Monday, 14 February 2011

happy 11th monthsarry, ikrammin iwani.

SAYANGGGG !!! ;D HAPPY 11TH MONTHSARRY TO YOUUU !! ;D awww ~ thank God that we've reach to this month. Alhamdulilah.. With everythings we've gone thro. Wow ~ its meaningful to me. And i appreciate much for your appearance ! ;D oh, baaabe ! You are in my prayers all the time. I am so happy to be with youu sayang. Thank youu.. But yet, happy 1year knowing you sayang. Knowing you is the best chapter of my life. Youre the sweetest thing that happen in me. You pulled me up everytime im down. You create a smile everytime im sad. You even feed me everytime im hungry. Oh, thats just too special for me to have you aroud. And baaby, hopefully we achieve for the things that we've always wanted. With God's willing thats ofcourse. And syang.. Youre just like the moon that brights me everynight. Your positiveness is like rain that wash away my negativity. Youre special in my eyes syang. You are part of my dream that i always want to achieve. And syang, im sorry for my wrong doings all this time. I even learn alot of my mistakes towards you. I thank you for what you did to me syang. Really appreciate it and thank God ive found you syang. I love you. And again, happy 11th monthsarry to you sayang ! May God bless us. I sayang you.. :)

1 comment:

wira julaihi said...

Happy Eleventh Months Anniversary to you too sayang.. I love you now and always.. :)