Saturday, 5 November 2011

Only God knows better.

salam and goodmorning blogger. First of all i wanna thank God for whatever happens to me. Alhamdulillah..

Let me share here, yesterday it was a very great day for me. Idkw, but yeahh.. Let me start it frm the first time i opened up my eyes yesterday. I woke up quite late. And i planned to cut my hair masa patang. But then, i ended up with my business partner the whole evening.

We went to Kiulap, to decorate for the special time party malamnya. So, we've been askd to look for the stuffs that needed. Which, end up with two items only ? Gila bah.. When pink things involves, thats when i get lost. Inda wah ku pemandai. :s how i wish i still have the one i love, i bet she will know what to do. Ada jua orang kn di-refer. But, sabar saja. :')

so, we send the stuffs back to Kiulap, then we went out for shopping. Since the themes was pink and white, and, since we've been asked to use pink, shopping baju pink plng nah. We end up in Gadong. And yeah, found it. Seriously, it was my first time beli baju warna pink. Silly..

Then, went back to Kiulap. And yeah.. Mendangankan men-deco, then by 6ish, rush tarus begunting nearby my place. Then, went back home, tarus bsiap. Around 7ish, we reached Kiulap. Since the party was in Kiulap. Then, thats when something happend to me.

We celebrated, eat, chit chat, and sharing. Sharing frm the mentors makes me think wide open. And you, poped out on my mind in all of a sudden. I bet its because their were sharing more about relationship. And, whatever the masseged yang kena sampaikan atu, its true. Its about ego.

Cant deny that every single one of us, ada egois. Including you, and me. Its true when they said, ego tidak harus diasuh dan di belai. Every since then, i keep on blaming myself for whatever happend between us. We once created our dreams and going stronger. We once pray to God to protect us whatever it takes. We even shared every single things together. We even make ourself promises. To be together no matter what, and always been together whatever it takes. Idk, but you poped out on my mind out of nowhere. It really does made me think it back and how i really wish to fix everything back to who we are used to be. But, idk.. Miracle happens. :)

summary to the special time last night, it really slap my face with their sharing. And they also said, most importantly is, our relations with God. Alhamdulillah, it makes me sadar for who i am. And i will try my very best not to do the same mistakes whatever it takes. I will focus more to my dreams.

After the celebrations, i went follow up kan my business partner pnya kedalaman. Then after that, went back home. Minggle around with the siblings and friends. While watching big fat liar. And again, you poped out. It seems, something which i dont know apa. Like, the more i dont, the more it does.

Then makan, and after that, we've watchd sang pemimpi. Ive watch it for the second time. And idk, i made my keputusan not to miss my Subuh prayer. And after that, as always i pray and asked for an answer towards you.

Then, i end up kn baca buku, one minute for yourself. Kali, i was wondering whats my bookmark for this book. Since before, i used picture as my bookmark, it makes stand up and ambil family picture that i keep frm very long time ago, and guess what ? I found a very first letter that you gave me, along with your pictures that always been my fav.

It really does make me think, why shes never been that far away frm me ? Why must you appeared again ? Why ?? Was it same goes to you too ? Are you think about me too ? God.. If you do, you know what to do. Kill our egos together. And God, He knows everything. Cause, the mentor shared, always greatful for whatever happens. :')

"Only God Knows."

til here, cheers guys, and have a great weekends. And you, have a great day ahead. Semoga Tuhan memberkati kitani sekeluarga.


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