Thursday, 12 August 2010

The truth.

Assalamualaikum, and goodmorning blogger. First of all, i wanna say, "Happy Fasting" to all muslim and muslimah around the world. Ramadhan is always a better month to start a new improvement or should i say, a new start to do a great thing than good thing. :) wel, in my case, i promise to myself that, this coming puasaa, im gonna quit my smoking since im still could. And do the wajib things that been odered by God. :)

thats the funny thing is.. Why mostly people never care for the "wajib" ones than the "bedusa" ones ? I know its tertakluk to each individual. But then, yes.. I'd figured that, why must people do the unmust, and forget the must at all ? And why do alot of people do the bad things than the good things ? Why must dosa rather than pahala ? Why the failer and why not the successer ?

But somehow, people had their own priorities individually. Reason in their life. Even me myself, pun pernah cematuu juaa. Eventho i know its dusaa, but im still doing it. But, now alhamdulilah.. I thanks Allah for opening my heart's eyes to reach Him Hiself. And once ive heard that, kalau sjaa dosa atuu kelihatan di mata kasar kitani, confirmed bejuritan tuu org ke masjid aaa. But, yeahh.. Too bad only God knows better. :)

actually, i wanna post about something tdi. For what ive learned today. But, yeahh.. Since im tired. Nantith i post about it. Cheers then people. And selamat berpuasaa ! Assalamualaikum.. :)

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