wel, i miss someone. someone who i really appreciate much to have. i believe shes asleep awal anii. but, its alright. even she deserved that too. hemm.. missing ? what is missing actually ? all i know is.. to me, once i miss something or someone.. its just that, i felt empty much. empty that can makes youu abit bimboo ! dont know what to do.. dont no what to think and bla blaa blaaa. but, yeahh.. its just that, i feels so empty. macam, phone low batt usulnyaaa.
so, if phone low batt, mesti di charged right ? but, too badly.. to me, indaa tiaa dapat tdur. problems muchh. once i cant sleep, banyak pikir tiaa tuu jdiinyaa. like, te-recalled what ive just did and all. and, from that, i can learn some mistakes from what ive done wrong. and yada yada yadaa.. banyak pikir tiaa. its so jahat if we tpikir yang jahat. and it would be better if we thinks positives. more better-er !
but, too bad, some people will pikir yang bukan bukann and all. sampaii adaa yang cakap yaa stress tiaa. apaa tiaa.. but, come on.. theres no such thing is stress is. stress stress, apaa juaa adaa ? what will we get ? KUSUTTT !! :S hahah. see.. its all started but just missing. so, to thoes yang bercinta cintaa.. do love your love ones. and just be positives. as bob marley's said, "everyhings gonna be alright !" hee.
and to me, the person who i miss awal anii iss. my babyy !! hee. i miss her smiles. her touchs. her everything with a letter s.

nyehs.. but, sabar is the most wajib thingy too do. why so, if we dint, macam macam bulehh jdii tiaa. sepertii, let me shared abit, once we miss someone, then we'll contact them. right ? but, if she or whoever in a good mood, takpe laa. but, what if not ? bulehh jdii issue tuu. CONFIRM !
munn dipikir blik, its just pasal youu miss someone gnyaa tuu. kann ? how i know, it happens to me alots before. indaa punn yaa badmood. but, some bad things would happend. "all good things, can end up with bad things. and all bad things, it will end up with a better one." rightt ? riiiiiighttt ~ so, its all started with youu, us, tanii. starts to think.. let the brain do the works. and we do the right actions. with that, till here thh sajaa duluu. hee. sleep well and goodnight to alll. cheerious ! :):)
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