Thursday, 7 July 2011

hello, assalamualaikum. Iwani is here again.. as I said, I'm gonna continue the other two types of dreamers that I learned in "Business School." so I'm just gonna straight to the point.

(4) those who dream big dreams, but with no plan on how to go about achieving them, so they end up nothing ; they are those who want to achieve their dreams on their own but do not have a definite plan. they just wait for the so called “break” to come.

(5) those who dream big, achieve those dream and go on to dream even bigger dreams ; they are those who never stop dreaming because they know that their dreams can be achieved no matter how big they are.

so, what types are you? to be honest lah ah, I'm one of those who wait "break" to come.. I always wanted to be the fifth dreamer.. which I know, who don't, right? so, since it's not too late, I'll try my hardest to be in the fifth dreamer.. ;D InsyaAllah, there's no such thing is too late if you haven't try it yet.

adios readers. soon I'm going to post about day I'm gone through this few days back.. salam.

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