Thursday, 17 February 2011

i cant sleep.

oh, well.. Hello blogger. Here i am again posting randomly. Again i cant sleep and idk why. Too much thinking maybe ? Yeaah.. Sort of.. :/

wel, wanna know whats on my mind ? Its alot !! :s one of it is, im thinking of my goals. I really need to achieve it, like urgently ? Nyehs.. But then, i know that me who needs to focus. Thats the thing.. Focus. Everytime i try to focus on my goals. Ada ada saja tiaa. Like, something came up in different ways.

But i thank God that i was watching the secret last night. Wel, ive watch it over and over already. But last night, its different. Why so ? Cause, before i watch it, i ask myself to get and learn something on it. And yeah, alhamdulilah.. I did ! :)

its all about focus actually.. My focus is sometimes, no so good. But the solution for it is doing the core. I know.. I know what to do, but only decisions. I just dont know how to act at first place. Its hard to a melancholy choleric. Its.. Antah ! But, harus mensyukuri. I know..

This is my process i guess. And it says that, harus mencintai process, kalo ingin sukses. Had to love the process, if we want success. So, mau inda mau.. Had to. :s

last night ive learnd that, how we can communicate with the universe. Its through our mind. Whatever we think, we are right. So, yeahh.. The way we think yang patut di asuh. Had to feed our mind with positive thinking. How ? Read books.

I know actually.. But, me who dont wanna do it. I who need to change actually.. I who need to love myself first. Me who is me. I who create it, and i who solve it. Fullstop.

And i need to have great life. I wanna have a great life. Wel, im being so random. I believe you guys can realize how sanguine my thinking right now. Nyehs.. Sayang, i need you. :(

why her ? Cause she who can create a smile on my face. Not just a smile, but a happy smile. Idk.. Its just happy.. She makes me happy. By seeing her, i can smile. Wel, i miss her alot tho ! Alot ! I love her every single minutes. God, im so jiwang. :s

wel, i blog randomly here.. So, yeahh.. Nothing interesting ? I know.. I blog so that i can feel sleepy. Heeh.. Bh, i think im out of words tiaa. Til here th dulu.. Goodmorning, and have a great day. Cheers. :)

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