Yesterday, i was out with my baby. We attend to some function, whichh it was so great muchh. And yeahh.. Along withh my family. And it was funn muchh. Photos will upload soon. Insha-god. Hee. Wel, the function ends around 5ishh. Then, we went to gdg to have for some dinner. We ate di weststreet. And, soon after that, i send my baby home. :)
after that, i went back home slajur. And since she asked me took my shower and all, so i did. Sikit lgii kn malas actually. But, somehow i did. Hee. Then, after shower, she asked to take my short nap. Whichh kononnyaa, sama samaa berehat. And i finds out that, indaa yaa btdur rupanyaa. Apaa apaa ! Hee. Sii kambangg aaa. *ily.. And yeahh, i was a sleep till im awake after midnight, and realizing that i just turned 21years old ? Hahh.. Life goes onn. ;) then, i received some msges. Birthday greetings. Di facebook as well. And only god knows how appreciate me and thank youu so muchh for the greets. Hee. It meant alot to me. ;D
then, im given a very special gives frm heaven. ;) eventho its not that great. But, appreciate any time i ever had with youu sayangg. Sikit, panjangg.. I still appreciate muchh. It is a very special moment to have youu besides me. ;'D and thanks for the gift as well syangg. Iloveyouu.. Youre the greatest ! ;D
then, around 4ishh klii.. I slept and now.. Im wide awake in the morning. And hopefully kenaa murahkn rezeki di awal pagii. Hee. Amin ~ wel, i think till here sjaa duluu thh. Hee. Have a great morning people. And happy holidays. Only my birthday gives some of youu guys cuti. Youu should thanks me for that. Heheh. ;p alright then, cheers. Hee. ;D
Monday, 31 May 2010
Saturday, 29 May 2010
smokey !
and guess what ? i endup sleeping ! manaa kuu jdii makann breakfast tuu yesterday. til around 11ishh klii i woke up. my baby's texted wakes me. and yeahh.. i went out, and terus searched for food. hahah. i asked aunty to masakkan me some food and kononnya kann mandii laa nie. tpii, i was out. belum lagii mandii tuu. hahah. im meeting some friends. i went to kg masinn. and its was so panas the weather. and, i was chitchat withh my babyy juaa. hee. sampaii tedc-ed. nyehs !
thenn, yeahh.. waiting waiting waiting, sampaii 4ishh. then, i went home and kononnya kan makann laaa nie. then, mummy kan mintaaa antar ke gudang tiaa juaa. so, i send her there. since daddy was there sudahh. and yeahh.. terus blik rumahh. before kerumahh, i singgah ke kedai sekejap. beli some dvds, andd some foods. then, i went back home. blik rumahh, terus makan, then, smokey smokey kejap, melayan dvds, then i endup shower tiaa. hahah. bangas ! ;p
then, around 8ish, i went to a function. adaa optimal health di rbrc. it was great motivation from Dr. Eddy. biasaa dangar from the cds sjaa. aniii mendangar and meliat live dapan mata. its more different and more better. and hes gonna be the speaker for our next functions. this sunday, and so cant wait to learn from him. ;) then, the functions ended at around 10ish to 11. so, i terus balik rumahh. was tired and sleepy muchh. since my baby was asleeep aswell, so, i tidur as well tiaa. but, before tidur, i hit the pot first. damn, nyaman wass tdurr kuu !!
and around 6ish morning tdii, my baby texted me. her texted wakes me up. hee. thanks again for that btw.. so, i smokey just for my early breakfast. andthen, terus i took my shower. then, bebajuu. andd smokey smokey. then, i took my breakfast andd all the nutritions. then, i zoom to the office. sampai office, i endup, biasaa. doing nothing, till kenaa bagi some works and i finnished it just like that. and krg patang, i dont feels like going to work. why so ? i need to go to ppb to settle my log book. nyehs.
and yeahh.. i just now did search the news about orng kena bust pasal ganjaa. gilaa, 2k waaa !! nyams waa tuu. HAHAH ! ;p ish, ishh, ishhh ! anwy, im out of words tiaa now. ohh, today is my last day attached dii bahagian regulatory. hee. so far, it was funn here. why so ? cause, my bungsu's is in this sections. nyehs.. rock kliaa ! \m/
so, i think til here sjaa thh duluu then. ndaa kann di cakapkann. nyehs. just, i miss my babyy. thats all i cann think of. hee. ;) wel, have a nice saturday guys ! have the funn ! and happy weekends !! ;D cheers !
thenn, yeahh.. waiting waiting waiting, sampaii 4ishh. then, i went home and kononnya kan makann laaa nie. then, mummy kan mintaaa antar ke gudang tiaa juaa. so, i send her there. since daddy was there sudahh. and yeahh.. terus blik rumahh. before kerumahh, i singgah ke kedai sekejap. beli some dvds, andd some foods. then, i went back home. blik rumahh, terus makan, then, smokey smokey kejap, melayan dvds, then i endup shower tiaa. hahah. bangas ! ;p
then, around 8ish, i went to a function. adaa optimal health di rbrc. it was great motivation from Dr. Eddy. biasaa dangar from the cds sjaa. aniii mendangar and meliat live dapan mata. its more different and more better. and hes gonna be the speaker for our next functions. this sunday, and so cant wait to learn from him. ;) then, the functions ended at around 10ish to 11. so, i terus balik rumahh. was tired and sleepy muchh. since my baby was asleeep aswell, so, i tidur as well tiaa. but, before tidur, i hit the pot first. damn, nyaman wass tdurr kuu !!
and around 6ish morning tdii, my baby texted me. her texted wakes me up. hee. thanks again for that btw.. so, i smokey just for my early breakfast. andthen, terus i took my shower. then, bebajuu. andd smokey smokey. then, i took my breakfast andd all the nutritions. then, i zoom to the office. sampai office, i endup, biasaa. doing nothing, till kenaa bagi some works and i finnished it just like that. and krg patang, i dont feels like going to work. why so ? i need to go to ppb to settle my log book. nyehs.
and yeahh.. i just now did search the news about orng kena bust pasal ganjaa. gilaa, 2k waaa !! nyams waa tuu. HAHAH ! ;p ish, ishh, ishhh ! anwy, im out of words tiaa now. ohh, today is my last day attached dii bahagian regulatory. hee. so far, it was funn here. why so ? cause, my bungsu's is in this sections. nyehs.. rock kliaa ! \m/
so, i think til here sjaa thh duluu then. ndaa kann di cakapkann. nyehs. just, i miss my babyy. thats all i cann think of. hee. ;) wel, have a nice saturday guys ! have the funn ! and happy weekends !! ;D cheers !
Friday, 28 May 2010
Manggo ! ;)
Hello and good morning all. Hee. Im wide awake now. Awal ? Yeahh, i know.. Hee. I is the very happy right now. Why so ? Cause, finally.. My meet my manggo. Hee. Manis ~ ;p tantu laa manis, mun masam, i have to buat kicap, blacan, chili and all tiaa lgii. Hahah. Apaaaaan ?! Lame waa kuu pagii pagi ! Mcm apaa.. Hahah. ;p
hmm.. Actually, i just pass thro my darkness. Cehh ~ everything got fixed. Alhamdulilahh.. :) atleast, our smiles, laughs are back on track. Now, all that matters is, everything broken, cann be fixed. Every questions, had an answers. Every no, theres a yes. Wow.. Hahah. Any ideas ? I just love to play those kinda words. Hee. Leave some, if youu guys had some ideas. ;)
and yeahh, me and my manggo, aree back on track now. We still on track actually, but then, the track garit. So, had to fixed it lajulajuu. :p hahah. Again, lamoo ! Hahah. So, yeahh.. Now, i miss her already. Shes really are the best weeed i ever had. She got me addict easily.. Just like that. Nyehs. I like toh ~ apaaadeee !
Actually, i feels like wanna go to pantaii. Liat sunrise. But too bad, ndaa pakai melayan. Gaah ! ;( but, yeahh.. Let it be. Not that important punn. What important is, im happy to be besides her awal ani. Hee. Idk, what my day will be without her smiles. Manggo, i need youu in me. To breathe along. :) and i bet shes sleeping awal ani. Whichh supposed adaa something going on di skulahhnyaa ! Which, shes berpakat with her sisters to not to attend ?! Nyehs.. Belabihh muchh.. But, still.. Blabih blabihnyaa punn, sayangg juaa i. Hee. ;D
and sebenarnyaakn, akuu lapar baa awal ani. Alum waa kuu makan since yesterday. Diet, indaa juaa.. Ani kn kurus kampis sudahh. Tdi adaa my personal nurse menchecked. Mcm sii banar lgii tuu yaa menchecked, tepicik pick. Hahah. Lain bunyiinyaa. ;p but, yeahh.. I think, i need to sampaikn my hajat yang dulu duluu.. I wannna get fat ! ;D should i ? Hee. Tpi, benar.. Atleast berisii.. Nyehs ! Insha-god.. Will gone, then get fat.. Hahah. *crossmyfinger. ;p
awuu baa, sekalinyaa kn.. Parutkuu starving starving sudahh awal ani. Kn mintaa feed yaa sudahh. Hmm.. What should i eat aaa ? *wondering.. -end.
hmm.. Actually, i just pass thro my darkness. Cehh ~ everything got fixed. Alhamdulilahh.. :) atleast, our smiles, laughs are back on track. Now, all that matters is, everything broken, cann be fixed. Every questions, had an answers. Every no, theres a yes. Wow.. Hahah. Any ideas ? I just love to play those kinda words. Hee. Leave some, if youu guys had some ideas. ;)
and yeahh, me and my manggo, aree back on track now. We still on track actually, but then, the track garit. So, had to fixed it lajulajuu. :p hahah. Again, lamoo ! Hahah. So, yeahh.. Now, i miss her already. Shes really are the best weeed i ever had. She got me addict easily.. Just like that. Nyehs. I like toh ~ apaaadeee !
Actually, i feels like wanna go to pantaii. Liat sunrise. But too bad, ndaa pakai melayan. Gaah ! ;( but, yeahh.. Let it be. Not that important punn. What important is, im happy to be besides her awal ani. Hee. Idk, what my day will be without her smiles. Manggo, i need youu in me. To breathe along. :) and i bet shes sleeping awal ani. Whichh supposed adaa something going on di skulahhnyaa ! Which, shes berpakat with her sisters to not to attend ?! Nyehs.. Belabihh muchh.. But, still.. Blabih blabihnyaa punn, sayangg juaa i. Hee. ;D
and sebenarnyaakn, akuu lapar baa awal ani. Alum waa kuu makan since yesterday. Diet, indaa juaa.. Ani kn kurus kampis sudahh. Tdi adaa my personal nurse menchecked. Mcm sii banar lgii tuu yaa menchecked, tepicik pick. Hahah. Lain bunyiinyaa. ;p but, yeahh.. I think, i need to sampaikn my hajat yang dulu duluu.. I wannna get fat ! ;D should i ? Hee. Tpi, benar.. Atleast berisii.. Nyehs ! Insha-god.. Will gone, then get fat.. Hahah. *crossmyfinger. ;p
awuu baa, sekalinyaa kn.. Parutkuu starving starving sudahh awal ani. Kn mintaa feed yaa sudahh. Hmm.. What should i eat aaa ? *wondering.. -end.
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Maybe i deserved this.
On the 14th of february 2010, it was a very nice day that, people celebrate valentine's and the chinese celebrate chinese new year. And on that day, i was attending to a function in qlap. Long story short, before my attention to the function is core. Until, i saw a different smiles that melts my feelings. The girl in yellow shirt. She was tall, all i cann say. And i started to lost my attention to the speakers. Those smiles bothered me. Until the functions ended.
When it ends, i got to know her little infomations. Which sooner after that, i received a msg frm her cousin and asking me to add her msn, so i did. And she told me that, the girl in yellow shirt wants to get to know me. So yeahh.. I really felt so lucky that time. And few days after that, i got the chance, again to meet her. In a small function at my bungsu's place. And that time, i started to do the talking. Whichh, shes scared to respon i believe. *i still remember that face. And we were talking about fb and all. And yes, i added her i think. So, we did contacting and all.
Until, the day she went to my place for some function. Which, i started to touch her face, i started to look her smiles closely, and thats when i started to have the weirdness feelings. As i mentiond last last time. Mixed feelings. Everything in one. And that night, i realized that im inlove withh her. Which, thats when i say i loves her. And after that, my loves to her are getting more and more. Where missing started to get involved..
And untill now, im still wanted to know her well. I go thro her past lifes, her everything. Eventhough jealousy started to hunt me down. But, i dont care. Cause my love to her is just tooo fragile. And im trying my best to not be broken. Not even a little. Eventhough, tears are started to interupt on our relation, but im still finding a way to the better ones. With the help of my prayer. Our prayer. Withh god's willing, i promise to live my life with just her. I know its sound so strange, but yes. Shes enough for me sudahh. And i even told my mum all about her this lately. Walaupun, this lately we're not in a very good condition, but still. That wont change my love to her.
This is just some confession truely from my heart. Once i love, doesnt mean, it ends easily. To me, i deserve it more and more loves. Rather then anyone else. All i needed is just her to love me. Not just love, but to THINK of me. That would be enough for me. Since she was asking about ends, here i wanna say it, my loves to youu are never ends. Eventho i failed, youu failed, doesnt means everything is ended. To me, it means, that is just the begining. Theres always another way to a better one.
Being silent is never the problems, being jealousy is not what i aimed, being hurts is just part of the deal, and being withh youu is a heaven falls to me. Once i said it, i really meant it. Eventho youre not around me all the time, but to me youu are here besides me where youu were just smiles like the first time i saw youu. I tears myself sometimes, which i know theres no reason for that. And i just know that we could be a better, rock, great, couple together. And its just when we tuned it abit. It will be a perfect love couple. But, i know that, every perfections, mistaken will came along. Once we cant handle it, it cann ruined everything. It even cann killed a life, that im hopefully, wont let it happen to us. And thats the promise ive made to god.
And i know im kindaa emo lately. Is just that, i dont know what to do, what to think and whatever what i should do. Whichh, i finally realized that, theres always an answer to every questions. That means, we should started to walk along the nightmares where shes right besides me and holding my hand. Darkness with no lights ? Yes, and let the prayers guide our way to a better lifes. As long we believe that we could pass thro it, and we will made it. Insha-god.
And the girl ive been talking about is, the girl that i hate right now for making my life's full of blood, and i know that, she never meant to hurts me, which i know that i wont feel the pain. Why so ? Because, Nurikramin Iwani is my heart. Eventho she killed me, i wont bleed. As i said, cause, shes my heart. Shes my soul. Shes my everything. And me, im just a star that lighten up her world to see the future we will created. And, the one i love always. Nurikramin Iwani, i love. And i appreciate muchh to have youu in my life babe. Seriously, i am. As we just trust to each other, which i know thats the tough one, everything will be alright. And believe in me, and believe in yourself. It will be better. Just dont think too muchh problems. That wont help. Trust me, i did that once. Which, fcut up jdinyaa. Incase youre reading this babe, i do miss youu too. Always.. :')
not just misses, but loves. Whichh i want youu here with me all the time. Sampai langgu ? So what ! Thats not listed on my dictionary. So, dont sweat babe. I'll be needed youu indeed. *peluks. Bhh, sembhyangg subuhh ! And i think, i'll stop here. Will update it soon lgii. And yeahh, those who inlove, feels the love. Those who hate love, make something different. Hee. And okehh then, have a goodmorning all. Create a smile on your face this morningg. And pray.. :)
ohh, and abit promotion here, who ever interested in love, relation or what so ever that connected withh love, if youu guys want it to go smooth, read book called, 'the 5 love language' by i forgot ho. It helps me alot. Seriously. Wel, okehthen. Til here, cheers
When it ends, i got to know her little infomations. Which sooner after that, i received a msg frm her cousin and asking me to add her msn, so i did. And she told me that, the girl in yellow shirt wants to get to know me. So yeahh.. I really felt so lucky that time. And few days after that, i got the chance, again to meet her. In a small function at my bungsu's place. And that time, i started to do the talking. Whichh, shes scared to respon i believe. *i still remember that face. And we were talking about fb and all. And yes, i added her i think. So, we did contacting and all.
Until, the day she went to my place for some function. Which, i started to touch her face, i started to look her smiles closely, and thats when i started to have the weirdness feelings. As i mentiond last last time. Mixed feelings. Everything in one. And that night, i realized that im inlove withh her. Which, thats when i say i loves her. And after that, my loves to her are getting more and more. Where missing started to get involved..
And untill now, im still wanted to know her well. I go thro her past lifes, her everything. Eventhough jealousy started to hunt me down. But, i dont care. Cause my love to her is just tooo fragile. And im trying my best to not be broken. Not even a little. Eventhough, tears are started to interupt on our relation, but im still finding a way to the better ones. With the help of my prayer. Our prayer. Withh god's willing, i promise to live my life with just her. I know its sound so strange, but yes. Shes enough for me sudahh. And i even told my mum all about her this lately. Walaupun, this lately we're not in a very good condition, but still. That wont change my love to her.
This is just some confession truely from my heart. Once i love, doesnt mean, it ends easily. To me, i deserve it more and more loves. Rather then anyone else. All i needed is just her to love me. Not just love, but to THINK of me. That would be enough for me. Since she was asking about ends, here i wanna say it, my loves to youu are never ends. Eventho i failed, youu failed, doesnt means everything is ended. To me, it means, that is just the begining. Theres always another way to a better one.
Being silent is never the problems, being jealousy is not what i aimed, being hurts is just part of the deal, and being withh youu is a heaven falls to me. Once i said it, i really meant it. Eventho youre not around me all the time, but to me youu are here besides me where youu were just smiles like the first time i saw youu. I tears myself sometimes, which i know theres no reason for that. And i just know that we could be a better, rock, great, couple together. And its just when we tuned it abit. It will be a perfect love couple. But, i know that, every perfections, mistaken will came along. Once we cant handle it, it cann ruined everything. It even cann killed a life, that im hopefully, wont let it happen to us. And thats the promise ive made to god.
And i know im kindaa emo lately. Is just that, i dont know what to do, what to think and whatever what i should do. Whichh, i finally realized that, theres always an answer to every questions. That means, we should started to walk along the nightmares where shes right besides me and holding my hand. Darkness with no lights ? Yes, and let the prayers guide our way to a better lifes. As long we believe that we could pass thro it, and we will made it. Insha-god.
And the girl ive been talking about is, the girl that i hate right now for making my life's full of blood, and i know that, she never meant to hurts me, which i know that i wont feel the pain. Why so ? Because, Nurikramin Iwani is my heart. Eventho she killed me, i wont bleed. As i said, cause, shes my heart. Shes my soul. Shes my everything. And me, im just a star that lighten up her world to see the future we will created. And, the one i love always. Nurikramin Iwani, i love. And i appreciate muchh to have youu in my life babe. Seriously, i am. As we just trust to each other, which i know thats the tough one, everything will be alright. And believe in me, and believe in yourself. It will be better. Just dont think too muchh problems. That wont help. Trust me, i did that once. Which, fcut up jdinyaa. Incase youre reading this babe, i do miss youu too. Always.. :')
not just misses, but loves. Whichh i want youu here with me all the time. Sampai langgu ? So what ! Thats not listed on my dictionary. So, dont sweat babe. I'll be needed youu indeed. *peluks. Bhh, sembhyangg subuhh ! And i think, i'll stop here. Will update it soon lgii. And yeahh, those who inlove, feels the love. Those who hate love, make something different. Hee. And okehh then, have a goodmorning all. Create a smile on your face this morningg. And pray.. :)
ohh, and abit promotion here, who ever interested in love, relation or what so ever that connected withh love, if youu guys want it to go smooth, read book called, 'the 5 love language' by i forgot ho. It helps me alot. Seriously. Wel, okehthen. Til here, cheers
Awuu, bagus !
Baie ! Bgnku tdur trus kuu mental mental waa. Trus kuu mengusut waa ! Indaa pandai beaman waaa cemani ani. Shit ! Siapaa pun indaa mental ?! Mun the gf entah manaa menghilangg. Without any msges ? Misscalls ? Sudahh di contact, indaa kenaa layan. Wel, kiraa tdur laa tuu ? Yerrright ! Munn indaa bcrdt atuu, gtauu ! Munn kn tdur bnr, gtauu ! Munn kn beboyfriend lain, gtauu ! Salahh kaaa membgitauu ani ?! Yang indaa pedah pedah krg, knaa gtauu ! Baie bnr ! Biar tiaa kuu kn cemani sjaa nahh ! Youu want this ?! Fine..
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
After midnight.
Its nearly midnight, and i just wokeup. Those stupid dreams awakes me. What happend to me ?! Im getting cold. Im cold. Kajar kajar. Lapar. Missing. Guilty. Loves. Idk ! All i know, i really hate when this happend. Its almost 4days sudahh. Im being fcut up. Whichh no one ever know. No one care.. Why would i tell at the first place ? Nahh, i guess its better this way. Better off alone sometimes. But then, when i think wisely, guiltyness hunt me. Am i wrong to be this way ? Is it me sebenarnyaa ? Idk.. Shit happens. :\
yes, i wokeup and finds that my phone was outofbattery. Again, i fall asleep when its online. I was waiting for someone actually. And yeahh.. Indaa menjdi since i fall asleep. Then, i charged my phone and turn it on. I received some text msges. One msg is frm my, baaby should i said ? And yeahh.. Again, the mixed fcut up feelings hunt me down. So, my ego-ness indaa mauu mauu kalahh. Whichh i did replied simply.. Fcuk, i just dont know what to do sudahh. What am i doing kn ? Am i doing something wrong ?! Am i not that good ?! Antahh ! Paluii rasaakuu awal ani. Bnrthh.. :S
i just wishh that i could make youu happy. What ever youu wanted. I dont deserved this. I dont deserved shit thimgs happens. All i ever wanted is just to take a very good care of youu before im gone. Make youu smiles everydaynight. Shared happiness. Created some loves. Trusted. Believe. Being perfect just between youu and me. With no doubt and being close to god. And going to the right path of lifes ? I deserved that better. I pray for that.. Eventho im not that perfect enough to be good, but yeahh, i did pray for us, our families, our lifes, and mostly i pray for someone like youu. But, yeahh.. Maybe, this is just part of the deal. Dugaan should i say ? Hmm..
Sabar ? I am.. I am being sabar sudahh all this time. Only god knows well. I even skipped all those crappy shitness. I dont even think, not even a single dot about it. Anything that cann hurts me, i just skipped it for all this time. I know those shitness might killed me. Whichh i am very disapointed now. I just cant help me. I cannt ! Me being this shitty situations ? That was just so wrong ! Buknn akuu waa tuu. I dont deserved that. I dont want that. Shitfcuk ! ;(
baie bnr ihh.. Emo muchh ! Bancii waa kuu nie cemani ani. Bnr.. I hate it when all my body getting weak. Lamah. And mcm budoh. Hayal waa tuu. Hehh.. What now ?! Being dungngu ? Stupid ? Dumbass ? Serious shit, i'd rather hit the pot then think too muchh. And, god.. Please, help me. Maybe i was too blind to see. And please god, take those shittyness away from me. Please.. I love her too much that i dont want anything happend to her. Please, god.. Shes the girl in my prays. And please god.. Its me actually need those. Help me to open up everything just to reach youu, god. Please.. I need some strength awal ani. Forgives me for my any wrong doings all this time. And please god.. Lastly, please make me happy with her. She is all i ever needed, Nurikramin Iwani. Iloveyouu, sayangg. And im sorry for everything. I meant it. Like, seriously ? ;'] -ikramin iwani's..
yes, i wokeup and finds that my phone was outofbattery. Again, i fall asleep when its online. I was waiting for someone actually. And yeahh.. Indaa menjdi since i fall asleep. Then, i charged my phone and turn it on. I received some text msges. One msg is frm my, baaby should i said ? And yeahh.. Again, the mixed fcut up feelings hunt me down. So, my ego-ness indaa mauu mauu kalahh. Whichh i did replied simply.. Fcuk, i just dont know what to do sudahh. What am i doing kn ? Am i doing something wrong ?! Am i not that good ?! Antahh ! Paluii rasaakuu awal ani. Bnrthh.. :S
i just wishh that i could make youu happy. What ever youu wanted. I dont deserved this. I dont deserved shit thimgs happens. All i ever wanted is just to take a very good care of youu before im gone. Make youu smiles everydaynight. Shared happiness. Created some loves. Trusted. Believe. Being perfect just between youu and me. With no doubt and being close to god. And going to the right path of lifes ? I deserved that better. I pray for that.. Eventho im not that perfect enough to be good, but yeahh, i did pray for us, our families, our lifes, and mostly i pray for someone like youu. But, yeahh.. Maybe, this is just part of the deal. Dugaan should i say ? Hmm..
Sabar ? I am.. I am being sabar sudahh all this time. Only god knows well. I even skipped all those crappy shitness. I dont even think, not even a single dot about it. Anything that cann hurts me, i just skipped it for all this time. I know those shitness might killed me. Whichh i am very disapointed now. I just cant help me. I cannt ! Me being this shitty situations ? That was just so wrong ! Buknn akuu waa tuu. I dont deserved that. I dont want that. Shitfcuk ! ;(
baie bnr ihh.. Emo muchh ! Bancii waa kuu nie cemani ani. Bnr.. I hate it when all my body getting weak. Lamah. And mcm budoh. Hayal waa tuu. Hehh.. What now ?! Being dungngu ? Stupid ? Dumbass ? Serious shit, i'd rather hit the pot then think too muchh. And, god.. Please, help me. Maybe i was too blind to see. And please god, take those shittyness away from me. Please.. I love her too much that i dont want anything happend to her. Please, god.. Shes the girl in my prays. And please god.. Its me actually need those. Help me to open up everything just to reach youu, god. Please.. I need some strength awal ani. Forgives me for my any wrong doings all this time. And please god.. Lastly, please make me happy with her. She is all i ever needed, Nurikramin Iwani. Iloveyouu, sayangg. And im sorry for everything. I meant it. Like, seriously ? ;'] -ikramin iwani's..
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
my sweetest drugs !

yess, shes my drugs. come on ?!! how can i not fall for this girl ?? i am so inlove with this chicaa. hee. my baaby boo. nyehs ! syangg, this is for youu. err.. and the pictures, i curi-ed hoo. and i pick the perfect 3. :D ohh, i miss youuuuuuu syangg !! and guys, again i annoying-ly say this, i love this babe so muchh ! hee. god's willing, shes gonna be my last, but not my past. insha-god. hee. no promises, but still.. im dying for yaa love, sweetie. ;D i is love youuu, manggo ! titik. ;)
silent jealousy.
heey, and goodmorning all. today is tuesday, and now im wide awake since last night. and the bad news is, im working awal anii. now, sobering at the office. erkhh ! i hate this situations. nyehs..
anyhow, here i wanna tell how jealous i was yesterday when i stalked someone's friendster. andd yeahh, i also cant believe it that i read all 300ish comment or testii should i say ? and yeahh.. jealousy, attacking me, like, indaa berantii. how to stop it ? i dint think muchh about it, and pass is pass ?? but, still.. im just shocked muchh to find that craps. ;'/
and so, my whole yesterday after lunchh, was stuck with reading thoes testimonials. :/ and so, i was planning to balik awal, which, i endup with full of jealousy ? hate that ! and so, after works, i went to the bank, and blik rumahh. then, i went to gudang to buy some stuff. was out with fiffy. andd, blik rumahh, i was chitchat with my lovelife. and i endup, tetidur ?! peluii muchh. was unsober juaa. so, i slept finally.
then, i woke up at 9ish or 11ishh klii, not sure, then i went out to get some foods. which i try to contact my baaby, but i couldnt. running out of crdts. so, i took my shower, and bring fiffy's along with me. and so, i went to gedong, the bought some foods and terus blik. eat and all, and i endup watching dvds. bruthh i felt unjealous. shit muchh. eventho, i keeep on wondering on something, but, still only god knows better. *sigh.
then i keep on highing until the time ticks to 7 in the morning. so, i took my shower and filled me up with some coffee. then, im high myself to the office. sampaii office, menyober tiaaaa. damn ! seriously, its stuck still on my mind about that things that i finds out. its just shocking muchh.. ;( i dont know what to do sebenarnyaa ?! ;( should i that ? should i this ? again, i hate choices !! its killing meeee ! ;'(( nyehs, enough said ! have a good morning all. ;')
anyhow, here i wanna tell how jealous i was yesterday when i stalked someone's friendster. andd yeahh, i also cant believe it that i read all 300ish comment or testii should i say ? and yeahh.. jealousy, attacking me, like, indaa berantii. how to stop it ? i dint think muchh about it, and pass is pass ?? but, still.. im just shocked muchh to find that craps. ;'/
and so, my whole yesterday after lunchh, was stuck with reading thoes testimonials. :/ and so, i was planning to balik awal, which, i endup with full of jealousy ? hate that ! and so, after works, i went to the bank, and blik rumahh. then, i went to gudang to buy some stuff. was out with fiffy. andd, blik rumahh, i was chitchat with my lovelife. and i endup, tetidur ?! peluii muchh. was unsober juaa. so, i slept finally.
then, i woke up at 9ish or 11ishh klii, not sure, then i went out to get some foods. which i try to contact my baaby, but i couldnt. running out of crdts. so, i took my shower, and bring fiffy's along with me. and so, i went to gedong, the bought some foods and terus blik. eat and all, and i endup watching dvds. bruthh i felt unjealous. shit muchh. eventho, i keeep on wondering on something, but, still only god knows better. *sigh.
then i keep on highing until the time ticks to 7 in the morning. so, i took my shower and filled me up with some coffee. then, im high myself to the office. sampaii office, menyober tiaaaa. damn ! seriously, its stuck still on my mind about that things that i finds out. its just shocking muchh.. ;( i dont know what to do sebenarnyaa ?! ;( should i that ? should i this ? again, i hate choices !! its killing meeee ! ;'(( nyehs, enough said ! have a good morning all. ;')
Sunday, 23 May 2010
Saturday night out.
Yesterday, i wokeup late and again i missed going to work. Err.. Rain is the blame again ? Why so ? Pasal, its so nyaman ? Like, very the nyamann berabis rabisly ?! Dont believe me ? Youu guys should try it.. Asal sjaa hujan, make sure youre sleepy enough to join me. Hee.
Ohh, anyhow.. Yes, i wokeup late, and yes, i was hungry and and, i heard iman's voice from the outside. Since i miss her soooo muchh, so i rushed went out and yes, iman syakeera was there ! Ohh, my lovelove ! Hee. So, i hang around withh iman sadjaa. Even when i went to my room, iman was following me. And yes, lepak kmi diblik. Hahah. And watching dvd. And scorpian king was on.. Hahah. Lol.
Then, fiffy came in. Since im wearing my baby's used to be sport uniform, got her name on it, then iman was spelling it. And kiuuuuuuut muchh when she said, "wane !" hee. I like.. ;p
then, i went out and having some food, where iman's sitting next to me. And ikut makan punn. Heheh. Blabihh ! But, soon after that, iman blik tiaa.. ;(
then, bb tegured me di online, asking where am i and all. Then, since i got no planned, fiffy asked me to send her to gdg. So, i did. Since sii jubur texted me that shes in gdg as well. Samaa milaa lgii tuu.. Mcm, iskii kuu kn jumpaa drng, but but.. Kecundangg ! Indaa kejumpaan. And, theres other reason for that actually. *kn jubs ? ;p
and so, gdg.. Meeting bb and awang. And bb's chick. And them adek eqah, shanana, naa ahmad and them them. Hee. Seriously, adek eqahh is being *tut* to meh.. Ohh, that kid really.. Erkhh ! *gigitan.. Belabihh muchh ! But, dont sweat, she knows that i love youu.. *kn eqq ? ;) then, mengamahh di gdg until the clock ticks to 10ishh ke 11. Then we went to qlap mall.
And yeahh.. Since sii jubur liat movie, kmi gatal hati tiaa juaa kn liat movie. Mostly me ! Hahah. Then, yeahh.. Our movie started at 12. So, sempat lgii kmi makan di mamihh.. Nyehs.. And yeahh.. Movie ! We were watching shrek. And damn ! Pacahh waa ketawaakuu ! Hahah. Siuk waa melayann. Sii awang nyaman ketawaanyaa. ;)
then, around 1ishh to 2 klii, we bounced home. :) plus, i got latenight date. Hee. And yeahh, latenight date was great ! ;D why i said so.. ? Cause, bolehh melapas rinduu should i say ? Cehh ~ jiwang ! Hahah. But, its nyaman to be close with someone youu love. ;D touching their faces. Youu felt, calm should i say ? Hee. Aww.. *kangen sudahh tiaa kn sii baby manggo. ;p
when its done everything.. I endup still wide open.. And and, its soon to be noon ? And i havent sleep yet ? Krg lgii i got plan to do. Nyehs.. I think i should take my short sleep for awhile. So, til here thh duluu then. Hee. Morningg everyone, and have a great sunday !! Cheerious ! ;);)
Ohh, anyhow.. Yes, i wokeup late, and yes, i was hungry and and, i heard iman's voice from the outside. Since i miss her soooo muchh, so i rushed went out and yes, iman syakeera was there ! Ohh, my lovelove ! Hee. So, i hang around withh iman sadjaa. Even when i went to my room, iman was following me. And yes, lepak kmi diblik. Hahah. And watching dvd. And scorpian king was on.. Hahah. Lol.
Then, fiffy came in. Since im wearing my baby's used to be sport uniform, got her name on it, then iman was spelling it. And kiuuuuuuut muchh when she said, "wane !" hee. I like.. ;p
then, i went out and having some food, where iman's sitting next to me. And ikut makan punn. Heheh. Blabihh ! But, soon after that, iman blik tiaa.. ;(
then, bb tegured me di online, asking where am i and all. Then, since i got no planned, fiffy asked me to send her to gdg. So, i did. Since sii jubur texted me that shes in gdg as well. Samaa milaa lgii tuu.. Mcm, iskii kuu kn jumpaa drng, but but.. Kecundangg ! Indaa kejumpaan. And, theres other reason for that actually. *kn jubs ? ;p
and so, gdg.. Meeting bb and awang. And bb's chick. And them adek eqah, shanana, naa ahmad and them them. Hee. Seriously, adek eqahh is being *tut* to meh.. Ohh, that kid really.. Erkhh ! *gigitan.. Belabihh muchh ! But, dont sweat, she knows that i love youu.. *kn eqq ? ;) then, mengamahh di gdg until the clock ticks to 10ishh ke 11. Then we went to qlap mall.
And yeahh.. Since sii jubur liat movie, kmi gatal hati tiaa juaa kn liat movie. Mostly me ! Hahah. Then, yeahh.. Our movie started at 12. So, sempat lgii kmi makan di mamihh.. Nyehs.. And yeahh.. Movie ! We were watching shrek. And damn ! Pacahh waa ketawaakuu ! Hahah. Siuk waa melayann. Sii awang nyaman ketawaanyaa. ;)
then, around 1ishh to 2 klii, we bounced home. :) plus, i got latenight date. Hee. And yeahh, latenight date was great ! ;D why i said so.. ? Cause, bolehh melapas rinduu should i say ? Cehh ~ jiwang ! Hahah. But, its nyaman to be close with someone youu love. ;D touching their faces. Youu felt, calm should i say ? Hee. Aww.. *kangen sudahh tiaa kn sii baby manggo. ;p
when its done everything.. I endup still wide open.. And and, its soon to be noon ? And i havent sleep yet ? Krg lgii i got plan to do. Nyehs.. I think i should take my short sleep for awhile. So, til here thh duluu then. Hee. Morningg everyone, and have a great sunday !! Cheerious ! ;);)
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
damnn ! akuu di office awal aniiii. andd im like, sooooo borengg sekalii. but somehow, im happy.. plus, abit sleepy-ishh. nyehs ! again withh stay up late till awal anii ? boo me !
anyhow.. i was doing nothing actually. so, i went thro me emails. and theres a birth's reminder from friendster. FRIENDSTER ?? i know right.. lamaa waa sudahh i dint open my friendster. so, i opened it andd yeahh.. damn, it reminds me the good old times..
macam, banyak comment indaa tereply.. like, last year pnyaa comments ? hahh ! but thenn, i was tertanya tanyaa.. cehh ~ hahah. but yeahh.. i was tertanya tanyaa, hows my photos yang dulu duluu tuu aaa.. and yeahh, i checked it. andddd gilaaaa mann !!! rambut kuu time panjanggggg !!! andd i miss my LONG hair !! so muchhhhhh !! HAHAHAH ! gilaa, tpii bnrr yaw.. i miss ituu long hair. nyehs ! *sasak sii jubur ! ;P
and sekalii kann, theres a picture of 3 soul mates yangg kalauu betamuu confirmed begagar gadongg. HAHAH ! whichh, the picture was taken lama lamaa sudahh berabisrabis. andd yeahh.. ituu doods, are used to be bestbitchh masaa emolanyaa. nyehs ! but somehow, to me.. they are still in me. why so ? cause, all things that i did with them, its so muchh memories. cant be dilupakann. cries, laughs, happy, sad.. etc, etc, etc..
and yeahh.. this is the picture. always be remembered ! ;')

eventho, theres so muchh changes sudahh.. but, yeahh.. i miss youu guys so muchh actually. how i wishh we could hang around sometimes. athh, kash.. i miss kamuu. i really miss to get wasted with youu guys. but, then i know.. alot of thing has changed us. but, yeahh.. i promise, we will hang around one day. i will make it happen if theres any god's willing. :')
sekalii kannn ! talking pasal miss miss aniii, it makes me miss someone who really makes me weak, strong, happy, sad, kan melumpat, kan menangis, kan betiarap, kan menyanyii, kann kann kann segalaanyaa in one ! who is she ? my baablove. ;D i miss her so muccccchy ! hee. everytime shes not around me, i'll be missing her like crazieee to the maximum ?! cehh ~ heheh. pokoknyaa, i am so inlove with this chicaa. hee. *baaaaaaby, i love youu ! ;D
*woi wiraa, blogging blogging juaa ! macam apaa ! HAHAH ! will blog lagii soon. and, insha-god if theres nothing menghalang. hee. wel, i think till here thh sjaa duluu thenn. hee. people, good morning ! have a great wednesday ! cheerious ! :D:D
anyhow.. i was doing nothing actually. so, i went thro me emails. and theres a birth's reminder from friendster. FRIENDSTER ?? i know right.. lamaa waa sudahh i dint open my friendster. so, i opened it andd yeahh.. damn, it reminds me the good old times..
macam, banyak comment indaa tereply.. like, last year pnyaa comments ? hahh ! but thenn, i was tertanya tanyaa.. cehh ~ hahah. but yeahh.. i was tertanya tanyaa, hows my photos yang dulu duluu tuu aaa.. and yeahh, i checked it. andddd gilaaaa mann !!! rambut kuu time panjanggggg !!! andd i miss my LONG hair !! so muchhhhhh !! HAHAHAH ! gilaa, tpii bnrr yaw.. i miss ituu long hair. nyehs ! *sasak sii jubur ! ;P
and sekalii kann, theres a picture of 3 soul mates yangg kalauu betamuu confirmed begagar gadongg. HAHAH ! whichh, the picture was taken lama lamaa sudahh berabisrabis. andd yeahh.. ituu doods, are used to be bestbitchh masaa emolanyaa. nyehs ! but somehow, to me.. they are still in me. why so ? cause, all things that i did with them, its so muchh memories. cant be dilupakann. cries, laughs, happy, sad.. etc, etc, etc..
and yeahh.. this is the picture. always be remembered ! ;')

eventho, theres so muchh changes sudahh.. but, yeahh.. i miss youu guys so muchh actually. how i wishh we could hang around sometimes. athh, kash.. i miss kamuu. i really miss to get wasted with youu guys. but, then i know.. alot of thing has changed us. but, yeahh.. i promise, we will hang around one day. i will make it happen if theres any god's willing. :')
sekalii kannn ! talking pasal miss miss aniii, it makes me miss someone who really makes me weak, strong, happy, sad, kan melumpat, kan menangis, kan betiarap, kan menyanyii, kann kann kann segalaanyaa in one ! who is she ? my baablove. ;D i miss her so muccccchy ! hee. everytime shes not around me, i'll be missing her like crazieee to the maximum ?! cehh ~ heheh. pokoknyaa, i am so inlove with this chicaa. hee. *baaaaaaby, i love youu ! ;D
*woi wiraa, blogging blogging juaa ! macam apaa ! HAHAH ! will blog lagii soon. and, insha-god if theres nothing menghalang. hee. wel, i think till here thh sjaa duluu thenn. hee. people, good morning ! have a great wednesday ! cheerious ! :D:D
Friday, 7 May 2010
I always needed youu in me.
People know that, in life, we always wanted someone or two just to make us happy or listen or whatever to make ourself comfortable. In other way, nyaman should i say ? Wel, yes.. So that, tni besemangat semulaa and all laa.. Am i right ? So that, we wont be sad, or un-happy or what.. And thats why terciptaanyaa kawan, friends and buddies. But, in that matters, we also depands on what type of friends we were having and listen to right ? Munn yang, bad, tentuu thh bad juaa tuu. If its good, then, good laa juaa.. Duhh ~
so, here.. I wanna shared about someone that i just realized that, without her, i would be lost to my dark world. Her ? Yes, shes a girl and i neeed her in my life. Eventho, i dont know her that well yet. But, yeahh.. Shes the one who i shared my everything withh. People would says, shes my kekasih gelap laa, my ttm laa, apaa laa.. But, no.. Shes my bestfriend. And her name is Aqezzah. I used to call her sii jubur, or jubs. Hee. But, yeahh.. I realized tdi that, i really neeed her in my life. But, dont get me wrongg.. I have my baabyy. And she got her own baaby as well. But, yes.. Eventho, we bothh have partner sudahh, we bothh still needed eachh other. Benar.. Thats what i realized tdii.
Its started like this, its been awhile i dint meet her, until tdii. And i seriously do misses her when ever shes not around. But, doesnt mean i dint love my babyy right ? *syangg, iloveyouu.. Dont worry. :') anyhow, my love to her is, antahh aaa.. Words cant describes. Pokoknyaa, i syangg sii jubskuu. *smiles.
And yeahh, we meet and we did alot of talking.. Everything that we missed together. Bla, blaa, blaaa.. Until we're dealing withh tears. Seriously, jubs.. I easily melts everytime i saw a girl cries infront of me. So, yeahh.. But, sii jubs.. Lain ho.. Touches to my heart brabis. Mcm, menyucuk nyucuk jarum di jantung.. Cehh ~ over ! But, thats the truth laa. Shes the one who guide me for everythings that good for me. And yes, yang bad bhapaa kn ? Bancii yaa plng tuu. She hates me when im not being myself. And im sorry jubs. I know it hurts youu.. But, she understand me better. And thanks for that. :')
seriously, i appreciate muchh to know youu, aqezzah. And appreciate for accept me for who i am. And appreciate to know your life.. And thanks muchh for sudii listening to me. And damn, now i know, hows my life when youre not around me. Youu know i love youu. Yes, loves.. Bestfriend ! :'D
seriously jubs, i feels like posting about youu. And i will post about " a unknown girl that i ever admired before which endup being my super duper bestfriend ! " Hee. With god's willing, i will post about her, how, when and where do i meet this girl. And her words that i hardly to forget is, the words she said to me, ' indaa kira apaa, " akuu terima kauu apaa adaanyaa wirr ! " ' :') thanks, jubs. And actually, theres alot to post, but memandangkn, my eyes are to sexy to sleep sudahh, so, yeahh.. Til here then. Morning to those who wokeup early and sleep well to all batmans and womans. Hee. Cheerious ! :)
so, here.. I wanna shared about someone that i just realized that, without her, i would be lost to my dark world. Her ? Yes, shes a girl and i neeed her in my life. Eventho, i dont know her that well yet. But, yeahh.. Shes the one who i shared my everything withh. People would says, shes my kekasih gelap laa, my ttm laa, apaa laa.. But, no.. Shes my bestfriend. And her name is Aqezzah. I used to call her sii jubur, or jubs. Hee. But, yeahh.. I realized tdi that, i really neeed her in my life. But, dont get me wrongg.. I have my baabyy. And she got her own baaby as well. But, yes.. Eventho, we bothh have partner sudahh, we bothh still needed eachh other. Benar.. Thats what i realized tdii.
Its started like this, its been awhile i dint meet her, until tdii. And i seriously do misses her when ever shes not around. But, doesnt mean i dint love my babyy right ? *syangg, iloveyouu.. Dont worry. :') anyhow, my love to her is, antahh aaa.. Words cant describes. Pokoknyaa, i syangg sii jubskuu. *smiles.
And yeahh, we meet and we did alot of talking.. Everything that we missed together. Bla, blaa, blaaa.. Until we're dealing withh tears. Seriously, jubs.. I easily melts everytime i saw a girl cries infront of me. So, yeahh.. But, sii jubs.. Lain ho.. Touches to my heart brabis. Mcm, menyucuk nyucuk jarum di jantung.. Cehh ~ over ! But, thats the truth laa. Shes the one who guide me for everythings that good for me. And yes, yang bad bhapaa kn ? Bancii yaa plng tuu. She hates me when im not being myself. And im sorry jubs. I know it hurts youu.. But, she understand me better. And thanks for that. :')
seriously, i appreciate muchh to know youu, aqezzah. And appreciate for accept me for who i am. And appreciate to know your life.. And thanks muchh for sudii listening to me. And damn, now i know, hows my life when youre not around me. Youu know i love youu. Yes, loves.. Bestfriend ! :'D
seriously jubs, i feels like posting about youu. And i will post about " a unknown girl that i ever admired before which endup being my super duper bestfriend ! " Hee. With god's willing, i will post about her, how, when and where do i meet this girl. And her words that i hardly to forget is, the words she said to me, ' indaa kira apaa, " akuu terima kauu apaa adaanyaa wirr ! " ' :') thanks, jubs. And actually, theres alot to post, but memandangkn, my eyes are to sexy to sleep sudahh, so, yeahh.. Til here then. Morning to those who wokeup early and sleep well to all batmans and womans. Hee. Cheerious ! :)
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Facebook jahat.
Fb jahat ? Siapaa agreeee ? Wel, why its jahat.. Okehh, once again, here i wanna say that, once tni becintaa, youu know.. In a realationship ! Ofcause we protect our loveones kn ? Mcm, we neeeeed to know, siapaa dgnnyaa bewall, becontact, beinbox and shit.. Its not a must pulang mencheck atuu.. But, yatahh tuu baa.. Feelings tni yang indaa nyaman rasaa. Belum trust 100%. Wel, tantuu laa kn ? Why cematuu, main answer, pasal we love, sayang, cintaa, dan lain lain. Hahah.
But, yeahh.. It happend to me before.. Check check, sanggup lgii sampai dalam dalam tuu, siapaa duluu dgnnyaa contact and all.. Then, as i said, apaa yang tni buat, munn yaa baik, tni akan menerimaa yang baikkn ? If its not, then indaa thh baik tuu.. So, yeahh.. My babyy did stalked my fb and all.. And that time ngam i was berinbox withh some friends.. And this friends is girls.. Then, jealousy started to membiak tiaa kn ? So, yeahh.. Again the answer cause she loves me..
But then, if dipkir pkir kn, mcm yaa indaa bercontact withh guys kn ? But, to me, jealous tuu, tantuu laa.. Pasal, sayangg kn ? But then, as ive been kena ajar, try to think it positif. So, i would think that, kwn sjaa punn ituu.. Tpi dalam hati mcm volcano sudahh latup latup. But, yeahh.. Dugaan. Mcm, it supposed, im the one yg jealous and all right ? But, yeahh.. Maybe the different is, akuu berinbox, but yaa opened.. But, munn di pkirpkir, still contacting right ? But, yeahh.. Not an issue plng laa aaa.. I do understand with the name friends.. But, bab bab nyaa over, yatahh membrikn meremove tuu. But, yeahh.. Chills.
Then, yatahtuu baa.. What my point here is. Pasal facebook punn buleh berissue waa. If youu dont trust me, youu may try and youu will know what im trying to tell here. Hahah. Alaii baa merasaa sudahh.. Cehh ~ hahah.
Tpi, yang bnrnyaa.. Kalauu di buat dgn baik, insya-god everything turns well plngg.. But, to me.. And to some of us would say, yes, facebook jahat.. Nyehs.. Hahah. So, yeahh.. For the time being, my fb wont be active, untill.. Idk.. Hee. Depands on my babyy. Kn love ? Hee. Woi, where are youu ? Alum abis revision nyaa anii ? Batahh i nungguu. Siap mempost ceritaa di blog. Hahah. Imissyouu already. Contact me thh.. Lakas lakas.. Hee. Bh, bhh.. Till here duluu, nights all.. :D
But, yeahh.. It happend to me before.. Check check, sanggup lgii sampai dalam dalam tuu, siapaa duluu dgnnyaa contact and all.. Then, as i said, apaa yang tni buat, munn yaa baik, tni akan menerimaa yang baikkn ? If its not, then indaa thh baik tuu.. So, yeahh.. My babyy did stalked my fb and all.. And that time ngam i was berinbox withh some friends.. And this friends is girls.. Then, jealousy started to membiak tiaa kn ? So, yeahh.. Again the answer cause she loves me..
But then, if dipkir pkir kn, mcm yaa indaa bercontact withh guys kn ? But, to me, jealous tuu, tantuu laa.. Pasal, sayangg kn ? But then, as ive been kena ajar, try to think it positif. So, i would think that, kwn sjaa punn ituu.. Tpi dalam hati mcm volcano sudahh latup latup. But, yeahh.. Dugaan. Mcm, it supposed, im the one yg jealous and all right ? But, yeahh.. Maybe the different is, akuu berinbox, but yaa opened.. But, munn di pkirpkir, still contacting right ? But, yeahh.. Not an issue plng laa aaa.. I do understand with the name friends.. But, bab bab nyaa over, yatahh membrikn meremove tuu. But, yeahh.. Chills.
Then, yatahtuu baa.. What my point here is. Pasal facebook punn buleh berissue waa. If youu dont trust me, youu may try and youu will know what im trying to tell here. Hahah. Alaii baa merasaa sudahh.. Cehh ~ hahah.
Tpi, yang bnrnyaa.. Kalauu di buat dgn baik, insya-god everything turns well plngg.. But, to me.. And to some of us would say, yes, facebook jahat.. Nyehs.. Hahah. So, yeahh.. For the time being, my fb wont be active, untill.. Idk.. Hee. Depands on my babyy. Kn love ? Hee. Woi, where are youu ? Alum abis revision nyaa anii ? Batahh i nungguu. Siap mempost ceritaa di blog. Hahah. Imissyouu already. Contact me thh.. Lakas lakas.. Hee. Bh, bhh.. Till here duluu, nights all.. :D
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Because, iloveyouu ..
Love ? Everyone knows that love is the sweetest sins on earth. It can be alots of beauty insides too. But, yeahh.. Some would say they would die for it.. Hemm.. What are they insane ? Sangup mati ? Hahah. It sounds like.. Desperate waa tuu.. Sampai mati atuu.. But, how they die ? Thats the thing right ? Why they died ?
Here i wanna share abit what happend to me last few days.. I nearly die i guess.. Idk.. But, thats what i cann think of. Just because of someone that i love the most. Youu know how it feels to have someone that youu care about. Someone that youu love. And someone that youu love atuu, not being who she used to be. Like, too muchh believes in her jealousy. Eventho, she dint really clears about what happend ? Yg jenis trus trus kn explode. Whichh i know whats the reason. The reason is because she loves me.
See, thats the thing.. Mcm, whatever she did is nothing wrong actually. Im not blaming, its just that. Idk.. Confusing muchh ? Dont know what to do and all. Mcm, tni plng bangang and being kusut.. Antahh aa.. Pokoknyaa, words cant describes shit.. So, yeahh.. I believe, some of youu guys know how it feels right ? So, iatahh udahh tuu. I felt last few days.
Which i endup different this time. I endup, mengakaii harimauu ! Nyehs.. I was so fcut up. And i drank few tins. And, yeahh.. Im not me when i meet her. So, yeahh.. Why would we hide frm being whn we are right ? See my true colour. Apaa adaa kn tapuk tapuk ? Being ourself is the more honest and better should i say ?
Once reached home, i was on someting. And damn, i only remember that, i cannt move. I was laying on my bed, and so fcut up muchh. Only her cann describe me that time. I cant even felt anything sudahh.. And i realized that i almost dont feels myself sudahh.. Until, i cann hear some whisper on my ear. Saying, "im sorry.. Im sorry.. " and i even cann feels her touches.. :') and she did calmed me down.
And since that shit happend, i realized that, i would die for that girl. The girl that i love the most. And yet, i still dont know her that wel, but im still wanna know her deep and deeper. Yes, syangg ! I wanna know who youu are. I wanna know the girl that i love. I want her as my parents want me to be.
I even know, some people would say that, better becintaa withh someone youu know lamaa tiaa apaa.. But, hey.. Its me who falling here. So, its my future that im heading. So, what ? Just, let me be happy. I deserved that.. I wanna be happy. And i love her so muchh. I love that girl. I love her.. I love, ikramin iwani. So muchh.. Syangg, iloveyouu.. :')
so, yeahh.. To couples, please do understand your partner well. And honest. And remember.. Once your not being honest, than thats when shit happens against youu. So, yeahh.. Like a song says, " what goes around, comes around. " -end.
Here i wanna share abit what happend to me last few days.. I nearly die i guess.. Idk.. But, thats what i cann think of. Just because of someone that i love the most. Youu know how it feels to have someone that youu care about. Someone that youu love. And someone that youu love atuu, not being who she used to be. Like, too muchh believes in her jealousy. Eventho, she dint really clears about what happend ? Yg jenis trus trus kn explode. Whichh i know whats the reason. The reason is because she loves me.
See, thats the thing.. Mcm, whatever she did is nothing wrong actually. Im not blaming, its just that. Idk.. Confusing muchh ? Dont know what to do and all. Mcm, tni plng bangang and being kusut.. Antahh aa.. Pokoknyaa, words cant describes shit.. So, yeahh.. I believe, some of youu guys know how it feels right ? So, iatahh udahh tuu. I felt last few days.
Which i endup different this time. I endup, mengakaii harimauu ! Nyehs.. I was so fcut up. And i drank few tins. And, yeahh.. Im not me when i meet her. So, yeahh.. Why would we hide frm being whn we are right ? See my true colour. Apaa adaa kn tapuk tapuk ? Being ourself is the more honest and better should i say ?
Once reached home, i was on someting. And damn, i only remember that, i cannt move. I was laying on my bed, and so fcut up muchh. Only her cann describe me that time. I cant even felt anything sudahh.. And i realized that i almost dont feels myself sudahh.. Until, i cann hear some whisper on my ear. Saying, "im sorry.. Im sorry.. " and i even cann feels her touches.. :') and she did calmed me down.
And since that shit happend, i realized that, i would die for that girl. The girl that i love the most. And yet, i still dont know her that wel, but im still wanna know her deep and deeper. Yes, syangg ! I wanna know who youu are. I wanna know the girl that i love. I want her as my parents want me to be.
I even know, some people would say that, better becintaa withh someone youu know lamaa tiaa apaa.. But, hey.. Its me who falling here. So, its my future that im heading. So, what ? Just, let me be happy. I deserved that.. I wanna be happy. And i love her so muchh. I love that girl. I love her.. I love, ikramin iwani. So muchh.. Syangg, iloveyouu.. :')
so, yeahh.. To couples, please do understand your partner well. And honest. And remember.. Once your not being honest, than thats when shit happens against youu. So, yeahh.. Like a song says, " what goes around, comes around. " -end.
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