Sunday, 8 February 2009

was here kamuu !!! :D

GUYS !!! hello andd here i am bloging. HAHAH ! wel, its nearly 1 here. and, wanna know what kamuu ?? my first day in ppb was so siuk muchh ! :D:D dint expected to be that siuk, whenn me, myself meets athh. come on.. HAHAH. andd more siuk-er whenn hes my fcuking roommate ? HAHAH. as i was saying last time.. wanna rock ppb withh him, which it happened ! HAHAHAH !

and so, to be honest, my roommate is so, siuk whenn theres bob, abng andd adik. :D more siuk-er lgii, whenn innocent peoples yg seroom smaa kamii punn ikut bergilaa waa. heheh. ohh.. first day was tiring. wel, tantuu thh tuu kann ? whichh had to berorintasii tiaa apaa. tpii, siuk laa. :) first day juaa, all my roommate jdii my closed friends here. whichh, kamii seramaii, 13orangg in one big room. but, i felt lucky, pasal.. we had our ownn jambann. :D

why is that, pasal, it supposed kami 12people sjaa in one big room. whichh kmii 13people andd the rest, adaa yg 6 people in one room tiaa. adaa plngg juaa yg 13orangg. but, too bad they had to shared bathroom. wel, one bathhroom. heeh.. andd so, we had to bgnn awal andd biasaa laa, do the five prayers. hee. 0:) kamii heree, kenaa ajar-ed back to basic tiaa. wel, its normal punn. but, theres banyak motivasiis heree. gilaa waa. :S semuaa padas padas. tpii, it opens up my mind since then.

andd about food here. :/ once lambat sjaa, indaa tiaa ampit tuu. heehh.. kmii thh yg banyak complained about foods. heeh.. cnaathh juaa ah ? our room, next to th kitchenn here, whichh shared withh 3rooms ? come on.. oranggnyaa lgii manaa pedulii tuu. wel, skip that. andd my 2nd day here, was just great. as youu know laa. alum spark and all. and our ajk's rugged rugged ! :D they care muchh alot. :) plus, drngg thh yg meraaygeng kamii tuu. aiyaa. but, so far so good.

the teachers here punn, cool cool. bruu 4 harii snii, kamii 5orangg, who is, me, athh, bob, adik andd abng, rapat tiaa withh them. hahah. wel, awuu.. kmii superstar snii kliahh ! :P cehh ~ but, pokoknyaa, i had funn laa juaa here. andd i cried whenn we all kenaa bacaakann adaa this doaa, whichh something about taubat. gilaa waaa ! :S:S touchhed berabiss waa kuu. andd it helps me to be who i am sebenarnyaa. how proud i should be as a muslim dood. alhamdulilahh laa juaa here. :')

3rd day, all guys kenaa bawaa keluar. pasal, had to pray for friday's pray. andd yeahh, withh that all kindaa the funn this here, doesnt meann i forgot my outside lovers. :) i always misses kamuu kamuu out there. benar thh. :') but, sabar.. let me be the right guy first. believing myself andd all. then, whenn im all ready be one of it, insha-Allah, i get back to what i've been missingg. mostly the lovers. youu, of cause i do misses youu punn. :')

since its pusat pembanggunnann beliaa here, kmii did bnyak activities. macam last night, it was siuk muchh sungguhh ! kmii mainn blindfold. hee. wel, since i was the leader in my team, i had to be more berquality laa pokoknyaa. andd yeahh.. we're here, no matter girls or boys, kmii macam adii beradii sudahh pun. evenn the teacher punn we called kakaa andd all laa. hee. oh, hows my timing here, i had to bgnn by 430am andd abis belajar, at 10pm. kiraa tiaa, berapaa jam gnyaa kmii kann rest ahh ? atuu punn ahh.. we had to do our own laundry. heehh.. tired muchh kamuu. benar thh.. :')

andd our last day berorientasii was.. :'( dealing withh tears againn and all. laughh atuu perkaraa biasaa kann. so, yeahh.. cried whenn, all the ajk's had to let us live ourself alone. so, its so menyedihhkan youu know. :'( before that, kamii adaa many things happend laa. too muchh to describe how tired i was. but, with my soul, confirmed indaa sanggup youu know. thats honest. :'] andd yeahh as i mentioned tdii i was blogging at 12ishh, awal anii, it supposed to be harii sundayy now. so, anii sjaa duluu i cann post niee. andd maybe, this 17th, kmii pulangg rumahh just for awhile. pasal, kmii ikut kebangsaan ahh. :') so, til here duluu yes ? love youu kamu kamuu. hee. andd thanks againn to youu my love, for keep on updatingg it. andd, as i said, its okehh punn if youre busy there to update my blog. :) understandd punn i. hee. wel, im tired now.. i really think i sould sleep now.. since, im only the one who banggunann here. so, nights people. *hugs.

ps; i might not really check my blog macam before. so, roger that yes ? :')

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