Sunday, 18 October 2009

PPB, we ended !

Wow.. Its been a very long time i dint update my blerg.. Hahah. Wel, here i wanna share something. Mostly to the ppb-ians who very care muchh. Wel, the story about me and mashy, its always has a start and also an end. Eventho, youu guys know we ended bidaaly. Wel, its all when our privacy been published ! Mann.. Masehh rupanyaa adaa org cematuu atuu. So kesiann youu know.. Masehh adaa yg sakit atii mcm kanak kanak atuu. Dont they think ?? Goshh.. Get a life bitches !!

Wel, the story goes like this.. Sii CHAKPONGG, mencurii pendrive and kuncii locker sii mashy yg yaa ampaii di vendor. But, paluiinyaa.. Npaa yaa indaa bgii mashy semulaa. But then, sii TASHAA finds out that mashy got a lovebite on her body. Whichh i believe i know who's the bite-er. Then, they finds out juaa yg sii MC, got it juaa. And whichh i know who's the bite-er juaa. So, supayaa tutup the story, they both pretend to be a lesbo. Whichh sii MC pnyaa ideas. Mashy doesnt want it at first. But, pasal adaa lesbo yg idungnyaa mcm babii atuu tauunyaa kn menyibuk gnyaa hal orgg, diugutnyaa sii mashy. Mengugut duit $50 lagii tuu.. Mcm, wth ? Walaupunn indaa knaa bgii allowence dangg.. Hahah.

And so, she exposed to all the ppb-ians yg both mashy and mc ani lesbo. The silly part is.. Yaa staie kn taipauu arhh kuu atuu waa. Padahal, i know the story.. Cause, we created the story.. Kesian bnr idung babii atuu.. She got no life to live.. Hahah. Pitty bitchh. So, yeahh.. She tot that she did cracks our relations. Between me and mashy. Wel, on their eyes we did pretend that we're nothing. But instead, we're happy until now.. Hahah. Indaa thh ko jeles tuu buii ? So, since she promise to exposed our privacy arhh org admin, then she did. She did that on 13th of oct.. They meet PL ( PEGAWAI LATIHAN ) kiraa mengaduu laa. Mann, indaa tiaa calaa tuu ?? Sananggthh hidupnyaa tuu kn cematuu ahh ? Kalah kalahan juaa tuu ! Hahahah ! So, since PL doesnt know the story, he make a decision to end our life di PPB. So he did..

The next day, both me and mashy had ended our lifes di PPB. Wel, only god knows better right ? Maybe, disnaa dint suits us klii.. We deserved a better place i believe. And to make sure arhh kamuu semuaa, i know that sii TASHAA AKA LESBO IDUNG BABII atuu bgii arhh PL drii gfnyaa dii luar. YES ! GIRLFRIEND ! Dii ppb adaa juaa gfnyaa.. Mcm, wow.. Dude, larap bnr juaa ko ?? Mcm ndaa lelakii gnyaa dduniaa anii ? Ohh, yeahh.. I forgot.. All guys yg she ever fall on withh, semuaa beralihh arhh.. Maybe because of her piggy nose klii ? HAHAH ! Kesian.. Bgii thh braces ihh idungmuu ahh dangg ! Sekalii.. What ive heard today, nie bruu anii.. Diputar belitnyaa lgii ceritaa tuu ! Like what ?? They said that sii mc tplng yg mengexposedkn our pict dpendrive atuu ? Dont chuu think thats stupid ? GFMUU DILUAR DANGG BECERITAA ABIS KO BCONTACT SAMAA IYAA ! Hahah. Mauu lgii kn menipuu tuu.. and because of that, yang membuatkn akuu mempost di blog anii. I dont care whats good or bad now.. Yang pentingg, we're honest. Im sure god's on honest side.

Moral of this story.. To people out there, please.. Jgnthh adaa pikiran yg kutur atuu.. Berpikiran sehat thh.. Indaa salahh.. Tantuu, agamaa punn merestui tuu. Hahah. And jgnthh kn sibuk hal org lain. Mun dirii atuu perfect sangat, bulehh laa klii.. And privacy org jgn dikacauu. Walauu punn dirii atuu hancur sudahh.. Jgn lagii hancurkn hidup org lainn. And i believe, for what she did to us, she'll get back inreturns. Insha-god ! Only god knows.. Lain laa if ko mintaa maaf dangg.. Hahah.

Wel, both me and mashy accepted the faith for what god leads us. And still, we're happy as always.. No matter what, we will always pray to god that, we'll let the god leads our ways to a better places. Amin.. I hope, everything's clear here. And thanks to those who read this and thanks to those who shit it. Adious !

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