Wednesday, 24 February 2010

ex girlfriend yang mencurii !

so, last few days, i was contacting back with my ex yang lama lama berabis. like how long ? my ex since i was in form 4 i guess ? hahah. anyhow, yes.. how the story goes is like this..

last few days, my ex added me di FB. so, i was shockingly plus buat buat happy that she do so. then, we in contact and we meet up. i realized that before, i dint have the chance to know her that well. why so ? pasal, before kami together just for 3months ? atuu punn, antahh ahh.. kan di ingatkan, bagii malas waa..

and yeahh.. so, akuu ambil kesempatan to get to know her kann. so, i did. i even bring her to meet my parents. and yes.. everything goes well. until one night, she was being hayal muchh. tarus tarus thh kan ituu laa ini laa.. come on, we're not even together back yet. indaa kuu mauu juaa. come on ? im not into that buat masaa ani. i did told her that. and yes..

di malam, i was searching for my ipod yang sekadar plus indaa juaa mahal. but, i cant find it. until i realized that it was gone. and yang last memiggang was that ex girlfriend. andd, gilaaaaa ! indaa pandai besyukur. sudahh punn dii barii selipar dari jakartaa. punnn, mauu juaa kan mencurii. no wonder laa, yaa buat hal trus trus. and trus trus kan bekasar. seriously, i would rather ignore that shit then melayan karenah muu ! so, puhhlesss ! *ohh, mann.. that reminds me of adek eqahh ! adek eqahh, abng need youu now ! :(

and so, terciptaa tiaa satu story about sii ex girlfriend yang mencurii. stupid muchh yeaa ? brabisss ! hahah. so, yeahh.. the end ! :P


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