Monday, 26 April 2010

phone bloggingg ! xp

Mannnnn !! Its been so long sudahh i dint phone blogging. Hahah. Maksudnyaa, berblogging thro phones. Hahah. Since me operaa fcut up, so yeahh.. Really miss it so muchh. Cehh ~

hahah. Anyhow.. Yes, wanna share abit about what has just happend past few days. Wel, where should i start ? Hemmm.. Lets start where, i was out withh my babyy.. Hahah. I like this part. xp

it was saturday night. And i dont know, darii awal pagii sudahh i was semangat muchh. Dont know why.. But, yeahh.. I wokeup as usual, late.. Hahah. And went to the office mcm biasaa and dgn bangganyaa lgii tuu pkai bjuu sport ppb. Cehh ~ why ? Pasal, akuu kenaa bwaa ke site. So, yeahh.. And since the day was fine sjaa.. And abit mendungg.. Cehh ~ lurus kaa tuu ? Pokoknyaa, indaa juaa brapaa panas laa.. Hahah. So, yeahh.. Everything was just perfect. Hee.

Di office punn, fine.. As usual, befacebook. Hahah. Habit waa sudahh.. Hahah. Mcm apaa ! xp then, was bemesraa mesraa di fb. Wel, i like to say beriuhh di fb. Hahah. And antahh.. The moral of it is, i was so semangat muchh. Hahah. Then, mcm biasaa, kenaa bwaa kesite and all. Yadaa, yadaa, yadaaa.. And since harii mcm kn hujann, like nyaman waa di office ! Sajuk lgii.. Hahah. I like ~ hahah. xp then, around 11, i got the permissiond to go home for lunchh. Hee.

And on my way home, i was befacebook juaa that time. And mazran was di kopibin. So, yeahh.. I endup di kopibin. And my cousin was there too. Then, hang for awhile.. And lunchh, mazran bwaa us ke excapade. Hahah. AGAINN ! Mcm, nyamann baa lunchh kuu. Hahah. Makan shusii yo ! *duhh ~ sekadar ! Hahah. xp so what ? xp

so, yeahh.. Menyushii tiaa kmii. And thanks to mazran for the treats. Hee. Thanks bro.. Then, since i blik awal sudahh, so i need to go back to the office awal juaa. Wel, like, 130 awal .. Nyehs ! Hahah. xp and yeahh, sampai office, i terus hit the toilet. Hahah ! Melabur sushi ! Hahah. xp

so yeahh.. Di office got nothing to do. So befacebook tiaa saaaaaaaampai my phone low batt. And and, mengantukkn ! Sajuk lgii.. Mcm apaa ! In my head was, my katil, my bantal, selimut and all my alat tdur. Hahah.

Then, while waiting the clock ticks by.. Again, i got the permission blik awal. Hahah. Like, 3ishh ? Hahah. Pkul 4 punn belum. But, yeahh.. As i said, in my head was my bed and stuff. Hahah. So, i bounce bounce home. Hee.

Pulangg rumahh, my brother was there.. And we did some chitchat and all. And yeahh, since i was berwall-ing withh me babyy, batahh menungguu, tetdur baa sayaa ! Nyehs.. xp then, palauu palauu, suddenly, i wokeup pasal my phone got misscalled. And my babyy did that. So, dengan palaunyaa, i chitchat msn withh her. And and, she was gonna meet me. Like ? Whatttt ?! Am i dreaming ? Hahah. And she was saying that, mami knows sudahh and all.. So, ngedate thh kmi. And until now i still cant believe it. Hahah. xp thanks to mami for letting us ngedate. Hee. xDxD

so, i looked at the time and its still 6ishh, mcm.. I was rushed took me shower and terus zoom ambil me babyy. And yeahh.. My saturday night was so so siuk ! Hahah. xD then, then.. We went to gedong and since its bored, we lawat babuu di hospital and yeahh.. x') and and, we endup.. *skip !*

then, while i was on something, bb called me and asking where i am. Then, yeahh.. Mami did textd me as well. So, i send my baaby's home in a good hand. Hee. *Awww.. Im missing youu right now ! x')

anyhow, after sending her home, i zoomed to gedong jumpaa bb. And since my sister asked me to go gedong juaa, so, i went.. In the middle of the road, someone called me and invited me to some ehem ehem.. And yeahh.. I rushed jumpaa bb and yeahh.. I went to gedong.

Then, meet them bb awang and bb's chicks. Hee. And yeahh, hang abit and my SISTER, ndaa waa di gedong ! Mcm, i called her, she was saying, "bang, im at a party right now" mcm, damn ! Adikuu plng beparty ! Nyehs.. Hahah. And yeahh, while waiting bb's chicks blik, we hang sekajap. And meet some friends there. Hee. Was funn. And we planned to go to the party after we ehem ehem. Hahah. So, yeahh.. We went to the ehem ehem thingy ! xD

there, i had funn muchh. Listening to some musics apaa.. Cerita ceritaa. So, yeahh.. And we are so ready to go to the party. Kononnyaa kn crushh laa nie. Hahah. Before we crush, i called me sister. And she was saying that, the party was not that happening. So, they bounce for some food. Hahah. So, in the end, we dint go to the party. Hahah. Like, no sweat babyy.. Hahah. We were party ourself like sheeeeet man ! Hahah. xp

so, we endup di gedong againn. Get wasted brabis. Since i was waiting for someone. Hee. And yeahh, since shes contacting me back, i bouncey bouncey tiaa. And got somethings to do. Hee. xp so, yeahh.. And of the story, my saturday night was totally great ! Hahah. Siuk giler ! xp

some tips here, what ever youu do, always started withh some energy. Semangat ! Happy.. Positive.. And everything and all the way i believe its gonna be siuk. So, yeahh.. No matter what, be happy and semangat. Hee. Til here duluu, i bounce then. Sleep well everybody and goodnights ! xDxD

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