Again, its late night now. Usually, i would say that i couldnt sleeep. But, now.. I think i had enough sleep. Nyehs.. Why so ? Because, i slept the whole day likee whaaaat ?!
It goes like this, on tuesday i was working and kena bwaa ke site. And it was really siuk. Plus, the weather punn not that panas. So, yeahh.. Siuk juaa laa. Atleast, i got the experiance. Hee. And yeahh.. Blaa, bla, blaa.. Lunch time i went home. And guess what ? Tutup karan waa drumahh ! So, i take off my everything and nakedly ngampai on my bed. It feels so great ! Hahah. Youu should try it. ;p hujanth lgii ~ enak banget ! Lols..
Then, i got back to the office and did some work to be done. And by 3ishh, blik. But, i endup ke padang kebajikan. And had to wait until 530. Gilaa ~ buruk bnr waa kuu. Hahah. And yeahh, dgnkn sur ke balai and yeahh.. Blik trus ngampaii. Kn jumpaa bb di hospi pun tak kesampaian. Nyehs..
The next thing i know was, the next day nyaa, i dint go to work. Why ? My body was to lazy to wake up. Plus, it was raining. Nyams waa tuu. When it comes to me and rain, the answer will be sleeping. Hee. I wokeup petang klii, and iman was there and hana. And shanana. I was bekurung, but, since riuhh.. I went out and i was lapar juaa. Then, makan. After eat, ongkii. Ohh, and forget to mention, i was bercinta cintaa withh my baby as well. Hee. *kelupaan ! xp
chitchat chitchat withh my sweetlove, until she mentiond about sleeping, nyaman and sejuk. Mcm, mann ! Tergodaa kuu withh that words. Hahah. Was berfacebook apaa juaa. Bla bla blaa. And since she wanna menghayati, so, i go sleep as well tia. And mannn ! I just love sleeeeping ! Hahah. Who doesnt right ? Hee. *bangangg ! xp
then, time goes by and when i opend up my eyes, it was 10ishh malam tiaa. Like, sheeet ! Nyaman waa tdur kuu. Brabis.. But, again.. Kn jumpaa bb tertundaa. Cehh ~ hahah. Then, yeahh.. Berfacebook and around 11ishh i took my shower. Pasal org atuu juaa kn mentiond nyaman if mandi tiaa apaa. Nyehs.. Come on, who doesnt trust your loveones right ? Whatever nyaman for her, it will be nyaman for me punn. Hee. *knn syangg ? ;p
after that, since i had plan.. So, i went out and meet them bb awang and bb's. *menyampaikn hajat. Hee. Then joined them kejap sending bb's chicks home. And in the car, sweet muchh baa drng. Mcm, i was so happy for bb. Hee. Finally ! *jubs !! Bb bgf sudahh !! Hee. xp then, we endup at bb's place and yeahh.. Since after midnight, i got midnight date tiaa. Nyehs.. x') the night, i called, "the promise night" hee.
And yeahh.. Will talk about how sweet things happend if youu have someone youu loves, cares about, and all the sweet things soon. Since my baby's waiting for me to be done, so, yeahh.. Til here duluu then. Hee. Nights peps.
P/s : i once been told that, "kenyamanan adalahh puncaa kegagalan." so, yeahh.. Note this.. What ever youu did or do, just gives some limits. Everything will be nice if theres limits. Hee. Nights again ! Cheerious ! xDxD
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Monday, 26 April 2010
phone bloggingg ! xp
Mannnnn !! Its been so long sudahh i dint phone blogging. Hahah. Maksudnyaa, berblogging thro phones. Hahah. Since me operaa fcut up, so yeahh.. Really miss it so muchh. Cehh ~
hahah. Anyhow.. Yes, wanna share abit about what has just happend past few days. Wel, where should i start ? Hemmm.. Lets start where, i was out withh my babyy.. Hahah. I like this part. xp
it was saturday night. And i dont know, darii awal pagii sudahh i was semangat muchh. Dont know why.. But, yeahh.. I wokeup as usual, late.. Hahah. And went to the office mcm biasaa and dgn bangganyaa lgii tuu pkai bjuu sport ppb. Cehh ~ why ? Pasal, akuu kenaa bwaa ke site. So, yeahh.. And since the day was fine sjaa.. And abit mendungg.. Cehh ~ lurus kaa tuu ? Pokoknyaa, indaa juaa brapaa panas laa.. Hahah. So, yeahh.. Everything was just perfect. Hee.
Di office punn, fine.. As usual, befacebook. Hahah. Habit waa sudahh.. Hahah. Mcm apaa ! xp then, was bemesraa mesraa di fb. Wel, i like to say beriuhh di fb. Hahah. And antahh.. The moral of it is, i was so semangat muchh. Hahah. Then, mcm biasaa, kenaa bwaa kesite and all. Yadaa, yadaa, yadaaa.. And since harii mcm kn hujann, like nyaman waa di office ! Sajuk lgii.. Hahah. I like ~ hahah. xp then, around 11, i got the permissiond to go home for lunchh. Hee.
And on my way home, i was befacebook juaa that time. And mazran was di kopibin. So, yeahh.. I endup di kopibin. And my cousin was there too. Then, hang for awhile.. And lunchh, mazran bwaa us ke excapade. Hahah. AGAINN ! Mcm, nyamann baa lunchh kuu. Hahah. Makan shusii yo ! *duhh ~ sekadar ! Hahah. xp so what ? xp
so, yeahh.. Menyushii tiaa kmii. And thanks to mazran for the treats. Hee. Thanks bro.. Then, since i blik awal sudahh, so i need to go back to the office awal juaa. Wel, like, 130 awal .. Nyehs ! Hahah. xp and yeahh, sampai office, i terus hit the toilet. Hahah ! Melabur sushi ! Hahah. xp
so yeahh.. Di office got nothing to do. So befacebook tiaa saaaaaaaampai my phone low batt. And and, mengantukkn ! Sajuk lgii.. Mcm apaa ! In my head was, my katil, my bantal, selimut and all my alat tdur. Hahah.
Then, while waiting the clock ticks by.. Again, i got the permission blik awal. Hahah. Like, 3ishh ? Hahah. Pkul 4 punn belum. But, yeahh.. As i said, in my head was my bed and stuff. Hahah. So, i bounce bounce home. Hee.
Pulangg rumahh, my brother was there.. And we did some chitchat and all. And yeahh, since i was berwall-ing withh me babyy, batahh menungguu, tetdur baa sayaa ! Nyehs.. xp then, palauu palauu, suddenly, i wokeup pasal my phone got misscalled. And my babyy did that. So, dengan palaunyaa, i chitchat msn withh her. And and, she was gonna meet me. Like ? Whatttt ?! Am i dreaming ? Hahah. And she was saying that, mami knows sudahh and all.. So, ngedate thh kmi. And until now i still cant believe it. Hahah. xp thanks to mami for letting us ngedate. Hee. xDxD
so, i looked at the time and its still 6ishh, mcm.. I was rushed took me shower and terus zoom ambil me babyy. And yeahh.. My saturday night was so so siuk ! Hahah. xD then, then.. We went to gedong and since its bored, we lawat babuu di hospital and yeahh.. x') and and, we endup.. *skip !*
then, while i was on something, bb called me and asking where i am. Then, yeahh.. Mami did textd me as well. So, i send my baaby's home in a good hand. Hee. *Awww.. Im missing youu right now ! x')
anyhow, after sending her home, i zoomed to gedong jumpaa bb. And since my sister asked me to go gedong juaa, so, i went.. In the middle of the road, someone called me and invited me to some ehem ehem.. And yeahh.. I rushed jumpaa bb and yeahh.. I went to gedong.
Then, meet them bb awang and bb's chicks. Hee. And yeahh, hang abit and my SISTER, ndaa waa di gedong ! Mcm, i called her, she was saying, "bang, im at a party right now" mcm, damn ! Adikuu plng beparty ! Nyehs.. Hahah. And yeahh, while waiting bb's chicks blik, we hang sekajap. And meet some friends there. Hee. Was funn. And we planned to go to the party after we ehem ehem. Hahah. So, yeahh.. We went to the ehem ehem thingy ! xD
there, i had funn muchh. Listening to some musics apaa.. Cerita ceritaa. So, yeahh.. And we are so ready to go to the party. Kononnyaa kn crushh laa nie. Hahah. Before we crush, i called me sister. And she was saying that, the party was not that happening. So, they bounce for some food. Hahah. So, in the end, we dint go to the party. Hahah. Like, no sweat babyy.. Hahah. We were party ourself like sheeeeet man ! Hahah. xp
so, we endup di gedong againn. Get wasted brabis. Since i was waiting for someone. Hee. And yeahh, since shes contacting me back, i bouncey bouncey tiaa. And got somethings to do. Hee. xp so, yeahh.. And of the story, my saturday night was totally great ! Hahah. Siuk giler ! xp
some tips here, what ever youu do, always started withh some energy. Semangat ! Happy.. Positive.. And everything and all the way i believe its gonna be siuk. So, yeahh.. No matter what, be happy and semangat. Hee. Til here duluu, i bounce then. Sleep well everybody and goodnights ! xDxD
hahah. Anyhow.. Yes, wanna share abit about what has just happend past few days. Wel, where should i start ? Hemmm.. Lets start where, i was out withh my babyy.. Hahah. I like this part. xp
it was saturday night. And i dont know, darii awal pagii sudahh i was semangat muchh. Dont know why.. But, yeahh.. I wokeup as usual, late.. Hahah. And went to the office mcm biasaa and dgn bangganyaa lgii tuu pkai bjuu sport ppb. Cehh ~ why ? Pasal, akuu kenaa bwaa ke site. So, yeahh.. And since the day was fine sjaa.. And abit mendungg.. Cehh ~ lurus kaa tuu ? Pokoknyaa, indaa juaa brapaa panas laa.. Hahah. So, yeahh.. Everything was just perfect. Hee.
Di office punn, fine.. As usual, befacebook. Hahah. Habit waa sudahh.. Hahah. Mcm apaa ! xp then, was bemesraa mesraa di fb. Wel, i like to say beriuhh di fb. Hahah. And antahh.. The moral of it is, i was so semangat muchh. Hahah. Then, mcm biasaa, kenaa bwaa kesite and all. Yadaa, yadaa, yadaaa.. And since harii mcm kn hujann, like nyaman waa di office ! Sajuk lgii.. Hahah. I like ~ hahah. xp then, around 11, i got the permissiond to go home for lunchh. Hee.
And on my way home, i was befacebook juaa that time. And mazran was di kopibin. So, yeahh.. I endup di kopibin. And my cousin was there too. Then, hang for awhile.. And lunchh, mazran bwaa us ke excapade. Hahah. AGAINN ! Mcm, nyamann baa lunchh kuu. Hahah. Makan shusii yo ! *duhh ~ sekadar ! Hahah. xp so what ? xp
so, yeahh.. Menyushii tiaa kmii. And thanks to mazran for the treats. Hee. Thanks bro.. Then, since i blik awal sudahh, so i need to go back to the office awal juaa. Wel, like, 130 awal .. Nyehs ! Hahah. xp and yeahh, sampai office, i terus hit the toilet. Hahah ! Melabur sushi ! Hahah. xp
so yeahh.. Di office got nothing to do. So befacebook tiaa saaaaaaaampai my phone low batt. And and, mengantukkn ! Sajuk lgii.. Mcm apaa ! In my head was, my katil, my bantal, selimut and all my alat tdur. Hahah.
Then, while waiting the clock ticks by.. Again, i got the permission blik awal. Hahah. Like, 3ishh ? Hahah. Pkul 4 punn belum. But, yeahh.. As i said, in my head was my bed and stuff. Hahah. So, i bounce bounce home. Hee.
Pulangg rumahh, my brother was there.. And we did some chitchat and all. And yeahh, since i was berwall-ing withh me babyy, batahh menungguu, tetdur baa sayaa ! Nyehs.. xp then, palauu palauu, suddenly, i wokeup pasal my phone got misscalled. And my babyy did that. So, dengan palaunyaa, i chitchat msn withh her. And and, she was gonna meet me. Like ? Whatttt ?! Am i dreaming ? Hahah. And she was saying that, mami knows sudahh and all.. So, ngedate thh kmi. And until now i still cant believe it. Hahah. xp thanks to mami for letting us ngedate. Hee. xDxD
so, i looked at the time and its still 6ishh, mcm.. I was rushed took me shower and terus zoom ambil me babyy. And yeahh.. My saturday night was so so siuk ! Hahah. xD then, then.. We went to gedong and since its bored, we lawat babuu di hospital and yeahh.. x') and and, we endup.. *skip !*
then, while i was on something, bb called me and asking where i am. Then, yeahh.. Mami did textd me as well. So, i send my baaby's home in a good hand. Hee. *Awww.. Im missing youu right now ! x')
anyhow, after sending her home, i zoomed to gedong jumpaa bb. And since my sister asked me to go gedong juaa, so, i went.. In the middle of the road, someone called me and invited me to some ehem ehem.. And yeahh.. I rushed jumpaa bb and yeahh.. I went to gedong.
Then, meet them bb awang and bb's chicks. Hee. And yeahh, hang abit and my SISTER, ndaa waa di gedong ! Mcm, i called her, she was saying, "bang, im at a party right now" mcm, damn ! Adikuu plng beparty ! Nyehs.. Hahah. And yeahh, while waiting bb's chicks blik, we hang sekajap. And meet some friends there. Hee. Was funn. And we planned to go to the party after we ehem ehem. Hahah. So, yeahh.. We went to the ehem ehem thingy ! xD
there, i had funn muchh. Listening to some musics apaa.. Cerita ceritaa. So, yeahh.. And we are so ready to go to the party. Kononnyaa kn crushh laa nie. Hahah. Before we crush, i called me sister. And she was saying that, the party was not that happening. So, they bounce for some food. Hahah. So, in the end, we dint go to the party. Hahah. Like, no sweat babyy.. Hahah. We were party ourself like sheeeeet man ! Hahah. xp
so, we endup di gedong againn. Get wasted brabis. Since i was waiting for someone. Hee. And yeahh, since shes contacting me back, i bouncey bouncey tiaa. And got somethings to do. Hee. xp so, yeahh.. And of the story, my saturday night was totally great ! Hahah. Siuk giler ! xp
some tips here, what ever youu do, always started withh some energy. Semangat ! Happy.. Positive.. And everything and all the way i believe its gonna be siuk. So, yeahh.. No matter what, be happy and semangat. Hee. Til here duluu, i bounce then. Sleep well everybody and goodnights ! xDxD
Monday, 19 April 2010
when i was before.
hello. and haii peopo. this few days, i realized that im not being the new me. cehh ~ but, yeahh.. im back to my confort zone. nyehs ! wheres my dreams go ? did i let away my dreams ? truely, it still is. no one cann took away my dreams just like that. but, just.. im scared to fight for it. which i know that i will.. untill.. :'D
so, last few days, i was out sjaa.. i even missed alot the functions. i forgot about my future. i was so, so me yang duluu. dint care whatever i go and wanted. but, tebuat yangg success atuu, kuu lupaakan ! bimboo muchh ! wel, the story goes when, we're invited to a birthday party. biasaa.. once im invited, my bestie bibi indaa dpt tinggal tuu. nyehs..
so, yes.. we were invited, which in the end, we end up indaa jdii. adaa reasonnya yang tertentuu. nyehs.. but, kamii adaa backup. cehh ~ plan punn adaa backup ! macam apaa.. hahha. so, the backup plan was partying with the sisters and friends. and so we did. fun juaa laaa. awuu, andangnyaa.. tebuat yang indaa membarii success atuu, siuk tiaaaa. :/ npaa kan tuu aaa ? anwy, the party was on and im not being myself. i so nyams muchh.. and melayann menarii waa tuu. hahah. :P:P
party party.. we end up ke laparann. hahah. so, as bibi always said, "menguluk mee tnii" yang berti, makan koloo mee. hahah. and the best kolo me is arahh kadaii kuu. hahah. not my shop plng. but, the name pakai nama kuu. hahah. di kfc. as in kianggeh food centre. hee. so, we all eat eat and memanat muchh ! hahah. memanat as in menyanyii macam org gilaa and all. but, seriously, that was funn !! hahah. lols.
and yeahh.. since its getting ahir-er, we sent all the kiddos home, and yeahh.. jalan jalan sekejap, then pulang andd tidur. hee. before tdur, i was berdating with my babyy. hee. thats is more siuk-est. hahah. :P *loveyouu, babyy. hee. i miss her right now..
anwy, the next day.. i supposed had a meeting. but, i dint attend it. but, after lunch, i was out samaa bib. and yeahh.. kamii benyamann. hahah. so, jalan jalan and kamii singah pantaii. its been awhile juaa sudahh indaa benyaman di pantaii. hee. :P:P melayan melayan, then, we bounce ke gdg. and since bibi wannaa meet someone, so, yeahh.. we go gdg. but, borenggggg ! why ? pasal, ndaa adek eqahh ! kalauu kamuu ke gdg, mestii adaa adek eqahh. why so ? confirm happening. hee. *kann love ? :P
so, since we're bored, we random plan meliat movie. hahah. we watched date nights. since sorng sorang cakap siuk brabis, i dont wanna miss it. so, we watchh it. and yes.. siuk gilaa waaaaa ! brabiss. sakit waa parut kuu. hahha. lurus tuu nyaa sii jubur aaa. hahah. bergadong bergadong, sampaii 10ishh. after 10ish, bibi had a called. and its urgent. so, we stop by somewhere in brakas. andd meet his brother.
not that just happend. what happend is, akuu bad trip !! keretaakuu bemasalahh tiaa juaa. peleroy ! heehh.. i still remember bibi cakap, "yatah tu nahh .." hahah. macam apaaaa ! mauu indaa mauu, terpaksaa baa bkrajaa. hahah. menyasal ! :S after that i terus balik rumahh. and it was 11ishh klii. so, yeahh.. berchitchat samaa my babyy, and yeahh.. endingg waaaa kuu. tetutup lagii phone kuu tuu. aiyooo.. cancel plan slajur ! nyehs.. why ? when i opened my eyes, it was 4ishh subuhh.. hahah. which, someone did waited for mee. *im sorry, youu.."
but, yeahh.. then i chit chat with my baby that subuhh andd mann, she really did made my monday with a smilee ! hahah. *iloveyouu, syangg ! hee. :):) atuu kann i really hate mondayy. but, now.. macam, happy monday tiaa jdiinyaa. cehh ~ heheh. manaa juaa indaa happy.. datang office lgii trus kenaa transferd ke section lain. siuk ! hahah. then, lunchh lagii tdii kenaa blanjaa.. makann escapade lagii tuu !! ohh, myy.. HAHAH ! SUSHII WAAA TUUU !! NYAMAN ! hahah. *thanks to mazran btw.. hee. thanks bro. ;)
then, after lunch, i singgah sekejap jumpaa sii juburkuu. pasal, yaaa mintaa tapauu. so, yeahh.. hahah. sii jubur ! busy yaa nyaa. :/ hee. but, its alright. :):) and now, im at my new office should i say ? endup, blogging ! hahahahah. like... what ?! hahah. panat. so, yeahh.. moral of this post is, once youu in a comfort zone, its really hard to get out without trying so hard. "kenyamanan, adalah kegagalan !"
sampaii di snii duluu, selamat petang all. and have a nice mondayy ! cheers ! :D:D
so, last few days, i was out sjaa.. i even missed alot the functions. i forgot about my future. i was so, so me yang duluu. dint care whatever i go and wanted. but, tebuat yangg success atuu, kuu lupaakan ! bimboo muchh ! wel, the story goes when, we're invited to a birthday party. biasaa.. once im invited, my bestie bibi indaa dpt tinggal tuu. nyehs..
so, yes.. we were invited, which in the end, we end up indaa jdii. adaa reasonnya yang tertentuu. nyehs.. but, kamii adaa backup. cehh ~ plan punn adaa backup ! macam apaa.. hahha. so, the backup plan was partying with the sisters and friends. and so we did. fun juaa laaa. awuu, andangnyaa.. tebuat yang indaa membarii success atuu, siuk tiaaaa. :/ npaa kan tuu aaa ? anwy, the party was on and im not being myself. i so nyams muchh.. and melayann menarii waa tuu. hahah. :P:P
party party.. we end up ke laparann. hahah. so, as bibi always said, "menguluk mee tnii" yang berti, makan koloo mee. hahah. and the best kolo me is arahh kadaii kuu. hahah. not my shop plng. but, the name pakai nama kuu. hahah. di kfc. as in kianggeh food centre. hee. so, we all eat eat and memanat muchh ! hahah. memanat as in menyanyii macam org gilaa and all. but, seriously, that was funn !! hahah. lols.
and yeahh.. since its getting ahir-er, we sent all the kiddos home, and yeahh.. jalan jalan sekejap, then pulang andd tidur. hee. before tdur, i was berdating with my babyy. hee. thats is more siuk-est. hahah. :P *loveyouu, babyy. hee. i miss her right now..
anwy, the next day.. i supposed had a meeting. but, i dint attend it. but, after lunch, i was out samaa bib. and yeahh.. kamii benyamann. hahah. so, jalan jalan and kamii singah pantaii. its been awhile juaa sudahh indaa benyaman di pantaii. hee. :P:P melayan melayan, then, we bounce ke gdg. and since bibi wannaa meet someone, so, yeahh.. we go gdg. but, borenggggg ! why ? pasal, ndaa adek eqahh ! kalauu kamuu ke gdg, mestii adaa adek eqahh. why so ? confirm happening. hee. *kann love ? :P
so, since we're bored, we random plan meliat movie. hahah. we watched date nights. since sorng sorang cakap siuk brabis, i dont wanna miss it. so, we watchh it. and yes.. siuk gilaa waaaaa ! brabiss. sakit waa parut kuu. hahha. lurus tuu nyaa sii jubur aaa. hahah. bergadong bergadong, sampaii 10ishh. after 10ish, bibi had a called. and its urgent. so, we stop by somewhere in brakas. andd meet his brother.
not that just happend. what happend is, akuu bad trip !! keretaakuu bemasalahh tiaa juaa. peleroy ! heehh.. i still remember bibi cakap, "yatah tu nahh .." hahah. macam apaaaa ! mauu indaa mauu, terpaksaa baa bkrajaa. hahah. menyasal ! :S after that i terus balik rumahh. and it was 11ishh klii. so, yeahh.. berchitchat samaa my babyy, and yeahh.. endingg waaaa kuu. tetutup lagii phone kuu tuu. aiyooo.. cancel plan slajur ! nyehs.. why ? when i opened my eyes, it was 4ishh subuhh.. hahah. which, someone did waited for mee. *im sorry, youu.."
but, yeahh.. then i chit chat with my baby that subuhh andd mann, she really did made my monday with a smilee ! hahah. *iloveyouu, syangg ! hee. :):) atuu kann i really hate mondayy. but, now.. macam, happy monday tiaa jdiinyaa. cehh ~ heheh. manaa juaa indaa happy.. datang office lgii trus kenaa transferd ke section lain. siuk ! hahah. then, lunchh lagii tdii kenaa blanjaa.. makann escapade lagii tuu !! ohh, myy.. HAHAH ! SUSHII WAAA TUUU !! NYAMAN ! hahah. *thanks to mazran btw.. hee. thanks bro. ;)
then, after lunch, i singgah sekejap jumpaa sii juburkuu. pasal, yaaa mintaa tapauu. so, yeahh.. hahah. sii jubur ! busy yaa nyaa. :/ hee. but, its alright. :):) and now, im at my new office should i say ? endup, blogging ! hahahahah. like... what ?! hahah. panat. so, yeahh.. moral of this post is, once youu in a comfort zone, its really hard to get out without trying so hard. "kenyamanan, adalah kegagalan !"
sampaii di snii duluu, selamat petang all. and have a nice mondayy ! cheers ! :D:D
Thursday, 15 April 2010
missingg youu..
its late now awal anii.. and im not home yet ? nyehs.. esuk lagii udahh mauu kerjaa. but, yeahh.. me ? without her by myside, not easy for me to fall asleeep. nyehs ! thats not it supposed to be. hee. but, its alright. maybe i deserved it. or just other way that i havent find out yet ? apaaaaaan ?!! aout ihh..
wel, i miss someone. someone who i really appreciate much to have. i believe shes asleep awal anii. but, its alright. even she deserved that too. hemm.. missing ? what is missing actually ? all i know is.. to me, once i miss something or someone.. its just that, i felt empty much. empty that can makes youu abit bimboo ! dont know what to do.. dont no what to think and bla blaa blaaa. but, yeahh.. its just that, i feels so empty. macam, phone low batt usulnyaaa.
so, if phone low batt, mesti di charged right ? but, too badly.. to me, indaa tiaa dapat tdur. problems muchh. once i cant sleep, banyak pikir tiaa tuu jdiinyaa. like, te-recalled what ive just did and all. and, from that, i can learn some mistakes from what ive done wrong. and yada yada yadaa.. banyak pikir tiaa. its so jahat if we tpikir yang jahat. and it would be better if we thinks positives. more better-er !
but, too bad, some people will pikir yang bukan bukann and all. sampaii adaa yang cakap yaa stress tiaa. apaa tiaa.. but, come on.. theres no such thing is stress is. stress stress, apaa juaa adaa ? what will we get ? KUSUTTT !! :S hahah. see.. its all started but just missing. so, to thoes yang bercinta cintaa.. do love your love ones. and just be positives. as bob marley's said, "everyhings gonna be alright !" hee.
and to me, the person who i miss awal anii iss. my babyy !! hee. i miss her smiles. her touchs. her everything with a letter s.

nyehs.. but, sabar is the most wajib thingy too do. why so, if we dint, macam macam bulehh jdii tiaa. sepertii, let me shared abit, once we miss someone, then we'll contact them. right ? but, if she or whoever in a good mood, takpe laa. but, what if not ? bulehh jdii issue tuu. CONFIRM !
munn dipikir blik, its just pasal youu miss someone gnyaa tuu. kann ? how i know, it happens to me alots before. indaa punn yaa badmood. but, some bad things would happend. "all good things, can end up with bad things. and all bad things, it will end up with a better one." rightt ? riiiiiighttt ~ so, its all started with youu, us, tanii. starts to think.. let the brain do the works. and we do the right actions. with that, till here thh sajaa duluu. hee. sleep well and goodnight to alll. cheerious ! :):)
wel, i miss someone. someone who i really appreciate much to have. i believe shes asleep awal anii. but, its alright. even she deserved that too. hemm.. missing ? what is missing actually ? all i know is.. to me, once i miss something or someone.. its just that, i felt empty much. empty that can makes youu abit bimboo ! dont know what to do.. dont no what to think and bla blaa blaaa. but, yeahh.. its just that, i feels so empty. macam, phone low batt usulnyaaa.
so, if phone low batt, mesti di charged right ? but, too badly.. to me, indaa tiaa dapat tdur. problems muchh. once i cant sleep, banyak pikir tiaa tuu jdiinyaa. like, te-recalled what ive just did and all. and, from that, i can learn some mistakes from what ive done wrong. and yada yada yadaa.. banyak pikir tiaa. its so jahat if we tpikir yang jahat. and it would be better if we thinks positives. more better-er !
but, too bad, some people will pikir yang bukan bukann and all. sampaii adaa yang cakap yaa stress tiaa. apaa tiaa.. but, come on.. theres no such thing is stress is. stress stress, apaa juaa adaa ? what will we get ? KUSUTTT !! :S hahah. see.. its all started but just missing. so, to thoes yang bercinta cintaa.. do love your love ones. and just be positives. as bob marley's said, "everyhings gonna be alright !" hee.
and to me, the person who i miss awal anii iss. my babyy !! hee. i miss her smiles. her touchs. her everything with a letter s.

nyehs.. but, sabar is the most wajib thingy too do. why so, if we dint, macam macam bulehh jdii tiaa. sepertii, let me shared abit, once we miss someone, then we'll contact them. right ? but, if she or whoever in a good mood, takpe laa. but, what if not ? bulehh jdii issue tuu. CONFIRM !
munn dipikir blik, its just pasal youu miss someone gnyaa tuu. kann ? how i know, it happens to me alots before. indaa punn yaa badmood. but, some bad things would happend. "all good things, can end up with bad things. and all bad things, it will end up with a better one." rightt ? riiiiiighttt ~ so, its all started with youu, us, tanii. starts to think.. let the brain do the works. and we do the right actions. with that, till here thh sajaa duluu. hee. sleep well and goodnight to alll. cheerious ! :):)
Sunday, 11 April 2010
meeting me baby.
hello blogger.. so, i wanaa share abit about last night. i was damn damn unsober. nyehs.. anyhow.. was having funn juaa laaa. but, fun fun, indaa membagi kesenangan. i always remember this actually.. "kenyamanan adalahh puncaa kegagalan." but, yeahh.. not too muchh jdii thh.. nyehs..
so, i slept at bibi's place dmalam. kes, ngalehh kann driving. but, okehh laaaa.. tertidur actually.. hee. and yeahh.. i woke up late. andd i missed all functions yang menbagii akuu success tdii. :( i learn that for todayy.. andd yeahh.. "learning from our mistakes. rightt ??
then, since theres no plan, i went to meet my baby. my baby and her mum and siblings. we meet up di pantai serasaa tdii. andd it was funn muchh. my baby lagii pakaii pakaian rumahh ! macam apaaa. sexy muchh ! hahah. :P:P and yeahh.. dii pantaii tdii, we meet mizann. hahha. macam apaaa.
so, finally, we meet. hee. ilovemybaby ! hee. nothing much to say here actually. but, yeahh.. we talks alot tdii punn. andd atuu, we even memvainn tdiii ! heee. anyone wanna see my babyy ? haahhah. yes, i believe ramaii yang tertnya tnyaa. whos my baby.. dont worry.. i did post our photos heree. hee. youu cann see, but cannot touchh.. hahha. macam apaa ! :P:P wel, enjoyed watching my photos di bawahh.. hee. selamat malem semuaa ! :D:D

so, i slept at bibi's place dmalam. kes, ngalehh kann driving. but, okehh laaaa.. tertidur actually.. hee. and yeahh.. i woke up late. andd i missed all functions yang menbagii akuu success tdii. :( i learn that for todayy.. andd yeahh.. "learning from our mistakes. rightt ??
then, since theres no plan, i went to meet my baby. my baby and her mum and siblings. we meet up di pantai serasaa tdii. andd it was funn muchh. my baby lagii pakaii pakaian rumahh ! macam apaaa. sexy muchh ! hahah. :P:P and yeahh.. dii pantaii tdii, we meet mizann. hahha. macam apaaa.
so, finally, we meet. hee. ilovemybaby ! hee. nothing much to say here actually. but, yeahh.. we talks alot tdii punn. andd atuu, we even memvainn tdiii ! heee. anyone wanna see my babyy ? haahhah. yes, i believe ramaii yang tertnya tnyaa. whos my baby.. dont worry.. i did post our photos heree. hee. youu cann see, but cannot touchh.. hahha. macam apaa ! :P:P wel, enjoyed watching my photos di bawahh.. hee. selamat malem semuaa ! :D:D

Friday, 9 April 2010
tutong's trip !
woww.. hello blogger ! yes.. i was out tdii samaa the bestiee. hahah. no one else.. sii jubur and sii bibi. hee. which it supposed indaa jadii waa tuu. pasal, sii jubur kann ke kb. but, indaa tia jdii. so, yeaahh.. since yaa kelaparan, memplan tiaa macam macam. hahah. sampaii end up ke tutong. plus, kann jumpaa mimit juaa. hee. so, yeahh.. as usual, dirumahh adaa tahlil tdi, but.. i wasnt around. nyehs..
anwy, talking about the trip, it all started darii sii jubur tuu. andd i called bibii selajur. andd yeahh, menjadii tiaa juaa. so, i was bertolak dari rumahh tdii around 7ishh.. and yeahh.. terus agaa sii jubur. thenn aga bibi. and then, we terus zoom ke tutong.. hee. and yeahh.. on the way ke tutong atuu punn, kann betukar plan. sikit lagii. since sii dayang atuu kenaa bagi limit bejalan. hahah. so, yeahh.. but, still carry on juaa ke tutong. hee.
we arrived at tutong tdii around idk-ishh. but, yeahh.. yayah was there and all. andd adaa kid kiut tdii !! hee. belabihh lagii usulnyaa tuu. hee. then, mimit datang. and we chitchat chitchat sampaii indaa lagii sadarkan duniaa. hahah. was siuk brabis tdii. manaa lagii adaa sii bibi. but, seriously.. when sii bibi betamu samaa sii jubur, bahhh.. abis ! mun bab bab belawan bcakap, baik thh diam. indaa punn tutup telingga. hahah. abis macam world war. hahah. apaa dihhh !
so, nothing special actually.. but too me i appreciate muchh jubs ! and bibi, thanks for dangani tdii. hee. manaa lagii sorng sorngg kann tinggal tutong tdii !! macam apaa ! hahah. :P:P so, bla.. blaa.. blaa.. since its late tadi, kami bounce tiaa. karang kenaa boom ituu jubur. hahah. :P:P and the interesting part was, masa kamii otw blik. hahah. why ? pasal, kamii memvainn brabiss tdii. hahah. dint believe me, youu can check out arah my album di FB. ngalehh ku mengupload di snii. hahah. *lazyass.
and yeahh, kamii singgah balii minyak tdii apaa. and then terus antar sii jubur balik. hahah. then, me and bibi bali some food to eat and yeahh.. end up rumah bibi kejap. hee. while waiting actually.. but, macam.. takede respone hoo.. hmm.. *where are youu ?? :/ anyhow.. mummy just called me and asking where i am tdii. so, yeahh.. i dont want my mummy to get worried juaa. indaa nyamann tdurnyaa krg. so, i think till heree thh sajaa kaliiaa ? hahah. bored ? biar tiaa.. hahah. bacaa sjaa tiaa. ohh, btw.. liat karenah karenah kamii dii fbku. makasihh.. hee. till here then. nights peapoo. have a nice sleep. :):)
anwy, talking about the trip, it all started darii sii jubur tuu. andd i called bibii selajur. andd yeahh, menjadii tiaa juaa. so, i was bertolak dari rumahh tdii around 7ishh.. and yeahh.. terus agaa sii jubur. thenn aga bibi. and then, we terus zoom ke tutong.. hee. and yeahh.. on the way ke tutong atuu punn, kann betukar plan. sikit lagii. since sii dayang atuu kenaa bagi limit bejalan. hahah. so, yeahh.. but, still carry on juaa ke tutong. hee.
we arrived at tutong tdii around idk-ishh. but, yeahh.. yayah was there and all. andd adaa kid kiut tdii !! hee. belabihh lagii usulnyaa tuu. hee. then, mimit datang. and we chitchat chitchat sampaii indaa lagii sadarkan duniaa. hahah. was siuk brabis tdii. manaa lagii adaa sii bibi. but, seriously.. when sii bibi betamu samaa sii jubur, bahhh.. abis ! mun bab bab belawan bcakap, baik thh diam. indaa punn tutup telingga. hahah. abis macam world war. hahah. apaa dihhh !
so, nothing special actually.. but too me i appreciate muchh jubs ! and bibi, thanks for dangani tdii. hee. manaa lagii sorng sorngg kann tinggal tutong tdii !! macam apaa ! hahah. :P:P so, bla.. blaa.. blaa.. since its late tadi, kami bounce tiaa. karang kenaa boom ituu jubur. hahah. :P:P and the interesting part was, masa kamii otw blik. hahah. why ? pasal, kamii memvainn brabiss tdii. hahah. dint believe me, youu can check out arah my album di FB. ngalehh ku mengupload di snii. hahah. *lazyass.
and yeahh, kamii singgah balii minyak tdii apaa. and then terus antar sii jubur balik. hahah. then, me and bibi bali some food to eat and yeahh.. end up rumah bibi kejap. hee. while waiting actually.. but, macam.. takede respone hoo.. hmm.. *where are youu ?? :/ anyhow.. mummy just called me and asking where i am tdii. so, yeahh.. i dont want my mummy to get worried juaa. indaa nyamann tdurnyaa krg. so, i think till heree thh sajaa kaliiaa ? hahah. bored ? biar tiaa.. hahah. bacaa sjaa tiaa. ohh, btw.. liat karenah karenah kamii dii fbku. makasihh.. hee. till here then. nights peapoo. have a nice sleep. :):)
Thursday, 8 April 2010
hanging out with bibi. :D
wow.. balik kerjaa tdii, i terus when back home. andd yeahh.. since, they said, once we eat suplement, it wont be better if we dint do some exercise. rightt ? wel, i do some exercise actually. but, it was bed exercise. hahah. EVERYNIGHT ! :P:P kann kann youu ? hahah. is that included ?? hahah. *kidding.. but, yatahh tuu baa. we do need exercise kann ? so, i was planning kan berjogging tdii. but, since tdii hari atuu galap usulnyaa. macam harii atuu kann hujann. so, malas tiaa juaa. plus, i was too lazy kann bepaloh palohh. hahah.
so, i plan kan swimming tiaa sjaa. so, since bibi pernahh mentiond last time that he wanna go swimming. so, terus i made a call. and yeahh.. we make it happen. hahah. siukk yo ! jarangg waa swimming tuu. my last was samaa padil. hahah. sorry padil, indaa tebawaa ko. next time thh ngankut semuaa ramai ramai. hee. anyhow.. sheikh was joinning us juaa. bibi's brother. so, kamii betigaa. and guess what ? kamii macam org thailand waaa.. besinglet singlet gnyaa. hahah. kecuali sii bibi laa. hahah. pasal, yaa jdii orng cinaa. hahah. kann bii ? :P:P
so, we ended swimming di stadium. andd sii adek eqahh adaa juaaa ! hahah. andd yaa smelly bagas jogging. hahah. kidding.. *love youu eq ! heheh. so, yeahh.. we chitchat kejap and yeahh.. kamii swimming pukul 7malam. hahaha. *crap.. and since clorinnyaa kuat. lawaa waa mataa kmii. hahah. macam org bedadah gnyaa. cehh ~ hahah. and guess what ? after we swimming, we went to mall manggis. hahah. macam apaa ! besinglit singlit lagii tuuu ! HAHAHAH ! thailand bnrr ihh.. we were loking for singlit warna hitam but, yang terjumpaa di sanaa is, sii luthh ! HAHAH. *allahh.. heheh.
so, we chill chill there for awhile. and meliat liat barang. and we end up arah kadai kaca mata. pasal, bibi kann beli kaca mataa. so, yeahh.. and the owner of the shop, i kenal. and and, adaa laa business kmii. hahah. esuk lagii kamii kesanaa. mauu ambil some things. hee. and yeahh.. around 9ish, we balik rumahh bibi. and yeahh.. we masak, makann. then, me.. berblogging thh kejap and updates something dii fb. hee. will update some photos after this. hee. bh, bhh.. i think sampaii snii thh duluu. adaa orng waiting waiting for me sudahh. hee. :P:P alright then all. have a nice sleep and good night. :):)
so, i plan kan swimming tiaa sjaa. so, since bibi pernahh mentiond last time that he wanna go swimming. so, terus i made a call. and yeahh.. we make it happen. hahah. siukk yo ! jarangg waa swimming tuu. my last was samaa padil. hahah. sorry padil, indaa tebawaa ko. next time thh ngankut semuaa ramai ramai. hee. anyhow.. sheikh was joinning us juaa. bibi's brother. so, kamii betigaa. and guess what ? kamii macam org thailand waaa.. besinglet singlet gnyaa. hahah. kecuali sii bibi laa. hahah. pasal, yaa jdii orng cinaa. hahah. kann bii ? :P:P
so, we ended swimming di stadium. andd sii adek eqahh adaa juaaa ! hahah. andd yaa smelly bagas jogging. hahah. kidding.. *love youu eq ! heheh. so, yeahh.. we chitchat kejap and yeahh.. kamii swimming pukul 7malam. hahaha. *crap.. and since clorinnyaa kuat. lawaa waa mataa kmii. hahah. macam org bedadah gnyaa. cehh ~ hahah. and guess what ? after we swimming, we went to mall manggis. hahah. macam apaa ! besinglit singlit lagii tuuu ! HAHAHAH ! thailand bnrr ihh.. we were loking for singlit warna hitam but, yang terjumpaa di sanaa is, sii luthh ! HAHAH. *allahh.. heheh.
so, we chill chill there for awhile. and meliat liat barang. and we end up arah kadai kaca mata. pasal, bibi kann beli kaca mataa. so, yeahh.. and the owner of the shop, i kenal. and and, adaa laa business kmii. hahah. esuk lagii kamii kesanaa. mauu ambil some things. hee. and yeahh.. around 9ish, we balik rumahh bibi. and yeahh.. we masak, makann. then, me.. berblogging thh kejap and updates something dii fb. hee. will update some photos after this. hee. bh, bhh.. i think sampaii snii thh duluu. adaa orng waiting waiting for me sudahh. hee. :P:P alright then all. have a nice sleep and good night. :):)
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
success story.
assalamualaikum and morning peapo. hee. yes, its so boreng muchh todayy. i kedongdong. maybe pasal, i got noyhing to do atuu klii. but, so far, at least im working right ? hahah. nyantai sjaa. :P
anwy, yeahh.. let me share abit. yesterday, i dint go krajaa. reason ? im too tired for being employees. bukan ambung, but, yeahh.. yatah tuu baa.. i wanna ask youu guys.. siapaa juaa yang sukaa bangun awal ? thenn, hit the traffic jam. then, munn akhir datang kenaa marahh olehh bos ? then, adaa lagii sampaii kenaa putung gajii and all. who ever like that ? i never pernah mendangar orang yang anehh sukaa cematuu. to be straight here, siapaa yang sukaa bosnyaa ahh ? wel, lain laa if the bosses atuu youre related. but, still.. tniii yng bangun awal, tnii yang kenaa traffic jam, tni yang kenaa marahh but, thats all untuk siapaa sebenarnyaa ? is it for us ? for yourself ?? indaa ! its for your boss. impian boss tuu. tpii, tnii yang meranaa. i dint say that kerajaa atuu indaa bagus. but, yatahh tuu baa. thats the fact kann ? indaa krajaa, indaa beusinn. lurus ? active income to be exact.
what is active income, active income is, people who works for money. orng yang bekerajaa untuk duit. but, what if ketani sakit ? bukan kan minta minta, but, yatah tuu baa.. what if tnii sakit ? we never know what happen next right ? only god knows better. so, if tani sakit, and ofcourse tni indaa kerajaa kann ? and munn sudahh indaa krajaaa, indaa beusinn.. tpii, hutang dalam bank, indaa pandaii stop tuu. pakai apaa membayar aaa ? buluu ? kalauu thh dapat. the question here is, have youu prepared sudahh ? adaa persiapan sudahh ?
thats the thing, pasal tani inda tau atuu thh we need to prepared for our lifes. what do youu want in life ? youu said, youre busy, but untill whenn ?? youu said youu dont have money, butt sampaii bilaa indaa kan beduit ?? we need to change our lifestyle.. we need to be better. better than yesterday. we need to change.. theres a words says, "if youu want to be different, do different things" i learned alot from that words. adaa juaa bnrnyaa. pasal apaa, tnii mauu berubahh kann ? so, tanii mestii berubahh duluu. berubah cara bepikir. cara becakap. cara bepakaian. instead of tnii kann mengikutkan gayaa artist. caranyaa menyanyii laa. caranyaa bepakaian laa. apaa laa.. ituu laa.. persoalannya disnii is, sesama samaa tnii macam artist atuu, tnii indaa akan menjdii thee same person. abis abis, kanaa ucap sjaa. jdii bahan supahan org sjaa. so, pedahh.. siapaa patut di contohi is, orng yang success. why ? pasal, tnii mauu success. indaa jaa ??
indaa salahh kalauu tnii kann successs anii. indaa org kann melarang. siapaa kann melarangg ? boss ? parents ? friends ? families ? munn adaa org melarang atuu, bukann thh orng yang mauu tnii hidup sanang tuu. orng yang bnr kawan anii or maybe families anii, orng yang mauu meliat tnii berjayaa. orng yang mauu meliat tnii success. orng yang bancii ketanii atuu punn, indaa lagii bancii tuu. orng yang menghinaa tnii atuu, insaf yaa selajur tuu. why ? pasal, tnii success.. apaa lagii kann dicakapkannyaa aaa ? so, i always menanamkan di jiwaaku words from my brother, "success is the only best revenge !" so, yeahh.. to does yang kenaa hinaa, hinaaa.. and to those yang kenaa bencii, now, sabar sjaaa. one day, we will chocked them up ! hahah. *membaraa waa kuu ! hahah.
and yess, what we need in life is sebenarnyaa adalah, masa dan duit. atuu yang paling penting. so, remember, berubahh. changed ! and always bersemangat !! :D bh, bhh.. sampaii snii duluu yes ? hahah. tidak ada rekaan semata mataa.. percaya, percayaa.. indaa, indaa.. terpulangg. hee. :) bhh, adious.. :):) happy lunch time all. :)
anwy, yeahh.. let me share abit. yesterday, i dint go krajaa. reason ? im too tired for being employees. bukan ambung, but, yeahh.. yatah tuu baa.. i wanna ask youu guys.. siapaa juaa yang sukaa bangun awal ? thenn, hit the traffic jam. then, munn akhir datang kenaa marahh olehh bos ? then, adaa lagii sampaii kenaa putung gajii and all. who ever like that ? i never pernah mendangar orang yang anehh sukaa cematuu. to be straight here, siapaa yang sukaa bosnyaa ahh ? wel, lain laa if the bosses atuu youre related. but, still.. tniii yng bangun awal, tnii yang kenaa traffic jam, tni yang kenaa marahh but, thats all untuk siapaa sebenarnyaa ? is it for us ? for yourself ?? indaa ! its for your boss. impian boss tuu. tpii, tnii yang meranaa. i dint say that kerajaa atuu indaa bagus. but, yatahh tuu baa. thats the fact kann ? indaa krajaa, indaa beusinn. lurus ? active income to be exact.
what is active income, active income is, people who works for money. orng yang bekerajaa untuk duit. but, what if ketani sakit ? bukan kan minta minta, but, yatah tuu baa.. what if tnii sakit ? we never know what happen next right ? only god knows better. so, if tani sakit, and ofcourse tni indaa kerajaa kann ? and munn sudahh indaa krajaaa, indaa beusinn.. tpii, hutang dalam bank, indaa pandaii stop tuu. pakai apaa membayar aaa ? buluu ? kalauu thh dapat. the question here is, have youu prepared sudahh ? adaa persiapan sudahh ?
thats the thing, pasal tani inda tau atuu thh we need to prepared for our lifes. what do youu want in life ? youu said, youre busy, but untill whenn ?? youu said youu dont have money, butt sampaii bilaa indaa kan beduit ?? we need to change our lifestyle.. we need to be better. better than yesterday. we need to change.. theres a words says, "if youu want to be different, do different things" i learned alot from that words. adaa juaa bnrnyaa. pasal apaa, tnii mauu berubahh kann ? so, tanii mestii berubahh duluu. berubah cara bepikir. cara becakap. cara bepakaian. instead of tnii kann mengikutkan gayaa artist. caranyaa menyanyii laa. caranyaa bepakaian laa. apaa laa.. ituu laa.. persoalannya disnii is, sesama samaa tnii macam artist atuu, tnii indaa akan menjdii thee same person. abis abis, kanaa ucap sjaa. jdii bahan supahan org sjaa. so, pedahh.. siapaa patut di contohi is, orng yang success. why ? pasal, tnii mauu success. indaa jaa ??
indaa salahh kalauu tnii kann successs anii. indaa org kann melarang. siapaa kann melarangg ? boss ? parents ? friends ? families ? munn adaa org melarang atuu, bukann thh orng yang mauu tnii hidup sanang tuu. orng yang bnr kawan anii or maybe families anii, orng yang mauu meliat tnii berjayaa. orng yang mauu meliat tnii success. orng yang bancii ketanii atuu punn, indaa lagii bancii tuu. orng yang menghinaa tnii atuu, insaf yaa selajur tuu. why ? pasal, tnii success.. apaa lagii kann dicakapkannyaa aaa ? so, i always menanamkan di jiwaaku words from my brother, "success is the only best revenge !" so, yeahh.. to does yang kenaa hinaa, hinaaa.. and to those yang kenaa bencii, now, sabar sjaaa. one day, we will chocked them up ! hahah. *membaraa waa kuu ! hahah.
and yess, what we need in life is sebenarnyaa adalah, masa dan duit. atuu yang paling penting. so, remember, berubahh. changed ! and always bersemangat !! :D bh, bhh.. sampaii snii duluu yes ? hahah. tidak ada rekaan semata mataa.. percaya, percayaa.. indaa, indaa.. terpulangg. hee. :) bhh, adious.. :):) happy lunch time all. :)
Saturday, 3 April 2010
silly april's fool ! :/
now i know why april's fool is so haram to muslim people. cehhh ~ yaaa juaa org ramai menganakan orng lain. wel, once ive heard that april's fool is when people trying to fool youu around. but, some people will get it, but some dont.. why ? cause, everythings end up with results.
here i wanna share abit about my april's fool shit. nyehs.. it all started when i was berchatting samaa sii bitchh. hahah. but then, antahh, semana mana, it pops out on my mind about that april's fool thingy. its about midnight waa tuu kalii.. kann bitchh ? wel, how its startd, when she was asking me, alum tdur ? indaa kraja esuk ? then i was saying that, indaa. i quit my job sudahh. and she was like, is it ? why ? then, i said, awuu.. i had a fight with my boss. hahah. something like that laa kann bitchh ? and suddenlly, i was fooloing around juaa with me baby. and she was seriously pikir i was mad bnr.. HAHAH1 *sorry sayangg ! :P then, everythings ended when my baby called me selajur.. andd sii bitchh punn trus teputus kamii chat. andd whichh our plan kann menganaakan seseorang indaa clear.
and yeah, long story short, my baby called me. and she was crying mcm.. wow.. akuu waa tefool lehnyaa.. hahah. and yeahh.. then i realized that how jahat is april's fool is. nyehs. again, im sorry love. hee. which in the end, everythings back to normal. hee. :D:D
then, the story between me and my baby, settled. cehh ~ tapii, theres a story that makes me aiyo.. :/ how i wish i could tell youu here, that im sorry. its just april's fool. so, yeahh.. hope youu understand. thats all i wanna tell tell.
keseluruhannya, and kesimpulannya.. akuu punn kanaa april's fool olehh sii bb. macam apaaaa ! hahah. he msg me and telling that hes outside my house. awuuu, eventho i know that yaa kann menganaakan akuu. but, idk.. kuu check waa juaa keluar. macam apaa. hahah. then, i learned something.. fooling around will gives us bad results. nyehs.. i think thats all. inda memberangsangkan my post anii. indaa kuu feel membuat. hahah. lapar kalii pnyaa pasal.. awuu, laparkuuu !! *JUBS, LUNCHH ??
here i wanna share abit about my april's fool shit. nyehs.. it all started when i was berchatting samaa sii bitchh. hahah. but then, antahh, semana mana, it pops out on my mind about that april's fool thingy. its about midnight waa tuu kalii.. kann bitchh ? wel, how its startd, when she was asking me, alum tdur ? indaa kraja esuk ? then i was saying that, indaa. i quit my job sudahh. and she was like, is it ? why ? then, i said, awuu.. i had a fight with my boss. hahah. something like that laa kann bitchh ? and suddenlly, i was fooloing around juaa with me baby. and she was seriously pikir i was mad bnr.. HAHAH1 *sorry sayangg ! :P then, everythings ended when my baby called me selajur.. andd sii bitchh punn trus teputus kamii chat. andd whichh our plan kann menganaakan seseorang indaa clear.
and yeah, long story short, my baby called me. and she was crying mcm.. wow.. akuu waa tefool lehnyaa.. hahah. and yeahh.. then i realized that how jahat is april's fool is. nyehs. again, im sorry love. hee. which in the end, everythings back to normal. hee. :D:D
then, the story between me and my baby, settled. cehh ~ tapii, theres a story that makes me aiyo.. :/ how i wish i could tell youu here, that im sorry. its just april's fool. so, yeahh.. hope youu understand. thats all i wanna tell tell.
keseluruhannya, and kesimpulannya.. akuu punn kanaa april's fool olehh sii bb. macam apaaaa ! hahah. he msg me and telling that hes outside my house. awuuu, eventho i know that yaa kann menganaakan akuu. but, idk.. kuu check waa juaa keluar. macam apaa. hahah. then, i learned something.. fooling around will gives us bad results. nyehs.. i think thats all. inda memberangsangkan my post anii. indaa kuu feel membuat. hahah. lapar kalii pnyaa pasal.. awuu, laparkuuu !! *JUBS, LUNCHH ??
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