Thursday, 29 April 2010

Sleeeping, while its rainingg. x')

Again, its late night now. Usually, i would say that i couldnt sleeep. But, now.. I think i had enough sleep. Nyehs.. Why so ? Because, i slept the whole day likee whaaaat ?!

It goes like this, on tuesday i was working and kena bwaa ke site. And it was really siuk. Plus, the weather punn not that panas. So, yeahh.. Siuk juaa laa. Atleast, i got the experiance. Hee. And yeahh.. Blaa, bla, blaa.. Lunch time i went home. And guess what ? Tutup karan waa drumahh ! So, i take off my everything and nakedly ngampai on my bed. It feels so great ! Hahah. Youu should try it. ;p hujanth lgii ~ enak banget ! Lols..

Then, i got back to the office and did some work to be done. And by 3ishh, blik. But, i endup ke padang kebajikan. And had to wait until 530. Gilaa ~ buruk bnr waa kuu. Hahah. And yeahh, dgnkn sur ke balai and yeahh.. Blik trus ngampaii. Kn jumpaa bb di hospi pun tak kesampaian. Nyehs..

The next thing i know was, the next day nyaa, i dint go to work. Why ? My body was to lazy to wake up. Plus, it was raining. Nyams waa tuu. When it comes to me and rain, the answer will be sleeping. Hee. I wokeup petang klii, and iman was there and hana. And shanana. I was bekurung, but, since riuhh.. I went out and i was lapar juaa. Then, makan. After eat, ongkii. Ohh, and forget to mention, i was bercinta cintaa withh my baby as well. Hee. *kelupaan ! xp

chitchat chitchat withh my sweetlove, until she mentiond about sleeping, nyaman and sejuk. Mcm, mann ! Tergodaa kuu withh that words. Hahah. Was berfacebook apaa juaa. Bla bla blaa. And since she wanna menghayati, so, i go sleep as well tia. And mannn ! I just love sleeeeping ! Hahah. Who doesnt right ? Hee. *bangangg ! xp

then, time goes by and when i opend up my eyes, it was 10ishh malam tiaa. Like, sheeet ! Nyaman waa tdur kuu. Brabis.. But, again.. Kn jumpaa bb tertundaa. Cehh ~ hahah. Then, yeahh.. Berfacebook and around 11ishh i took my shower. Pasal org atuu juaa kn mentiond nyaman if mandi tiaa apaa. Nyehs.. Come on, who doesnt trust your loveones right ? Whatever nyaman for her, it will be nyaman for me punn. Hee. *knn syangg ? ;p

after that, since i had plan.. So, i went out and meet them bb awang and bb's. *menyampaikn hajat. Hee. Then joined them kejap sending bb's chicks home. And in the car, sweet muchh baa drng. Mcm, i was so happy for bb. Hee. Finally ! *jubs !! Bb bgf sudahh !! Hee. xp then, we endup at bb's place and yeahh.. Since after midnight, i got midnight date tiaa. Nyehs.. x') the night, i called, "the promise night" hee.

And yeahh.. Will talk about how sweet things happend if youu have someone youu loves, cares about, and all the sweet things soon. Since my baby's waiting for me to be done, so, yeahh.. Til here duluu then. Hee. Nights peps.

P/s : i once been told that, "kenyamanan adalahh puncaa kegagalan." so, yeahh.. Note this.. What ever youu did or do, just gives some limits. Everything will be nice if theres limits. Hee. Nights again ! Cheerious ! xDxD

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