i havent sleep yet. since kakaa told me that she had to bgnn awal tdii. pasal, she had planed early morning. whichh yaa lupaaa. kakaa supposed tidur once balik rumahh. but, since her boipren's sister called her way from kl, so, yeahh.. shes on the phone tplngg pokoknyaa.
she asked me to wake her up at 12ishh just incase yaa indaa terbgnn. so, i know, once i go tidur, indaa waa kuu tbgnn tuu. malas tiaa kuu tidur. i watched tv sjaa. berguitr andd membuduhh sjaa. sekalii, maryy buat breakfast for me. wel, its sardin fishh and bawang and ladaa. what the hell ? but, i ate it juaaa. kes lapar. andd incased kamuu lupaa, yes.. im a food killer masaa anii. since i aim for one think, whichh is.. 'AKUU MAUU LAMPUHH !' hahah ! *ps; kepadaa sesiapaa yg tidak gunaa lemak lemak yg adaa dii badann andaa, silaa kerat, cucii, bgii harum dann bagii ke i okehh ? sayaa amat memerluukannyaa. HAHAH ! as if..
awuu waa.. talking about my breakfast tdii, its my first time makann that sardinn withh bread. biasaa samaa nasii. but, since bread is nasii dii middle-east, so yeahh.. bermiddle-east tiaa kuu nie. HAHAH ! *duhh ~ whatever wiraa ! hahah. andd yeahh.. done breakfast, daddy went downn andd mintaa masakkan scramble egg. andd yeahh.. daddy, hes different. he only eat food yg kamii masak sjaa. mostly her wife punyaa masakann laa kann. pasal, antahh darii kuu damit, sampaii kuu damit anii juaa masehh, hes being cematuu. so, dii pahamii tiaa.
ahhh.. after masak, i sengajaa bgii mayo on the egg so that more nyamann-er if makann berbread. andd yeahh.. he enjoyed it. hee. :) talking about me cooking ? yes.. since im inlove withh food, why not i learned how to cook kann ? andd i like to know something that i dont know. thats my moto. not, either moto sangkut and motocycle okehh ? but, hajiinomoto instead ! HAHAH. pasal, masak talur must pkaii ituu. bruu nyamann. APAKANN ?!! *LAME, andd i know people. tq. heheh.
awuu waa.. now, alum plng kuu tdur. i think this is my very first time mempost time harii siangg dii luar. HAHAH. wel, pkaii lappy i mean. i did kelmarinn mempost pasal sii pukii, but pkaii phone. thats why thh panjang atuu. kanaa complainn plng olehh sii pukii. ucapnyaa kuu buat composition pasal yaa. heeh.. but, i love youu. no sweat. HAHAH ! awuu waa.. sebenarnyaa kann. mummy asked me to go berjemputann withh them awal anii tdii. HAHAH ! awal anii tdii ? paham ? its like, the function started by now, whichh drngg jalann sudahh tdii. get it ? thats whyy tiaa awal aniii tdii. ohh, anwy, yeahh.. mummy asked. but, i rejected it. pasal pasal.. im not used to it yg berpanas panas under the camp andd ramaii ramaii withh random people. berijap ho ! HAHAH ! *acctually, pasal malas, panas, andd malas muchh tuu. hee. *angel's look.
but thann, mummy will always warnned me about jrngg mengagaa jemputann anii. i said why ?? must klii ? she said, indaa plng must, but.. once ko kawinn, ndaa org mengagaa. macam.. ohh.. benar jugak ituu. so, yeahh.. once adaa jemputann lgii, inshaa-god i go. IF.. im wide awake juaa tuu. andd youu people kann jdii my sexy ketat. ihh.. saksii ketat. :P:P hahah. hemm.. *crossfinger ? :P HAHAH !
malas waaa kuu sebenarnyaa. but, its a bad thing plng being malas anii. i know.. tpi, tpii.. come on.. dont chuu understand ? me, sii wiraa ?? yangg love fcuking deeeep sleeeep anii thh lgii ? indaa juaa spark tuu if pagii pagii kann cematuu ? ihh.. *sorry bondaa. im soo soo not interested. tpii tbuat yg indaa pedahh pedahh tuu, mauu tiaa kuu. yangg bedusaa apaa. HAHAH ! mann.. teserlaah tiaa nie, whos sii wiraa anii. HAHAH ! but, simple i say.. IM NOT PERFECT.. YET ! so, yeahh.. no need to judge who i am. tq sjaa. HAHAH. tauu ku kann diriikuu. yangg berdusaa kaa, apaa kaa. thats just between me, andd my god. *senyum paksaa !
pukimaa ? baie ? sial ? botaa ? thats the words come out from youur mouthh ? hahah. awuu, andangnyaa. im being open here. plus, my mood wasnt so good acctually awal anii. im just trying to be haaaaappy, whichhh maybe i am, sikit ? heeh.. just kusut people.. alum tdur. yatahh.. cemanaa kuu nyanyahh awal aniii, cemanii thh kuu nyanyahh masaa interview tuu. heeh.. indaa betidur, biasaa laa. fcut up tia. hahah. wel, i think im out of words here. adaa plng, but i should stop. hahah. panjang plng karang. over tiaa ! :P so, goodevening / goodnoon people ! have a nice day andd cheers ! :):)
Sunday, 30 November 2008

yess, .!. to youu ! *sorry people, thats only dedicated to HAYAL-ERs !
its subuhh now. was ndaa mood kann berblog sebenarnyaa. but, thenn.. something comes up. shiiit ! wheres fiffy ? PEP ! abng needs youu here awal anii ! heeh.. berbithingg juaa kuu nie. but, wait.. since kakaa and adek eqahh's here, why not samaaa drngg kann ? whichh MORE SIUK-ER !! HAHAH ! *sheeeet ! :P
YES, i laughed alot muchh. ihh.. NAUHH ! WE LAUGH ALOTSs ! HAHAH. shit, siukk ihh.. its started whenn i saw some shit whichh is shit shit the most. andd, HAHAH. sure it makes us laughed. munn kamu, kamuu punn ketawaa klii. pacahh waa web atuu. kann EQAHH ? hahah. macam, membagii sasak juaa, membagii ketawaa juaa, like.. should i say.. hayal ? NAUHH.. but, its HAYALL IHHH ! hahah.
tpii bnr, ANNOYING is the best word to describe 'that thing'. kakaa waa.. macam, eventho, shes not really into this web thingy, but.. yatahh yg paling over bitching once yaa tengok 'IT' HAHAH. mann.. full of shit. andd yeahh, kakaa nie yg gives ideaa arahh kamii kamii to post about it. HAHAH. macam sasak bnr juaa yaa sudahh tuu.
shit mann, sudahh punn hayal, cawii lgii tuu. buduhh sulnyaa ! HAHAH. wait, buduhh muchh eqq ? hahah. kakaa said, its MIHIR ANDD SO SOO POKLANN MANN ! HAHAH ! shit.. i cannot stop laughing about it. keep on repeatingg waa dii otak. eqahh punn tuu i believe. JOMBLO ihh.. hahah. i know, the meaning of joblo is single in indons, but.. i found it that, that word is so calii muchh and reminds me of 'IT' ! HAHAHA ! JOBLO !! HAHAH ! wel, thats because.. masaa tengok ituu web, the tv is on ARUNA. kakaa's on it. yatahh.. kedengarann tiaa kuu org menyabut. heeh. so, yeahh..
ihh ihh.. enoughh ihh ! ngalehh juaa mengucap ucap anii ahh ! lurus waa nyaa fiffy atuu. it is TIRING MUCHH ! HAHAH. wel, enough said. goodnight people.
ps; ADEK EQAHH andd KAKAA who i LOVE the most duringg this posting time. I LOVE KAMUU DUAA. *hugs.. andd kakaa said to this 'IT', "please, jagann hayal and OVER !" hahah! :P:P
bersister menvainning.

hahah ! ituu kamii kamii. panat ? yes, the most indeed. yatahh kamii tuu munn stress, bwaa begambar sjaa. ilang tuu stress tuu. andd im sure, it goes to kamuu kamuu as well. if not, baikthh mencubaa ! HAHAH. masaa anii, indaa bulahh stress stress. believe it or not, indaa waa kuu tauu kenapaa ! HAHAH. bhh, out. :)
ice lemon tea BASAR.
sheeeeeeeeeet ! indaa tiaa yaa jealous sii eqahh tuu. aiyahh.. wel, anwy.. im withh sii kakaa now. beceritaa ceritaa. biasaa, the brother andd sii sister berhang out andd berstreess stress. but, all that stress ilang just like that whenn we go memvainnig !! hahah. adaa kuu mempost tuu. andd, dont complain complain if kamii bidaaa. HAHAH. dii rumahh juaa gnyaa ! so, yes.. thats all for tonight ? unless theres something TERGOING onn after this.. akuu lgii berchat smaa sii adek eqahh. andd also sii kakaa. so, yeahh.. hee. adious ! :):)
its hard to be GREEN. :/
sebenarnyaakann. i dont like cheese so that muchh. pasal, if i ate it banyak, kan muntahh waa kuu ! but, since akuu mauu lampuhh banar.. i think i have to. until tdii.. theres a short story about cheese. hahah. i was complianing arahh sii mummy that AKUU MAUU LAMPUHH. :/ mummy was makan kerupuk cheese that time. then she said, "ni, makann kerupuk cheese ahh !" sekaliikann.. akuu macam, banar thh nie.. munn makann cheese banyak banyak, membagii lampuhh ? wel, ive heard it before plangg. but, i dint care plngg. but, now ? I FCUKING DO ! hahah. kann lampuhh kuu bnrr nie. hahah. what do youu think people ? i should berlampuhh ? or.. indaa ? hahah. comment andaa bener bener dii perluukann. HAHAH ! apaakann ?!! LAME ! wel, akuu adaa gambar about this kerupuk cheese andd ihh.. bolehh laa nyamann nyaa. indaa dapat deny this, kann muntahh waa kuu sebenarnyaa. ihh.. :/ -out.
tonight is supposed, i go berparty andd shit. kann berprom andd all. andd also, kann bwaa orangg bershopping apaa. but, all that is indaa menjadii langsungg. shit juaa tuu. heeh.. matii ihh.. but, fcuk that ! kecundangg waa !! payahh juaa ahh kenaa grounded anii. BORENGGG MUCHH !! wel, actually.. adaa bgusnyaa plng. SAVE DUIT ! hahah. tpii, the more easier kenaa pinjam pinjam the cashh. heeh.. i was supposed samaa my temann from singaland. but, antahh.. :S:S atuu kann kuu happt kan jumpaa her. tpii, KECUNDANGG !! heeh.. fcuk that shit.. AKUU BORENGG AWAL ANII. people, interest me something. bolehh ? appreciate kuu tuu. bnrr ! :/
Saturday, 29 November 2008
hari sabtuu, malam minggu.
HAHAH ! i was wondering apaakann kuu buat for the title. then, terpikir tiaa kuu that, abng kanzul always said that kalauu saturday night. pasal, he ever told before that. semuaa org masaa anii, into saturday night andd all. macam, apaa apaa sjaa, must saturday atuu beroutting laa apaa. but, antahh ahh. what so special about it kann anwy ? drii duluu til today, i dont fcuking know. hahah. i had to admit it, akuu punn before, malar tuu kann outting and shit. asal saturday night, i wont be at home. but, ituu duluu laa.. now ? shit ! im way berlepak dii rumahh sjaa. believe it or not, awuu.. awal anii punn kuu diirumahh niee. now is 11ishh, bgas liat ceritaa 'the transporter' the movie started tdii pukul 2200 til 2335. heeh..
wel, tdii i woke up at 12ishh. atuu punn pasal, bising bising ahh. manaa fiffy, mummy, abng joy. like, hello yo ! kann tdur juaa kuu nie! heeh.. then, when im wide awake, rupaanyaa bising bising tdii atuu pasal sii fiffy mengusut pasal, she wanted to move school and all. tpii, knaa marahh tplng. and, why kuu tbgnn juaa, pasal.. fiffy was in my room. kluar masuk juaa mummy tuu. mummy lgii loud. :/ then, bgnn tiaa kuu. keluar from my room. kann asii asii juaa memarahii sii fiffy. ohh, i so love that part. HAHAH ! thats just us. the jushh family. sukaa kann menyampuk once one of the siblings kenaa maraah. hahah. drii duluu sudahh tuu ihh.. no biggy sudahh. :P
then, i had my lunchh. andd i ate ALOT tdii. hahah. kanyang berabis waa tuu tdii. sampaii tesandar sjaa dii sofaa. mummy was bermanic that time. so, just going with the flow. hahah. so, drii tadii kuu dii luar. bertv.. mainn guitar apaa. sampaii kuu sanggal juaa. but thenn, i was berchaating withh my emo cinderella. hee. funn juaa laa. tnyaa hows been doing and all. but, indaa romantic. pasal.. fiffy was beronline juaa thro my phone. so, macam.. bhh, online thh ko sjaa duluu. baik kuu tdur. tantuu nyamann. so, i went to my room and sleeeep ! :)
whenn kakaa wakes me. she told me that shes going out and asking me to used the lappy. so, macam.. hemm.. sanggal kuu sudahh cemanii anii. esehh.. macam sii bnr ! hahah. then, i ran upstairs and ambil the lappy selajur kann. *larap.. andd i realized that its 9ishh kalii. nyamann tdur kuu atuu. drii patangg i guess. HAHAH ! sekalii, akuu lapar lagii.. :/ tpii ndaa mood kann memasak and shit. since the food punn boreng boreng. ndaa menyeleraakann. hahah.
so, i msg daddy to buy me some food and ice lemon teaa punn selajur. hahah. andd by 11ishh tdii sampaii tiaa. but, til now.. alum kuu temakann. wel, biasaa. whenn me andd something funn. lupaa tiaa kann duniaa. hahah. lapar pebaik tuu. wel, since the food was drii tdii ampaii ampaii dii mejaa. so, i think im gonna eat my dinner now. wait.. its 0011 now. kiraa dinner kaa tuu ? hahah ! antam sjaa tiaa ! so, later. ;);)
wel, tdii i woke up at 12ishh. atuu punn pasal, bising bising ahh. manaa fiffy, mummy, abng joy. like, hello yo ! kann tdur juaa kuu nie! heeh.. then, when im wide awake, rupaanyaa bising bising tdii atuu pasal sii fiffy mengusut pasal, she wanted to move school and all. tpii, knaa marahh tplng. and, why kuu tbgnn juaa, pasal.. fiffy was in my room. kluar masuk juaa mummy tuu. mummy lgii loud. :/ then, bgnn tiaa kuu. keluar from my room. kann asii asii juaa memarahii sii fiffy. ohh, i so love that part. HAHAH ! thats just us. the jushh family. sukaa kann menyampuk once one of the siblings kenaa maraah. hahah. drii duluu sudahh tuu ihh.. no biggy sudahh. :P
then, i had my lunchh. andd i ate ALOT tdii. hahah. kanyang berabis waa tuu tdii. sampaii tesandar sjaa dii sofaa. mummy was bermanic that time. so, just going with the flow. hahah. so, drii tadii kuu dii luar. bertv.. mainn guitar apaa. sampaii kuu sanggal juaa. but thenn, i was berchaating withh my emo cinderella. hee. funn juaa laa. tnyaa hows been doing and all. but, indaa romantic. pasal.. fiffy was beronline juaa thro my phone. so, macam.. bhh, online thh ko sjaa duluu. baik kuu tdur. tantuu nyamann. so, i went to my room and sleeeep ! :)
whenn kakaa wakes me. she told me that shes going out and asking me to used the lappy. so, macam.. hemm.. sanggal kuu sudahh cemanii anii. esehh.. macam sii bnr ! hahah. then, i ran upstairs and ambil the lappy selajur kann. *larap.. andd i realized that its 9ishh kalii. nyamann tdur kuu atuu. drii patangg i guess. HAHAH ! sekalii, akuu lapar lagii.. :/ tpii ndaa mood kann memasak and shit. since the food punn boreng boreng. ndaa menyeleraakann. hahah.
so, i msg daddy to buy me some food and ice lemon teaa punn selajur. hahah. andd by 11ishh tdii sampaii tiaa. but, til now.. alum kuu temakann. wel, biasaa. whenn me andd something funn. lupaa tiaa kann duniaa. hahah. lapar pebaik tuu. wel, since the food was drii tdii ampaii ampaii dii mejaa. so, i think im gonna eat my dinner now. wait.. its 0011 now. kiraa dinner kaa tuu ? hahah ! antam sjaa tiaa ! so, later. ;);)
memanat with sii pukii.
hahah. awuu.. sii pukii ! wel, she calld me sii palir. so, ngam thh tuu yaa, pukii jumpaa palir. anwy, stop withh that stuff. its annoying when we talk and tell and mention about it right ? i know.. but, funn. no ? HAHAH ! salahh salahh tiaa. wel, hemm.. lets talk about her now. shes my ugamaa's friend. gilaa.. lamaa muchh sudahh tuu. eventho we're that closed, but not really incontact and shit. reason, maybe we're busy for our "thing". heeh.. whichh i dont know what. hahah. panat ? yes, i always knew that. yeahh, last night. we were memanat. she tegur-ed me dii online. asking either i know this '8968434' number. when i dialed it, sure will its not on my contact list. i asked why, and she told me that, he/she been kacau-ing bothh she and her boiprenn. smpaii she asked me to tnyaa org dst. matii.. rasaa juaa tuu. awuu, shes so inlove withh her boiprenn. *kn pukii ? eventho, bothh them anii always, always kenaa kacauu. kenaa kacauu as in, biasaa laa.. munn org couple, indaa kn youu dint know.. knaa kcauu kcauu laaa pokoknyaa. yes, i know that cause, she always complaining this and that to me. *pitty this couple.. but, hey.. eventho cematuu, i admire this couple pasal, they've been together like nearly 5years sudahh ? shit.. lamaa waa tuu. macam macam happend, she complaind. and yahh.. since, we we're onlining dii malam, i asked her either i cann post about her to this blog. but, she said.. bulehh, and mention that shes a pembunuhh. i dont know what she means by that tho. *jgn sjaa yaa ani sirial killer bnr. munn, breakfast cereal killer indaa apaa laa. wait, she told me that she ate alot nowdays. asal stress, makann. and andd, atuu punn kuu jealous tuu sebenarnyaa. HAHAH ! since, i wanna be fat so muchh. xP sekaliikn, i asked her about her fb. and asked her to add me selajur. pasal, i wanna see the pictures. since lamaa sudahh indaa nampak cousinkuu yang gilaa ani juaa. cousin ? awuu.. shes related to me thro our grand's side. and im SHOCKED bilaa liat gambarnyaa ! berubahh muchh waa yaa. kuu complain complain lge tuu. HAHAH ! menyumpahh laa yaa juaa. xP andanggnyaa tuu. menyumpahh nyumpahh atuu perkaraa biasaa sudahh happend to ihh between us. never pernahh indaa menyumpahh asal bercontact. hahah. knn pukii ? awuu waa, ckap pasal yaa ani, i havent mention her name punn. duluu, way back dii ugamaa, we called her by the name DEEKAY. why deekay ? pasal, yaa Dayangkuu. so, its DK. hahah. andd, she dint want me to mention her fully name her. but, not by the name FISRAA. she said, namaa rantai or galangnyaa tuu. the combination of her and the boipren's name. Fisraa. indaa kuu silap, atuu plngg. since ive curii-ed her gambars dii fb, i'll upload it soon. shes one of the best oldschool ugamaa's friend and theverycrazy cousin i ever had. i think.. hahah. if youu wanna know her, sorry to say.. jgnthh.. HAHAH. unless, shes the one said that youre her friend. yes, she is a choosey cheesey. PEMILIHH nie sii pukiikuu sorg ani. hahah ! but, once youu know her better, membgii sakit parut juaa withh her jokes, murai-ness and bibiran-ness. but, honest.. walaupunn yaa cematuu, i NEVER get ANNOYED by her. HAHAH ! enough said. ngalehh kuu sudahh bitching about her. just, youre the best and i always love youu pukii ! HAHAH ! *smile..
ps; if theres any wrong typing and shit, sorry. pasal, im using my phoney to post this. its my firsttimer. kn mencubaa. so, yeahh.. good evening semuaa ! x)
ps; if theres any wrong typing and shit, sorry. pasal, im using my phoney to post this. its my firsttimer. kn mencubaa. so, yeahh.. good evening semuaa ! x)
adrio imann.
andd thats ADRIO IMANN. abng nuar's first son. hee. dont he looks cute ? bulat.. heheh. abng nuar said to me before, that his sonn anii sikit lgii kann kenaa bwaa ke portugal. andd membasar dii snaa. andd surely, jdii fotball player like his dad, abng nuar. andd andd.. look people.. munn thh menjdii, rugged juaa tuu. jdii football player portugal. macam.. sudahh punn adaa figo, ronaldo.. why not adrio kann ? hahah. thats what his daddy told me. munn thh bnr.. hahah. but, im sure people here, i mean yg dirumahh indaa melapas tuu. again nyaa abng nuar. hes still damit waa juaa. hee. youu guys should see him face to face. belabihh usulnyaa. kuat senyum lgii tuu. hee. againn, his name is ADRIO IMANN. :):)
deeep sleeeep !
last night..
was berchat sekejap withh eqahh andd kamii melayann mtv. berkusut and shit apaa. heeh.. sampaii kuu belapar. andd berpop mie tiaa juaa sampat. yadaa yadaa yadaa.. until kakaa pulang tiaa. so, its her turned to used the lappy tiaa as usual. plus, im done withh everything juaa kann. so, yeahh.. let it be sjaa. samaa punn theres football matchh was on. tpii, yg boreng matches. but, after that yg siuk.. so, decided to wait sjaa. since got nothing to fcuk atuu juaa. ceritaa ceritaa withh kakaa sekajap apaa. whenn shes away, i was limpang limpang dii tv's room. macam, batahh kann matchh ahh. tunggu pnyaa tunggu.. i realized that my world's getting darker andd darker. andd i arrived dii never never land tiaa. :/
while i was on my dreamland, ive heard theres people laughing laughing. i was terkejut. cause, before, ive heard org snoring like right next to my ear. but, anii.. org ketawaa ketawaa. it wakes me, really.. sekalii, rupaanyaa tv. suspenn ihh.. 'according to jim' was on. patutlaa ketawaa ketawaa. pacahh.. thenn, melayann tiaa kuu sekajap. sekajap tekarang.. sampaii abis waa kuu liat. along withh friends apaa. i laughed alot tdii. my morning started withh laughing. its a good start tho.. hahah. ohh and yes.. its was awal pagii punn masehh. around 7ishh tuu kuu terbgnn. batahh batahh melayann ketawaa, lapar tiaa juaa parut atuu. so, i asked the maid buat breakfast for me.. she cooked talur and cornbeef for me. andd i ate it withh bread. nyamann waaa ! youuu should try people. mix the egg samaa cornbeef masaa mantahh mantahh atuu. thenn goreng. sampaii masak.. nyamann tiaa. hahah. :D andd andd.. must drink withh ice lemonn teaa. org any teaa laa. jgnn sjaa papermint teaa yg adaa dii cheez box ahh. BIDAA WAA RASAANYAA ! believe me.. thenn, mummy turunn. andd shees gonna masak for tahlil. andd yeahh.. mummy said, tahlil change sudahh.. no longer malam jumaat. harii jumaat sudahh. after friday's prayer. so, while liat tv.. lishaa dtg. andd yaa bwaa adrio imann. abng nuar's sonn. krg kuu post gambarnyaa. bulat ! heheh. sekalii.. i asked mummy to wakes me for tahlil.. pasal the manu for today's tahlil is memberangsangkann ! hahah. but, kenaa marahh kuu plng instead. malas yaa kann bgnnkann. wel, once akuu tdur.. tdur matii.. hahah. akuu juaa lgii. so, malas tiaa kuu tdur.. sampaii tahlil.. i wasted berfootie. hee..
yes, bertahlil.. after sembhyang jumaat. wel, i wasnt sembahyg tdii. andd yeahh.. i was bertahlil tdii. macam, bruu thh kuu tahlil.. heeh.. wanna know why ? i know.. youu all would say, pasal the manu. andd, yes.. pasal the manu.. the manu for today tahlil tdii was.. AMBUYAT ! hahah. lamaa waa sudahh tuu indaa makann that thing. so, yeahh.. i ate nasii first tdii. 2nd round bruu berambuyat. hahah. gilaa.. nyamann.. bungsuu asked me either i cann eat it or not. my answer is, orang bruneii kliiah. hahha. nyamann waa the cacahh. bondaa lgii membuat.. kick waa.. hahah ! :P:P after done all. menggampaii tiaa kuu dii bilik kekanyangann. hahah. trus tiaa kuu tertdur. since im kindaa tired atuu juaa kann. so, yeahh.. my whole day is fully booked by sleeping ! sampaii dinner time. :D:D i just love sleeping. :):)
kakaa wakes me masaa dinner time. kacauu.. atuukann nyamann sudahh tdur kuu. mimpii ? antahh.. i couldnt remember. malas kuu juaa memikirkann.. yg penting, tidurkuu nyamann. hahah ! BERABISS ! i was bertv sjaa tdii. thenn fiffy dtg. andd kakaa jlnn. i dont know kemanaa. blik blik nyaa membwaa kfc. i ate ayam tdii. heeh.. ayam juaakann.. hemm.. :/ *kangenn.. sekalii sekalii.. yeahh.. i endup mandii at 11ishh tdii. pasal, i supposed ke airport waa late night. my hottie ke brunei tonight. late night lgii tuu. but, antahh.. ndaa tiaa juaa dgnkuu. kann bawaa ride.. akuu malas driving. heem.. so, i asked abng apis to temann kan.. but, tdur dii muaraa tiaa juaa. aiyaaa.. so, indaa tiaa jdii. stay drumahh laa sjaa. berlappy and all. nothing special happend today..
but awal anii im berchatting smaa my oldschool friend sii deekay. we talks shit and all. hahha. pacahh.. andd i smiled alot. pasal its been awhile indaa bercontact withh herr. hee. will update lgee pasal sii deekay. oncee i curii her photos sudahh. hee. -out..
was berchat sekejap withh eqahh andd kamii melayann mtv. berkusut and shit apaa. heeh.. sampaii kuu belapar. andd berpop mie tiaa juaa sampat. yadaa yadaa yadaa.. until kakaa pulang tiaa. so, its her turned to used the lappy tiaa as usual. plus, im done withh everything juaa kann. so, yeahh.. let it be sjaa. samaa punn theres football matchh was on. tpii, yg boreng matches. but, after that yg siuk.. so, decided to wait sjaa. since got nothing to fcuk atuu juaa. ceritaa ceritaa withh kakaa sekajap apaa. whenn shes away, i was limpang limpang dii tv's room. macam, batahh kann matchh ahh. tunggu pnyaa tunggu.. i realized that my world's getting darker andd darker. andd i arrived dii never never land tiaa. :/
while i was on my dreamland, ive heard theres people laughing laughing. i was terkejut. cause, before, ive heard org snoring like right next to my ear. but, anii.. org ketawaa ketawaa. it wakes me, really.. sekalii, rupaanyaa tv. suspenn ihh.. 'according to jim' was on. patutlaa ketawaa ketawaa. pacahh.. thenn, melayann tiaa kuu sekajap. sekajap tekarang.. sampaii abis waa kuu liat. along withh friends apaa. i laughed alot tdii. my morning started withh laughing. its a good start tho.. hahah. ohh and yes.. its was awal pagii punn masehh. around 7ishh tuu kuu terbgnn. batahh batahh melayann ketawaa, lapar tiaa juaa parut atuu. so, i asked the maid buat breakfast for me.. she cooked talur and cornbeef for me. andd i ate it withh bread. nyamann waaa ! youuu should try people. mix the egg samaa cornbeef masaa mantahh mantahh atuu. thenn goreng. sampaii masak.. nyamann tiaa. hahah. :D andd andd.. must drink withh ice lemonn teaa. org any teaa laa. jgnn sjaa papermint teaa yg adaa dii cheez box ahh. BIDAA WAA RASAANYAA ! believe me.. thenn, mummy turunn. andd shees gonna masak for tahlil. andd yeahh.. mummy said, tahlil change sudahh.. no longer malam jumaat. harii jumaat sudahh. after friday's prayer. so, while liat tv.. lishaa dtg. andd yaa bwaa adrio imann. abng nuar's sonn. krg kuu post gambarnyaa. bulat ! heheh. sekalii.. i asked mummy to wakes me for tahlil.. pasal the manu for today's tahlil is memberangsangkann ! hahah. but, kenaa marahh kuu plng instead. malas yaa kann bgnnkann. wel, once akuu tdur.. tdur matii.. hahah. akuu juaa lgii. so, malas tiaa kuu tdur.. sampaii tahlil.. i wasted berfootie. hee..
yes, bertahlil.. after sembhyang jumaat. wel, i wasnt sembahyg tdii. andd yeahh.. i was bertahlil tdii. macam, bruu thh kuu tahlil.. heeh.. wanna know why ? i know.. youu all would say, pasal the manu. andd, yes.. pasal the manu.. the manu for today tahlil tdii was.. AMBUYAT ! hahah. lamaa waa sudahh tuu indaa makann that thing. so, yeahh.. i ate nasii first tdii. 2nd round bruu berambuyat. hahah. gilaa.. nyamann.. bungsuu asked me either i cann eat it or not. my answer is, orang bruneii kliiah. hahha. nyamann waa the cacahh. bondaa lgii membuat.. kick waa.. hahah ! :P:P after done all. menggampaii tiaa kuu dii bilik kekanyangann. hahah. trus tiaa kuu tertdur. since im kindaa tired atuu juaa kann. so, yeahh.. my whole day is fully booked by sleeping ! sampaii dinner time. :D:D i just love sleeping. :):)
kakaa wakes me masaa dinner time. kacauu.. atuukann nyamann sudahh tdur kuu. mimpii ? antahh.. i couldnt remember. malas kuu juaa memikirkann.. yg penting, tidurkuu nyamann. hahah ! BERABISS ! i was bertv sjaa tdii. thenn fiffy dtg. andd kakaa jlnn. i dont know kemanaa. blik blik nyaa membwaa kfc. i ate ayam tdii. heeh.. ayam juaakann.. hemm.. :/ *kangenn.. sekalii sekalii.. yeahh.. i endup mandii at 11ishh tdii. pasal, i supposed ke airport waa late night. my hottie ke brunei tonight. late night lgii tuu. but, antahh.. ndaa tiaa juaa dgnkuu. kann bawaa ride.. akuu malas driving. heem.. so, i asked abng apis to temann kan.. but, tdur dii muaraa tiaa juaa. aiyaaa.. so, indaa tiaa jdii. stay drumahh laa sjaa. berlappy and all. nothing special happend today..
but awal anii im berchatting smaa my oldschool friend sii deekay. we talks shit and all. hahha. pacahh.. andd i smiled alot. pasal its been awhile indaa bercontact withh herr. hee. will update lgee pasal sii deekay. oncee i curii her photos sudahh. hee. -out..
Friday, 28 November 2008
kamii kamii ! :D:D
bercheez box !
wel, blikk drii ppb, i was tired muchh ! fiffy was tdur still dii my room tdii. so, i wakes her up. pasal, its my turned to tdur tiaaa. gilaaa.. openn everything, terus thh kuu tdur. lalahh waaa.. macam, akuu lgii kann bercheez box samaa eqahh. so, i slept first tiaa duluu.
andd fiffy wakes me pasal, she said eqahh crii-edd me. so, yeahh.. i checked my msnn and eqahh was teguringg me. but, was asleep punn. thenn thenn.. sii eqahh MENGUSUT !! eeeee ! kanaa marahh waa kuu. so, macam.. bagunn, trus laa kuu berhenchem henchem.
and after selasai everything, i waited for the parents andd eqahh, not abngg who batahh okehh ! hahah. :P:P wel, sadanggg ~ hahah ! andd andd.. antahh. i was tired sebenarnyaa today. but, as i promised kann brcheez box, so.. HAD TO tiaa.. :P:P
sampaii gadongg, jumpaaa eqahh tiaa. andd went ke 'jalann barat' pasal eqahh kann ambil her stuff andd grul and the friends was there punn. tekajut yaa sii grul liat rambutkuu ! hahah. awuu.. no one knows yet punn. yatahh tuu.. sekalii sekalii.. kamii singgahh ke RPS. jumpaa sii asnol apaa. sii grul kenaa bullied tdii. HAHAH !
thenn, ke cheez box tiaa kamii. wel, me eqahh grul shanaa and awie. ituu the names who berhypered dii cheeez box tdii. wel, not sii awie i guess.. hes quite muchh. shanaa, kindaa loud. grul, annoying berbaby baby ! andd sii eqahh, GOD ! bibirann muchh andd PEMBULLY MUCHH ! GILAAA ! shit..
but, it was SUPER FUNN TDII !! :D:D kann kann kamuu ?? eqahh ? shanaa ? grul ? awiee ? HAHAH ! eventho dii cheez box tdii bisingg, but.. come onn, indaa terbeat our bisingness waaa tdii. hahah. *i think.. :P:P
andd andd by 5ishh tdii, eqahh blikk tiaa. boooo sii eqahh ! lagii tiaa indaa social ! HAHAH ! andd gilaa kamuu kamuu ! she bullied me berabiss tdii ! sheeeet ! tpii tpii.. kenaa bully tiaa blik sii eqahh ! :P:P sampaii yaa blik lgee tuu. HAHAH ! mental.. :P:P
ohh, andd yes.. ofcause kamii kamii bergambar gambar tdii. its a MUST waa tuu kan eqq ? hahah. will post punn soon the photos ! heee. :):)
ps; people.. go visit eqah's blog. i think shee also post the story about bercheez box. incase mine not so interesting. hee. cheers ! :):)
andd fiffy wakes me pasal, she said eqahh crii-edd me. so, yeahh.. i checked my msnn and eqahh was teguringg me. but, was asleep punn. thenn thenn.. sii eqahh MENGUSUT !! eeeee ! kanaa marahh waa kuu. so, macam.. bagunn, trus laa kuu berhenchem henchem.
and after selasai everything, i waited for the parents andd eqahh, not abngg who batahh okehh ! hahah. :P:P wel, sadanggg ~ hahah ! andd andd.. antahh. i was tired sebenarnyaa today. but, as i promised kann brcheez box, so.. HAD TO tiaa.. :P:P
sampaii gadongg, jumpaaa eqahh tiaa. andd went ke 'jalann barat' pasal eqahh kann ambil her stuff andd grul and the friends was there punn. tekajut yaa sii grul liat rambutkuu ! hahah. awuu.. no one knows yet punn. yatahh tuu.. sekalii sekalii.. kamii singgahh ke RPS. jumpaa sii asnol apaa. sii grul kenaa bullied tdii. HAHAH !
thenn, ke cheez box tiaa kamii. wel, me eqahh grul shanaa and awie. ituu the names who berhypered dii cheeez box tdii. wel, not sii awie i guess.. hes quite muchh. shanaa, kindaa loud. grul, annoying berbaby baby ! andd sii eqahh, GOD ! bibirann muchh andd PEMBULLY MUCHH ! GILAAA ! shit..
but, it was SUPER FUNN TDII !! :D:D kann kann kamuu ?? eqahh ? shanaa ? grul ? awiee ? HAHAH ! eventho dii cheez box tdii bisingg, but.. come onn, indaa terbeat our bisingness waaa tdii. hahah. *i think.. :P:P
andd andd by 5ishh tdii, eqahh blikk tiaa. boooo sii eqahh ! lagii tiaa indaa social ! HAHAH ! andd gilaa kamuu kamuu ! she bullied me berabiss tdii ! sheeeet ! tpii tpii.. kenaa bully tiaa blik sii eqahh ! :P:P sampaii yaa blik lgee tuu. HAHAH ! mental.. :P:P
ohh, andd yes.. ofcause kamii kamii bergambar gambar tdii. its a MUST waa tuu kan eqq ? hahah. will post punn soon the photos ! heee. :):)
ps; people.. go visit eqah's blog. i think shee also post the story about bercheez box. incase mine not so interesting. hee. cheers ! :):)
Thursday, 27 November 2008
interview ! :D
around 7ishh, i arrived dii ppb. i was nervous. sampaii membacaa bacaa waa kuu all the way sampaii ke snaa. i tot i was the first one yg awal dtg. caused, the interview started at 8 andd abng jo told me, the more awal dtg, the awal-er knaa interview. whichh is not ! HAHAH.
i findout. theres three chicks was sitting there. andd, theres one seat yg kosong ampir dorang. macam.. aii.. kann duduk waa kuu ! :/ so, i was bangang and lost. until adaa voice ckp, "tunggu sjaa dii luar" so, i waited tiaa. andd i started the convo withh one of them chickes. asking that dnrg interview as well ? andd yess, they are. so, i asked again if i could duduk next to her not not. tpii knaa choke kuu plngg indaa pedahh pedahh ! "duduk plng, bukann kerusiikuu" macam, shit ! kanaa juaa kuu tuu ahh !
so, i sit next to them and andd.. i started againn the talking talking again and againn. they seems friendly. indaa juaa macam jahat bnr laa. andd i even asked dorng pnya ages.. whichh, tuaa tuaa waa ! :S indaa juaa kuu dpt meroll tuu. HAHAH ! :P adaa yg 20, 22, and 24. but yg 20 years atuu, sweet mukanyaa. and she looks femiliar punn. but, antahh.. so, we're not being quite tiaa. bcakap cakap apaa. bgas skulahh manaa andd all. i evenn asked that, dorang berboiiprenn or not. andd surprisingly, dorang pnyaa answerd lainn. they said, "mun ku bebf, indaa kuu kann masuk snii. wel, jgnn plngg pkir lainn. pasal, yg ku dangar.. indaa dpt bwaa phone. so, baik single. indaa sakit kepalaa."
tekajut waa kuu. tediam kuu lge. pacahh.. thenn one by one tiaa the others dtg. macam marung marung lgee tuu. hahah. berijap ! :S macam, seorang punn kuu indaa kenal waa. :S hemm.. kecundangg lgii. thenn sudahh the time ticks till 8ishh, kamii kenaa panggil semuaa keatas. no one was berabut punn tdii. the chickes was front tdii andd the guys belakang. so, no rushhed. :)
sekalii, kmii kenaa suruhh masuk-ed to this big room. andd had to isii names and all. the guys was bangang tdii. once all the females done me list their names, it supposed the males pnyaa turns tiaa. tpii, sorng sorangg bangang. andd the dood who marung marung tdii macam, he gaves me signel to take turnn. macam huhh ? akuu yg bengangg selajur. thenn, i walked and asked the teacher ? wel, shee looks like a teacher yg mengajar snaa. *indaa waa kuu tauu ! hahah. so, i asked her and yeahh.. kamii dii suruhh isii the paper andd had to ambil some paper untuk dii isii.
seklii.. all the questions were so gilaaa gilaaaa muchh ! but, alhamdulilahh i finnished it all. without no blanks. hahah. nyamann nyamann waa my answers. hahha. gilerr.. macam betanyaa lgee tuu kann arhh a dood next to me for the answer. pacahh.. hes baik juaa. he gaves. haahhah. wel, masaa yaa asked me punn i gaves as well. beribunn ibunn lgii tuu kamii ahh. macam kenal sjaa. mann.. i am so talkatived muchh tdii. semuaa waa dii bawaa bergilaa. hahah. andd termostlyy thh pasal chicks ! HAHAH !
that topic keluar pasal kamii nampak ramaii chicks next room baa tuu. yatahh tuu. memanjangg tplngg ! hahah. siukk.. while waiting for my turnn kenaa interview, i was talking to the girl yg awal i bawaaa becakap ahh. yg 20. heheh. i dont know her name yet.. heeh.. everyone names punn alumm i know yet. eventhoo we were bertalkatived muchh. hahah. panats.. ohh yeahh.. that girl.. i asked her how was her interview ? then she said.. "it was great. macam biasaa." i asked againn, that.. the questions membagii terdiam juaa ? thenn she told me that.. "munn kau yg bibirann anii, indaa ko terdiam tuu ihh. " followed by a nice smiled. macam.. shit ! terdiam kuu lge.. hahah ! *sheeet !
"JUSHAKIM ADEE WIRAA !" and that name kenaa panggil tiaa. andd its my turned kenaa interview tiaa. so, i was so happy. bukan plngg pasal apaa.. BATAHH WAA KUU MENUNGGU ! :S:S hahah. thenn.. shit ! lgii tiaa kenaa choke choke during that time ! sheeeet ! nothing muchh tuu mentioned about it. wel, interview puunn sjaa kann ? heeh.. andd i notice that, LAMAA WAA KU JUAA KENAA INTERVIEW !! hahah. awuu.. complainn complainn kuu nie ! :P hahha. but, hopefully i get thro laa. *aminn.. :):)
whenn ive done, i asked either bolehh blik sudahh or not. andd the teacher yg tdii awal awal ituu cakap, yes.. bulehh sudahh tiaa. so, i went downn andd terjumpaa tiaa lge the three chicks yg awal awal punn tdii. they were waiting kenaa ambil juaa. so, beceritaa ceritaa tiaa juaa kamii. hahha. siukk ! alum apaa apaa, rapat tiaa. hee. andd andd.. i findout that the girl yg 20 yearsold ituu punn got the same interviewer like mine. heeh.. sukaa waa yaa. duhh.. *sekadar ! :P:P
andd andd, lastlyy.. i was asking dnrg pnyaa names.. but, they just diam diam but smiling smiling.. so, i cutt ways before drngg answer me.. i said, no need laaa to jawab. wait till tni meet againn sjaa. meaning that if we got thro laa. but, that 20years old chicks told me that she knows mine punn sudahh. macam.. aiii.. buyuk ! she said.. yg terdangar masaa my name kenaa shouted tiaa. so, yeahh.. shit ! unfairr tiaaa. but, fcuk it. macam thh important muchh punn. ihh... hahah. :P:P soon ! :P:P
thenn, after dorng pulang, i was kepanasan. i went ke dalam and theres a girl duduk seorang seorang. so, i bawaa yaa bercakap laa. sjaa.. and yeahh.. cerita ceritaa, until adaa this dood, hes the youngest klii. pasal, yaa 18years old. bwaa ceritaa ceritaa apaa. until abng jo was there. yaa belanjaa balii minumann. andd i drank ice lemon teaa againn. hee. sekalii sekalii.. daddy dtg tiaa. so, i went home tiaa. andd yeahh ! forget to mention.. knaa bully bully waa kuu tdii olehh sii abngg jo andd some of the teachers there. macam apaa ! alum lge kuu joined snaa. matey ! heeh.. anwy, so far my interview was doing well tdii. hee. thanks for sesiapaa sesiapaa yg supported me tdii for the interview. hee. i love youu all all. *BIG HUGS ! :D:D
i findout. theres three chicks was sitting there. andd, theres one seat yg kosong ampir dorang. macam.. aii.. kann duduk waa kuu ! :/ so, i was bangang and lost. until adaa voice ckp, "tunggu sjaa dii luar" so, i waited tiaa. andd i started the convo withh one of them chickes. asking that dnrg interview as well ? andd yess, they are. so, i asked again if i could duduk next to her not not. tpii knaa choke kuu plngg indaa pedahh pedahh ! "duduk plng, bukann kerusiikuu" macam, shit ! kanaa juaa kuu tuu ahh !
so, i sit next to them and andd.. i started againn the talking talking again and againn. they seems friendly. indaa juaa macam jahat bnr laa. andd i even asked dorng pnya ages.. whichh, tuaa tuaa waa ! :S indaa juaa kuu dpt meroll tuu. HAHAH ! :P adaa yg 20, 22, and 24. but yg 20 years atuu, sweet mukanyaa. and she looks femiliar punn. but, antahh.. so, we're not being quite tiaa. bcakap cakap apaa. bgas skulahh manaa andd all. i evenn asked that, dorang berboiiprenn or not. andd surprisingly, dorang pnyaa answerd lainn. they said, "mun ku bebf, indaa kuu kann masuk snii. wel, jgnn plngg pkir lainn. pasal, yg ku dangar.. indaa dpt bwaa phone. so, baik single. indaa sakit kepalaa."
tekajut waa kuu. tediam kuu lge. pacahh.. thenn one by one tiaa the others dtg. macam marung marung lgee tuu. hahah. berijap ! :S macam, seorang punn kuu indaa kenal waa. :S hemm.. kecundangg lgii. thenn sudahh the time ticks till 8ishh, kamii kenaa panggil semuaa keatas. no one was berabut punn tdii. the chickes was front tdii andd the guys belakang. so, no rushhed. :)
sekalii, kmii kenaa suruhh masuk-ed to this big room. andd had to isii names and all. the guys was bangang tdii. once all the females done me list their names, it supposed the males pnyaa turns tiaa. tpii, sorng sorangg bangang. andd the dood who marung marung tdii macam, he gaves me signel to take turnn. macam huhh ? akuu yg bengangg selajur. thenn, i walked and asked the teacher ? wel, shee looks like a teacher yg mengajar snaa. *indaa waa kuu tauu ! hahah. so, i asked her and yeahh.. kamii dii suruhh isii the paper andd had to ambil some paper untuk dii isii.
seklii.. all the questions were so gilaaa gilaaaa muchh ! but, alhamdulilahh i finnished it all. without no blanks. hahah. nyamann nyamann waa my answers. hahha. gilerr.. macam betanyaa lgee tuu kann arhh a dood next to me for the answer. pacahh.. hes baik juaa. he gaves. haahhah. wel, masaa yaa asked me punn i gaves as well. beribunn ibunn lgii tuu kamii ahh. macam kenal sjaa. mann.. i am so talkatived muchh tdii. semuaa waa dii bawaa bergilaa. hahah. andd termostlyy thh pasal chicks ! HAHAH !
that topic keluar pasal kamii nampak ramaii chicks next room baa tuu. yatahh tuu. memanjangg tplngg ! hahah. siukk.. while waiting for my turnn kenaa interview, i was talking to the girl yg awal i bawaaa becakap ahh. yg 20. heheh. i dont know her name yet.. heeh.. everyone names punn alumm i know yet. eventhoo we were bertalkatived muchh. hahah. panats.. ohh yeahh.. that girl.. i asked her how was her interview ? then she said.. "it was great. macam biasaa." i asked againn, that.. the questions membagii terdiam juaa ? thenn she told me that.. "munn kau yg bibirann anii, indaa ko terdiam tuu ihh. " followed by a nice smiled. macam.. shit ! terdiam kuu lge.. hahah ! *sheeet !
"JUSHAKIM ADEE WIRAA !" and that name kenaa panggil tiaa. andd its my turned kenaa interview tiaa. so, i was so happy. bukan plngg pasal apaa.. BATAHH WAA KUU MENUNGGU ! :S:S hahah. thenn.. shit ! lgii tiaa kenaa choke choke during that time ! sheeeet ! nothing muchh tuu mentioned about it. wel, interview puunn sjaa kann ? heeh.. andd i notice that, LAMAA WAA KU JUAA KENAA INTERVIEW !! hahah. awuu.. complainn complainn kuu nie ! :P hahha. but, hopefully i get thro laa. *aminn.. :):)
whenn ive done, i asked either bolehh blik sudahh or not. andd the teacher yg tdii awal awal ituu cakap, yes.. bulehh sudahh tiaa. so, i went downn andd terjumpaa tiaa lge the three chicks yg awal awal punn tdii. they were waiting kenaa ambil juaa. so, beceritaa ceritaa tiaa juaa kamii. hahha. siukk ! alum apaa apaa, rapat tiaa. hee. andd andd.. i findout that the girl yg 20 yearsold ituu punn got the same interviewer like mine. heeh.. sukaa waa yaa. duhh.. *sekadar ! :P:P
andd andd, lastlyy.. i was asking dnrg pnyaa names.. but, they just diam diam but smiling smiling.. so, i cutt ways before drngg answer me.. i said, no need laaa to jawab. wait till tni meet againn sjaa. meaning that if we got thro laa. but, that 20years old chicks told me that she knows mine punn sudahh. macam.. aiii.. buyuk ! she said.. yg terdangar masaa my name kenaa shouted tiaa. so, yeahh.. shit ! unfairr tiaaa. but, fcuk it. macam thh important muchh punn. ihh... hahah. :P:P soon ! :P:P
thenn, after dorng pulang, i was kepanasan. i went ke dalam and theres a girl duduk seorang seorang. so, i bawaa yaa bercakap laa. sjaa.. and yeahh.. cerita ceritaa, until adaa this dood, hes the youngest klii. pasal, yaa 18years old. bwaa ceritaa ceritaa apaa. until abng jo was there. yaa belanjaa balii minumann. andd i drank ice lemon teaa againn. hee. sekalii sekalii.. daddy dtg tiaa. so, i went home tiaa. andd yeahh ! forget to mention.. knaa bully bully waa kuu tdii olehh sii abngg jo andd some of the teachers there. macam apaa ! alum lge kuu joined snaa. matey ! heeh.. anwy, so far my interview was doing well tdii. hee. thanks for sesiapaa sesiapaa yg supported me tdii for the interview. hee. i love youu all all. *BIG HUGS ! :D:D
the night before the interview.
after done berchat withh idaah pasal the "so-called" secret. i went out sekajap pasal kann makann. was lapar abit. tpii macam.. kanaa marahh tplng ! the parents was there. drng susahh atii about my interview. so, mauu indaa mauu.. i have to go to sleep tiaa. *atuu punn indaa ikhlas.. heeh.. since fiffy was bersibuk juaa berblognyaa.. so, tdur tiaa kuu. i think, it was 12ishh klii. heeh..
sudahh macam lamaa.. terbangunn tiaa kuu. it was silent. andd fiffy's still berblogging. so.. yeahh.. pkir, it was ahir sudahh.. macam, yayy.. indaa juaa kuu batahh menunggu for the interview. but, i was wrong. i asked fiffy, that i slept for how long. she replied, SEKAJAP BANAR KITAA TDUR. tekajutkuu kann. i tot macam pkul 3to 4 atuu laa ahh. sekalii rupaa indaa kan.. :/
PUKUL 1ISHH WAAA RUPANYAA MASEHH !! thats why thh kuu post small shit before. heeh.. so, fiffy punn done everything. so, macam.. since akuu indaa dpt lge tidur.. i asked adek eqahh to on her skype. kalii kalii.. berskype tiaa kamii. first think dii tnyaa nyaa pambut kann.. so, yeahh.. video cam called and shit.. but, it was FUNN !
funn apaa ! taiee ! kanaa bully waa kuu. AGAINN ??! ihh.. buyuk ! eqahh bwaa bwaa my magic weakness ever waa. heeh.. pacahh.. begambar lgee tuu kamii. borengg juaa sudahh tuu. and andd.. best part is kmii belabang menyanyii sampaii sii fiffy complainn complainn. heeh.. and THATS FUNN ! hee. berguitar, otp.. or should i say were, ots.. nyanyii nyanyii. it reminds me of the old days. :']
yes, old days kmii begituu always.. masaa im way back tinggal-ed at ifwats' house. hee. it was rmaii rmaii. sampaii tetears tears baa tuu ! gilaaa ~ see how closed kmii duluu atuu. but now.. sii eqahh samaa abng wehh nyaa gnyaa tinggal. hemm.. :/ takpe eqahh.. maintain our fitness bercontact. hahah. pacahh..
berskype until kakaa dtg.. macam, shit.. akuu sepatutnyaa tdur waa nie. so, sign out everything.. and exsenn exsenn bgnn tdur. hahah ! *knaa gtaau krg daddy ! :P sekalii.. sudahh she went upstairs, i was bored and got nothing to fcuk with. meliat football tiaa kuu. since, theres liverpool and chelsea adaa matchh. andd to liverpool's fann, CONGRATS ! hahha. *manang tiaa juaa ! shit ! :P
after that both matchhs, i went back to my room and berdvd sekajap. but since boreng.. limpang limpang sjaa kuu till my alarm yg kuu set eariler berbunyii. whichh was at 0630 pagii butaaa. sudahh ive heard ayam berkokok, bgnn tiaa kuu trus. yes.. ayam berkokok. thats my alarm's sound. *eqahh, jgnn macam macam ! so, as usual.. mandii, berhenchem, andd all.
gilaaa.. rasaakuu macam sekulahh waa.. pacahh ! its so fcuking been awhile waa sudahh kuu indaa cematuu. hahha. bruu yaaa ! im wearing white kamejaa tdii and black skinny seluar for the interviewd. *MACAM BANARRR.. hahha. pkaii my old seluar smart itam waa kuu tdii. hahah. smart lgee tuu. henchem boii laa tuu konon. mannn ! thats not soo meee ! aiyoo.. pakal gnyaa interview pnyaa pasal. heemm.. *kecundang !
sudahh bersiap siap.. i go berbreakfast. makann talur andd bread sjaa. and drink teaa sjaa. wait.. not onlyy tea okehh.. its my cold ice lemon teaa. hahah. pagii minum sajuk. *manis.. after done bereverything, jalann tiaaa kamii. daddy samaa mummy sent me there. whichh supposed, akuu sendirii waa tuu bwaa keretaa. hemmm.. *sheeeeeet !
sudahh macam lamaa.. terbangunn tiaa kuu. it was silent. andd fiffy's still berblogging. so.. yeahh.. pkir, it was ahir sudahh.. macam, yayy.. indaa juaa kuu batahh menunggu for the interview. but, i was wrong. i asked fiffy, that i slept for how long. she replied, SEKAJAP BANAR KITAA TDUR. tekajutkuu kann. i tot macam pkul 3to 4 atuu laa ahh. sekalii rupaa indaa kan.. :/
PUKUL 1ISHH WAAA RUPANYAA MASEHH !! thats why thh kuu post small shit before. heeh.. so, fiffy punn done everything. so, macam.. since akuu indaa dpt lge tidur.. i asked adek eqahh to on her skype. kalii kalii.. berskype tiaa kamii. first think dii tnyaa nyaa pambut kann.. so, yeahh.. video cam called and shit.. but, it was FUNN !
funn apaa ! taiee ! kanaa bully waa kuu. AGAINN ??! ihh.. buyuk ! eqahh bwaa bwaa my magic weakness ever waa. heeh.. pacahh.. begambar lgee tuu kamii. borengg juaa sudahh tuu. and andd.. best part is kmii belabang menyanyii sampaii sii fiffy complainn complainn. heeh.. and THATS FUNN ! hee. berguitar, otp.. or should i say were, ots.. nyanyii nyanyii. it reminds me of the old days. :']
yes, old days kmii begituu always.. masaa im way back tinggal-ed at ifwats' house. hee. it was rmaii rmaii. sampaii tetears tears baa tuu ! gilaaa ~ see how closed kmii duluu atuu. but now.. sii eqahh samaa abng wehh nyaa gnyaa tinggal. hemm.. :/ takpe eqahh.. maintain our fitness bercontact. hahah. pacahh..
berskype until kakaa dtg.. macam, shit.. akuu sepatutnyaa tdur waa nie. so, sign out everything.. and exsenn exsenn bgnn tdur. hahah ! *knaa gtaau krg daddy ! :P sekalii.. sudahh she went upstairs, i was bored and got nothing to fcuk with. meliat football tiaa kuu. since, theres liverpool and chelsea adaa matchh. andd to liverpool's fann, CONGRATS ! hahha. *manang tiaa juaa ! shit ! :P
after that both matchhs, i went back to my room and berdvd sekajap. but since boreng.. limpang limpang sjaa kuu till my alarm yg kuu set eariler berbunyii. whichh was at 0630 pagii butaaa. sudahh ive heard ayam berkokok, bgnn tiaa kuu trus. yes.. ayam berkokok. thats my alarm's sound. *eqahh, jgnn macam macam ! so, as usual.. mandii, berhenchem, andd all.
gilaaa.. rasaakuu macam sekulahh waa.. pacahh ! its so fcuking been awhile waa sudahh kuu indaa cematuu. hahha. bruu yaaa ! im wearing white kamejaa tdii and black skinny seluar for the interviewd. *MACAM BANARRR.. hahha. pkaii my old seluar smart itam waa kuu tdii. hahah. smart lgee tuu. henchem boii laa tuu konon. mannn ! thats not soo meee ! aiyoo.. pakal gnyaa interview pnyaa pasal. heemm.. *kecundang !
sudahh bersiap siap.. i go berbreakfast. makann talur andd bread sjaa. and drink teaa sjaa. wait.. not onlyy tea okehh.. its my cold ice lemon teaa. hahah. pagii minum sajuk. *manis.. after done bereverything, jalann tiaaa kamii. daddy samaa mummy sent me there. whichh supposed, akuu sendirii waa tuu bwaa keretaa. hemmm.. *sheeeeeet !
secretkuu bersamaa sii idaaah ! :P
HAHAH. its supposed to be a "so-called" secret between me and idaah about im not bergunduling my hir. idaaah's supposed to be the first chicks who knows it. but, since webcam's problem.. HAHAH. indaa tiaa plngg. plus, fiffy punn asak asak knn update her blog. so, indaa tiaa. sekadar ? awuuuu, andang sekadar. hahah. and yes idaah. tuu the secret. HAHAH. LOLs..
but, not until it turned to be sii adek eqahh tplng yg who knows first about it.. atuu punn pasal kamii berskype. krg thh kuu mempost what happend masaa berskype. hee. -out.
but, not until it turned to be sii adek eqahh tplng yg who knows first about it.. atuu punn pasal kamii berskype. krg thh kuu mempost what happend masaa berskype. hee. -out.
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