Wednesday, 30 November 2011

without you, im going.

im stuck! Im stuck in the middle of my packing right now. Idkw.. Cause, usually.. You were there with me. You always support me no matter what. And i remember how you make me wanna write a letter to you everytime i wanna leave Bruland. But, now.. Everything has changed. I just, idk.. Even now, im still wide awake and still my things havent fully pack yet. And i realized i only have few more hours to go.

Seriously, without you.. Im stuck. I just, lost ? Lost everything.. But, my mind keep on reminding me that, LS, i will find my answer. All my questions will be answer di LS. 12pm, thats my flight frm BWN to JKT.

You usually there, always giving me support. By sending me off to the airport and you always find a way.. But now, its gone. Just like that. Somehow, i miss that moment when you said, "be good there, and think of me." that words always make me dont wanna do bad things behind your back. Eventho, youre not around me. But those words make me feels you were always there with me where ever i go.

Now, without your support, i just pray God to keep me strong whatever it takes. My eyes even fall a tears when i started packed some of my things. It reminds me of you.. But yet, where ever you are, i always pray for your success and mostly your health. Hopefully your breathe wont stuck as it always happend and i hope, mami will always getting better everyday. And i also hope the best for your family.

Now that im going, this will be a new chapter of my story. Where i try not to look back my past life. Eventho, meeting you, loving you, and having you in my life is always been a good chapter, but this time, i promise i'll make a great journey of my story. Dynamic Living Seminar Live for 6hours with Skip Ross, i am so positively will learn alot. With Allah's will.. Insha-Allah.

Eventho to end it, its never my will but moving on is what we both must do. Even its never that easy at the begining, but have to face it patiently. With the will of Allah, i'll be stronger to walk thro part of the deal. Insha-Allah..

"ya Allah, tunjukkan lah aku ke jalan lurusMu, kuatkan lah aku dari segala penolakkan dan jadikan lah aku kepada insan yang berguna diatas nama keluargaku."


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