa. siapaa juaa mauu paloii kn ? thats why thh tni sekulahh. teachers lain laa. atuu, the teached us about something we dont know. atuu punn, some teachers adaa yg buat mistakes. see ? still juaa.. blik blik baa. indaa pandaii miss tuu. manaa lgii yg mintaa attension ! atuu, lgii tiaa. kn mintaa kesiann, tpii ihh.. antahh ihh !
why not kmuu just live your life and share the happiness samaa org next to youu. tantuu no harm doingg. pasalkn.. if kmuu thh kn bersecret secret ahh.. bnr ihh.. bejanjii laa apaa laa. but one day, munn arhh org kmuu bersecret secret atuu kn membukaa mulutnyaa juaa, apaa kn kmuu buat ? cubaathh ? mulut org, kmuu indaa dpt tutup. but we cann shut our mouthh instead. am i right ? yatahh.. apaathh lgii yg mistakes, wrong doings apaa tuu. abis abis jdii issues. tauu laa org melayuu anii. yg hal damit sejumput punn bulehh jdii sebasar bumii. yatahh bgii malas tuu. so, why dont we stop that shit.. buildup something good and yg tantuu mendatangkn faedahh ? doesnt mean, akuu suruhh kmuu jdii selfishh. but, talkingg about selfishh, indaa salahh baa sometimes. its your own lifes. so, who cares ? ko kn pedulikn org punn, munn ko sakit, bukannyaa org lain yg feel the painn. ko sendirii juaa kn ? so, yatahh tuu ahh.. be yourself. go withh the flow. happy go lucky. tantuu.. pray alot ! think about your own future. and just remember, DTA. dont trust anybody. believe in youu. so, lastly from me, rock your life ! \m/
ps; 'life is hard, when youu think its hard.'
Monday, 2 February 2009
walked that door. :/
Sunday, 1 February 2009
the covenant ! :D

yes, i just done watching this shit againn. indaa kuu languu niee meliat. hahah. selagiinyaa pasal witchh, indaaa kuu pandaii borengg meliat. macam ceritaa, witches of the caribbean, adaa that one witchh pakaii galang yg i pakaii always.
and ohh, im talking about witches zaman ani okehh ? bukannyaa witchh yg idung landir and pkai penyapuu untuk trabangg. atuu, nenek kebayann tuu. hahah. witchh masaa ani adaa yg pkai ducatii kliahh. hahah. they dont need segalaa penyapuu and all. maybe untuk witchh bini bini kliahh ? hahah. sajaa, bgii keteranggann. so that sii nudge indaa complain complain. heheh. xP *iloveyouu nudge. heheh. xD
my first febuary.
today, i woke up late. wel, not that late, late. around 12ishh klii. whenn out, macam biasa. this house is empty without any voices. so, i turned the tv on andd jozann show was onn. so, melayann thh kuu sjaa. hahah. pacahh laa. seems like that both doods on drugs waa. manaa lgii sorg pakaii galang rastaa. ihh.. panats. then, i checked for food to eat. andd i saw maggie indo tinggal satuu bungkus. so, my luck klii. hahah. mintaa masakkan kuu samaa telur mataa lembuu, andd kanyangly i finnished it up.
since i was terlalaii meliat tv, i received called from kakaa. so, i answered. she asked me to get ready. i said, why so ? thenn, rupaanyaa, we had meetingg. thenn i asked wheree she is, andd pacahhly, rupanyaa yaa dii atas arahh biliknyaa. hahah. setauu kuu rumahh anii indaa juaa basar bnr klii ahh ? kakaa atuu thh. so, i took my shower andd get ready. rupaanyaa, kakaa alum lgii siap apaa apaa. jubur juaa tuu ! heehh..
thenn, around 130ishh, kakaa turunn andd yes, we bounced to rimbaa, fauzan's house. reached there, quite ramai laa juaa org. and as usual, meeting meeting. but today was different sikit. we're talking about dreams andd shit, kluar juaa tears. pasal, its about things that we wanted kann. gilaa laa.. touchingg baa. pasal, the things, pernahh happend baa. heemm.. andd around 4ishh, we bounced from there.
reached home, melayann dvd kuu kajap. thenn, lapar, i went out but malas juaa kann makann atuu. so, i ate choco sjaa. extraa bgas drng drng buat choco tart ahh. makann tiaa kuu. thenn, nini came samaa abng kanzul. rahim was there punn. mannn ! hes gettingg chubby muchh ho. kiuuut ! but, too bad i dint ambil gambar. busy makann chocolate. hahaha. masaa anii, im eating things yg menbgii lampuhh sjaa niee. hahah.
thenn, when them gone, i stayed dii tv room andd tunggu spongebob. hahah. lamaa dahh indaa liat. soo, yeahh.. andd since im waitingg ceritaaa the convenant awal anii. berlappy tiaa kuu. whichh i know, akuu terlalaii muchh. now is like 1030ishh ? hahah. start waa tuu sudahh. so, yeahh.. pictures been uploaded sudahh. andd yeahh.. i bounce duluu thenn. goodnight people. cheerious ! :)
if sampat krg, i post about something yeahh ? nights..
since i was terlalaii meliat tv, i received called from kakaa. so, i answered. she asked me to get ready. i said, why so ? thenn, rupaanyaa, we had meetingg. thenn i asked wheree she is, andd pacahhly, rupanyaa yaa dii atas arahh biliknyaa. hahah. setauu kuu rumahh anii indaa juaa basar bnr klii ahh ? kakaa atuu thh. so, i took my shower andd get ready. rupaanyaa, kakaa alum lgii siap apaa apaa. jubur juaa tuu ! heehh..
thenn, around 130ishh, kakaa turunn andd yes, we bounced to rimbaa, fauzan's house. reached there, quite ramai laa juaa org. and as usual, meeting meeting. but today was different sikit. we're talking about dreams andd shit, kluar juaa tears. pasal, its about things that we wanted kann. gilaa laa.. touchingg baa. pasal, the things, pernahh happend baa. heemm.. andd around 4ishh, we bounced from there.
reached home, melayann dvd kuu kajap. thenn, lapar, i went out but malas juaa kann makann atuu. so, i ate choco sjaa. extraa bgas drng drng buat choco tart ahh. makann tiaa kuu. thenn, nini came samaa abng kanzul. rahim was there punn. mannn ! hes gettingg chubby muchh ho. kiuuut ! but, too bad i dint ambil gambar. busy makann chocolate. hahaha. masaa anii, im eating things yg menbgii lampuhh sjaa niee. hahah.
thenn, when them gone, i stayed dii tv room andd tunggu spongebob. hahah. lamaa dahh indaa liat. soo, yeahh.. andd since im waitingg ceritaaa the convenant awal anii. berlappy tiaa kuu. whichh i know, akuu terlalaii muchh. now is like 1030ishh ? hahah. start waa tuu sudahh. so, yeahh.. pictures been uploaded sudahh. andd yeahh.. i bounce duluu thenn. goodnight people. cheerious ! :)
if sampat krg, i post about something yeahh ? nights..
last night, konon kn tdur thh nie ! after done blogging, i went out and mliat tv tiaa. terlalaii. pacahh ihh.. watchh tv until bothh parents came, and join them makann apaa. then bertv tiaa kuu. until, err.. late ? by 4ishh, i went to my room, sambung berdvd lagii. and yeahh, after that tdur. around 6ishh klii. heeh..
by 12ishh, i wokeup and yeahh.. imanlove adaa. wel, this week yaa dsnii. next week, ndaa tiaa. x\ but, by next week, i wont be at home tiaa. heeh.. i will be missing everything tiaa. x'] having lunchh and then, withh iman tiaa all the way. hee. i did took some shots. but, will upload soon. and yes, since i felt like going out today. so, planed ke gdg samaa sii casby. and, yeahh.. i went gadong tdii. x)
by 4ishh i reached gdg. so, meeting sii casby and yeahh. biasaa, memacahh di gadong. bergilaa apaa. we meet bnyak temans there. and yeahh, i usully pulangg by magribishh. but, today, ahir sikit tiaa. hahah. so, yeahh.. i had funn laa. since its been awhile tak hangout and shit. by 6ishh, we had my dinner di jalan barat. and since theres someone texted me, i called her up and askd her to join us. and fcuk.. menjual kacangg waa kuu. HAHAH ! kn cas ? xP tpi siuk laa. menipuu org sekalii sekalaa. hahah ! sekalii sekalaa taie laa ! xP
after dinner, we went ongkii. but since shes leavingg, cematuu cematuu tiaa sjaa. sii casby lgii menyandii. hahah ! tjumpaa chimmy and askd him to join us. yaa lgii sorg sorg, so yeahh.. ceritaa ceritaa. and shit, serious shit, youre getting kurus chimm. hee. then, since i need to buy sport shoes for di ppb, survey survey shoes tiaa kuu. and yeahh.. adaa target sudahh. just wait for me to pull the trigger sjaa. hahah. xP macam kn menimbak org tiaa juaa bnyiinyaa. xP and yeahh.. blik ke west, kejumpaan drngg idaah, reen and eraa. sii reen indaa ceriaa tdii. x( hang sekajap withh them, then i bought some dvds.
mencri dvds punn, pacahh baa. sii casby tuu started ! HAHAH ! bishaa. xP padahal, i was looking for ceritaa sin city and any unrated movies. hahah. xP but, antahh.. ndaa waa ! xP wel, adaa.. yg unrated, atuu punn yg macam jackass. but, borengg. jackass more better than hella crazy ? heeh.. borengg laa pokoknyaa. nyasal kuu memblii ! hahah. kes gatal baa, yatahh.. xP and ohh, akuu menyelurukn chicks indo tdii, whichh rupanyaa andangg org indo. hahah ! gilaa men.. sekalii beckp, kalahh juaa kuu tuu. awuu.. indo aslii baa tuu. yg orii. diri apaa juaa ciplak. hahah ! xP
by 8ishh to 9 klii, i went back home tiaa. indaa bnyak begambar tdii ahh. adaa plngg, but, bolehh laa. will upload soon if kuu rajinn. hee. and yeahh, hujann labat tdii, and we, me daddy and genaa basahh kehujanan. heeh.. then, sampai my room, trus berdvd ihh.. hahah. so, yeahh.. im gonna go ahead lgii melayan, so sampaii disnii duluu yaa ? hee. selamat malem semuaanyaa ! daaa ~ xP
by 12ishh, i wokeup and yeahh.. imanlove adaa. wel, this week yaa dsnii. next week, ndaa tiaa. x\ but, by next week, i wont be at home tiaa. heeh.. i will be missing everything tiaa. x'] having lunchh and then, withh iman tiaa all the way. hee. i did took some shots. but, will upload soon. and yes, since i felt like going out today. so, planed ke gdg samaa sii casby. and, yeahh.. i went gadong tdii. x)
by 4ishh i reached gdg. so, meeting sii casby and yeahh. biasaa, memacahh di gadong. bergilaa apaa. we meet bnyak temans there. and yeahh, i usully pulangg by magribishh. but, today, ahir sikit tiaa. hahah. so, yeahh.. i had funn laa. since its been awhile tak hangout and shit. by 6ishh, we had my dinner di jalan barat. and since theres someone texted me, i called her up and askd her to join us. and fcuk.. menjual kacangg waa kuu. HAHAH ! kn cas ? xP tpi siuk laa. menipuu org sekalii sekalaa. hahah ! sekalii sekalaa taie laa ! xP
after dinner, we went ongkii. but since shes leavingg, cematuu cematuu tiaa sjaa. sii casby lgii menyandii. hahah ! tjumpaa chimmy and askd him to join us. yaa lgii sorg sorg, so yeahh.. ceritaa ceritaa. and shit, serious shit, youre getting kurus chimm. hee. then, since i need to buy sport shoes for di ppb, survey survey shoes tiaa kuu. and yeahh.. adaa target sudahh. just wait for me to pull the trigger sjaa. hahah. xP macam kn menimbak org tiaa juaa bnyiinyaa. xP and yeahh.. blik ke west, kejumpaan drngg idaah, reen and eraa. sii reen indaa ceriaa tdii. x( hang sekajap withh them, then i bought some dvds.
mencri dvds punn, pacahh baa. sii casby tuu started ! HAHAH ! bishaa. xP padahal, i was looking for ceritaa sin city and any unrated movies. hahah. xP but, antahh.. ndaa waa ! xP wel, adaa.. yg unrated, atuu punn yg macam jackass. but, borengg. jackass more better than hella crazy ? heeh.. borengg laa pokoknyaa. nyasal kuu memblii ! hahah. kes gatal baa, yatahh.. xP and ohh, akuu menyelurukn chicks indo tdii, whichh rupanyaa andangg org indo. hahah ! gilaa men.. sekalii beckp, kalahh juaa kuu tuu. awuu.. indo aslii baa tuu. yg orii. diri apaa juaa ciplak. hahah ! xP
by 8ishh to 9 klii, i went back home tiaa. indaa bnyak begambar tdii ahh. adaa plngg, but, bolehh laa. will upload soon if kuu rajinn. hee. and yeahh, hujann labat tdii, and we, me daddy and genaa basahh kehujanan. heeh.. then, sampai my room, trus berdvd ihh.. hahah. so, yeahh.. im gonna go ahead lgii melayan, so sampaii disnii duluu yaa ? hee. selamat malem semuaanyaa ! daaa ~ xP
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