Friday, 28 May 2010

Manggo ! ;)

Hello and good morning all. Hee. Im wide awake now. Awal ? Yeahh, i know.. Hee. I is the very happy right now. Why so ? Cause, finally.. My meet my manggo. Hee. Manis ~ ;p tantu laa manis, mun masam, i have to buat kicap, blacan, chili and all tiaa lgii. Hahah. Apaaaaan ?! Lame waa kuu pagii pagi ! Mcm apaa.. Hahah. ;p

hmm.. Actually, i just pass thro my darkness. Cehh ~ everything got fixed. Alhamdulilahh.. :) atleast, our smiles, laughs are back on track. Now, all that matters is, everything broken, cann be fixed. Every questions, had an answers. Every no, theres a yes. Wow.. Hahah. Any ideas ? I just love to play those kinda words. Hee. Leave some, if youu guys had some ideas. ;)

and yeahh, me and my manggo, aree back on track now. We still on track actually, but then, the track garit. So, had to fixed it lajulajuu. :p hahah. Again, lamoo ! Hahah. So, yeahh.. Now, i miss her already. Shes really are the best weeed i ever had. She got me addict easily.. Just like that. Nyehs. I like toh ~ apaaadeee !

Actually, i feels like wanna go to pantaii. Liat sunrise. But too bad, ndaa pakai melayan. Gaah ! ;( but, yeahh.. Let it be. Not that important punn. What important is, im happy to be besides her awal ani. Hee. Idk, what my day will be without her smiles. Manggo, i need youu in me. To breathe along. :) and i bet shes sleeping awal ani. Whichh supposed adaa something going on di skulahhnyaa ! Which, shes berpakat with her sisters to not to attend ?! Nyehs.. Belabihh muchh.. But, still.. Blabih blabihnyaa punn, sayangg juaa i. Hee. ;D

and sebenarnyaakn, akuu lapar baa awal ani. Alum waa kuu makan since yesterday. Diet, indaa juaa.. Ani kn kurus kampis sudahh. Tdi adaa my personal nurse menchecked. Mcm sii banar lgii tuu yaa menchecked, tepicik pick. Hahah. Lain bunyiinyaa. ;p but, yeahh.. I think, i need to sampaikn my hajat yang dulu duluu.. I wannna get fat ! ;D should i ? Hee. Tpi, benar.. Atleast berisii.. Nyehs ! Insha-god.. Will gone, then get fat.. Hahah. *crossmyfinger. ;p

awuu baa, sekalinyaa kn.. Parutkuu starving starving sudahh awal ani. Kn mintaa feed yaa sudahh. Hmm.. What should i eat aaa ? *wondering.. -end.

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