anyhow.. i was doing nothing actually. so, i went thro me emails. and theres a birth's reminder from friendster. FRIENDSTER ?? i know right.. lamaa waa sudahh i dint open my friendster. so, i opened it andd yeahh.. damn, it reminds me the good old times..
macam, banyak comment indaa tereply.. like, last year pnyaa comments ? hahh ! but thenn, i was tertanya tanyaa.. cehh ~ hahah. but yeahh.. i was tertanya tanyaa, hows my photos yang dulu duluu tuu aaa.. and yeahh, i checked it. andddd gilaaaa mann !!! rambut kuu time panjanggggg !!! andd i miss my LONG hair !! so muchhhhhh !! HAHAHAH ! gilaa, tpii bnrr yaw.. i miss ituu long hair. nyehs ! *sasak sii jubur ! ;P
and sekalii kann, theres a picture of 3 soul mates yangg kalauu betamuu confirmed begagar gadongg. HAHAH ! whichh, the picture was taken lama lamaa sudahh berabisrabis. andd yeahh.. ituu doods, are used to be bestbitchh masaa emolanyaa. nyehs ! but somehow, to me.. they are still in me. why so ? cause, all things that i did with them, its so muchh memories. cant be dilupakann. cries, laughs, happy, sad.. etc, etc, etc..
and yeahh.. this is the picture. always be remembered ! ;')

eventho, theres so muchh changes sudahh.. but, yeahh.. i miss youu guys so muchh actually. how i wishh we could hang around sometimes. athh, kash.. i miss kamuu. i really miss to get wasted with youu guys. but, then i know.. alot of thing has changed us. but, yeahh.. i promise, we will hang around one day. i will make it happen if theres any god's willing. :')
sekalii kannn ! talking pasal miss miss aniii, it makes me miss someone who really makes me weak, strong, happy, sad, kan melumpat, kan menangis, kan betiarap, kan menyanyii, kann kann kann segalaanyaa in one ! who is she ? my baablove. ;D i miss her so muccccchy ! hee. everytime shes not around me, i'll be missing her like crazieee to the maximum ?! cehh ~ heheh. pokoknyaa, i am so inlove with this chicaa. hee. *baaaaaaby, i love youu ! ;D
*woi wiraa, blogging blogging juaa ! macam apaa ! HAHAH ! will blog lagii soon. and, insha-god if theres nothing menghalang. hee. wel, i think till here thh sjaa duluu thenn. hee. people, good morning ! have a great wednesday ! cheerious ! :D:D
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