Saturday, 18 April 2009

sii wiraa beblogging !

hahah. hello kamu kamuu ! mann.. rinduu kuu beblogging ihh.. biasaanyaa, kann everyday baa beupdate. anii, kecundang tiaa. ndaa baa masaa ahh.. abis abis punn pictures sjaa.

anwy, im here doing good. just abit tired sjaa. yesterday kamii ppb adaa football matchh. selected players sjaaa. im selected tho. so, yeahh.. kmii lawann army. :/ whichh kalahh 7 to 4 ? wel, at least indaa 0 kann ? and yeahh.. yg scored, adek 2 bigi, me andd fahmi, sii kazennkuu. hahah.

our bjuu team, bulehh tahan laa. warnaa hijauu plng tuu. but then, adidas kliahh.. nyamann juaa mata meliat. hee. andd today.. kamii kenaa bgii tugasann tiaa sudahh. tugasan as in ajk tertinggi dii ppb. bruu thh formal waa. heeh.. wel, today juaa.. macam biasaa. adaa sport since its saturday juaa kann ? so, menggalehh kann sungguhh.. benar thh..

night, as usual.. menghostel sjaaa all the way. anii punn i supposed buat assignment. tpi tpii.. antahh.. too muchh assignment nak di buat. but, thenn.. i buat slowly slowly sjaa. asal siap kann ? and yes.. i think, i wont be able to update my blog nie.. pasal, theres one blog that i mesti update juaa. its ppb's blog. so, free time.. visit ahh.. just check arahh my link. hee. thanks.

wel, till here thh duluu ihh.. i think im out of words tiaa. so, i bounce.. nights people. :)

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