hahah. homework ? wel, yeahh.. since, im at home sjaa. so, homework tiaa jdiinyaa. apaakn ?! xP and so, as i wokeup today at 9ishh klii, checking up my blog and all. online apaa. and yeahh, was chit chat withh some friends. blaa, blaa, blaa.. and it makes me lapar. hahah. since i was checking org atuu pnyaa blog. findouts, berupdate tiaa sudahh. and pictures punn uploaded. hopefully org tak realized on something. xP
and so, since adaa gambar choco tart yg drng buat in her blog, ingat tiaa kuu how nyaman was the taste of it kn ? then, went out, shockingly, adaa tiaa the tart ampai ampai atas mejaa. wel, biasaa bersimpann tho. kecariann pulangg kuu tuu. but, since its there, makanthh kuu sebnyak mungkin. cehh ~ while waiting my breakfast juaa kn. thats why. few mins, breakfast siap. was eating 2bungkus maggie indo and telur mataa lembuu. hahah. perfectly withh cold milo. so, while makan, i was watching tv as well. october sky was on. so, mliat tiaa kuu kusyukly. hahah. pernahh liat plngg juaa. but, bruu thh menghayati laa today. was mliat it sampai abis. kluar juaa air mataa meliat. munn pham laa. its about rocket. and the misunderstanding between the dood and his dad. how the dad wanted his son to be like him ? heeh.. touchh laa kuu pokoknyaa. x\
anwy, i watched it sampai abis kn ? but, my food yg indaa abis. and i was so hairann that my house today sunyii. then, niniboy came from jln withh abng kanzul. he gave me some food, but i just put it on the dinning table. went to my room and suddenly i fall asleep tiaa. mimpii lgii tuu ihh.. bulehh ? hahah. xP i dreamt how lucky i was to have alots of money and everything laa. mainan tdur juaa bnr.. ihh.. munn tahh bnr, bisaii.. x\
i wokeup around 3ishh, and still.. dluar sunyii. then, i went back to my room and tried on my bjuu that i bought for ppb. whichh, okehh laa. and since its baruu kluar pelastik, trusthh kuu suruhh genaa to washh it. so, yeahh.. and by the same time, i wanna took my shower. but, before that, i was terlalai sekajap meliat tv. ocean 13 was on. then, abng kanzul came and bring niniboy to the hospital. hes ampus. x\ hujann lgii tuu ihh.. then, when the house sunyii semulaa, bruu thh i took my shower.
done shower, i terus had my early dinner. wel, lapar waa kuu. i ate, daging, ayam, and telur masin. and minum manisann. heeh.. since its belum pkul 6, i was berlocked up in my room for awhile, sudahh pkul 6, mliat american idol tiaa kuu. heeh.. pacah, pacahh waa.. hahah. xP abis americann idol, menyambung mliat last comic standing kuu. lgii pacah, pacahh ! hahah ! ketawaa juaa kuu sorg sorg. xP done that, kes kn bwaa niniboy makan thh nie, but, hes still out. so, i went to my room berehat. x)
since, i havent watch get smart sampai abis, melayann tiaa kuu that ceritaa. wel, bolehh laa. adaa juaa caliinyaa. hahah. and yeahh, i was thinking kn go out from brunei before masuk ppb ihh.. since, ive got the offer adaa org kn bwaa to kk, i think i might take the offer and bwaa someone selajur. if confirmed and yaa kenaa lapas laa. so, yeahh.. x) done berdvd, here i am berbloggingg. and i think i wanna get some enough rest againn. so, goodnight people. cheerious ! x)
ohh, not to forget.. just wanna say happy birthday to amalinaa. or amal whichh i used to call her that. hee. god bless ! and take care always youu. x)x)
Friday, 30 January 2009
i was sleeping di tv's room kn ? and i wokeup around 8ishh klii. trus tukar channel ke star world. pkir adaa friends. but, americann idol instead. so, melayan. melayann. untill abng came. so, hang out withh him sjaa. and we bothh kelaparann. x\ since theres only one pop mie. so, i hide it. xP bukann karit ahh ! just to be fair yg sorg sorg indaa makann kn ? so, yeahh.. we endup makan kerupok sjaa. my room masaa ani, must had munchies sudahh. hahah. i know, i never like cheese. but, then.. im a mouse, so ? makanan nyaa waa tuu. hahah. xP lame ! plus, cheese buat lampuhh knn ? hee. xD
then, both daddy and mummy came. daddy bought ayam from ayamkuu. then, he called me and bgii the chicken. hahah. daddy knows how inlove i am withh ayam goreng. xP alum lgii ayam kfc tuu ? aduhh.. lgii menyeleraakn. xP yg spicy plngg tuu. hahah. finger licking good.. xP wait, its sound lainn ihh.. malayuu nyaa thh sjaa, sedap hinggaa mejilat jarii. xP hahah !
after makann, daddy bwaa i ke tailor. nak putungg seluar for ppb. whichh, i wanted to be skinny. tpi, tpi.. kenaa marahh tplngg olehh daddy. seribuu alasann ho. heeh.. so, fcuk it sjaa tiaa. plus, the tailor yg we went to ani punn, kiraa tempat we usually putung bjuu caraa melayuu and all laa yg putung memutong. why there ? pasal, them are kebawah dulii pnyaa personal tailor. hee. so, no complain punn for that. ;) done besukat, we went home, whichh it tooks just for a min to smpai my house ? hahah. yes, its ampir punn the place. hee. yatahh senangg. x)
blik rumahh, kakaa and kl's chicks, whichh her name is syitahh, jlnn to syitahh's place. she wanted to idk thing. then, i went to my room and berlappy sekajap. thenn, i took my shower. done showeringg, i went to my room and bacaa bukuu. book by Robert T. Kiyosakii. called, cashflow quadrant. its a good book tho. wel, i cant judge it yet. i just started punn. heeh.. xP lguu especially for youu was on arhh lappy repeatly. deep waa kuu. hahah. calaa ! xP so, bacaa bukuu until i wanna fall asleep. x)
but then, indaa kuu jdi tdur when drng kakaa and syitahh came by. syitahh berlappy sekajap. then yaa ckp, yaa bwaa guitar. so, we ambil di keretaa and badly, the guitar out of tune. and since i havent khatam yet pasal mentune guitar ani, cematuu cematuu tiaa sjaa. main yg nyamann bunyinyaa sjaa. x\ then kakaa came and kn berlappy yaa kajap. so, i went to tv's room. i tot imanlove liat tv. tpi, shes asleep rupaanyaa. so, samaa mummy sjaa. until both kakaa and syitahh bounced out. so, meyambung berlappy tiaa kuu peacefully alone in my room. heeh.. then abng came and checking something. not for long punn. so, berlappy all the way tiaa kuu. org kn tdur tdi ahh, indaa plngg jdi tdur ! heeh..
around 5ishh, abng came againn. kn ongkii. so, he was shocked that im still up. yaa punn pkir im sleeping. hahah. pasal, andangg my timing for tdur waa tuu. thats why thh. even daddy punn tot i was asleep. xP then, sudahh abng and imanlove kn pulang, i went out to say bye bye to imanlove. x) and yeahh, i ate before magrib. since tahlil later, confirmed waa adaa food tuu. i ate dagging and ayam. kayang waa kuu juaa. done makan, ongkii, then melayan americann idol tiaa kuu smaa mummy. hee. bulehh laa siuknyaa. adaa the girl yg samaa mcam amy w.house. gilaa.. rugged ! hahah ! \m/
kakaa came, and lupaa againn blikkn akuu ongkii. heeh.. ngam last stick waa tuu. aiyahh.. then, after american idol, i went to my room and berlocked up tiaa and berlappy sjaa. done berlappy around 10, i pasang dvd, get smart. then, as usual, half story, ttdur tiaa kuu. heeh.. by 2ishh subuhh tbgn, but tdur semulaa. and yeahh.. nyamann waa tdur kuu. kluar juaa air liur.. hahah ! eeee.. xP smpai sni duluu ihh.. im hungry. kn makann i.. so, cheerious people. x)
then, both daddy and mummy came. daddy bought ayam from ayamkuu. then, he called me and bgii the chicken. hahah. daddy knows how inlove i am withh ayam goreng. xP alum lgii ayam kfc tuu ? aduhh.. lgii menyeleraakn. xP yg spicy plngg tuu. hahah. finger licking good.. xP wait, its sound lainn ihh.. malayuu nyaa thh sjaa, sedap hinggaa mejilat jarii. xP hahah !
after makann, daddy bwaa i ke tailor. nak putungg seluar for ppb. whichh, i wanted to be skinny. tpi, tpi.. kenaa marahh tplngg olehh daddy. seribuu alasann ho. heeh.. so, fcuk it sjaa tiaa. plus, the tailor yg we went to ani punn, kiraa tempat we usually putung bjuu caraa melayuu and all laa yg putung memutong. why there ? pasal, them are kebawah dulii pnyaa personal tailor. hee. so, no complain punn for that. ;) done besukat, we went home, whichh it tooks just for a min to smpai my house ? hahah. yes, its ampir punn the place. hee. yatahh senangg. x)
blik rumahh, kakaa and kl's chicks, whichh her name is syitahh, jlnn to syitahh's place. she wanted to idk thing. then, i went to my room and berlappy sekajap. thenn, i took my shower. done showeringg, i went to my room and bacaa bukuu. book by Robert T. Kiyosakii. called, cashflow quadrant. its a good book tho. wel, i cant judge it yet. i just started punn. heeh.. xP lguu especially for youu was on arhh lappy repeatly. deep waa kuu. hahah. calaa ! xP so, bacaa bukuu until i wanna fall asleep. x)
but then, indaa kuu jdi tdur when drng kakaa and syitahh came by. syitahh berlappy sekajap. then yaa ckp, yaa bwaa guitar. so, we ambil di keretaa and badly, the guitar out of tune. and since i havent khatam yet pasal mentune guitar ani, cematuu cematuu tiaa sjaa. main yg nyamann bunyinyaa sjaa. x\ then kakaa came and kn berlappy yaa kajap. so, i went to tv's room. i tot imanlove liat tv. tpi, shes asleep rupaanyaa. so, samaa mummy sjaa. until both kakaa and syitahh bounced out. so, meyambung berlappy tiaa kuu peacefully alone in my room. heeh.. then abng came and checking something. not for long punn. so, berlappy all the way tiaa kuu. org kn tdur tdi ahh, indaa plngg jdi tdur ! heeh..
around 5ishh, abng came againn. kn ongkii. so, he was shocked that im still up. yaa punn pkir im sleeping. hahah. pasal, andangg my timing for tdur waa tuu. thats why thh. even daddy punn tot i was asleep. xP then, sudahh abng and imanlove kn pulang, i went out to say bye bye to imanlove. x) and yeahh, i ate before magrib. since tahlil later, confirmed waa adaa food tuu. i ate dagging and ayam. kayang waa kuu juaa. done makan, ongkii, then melayan americann idol tiaa kuu smaa mummy. hee. bulehh laa siuknyaa. adaa the girl yg samaa mcam amy w.house. gilaa.. rugged ! hahah ! \m/
kakaa came, and lupaa againn blikkn akuu ongkii. heeh.. ngam last stick waa tuu. aiyahh.. then, after american idol, i went to my room and berlocked up tiaa and berlappy sjaa. done berlappy around 10, i pasang dvd, get smart. then, as usual, half story, ttdur tiaa kuu. heeh.. by 2ishh subuhh tbgn, but tdur semulaa. and yeahh.. nyamann waa tdur kuu. kluar juaa air liur.. hahah ! eeee.. xP smpai sni duluu ihh.. im hungry. kn makann i.. so, cheerious people. x)
Thursday, 29 January 2009
to those who passes their o'levels, againn congrats to youu all. yg kecundangg, never gives up. HAHAH ! time zamann kuu, akuu gave up baa. whichh menyasal. so, yeahh.. i know how it feels. anwy, congratulations againn. hee. stick with your families. dont be sad sad. cheers ! :):)
love life.
hemm.. im bored and i feel like blogging. so, here i wanna share abit about my love life story. why im being single awal ani ? thats because, by now, im nothing to be proud withh should i say ? awuu.. ndaa kann di banggakann ihh. but, yeahh.. sooner or later, who knows kann ? only god knows better. let me tell tell what happend and what ive been thro laa ahh ? hahah. awal kuu becakap dii snii, munn rasaanyaa tersindir kaa apaa, mintaa maap thh kuu andangg awal tuu ahh ? hee. :P
before, way back school days, i do having funn withh my love life. tauu laa.. kanak kanak masehh kann ? indaa tauu papaa. plus, monkey lop lop nyaa org. hahah. cintaa monyet ? heeh.. bidaa bunyiinyaa. tpii, iskii tuu time kanak kanak ahh. manaa lgii surat segalaa. menulis pakai penn harum laa. indaa cukup, dii anchit perfume lgii tuu. abis abis jiwang, pakaii badak lgii tuu. HAHAH ! wel, indaaa tauu kamuu laa ahh ? i did cematuu. bercintaa time ugamaa lgii tuu. pacahh ihh..
manaa lgii kanaa cap nie dahii anii. 'playboy' ? atuu yaa.. indaa plng jdii kebanggaan. but here, i wanna luruskann laa ahh sikit. manaathh juaa ahh, bini bini anii lainn species nyaa. rapat sikit sjaa, udahh mudahh fall. awuu.. akuu lgii duluu atuu easy come, easy go. what i mean is, easy to fall inlove, and easy to let her go. heehh.. im not blaming myself for that. know why ? pasalkann, binii binii yg bekawann samaa akuu kann ? so, indaa juaa salahh kann tuu ? tpi, yatahh tuu baa. rapat sja, kanaa anggap boyfrined laa apaa. wel, tauu la duluu atuu, pangkat boyfriend atuu, kiraa couple laa tuu ahh ? cehh ~ monkey lop lop ihh..
andd yg paling calii lagii, asal sjaa kuu rapat samaa chicks lainn ahh, baaah !! bergossip girl tiaa sorng sorng. manaa cakap akuu curangg laa. apaa laa. ituu laa. ini laa. sampaii tiaa knaa bgii pangkat playboy. heeh.. munn dii pikir pikir kann ahh, logo playboy atuu, its a bunny waa. akuu bukann bunny kliiahh ! sii athh yg bugs bunny anii. tpii, yaa adaa his ownn lolaaa sudahh. so, yeahh.. sii ashraf, donald duck tuu. yaa pnyaa daisy ? indaa tauu laa ahh.. andd so, me ? tantuu thh mickey mouse tuu. HAHAH ! andd, minnie mouse kuu bnyak ! hahah. should i say, minnie mouses ? :P ndaa laa. kidding. one andd only minnie mouse i had is, the girl who pakaii white bjuu andd adaa gambar minnie mouse tuu in the middle standing. bowhh !! npaa tiaa kuu over beceritaa pasal disney anii ? hahah. tpii bnr tuu, sii athh, bugs bunny, sii ashraf, donald duck and me, mickey mouse. indaa cayaa, came to my room andd tengok yg sii athh draw on my woodwall. hee.
so, atuu.. apaa tdii ? playboy ? heeh.. ndaa laa. just that, im being friendly to chicks. indaa kann bejahat klii ? hahah. unless, drng yg bejahat ! :P jahat thh kuu jua tuu ihh. cehh ~ so, to be honest, before i dont evenn know how to love people andd all. biasaa laa, i learn from my mistakes andd paham juaa kuu laa abit abit. hahah. until, i meet someone who block my eyes to sees other chicks melainkann iaa laa ahh ? andd yeahh.. pkir, yg yaa thh nie yg the one. but, kecundanggg juaa ahirnyaa. it happend masaa my last year in college. college ? awuu ihh ! soas college klii ahh ! jgnn indaa galat. bowhh.. labihh ! hahah. so, it lasted for a year plus laa. sekajap ? bulehh laa. tpii, parahhnyaa baa batahh. pasal, for me, shes the one and onlyy kann ? tpii bnr, she took my everything. andd tekeduhungg tiaaa kuu teringatkann iaa atuu. since today is her birthdate, so, againn, a happy birthday to youu. may youu had blest withh all youre wishes. :) *jgnn kuu dii tanyaa apaa tekeduhung anii. indaa kuu pham either. tpii, pasal bunyiinyaa calii andd luann luann brunei hantap, pakaii sjaa tiaa. hahah ! :P
so, i moved on. i did. tpii, antahh.. since that thh, i learned something about love. how love being drugs to me. how addicted i am. how funn i was andd everythingg laa pokoknyaa. but, in the end ? aiyoyoo ! it ruined my life to the very very. hahah. see, cann youu people see how jahat is love is ? love is drugs. so, yeahh.. i realized how cant move on i was, is masaa i meet someone last 3years ago, she loved me. but, me ? :/ i do likes her. but thenn, jaraa waa kuu sudahh kann becintaa samaa org yg kuu bruu kenal apaa anii. but, adaa siuk nyaa, adaa buruknyaa. so, this girl i meet atuu, macam antahh ahhh. she keeps blaming herself tplng laa apaa. so, macam. why not kann ? kes kann moved on laa nie. tpii, indaaa juaa ihh. kecundangg as well. lgii tiaa. brapaa days kaa sjaa. dapat dii kiraa. :/ indaa waa love atuu dii hatii. i tried my best to carii punn, still no luck, so yeahh. im sorry sjaa. whichh i know, sayingg sorry is the onlyy easy word for me. but, yet.. hard word, alum kuu tecarii nyamoo.
andd since than, i beingg single for an ages. hahah. ndaa org begunaa. :P andd yeaa, actually, theres someone im in love withh. tpi, tpii.. antahh ! as fiffy says, "abng, youre being coward !" its just that, i had enough sudahh waa kann melukaakann hatii kuu yg fragile anii. atuu yaaa ! jiwangg ! HAHAH. tpii, bnrr waa. munn thh kuu gtauu yaa tdii i love her deep deep, lurusnyaa sukaa blik indaa apaa laa. munn nyaa indaa baaa ! awuu.. merahh bijii mataa ihh ! hahah ! so, baik beingg silent sjaa kann ? tantuu waa.. nyaa org, biar dirii sakit drii tnii nyakitkann atii org. indaa jaaa ? indaaa ! pasal apaa indaa ? pasal, people has feelings juaa. bukann nyaa sii wiraa gnyaa. wel, i know that, tpii.. yatahh kuu single single sjaa awal anii. org sukaa akuu, sukaa. indaa, indaa. being random sjaa. going withh the flow. but, some mouthh says, siuk bercintaa anii. andangg siuk. gnyaa, atuu laa. advantages andd the disadvantages. mestii mengharungii bersamaa laa. indaa jaa ? jaaa ~
flirty sjaa kann ? tantuu.. andd yes, ngam tuu lguu R.Kelly ahh. hahah. tantuu indaa sakit waa. awuu, indaa plngg sakit, tpii perasaan drngg baa. bnrr ihh, perasann kamuu, but, i never asked for your love, did i ? indaa pernahh ! but, still i appreciate plngg for those who ever loves me. :) *lapas bacaa anii, jgnn kamuu larii ahh ? :P kamuu as in chickass. hahah. lol. but, yeahh.. i keeps on meeting someone since kejadiann yg tidak memberangsangkann withh my late ex. tpii, no one punn ever membukaa the door to my heart. unless, org yg adaa kunciinyaa. :P baik juaa kunciinyaa indaa ilangg ihh.. HAHAH ! andd so, i learned bnyak stuffs about this L O V E. cintaa. hurts apaa atuu, tantuu laa kann ? we had to face anything. andd never give up kann ? andd also, knowing without trying ? that thing doesnt work on me. but, kamu kamuu, cubaa laa. find your true love andd be happy withh them.
andd one more thingg. i realized, kids masaa anii, yg bercintaa cintaa dii mall, gadongg apaa tuu. shit.. i really adore them. why ? kanak kanak masaa anii different. once drngg bercintaa, i cann see that drng atuu, sepanuhh hatii waa. what i mean kanak kanak atuu is, to those people yg below 18 laa. yg underage still. tpii bnrr ihh.. deep waa drng once bercintaaa atuu. indaa macamm zamann kamii kamii. gnyaa, kebanyakann org adaa niat dii hatii yg jahat laa. for guys, fcuk andd runn atuu perkaraa biasaa udahh. lamaa dahh dii dangar tuu. tpii, jgnn silap, bini bini punn cematuu juaa ihh ! bini bini niatnyaa, lick and leave. thats just bullshit. tpii, yatahh tuu waa. thats just life sebenarnyaa. ive been there. but, now.. ngalehh waa kuu kann cematuu cematuu atuu.
why im coward tdii ? thats the thing. how girls ngucap lelakii anii atu laa, inii laa. but, indaa sadar yg drngg atuu lgii dahsyat. munn dii pikir pikirkann ahh, lelakii anii indaa gatal munn binii binii indaa lanjii. so, sorry to say, but.. try to think widelyy. munn binii binii indaa menggodaa godaa waa. ndaa lelakii kann merabaa rabaa. cehh ~ rasaa juaa kann merhymekann atuu ahh. hahah. but, so far so good laa. love is great when we understand it wildly. ihh.. wisely. :P but, if not, it will be drugs. but, dont listenn to me laa. im not really good in this shit juaa. so, againn im sorry if theres anyy touchy touchy andd all. rude maybe ? apaa apaa laa. im sorry and people, god bless youu. :):) live your life. cheerious !
before, way back school days, i do having funn withh my love life. tauu laa.. kanak kanak masehh kann ? indaa tauu papaa. plus, monkey lop lop nyaa org. hahah. cintaa monyet ? heeh.. bidaa bunyiinyaa. tpii, iskii tuu time kanak kanak ahh. manaa lgii surat segalaa. menulis pakai penn harum laa. indaa cukup, dii anchit perfume lgii tuu. abis abis jiwang, pakaii badak lgii tuu. HAHAH ! wel, indaaa tauu kamuu laa ahh ? i did cematuu. bercintaa time ugamaa lgii tuu. pacahh ihh..
manaa lgii kanaa cap nie dahii anii. 'playboy' ? atuu yaa.. indaa plng jdii kebanggaan. but here, i wanna luruskann laa ahh sikit. manaathh juaa ahh, bini bini anii lainn species nyaa. rapat sikit sjaa, udahh mudahh fall. awuu.. akuu lgii duluu atuu easy come, easy go. what i mean is, easy to fall inlove, and easy to let her go. heehh.. im not blaming myself for that. know why ? pasalkann, binii binii yg bekawann samaa akuu kann ? so, indaa juaa salahh kann tuu ? tpi, yatahh tuu baa. rapat sja, kanaa anggap boyfrined laa apaa. wel, tauu la duluu atuu, pangkat boyfriend atuu, kiraa couple laa tuu ahh ? cehh ~ monkey lop lop ihh..
andd yg paling calii lagii, asal sjaa kuu rapat samaa chicks lainn ahh, baaah !! bergossip girl tiaa sorng sorng. manaa cakap akuu curangg laa. apaa laa. ituu laa. ini laa. sampaii tiaa knaa bgii pangkat playboy. heeh.. munn dii pikir pikir kann ahh, logo playboy atuu, its a bunny waa. akuu bukann bunny kliiahh ! sii athh yg bugs bunny anii. tpii, yaa adaa his ownn lolaaa sudahh. so, yeahh.. sii ashraf, donald duck tuu. yaa pnyaa daisy ? indaa tauu laa ahh.. andd so, me ? tantuu thh mickey mouse tuu. HAHAH ! andd, minnie mouse kuu bnyak ! hahah. should i say, minnie mouses ? :P ndaa laa. kidding. one andd only minnie mouse i had is, the girl who pakaii white bjuu andd adaa gambar minnie mouse tuu in the middle standing. bowhh !! npaa tiaa kuu over beceritaa pasal disney anii ? hahah. tpii bnr tuu, sii athh, bugs bunny, sii ashraf, donald duck and me, mickey mouse. indaa cayaa, came to my room andd tengok yg sii athh draw on my woodwall. hee.
so, atuu.. apaa tdii ? playboy ? heeh.. ndaa laa. just that, im being friendly to chicks. indaa kann bejahat klii ? hahah. unless, drng yg bejahat ! :P jahat thh kuu jua tuu ihh. cehh ~ so, to be honest, before i dont evenn know how to love people andd all. biasaa laa, i learn from my mistakes andd paham juaa kuu laa abit abit. hahah. until, i meet someone who block my eyes to sees other chicks melainkann iaa laa ahh ? andd yeahh.. pkir, yg yaa thh nie yg the one. but, kecundanggg juaa ahirnyaa. it happend masaa my last year in college. college ? awuu ihh ! soas college klii ahh ! jgnn indaa galat. bowhh.. labihh ! hahah. so, it lasted for a year plus laa. sekajap ? bulehh laa. tpii, parahhnyaa baa batahh. pasal, for me, shes the one and onlyy kann ? tpii bnr, she took my everything. andd tekeduhungg tiaaa kuu teringatkann iaa atuu. since today is her birthdate, so, againn, a happy birthday to youu. may youu had blest withh all youre wishes. :) *jgnn kuu dii tanyaa apaa tekeduhung anii. indaa kuu pham either. tpii, pasal bunyiinyaa calii andd luann luann brunei hantap, pakaii sjaa tiaa. hahah ! :P
so, i moved on. i did. tpii, antahh.. since that thh, i learned something about love. how love being drugs to me. how addicted i am. how funn i was andd everythingg laa pokoknyaa. but, in the end ? aiyoyoo ! it ruined my life to the very very. hahah. see, cann youu people see how jahat is love is ? love is drugs. so, yeahh.. i realized how cant move on i was, is masaa i meet someone last 3years ago, she loved me. but, me ? :/ i do likes her. but thenn, jaraa waa kuu sudahh kann becintaa samaa org yg kuu bruu kenal apaa anii. but, adaa siuk nyaa, adaa buruknyaa. so, this girl i meet atuu, macam antahh ahhh. she keeps blaming herself tplng laa apaa. so, macam. why not kann ? kes kann moved on laa nie. tpii, indaaa juaa ihh. kecundangg as well. lgii tiaa. brapaa days kaa sjaa. dapat dii kiraa. :/ indaa waa love atuu dii hatii. i tried my best to carii punn, still no luck, so yeahh. im sorry sjaa. whichh i know, sayingg sorry is the onlyy easy word for me. but, yet.. hard word, alum kuu tecarii nyamoo.
andd since than, i beingg single for an ages. hahah. ndaa org begunaa. :P andd yeaa, actually, theres someone im in love withh. tpi, tpii.. antahh ! as fiffy says, "abng, youre being coward !" its just that, i had enough sudahh waa kann melukaakann hatii kuu yg fragile anii. atuu yaaa ! jiwangg ! HAHAH. tpii, bnrr waa. munn thh kuu gtauu yaa tdii i love her deep deep, lurusnyaa sukaa blik indaa apaa laa. munn nyaa indaa baaa ! awuu.. merahh bijii mataa ihh ! hahah ! so, baik beingg silent sjaa kann ? tantuu waa.. nyaa org, biar dirii sakit drii tnii nyakitkann atii org. indaa jaaa ? indaaa ! pasal apaa indaa ? pasal, people has feelings juaa. bukann nyaa sii wiraa gnyaa. wel, i know that, tpii.. yatahh kuu single single sjaa awal anii. org sukaa akuu, sukaa. indaa, indaa. being random sjaa. going withh the flow. but, some mouthh says, siuk bercintaa anii. andangg siuk. gnyaa, atuu laa. advantages andd the disadvantages. mestii mengharungii bersamaa laa. indaa jaa ? jaaa ~
flirty sjaa kann ? tantuu.. andd yes, ngam tuu lguu R.Kelly ahh. hahah. tantuu indaa sakit waa. awuu, indaa plngg sakit, tpii perasaan drngg baa. bnrr ihh, perasann kamuu, but, i never asked for your love, did i ? indaa pernahh ! but, still i appreciate plngg for those who ever loves me. :) *lapas bacaa anii, jgnn kamuu larii ahh ? :P kamuu as in chickass. hahah. lol. but, yeahh.. i keeps on meeting someone since kejadiann yg tidak memberangsangkann withh my late ex. tpii, no one punn ever membukaa the door to my heart. unless, org yg adaa kunciinyaa. :P baik juaa kunciinyaa indaa ilangg ihh.. HAHAH ! andd so, i learned bnyak stuffs about this L O V E. cintaa. hurts apaa atuu, tantuu laa kann ? we had to face anything. andd never give up kann ? andd also, knowing without trying ? that thing doesnt work on me. but, kamu kamuu, cubaa laa. find your true love andd be happy withh them.
andd one more thingg. i realized, kids masaa anii, yg bercintaa cintaa dii mall, gadongg apaa tuu. shit.. i really adore them. why ? kanak kanak masaa anii different. once drngg bercintaa, i cann see that drng atuu, sepanuhh hatii waa. what i mean kanak kanak atuu is, to those people yg below 18 laa. yg underage still. tpii bnrr ihh.. deep waa drng once bercintaaa atuu. indaa macamm zamann kamii kamii. gnyaa, kebanyakann org adaa niat dii hatii yg jahat laa. for guys, fcuk andd runn atuu perkaraa biasaa udahh. lamaa dahh dii dangar tuu. tpii, jgnn silap, bini bini punn cematuu juaa ihh ! bini bini niatnyaa, lick and leave. thats just bullshit. tpii, yatahh tuu waa. thats just life sebenarnyaa. ive been there. but, now.. ngalehh waa kuu kann cematuu cematuu atuu.
why im coward tdii ? thats the thing. how girls ngucap lelakii anii atu laa, inii laa. but, indaa sadar yg drngg atuu lgii dahsyat. munn dii pikir pikirkann ahh, lelakii anii indaa gatal munn binii binii indaa lanjii. so, sorry to say, but.. try to think widelyy. munn binii binii indaa menggodaa godaa waa. ndaa lelakii kann merabaa rabaa. cehh ~ rasaa juaa kann merhymekann atuu ahh. hahah. but, so far so good laa. love is great when we understand it wildly. ihh.. wisely. :P but, if not, it will be drugs. but, dont listenn to me laa. im not really good in this shit juaa. so, againn im sorry if theres anyy touchy touchy andd all. rude maybe ? apaa apaa laa. im sorry and people, god bless youu. :):) live your life. cheerious !
deep kuu dangar laguu anii nyamo..
Mymp - Especially For You lyrics
Especially for you
I wanna let you know what i was going through
All the time we were apart
I thought of you
You were in my heart
My love never changed
I still feel the same
Especially for you
I wanna tell you i was feeling that way too
And if dreams were wings, you know
I would have flown to you
To be where you are
No matter how far
And now that i’m next to you
[Refrain 1:]
No more dreaming about tomorrow
Forget the loneliness and the sorrow
I’ve got to say
It’s all because of you
And now we’re back together, together
I wanna show you my heart is oh so true
And all the love i have is
Especially for you
Especially for you
I wanna tell you, you mean all the world to me
How i’m certain that our love was meant to be
You changed my life .. oOh
You showed me the way
And now that i’m next to you
[Refrain 2:]
I’ve waited long enough to find you
I wanna put all the hurt behind you
Oh, and i wanna bring out all the love inside you, oh
And now we’re back together, together
I wanna show you my heart is oh so true
And all the love i have is
Especially for you
You were in my heart
My love never changed
And now that i’m next to you
[Refrain 1:]
No more dreaming about tomorrow
Forget the loneliness and the sorrow
I’ve got to say
It’s all because of you
And now we’re back together, together
I wanna show you my heart is oh so true
And all the love i have is
Especially for you
Together, together, I wanna show you ,
My heart is oh so true, and all the love i
Have is especially for you...
Especially for you
I wanna let you know what i was going through
All the time we were apart
I thought of you
You were in my heart
My love never changed
I still feel the same
Especially for you
I wanna tell you i was feeling that way too
And if dreams were wings, you know
I would have flown to you
To be where you are
No matter how far
And now that i’m next to you
[Refrain 1:]
No more dreaming about tomorrow
Forget the loneliness and the sorrow
I’ve got to say
It’s all because of you
And now we’re back together, together
I wanna show you my heart is oh so true
And all the love i have is
Especially for you
Especially for you
I wanna tell you, you mean all the world to me
How i’m certain that our love was meant to be
You changed my life .. oOh
You showed me the way
And now that i’m next to you
[Refrain 2:]
I’ve waited long enough to find you
I wanna put all the hurt behind you
Oh, and i wanna bring out all the love inside you, oh
And now we’re back together, together
I wanna show you my heart is oh so true
And all the love i have is
Especially for you
You were in my heart
My love never changed
And now that i’m next to you
[Refrain 1:]
No more dreaming about tomorrow
Forget the loneliness and the sorrow
I’ve got to say
It’s all because of you
And now we’re back together, together
I wanna show you my heart is oh so true
And all the love i have is
Especially for you
Together, together, I wanna show you ,
My heart is oh so true, and all the love i
Have is especially for you...
tired.. x\
as i wokeup, kakaa and kl's chicks was standing outside my room. then, they lepak in my room. and thank god i slept sudahh awalnyaa. if not, yatahh indaa btdur lgii tuu. and so, hang out tiaa sekajap apaa. and then, by 8ishh to 9, i went out and abng joy was there. then, breakfast tiaa kuu. since hes having mee mamak that mummy buat awalnyaa. hee. pendangkii kliahh sii wiraa ani. tbuat makanann, i couldnt say no. hahah. xP
done makan, we're watching tv kajap. then, lepak diroom sekajap. sekalii, since kuu indaa smpai teabis meliat ceritaa gothikaa, menyambung blik tiaa kuu. after that, catwomen menyambungg. hahah. ohh, catwomen.. *cair.. hahah. and yeahh.. i was berlappy as well tho. but, i watched youtube sjaa. and porn site ? HAHAH ! xP facebook and checking updates. then, yeahh.. terlalaii beryoutube laa kuu kebanyakannyaa. was beronline juaa as well. then, i stoped when i heard imanlove's voice. xD so, samaa iman kajap. since kakaa kenaa crii olehh iman, then samaa kakaa tiaa yaa. so, sambung beryoutube. and when catwomen abis, ngam lunchh time. then kakaa and kl's chicks had there lunchh around 1ishh klii. while me, samaa imann tiaa sjaa. i takde seleraa nak makan awalnyaa. so, yeahh.. was hungry plngg.
around 2ishh to 3, bruu kuu makann. i ate, ikan masak merahh, ayam goreng, ikan berabus, but the kuahh sjaa, and ikan masinn. hahah ! masin hantap ! x\ tpi nyamann. hahah. xP then, after makan, i went to my room and lepak withh kl's chicks and pacahly, we watched catwomen againn. until 4ishh to 5 patangg. i took my shower after that since i had meeting. so, yeahh.. awal kuu beready. then abng jozy came and jln around 5ishh to 6 tuu laa. when to amway kajap and ramai org there. whichh pukul after isyak, we had inforamaa juaa. so, rescheduled laa the meetingg. so, we endup drumahh abng. he wanted to mandii apaa. so, yeahh.. lepak there while melayann kerupoks sjaa. and yeahh, since we had to ambil meezan lgi di rimbaa, awal tiaa we bounce and reached scouts building around 8 laa. bnyak familiar faces i saw there. and then, inforamaa started tiaa. ramai waa org. but the room was small. adaa lgii chicks tuu ihh ! hahah. xP and the thing thats on was great laa. all talking about money. well, siapaa juaa indaa mauu duit ? siapaa juaa indaa mauu kayaa ? pasal, the successed people adaa waa disnaa juaa. gilaa mann.. membgii jealous sjaa ! hahah ! xP but, serious shit, drii kuu dngar advice org yg indaa pedahh pedahh, baik kuu mendangar org yg success kn ? tantuu.. hahah.
around 10ishh, the thing abis. so, we had the chance to meet the people laa. yg bgi speech and all. for me, i had the chance to meet the chicks yg lawaa tdi. hahah. whichh, i dont. indaa gentle ! hahah. stared stared plngg her. but, yeahh.. liat laa sjaa blik. come on, rambutnyaa lgii curly. kalahh waa kuu tuu. hahah ! membgii meltingg sjaa ! then, bounced from there laa. tpi, knaa bwaa jlnkuu after that. so, ikut sjaa tiaa. funn laa. no funn when the rain falls hardly lastnight. berijap baa. indaa nampak jln. reached home around 1ishh to 2. heeh..
sampai rumahh, trusthh kuu ngampaii. lalahh.. minumkuu sikit untuk nyaman tdur. hahah. fcuk that. and yeahh, tdur, tdur, tdur and tdur. x) but 3ishh subuhh, i moved ke tv's room. ttdur tiaa kuu. kes kn mliat football ihh.. so, yeahh.. til here for now. cheerious ! x)
done makan, we're watching tv kajap. then, lepak diroom sekajap. sekalii, since kuu indaa smpai teabis meliat ceritaa gothikaa, menyambung blik tiaa kuu. after that, catwomen menyambungg. hahah. ohh, catwomen.. *cair.. hahah. and yeahh.. i was berlappy as well tho. but, i watched youtube sjaa. and porn site ? HAHAH ! xP facebook and checking updates. then, yeahh.. terlalaii beryoutube laa kuu kebanyakannyaa. was beronline juaa as well. then, i stoped when i heard imanlove's voice. xD so, samaa iman kajap. since kakaa kenaa crii olehh iman, then samaa kakaa tiaa yaa. so, sambung beryoutube. and when catwomen abis, ngam lunchh time. then kakaa and kl's chicks had there lunchh around 1ishh klii. while me, samaa imann tiaa sjaa. i takde seleraa nak makan awalnyaa. so, yeahh.. was hungry plngg.
around 2ishh to 3, bruu kuu makann. i ate, ikan masak merahh, ayam goreng, ikan berabus, but the kuahh sjaa, and ikan masinn. hahah ! masin hantap ! x\ tpi nyamann. hahah. xP then, after makan, i went to my room and lepak withh kl's chicks and pacahly, we watched catwomen againn. until 4ishh to 5 patangg. i took my shower after that since i had meeting. so, yeahh.. awal kuu beready. then abng jozy came and jln around 5ishh to 6 tuu laa. when to amway kajap and ramai org there. whichh pukul after isyak, we had inforamaa juaa. so, rescheduled laa the meetingg. so, we endup drumahh abng. he wanted to mandii apaa. so, yeahh.. lepak there while melayann kerupoks sjaa. and yeahh, since we had to ambil meezan lgi di rimbaa, awal tiaa we bounce and reached scouts building around 8 laa. bnyak familiar faces i saw there. and then, inforamaa started tiaa. ramai waa org. but the room was small. adaa lgii chicks tuu ihh ! hahah. xP and the thing thats on was great laa. all talking about money. well, siapaa juaa indaa mauu duit ? siapaa juaa indaa mauu kayaa ? pasal, the successed people adaa waa disnaa juaa. gilaa mann.. membgii jealous sjaa ! hahah ! xP but, serious shit, drii kuu dngar advice org yg indaa pedahh pedahh, baik kuu mendangar org yg success kn ? tantuu.. hahah.
around 10ishh, the thing abis. so, we had the chance to meet the people laa. yg bgi speech and all. for me, i had the chance to meet the chicks yg lawaa tdi. hahah. whichh, i dont. indaa gentle ! hahah. stared stared plngg her. but, yeahh.. liat laa sjaa blik. come on, rambutnyaa lgii curly. kalahh waa kuu tuu. hahah ! membgii meltingg sjaa ! then, bounced from there laa. tpi, knaa bwaa jlnkuu after that. so, ikut sjaa tiaa. funn laa. no funn when the rain falls hardly lastnight. berijap baa. indaa nampak jln. reached home around 1ishh to 2. heeh..
sampai rumahh, trusthh kuu ngampaii. lalahh.. minumkuu sikit untuk nyaman tdur. hahah. fcuk that. and yeahh, tdur, tdur, tdur and tdur. x) but 3ishh subuhh, i moved ke tv's room. ttdur tiaa kuu. kes kn mliat football ihh.. so, yeahh.. til here for now. cheerious ! x)
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
jamidong. xP
i wokeup awal today. 4ishh.. as i said on my last posted, bgn trus crii food. perkaraa biasaa sudahh tuu ihh.. and yeahh.. today, i had funn abit. abit ? alot ihh.. xD why ? will tell tell here. hee.
and so, i was berdvd again liat ceritaa without a paddle. hahah. i know right ? balik blik ? awuu.. bruuthh kuu liat concentrate ! xP hahah. and so, after that, i went out and cri food. i ate i dont know what, but pokoknyaa, its nyamann. i even watched friends. fiffy was there punn. indaa yaa skulahh ! heeh.. pemalas ! and so, lepak sjaa smaa yaa. and since someone came over that noon. morning nyaa, me fiffy and aunty panyap my kapal pacahh room. hahah. whichh turned to be, gilaa waa.. hahah. nyamann juaa mataa memandangg laa. xP
done manyap bilik, i trus usai usai some stuff. and yeahh, meliat movie tiaa kuu. ceritaa the mexicann. fiffy was sleeping klii arhh sofaa. and then, around 11ishh, imanlove came and since shes coming juaa, but too badly, mummy asked me to go out and get some stuff. ngam kuu jln samaa abng, she came by. wel, not a problem punn that. shes part off the family sudahh should i say ? i dont know yet. x) shes been withh the family punn sudahh. wel, families should i say ? hee.
nahh.. jumpaa sii imanlove kuu tiaa yaa sudahh apaa. and yeahh, we're having lunchh together that noon. while fiffy, sibuk sibuk membuat choco tart klii. until, kakaa ikut ikutann juaa. so, jdi sibuk tiaa ituu ini apaa. and yes, kakaa booked her mintaa dgnkn buat ituu buat ini. whichh was sampaii bilaa ? mann, sampaii ahir waa tuu. magrib ? heeh.. and too bad i dint shot some photos thro my phoney. wel, i did gambar gambar, but then, kes salahh ngambil tpon, pkaii her phone tplngg. so, yeahh.. arhh phonenyaa adaa plngg tuu. hee. wel, yeahh.. to answer my ques tdi, yg shes being part of the family ? awuu, indaa juaa lgii.. munn sudahh bergilaa withh mummy tiaa apaa. dgn kakaa apaathh lgii ? she knew better. hahah. kann ? whichh i know, tiringg.. hahah. xP pitty her. and yeahh.. dont everything, whichh is berlunchh, beriman, bertart and all laa, shes tired and rest rest tiaa. ohh, i even bought her drink. while my drink abis kenaa minum ! ihh.. indaa lgii kuu tauu tuu. pachh aaa.. but, biar tiaa ihh.. samaa juaa ice lemon teaa yg satuu ani. so, yeahh.. x)
then, in the room, berdramaa laa sikit. pasal this and that. on and off. so, yeahh.. withh slap and tears involved ? gilaaa ihh.. hahah. but, thats all punn just to menyamankn hati sorg sorg. whichh, quite okehh laa. and yeahh, we're watching some dvds punn as well. siuk laa juaa. jumper one of it. alum yaa meliat nyaa. hee. so, mliat tiaa. x) dinner ! we supposed to had some dinner. but, kekanyang masehh. so, bekurungg sjaa. niniboy was out juaa. then, by 9, she went home tiaa. x) not bad laa. i just hope that she had funn. even tho theres quite different. but, so far so good ? x) still a big thanks to youu for coming by. x) her hadiahh punn sudahh tiaa bebagii. hee.
when shes gone, i was watching gothika. but, half way tetdur tiaa kuu. tired muchh juaa kn ? so, yeahh.. then, by 6ishh morningg, kakaa mc me blik blik sampai kuu tbgnn. then, knocks on my door lgii. aiyaah ! baik juaa kuu sudahh enough sleep baa. and shockingly, kl's chicks withh her. and yeahh.. shes sleeping over and my room juaa kenaa pkai. aiyo.. awal ani, akuu plngg di sofaa nahh ! my bed kenaa conquer olehh bothh kakaa and kl's chicks. hemm.. alright then. im gonna sambungg my gothikaa now. hee. til here thenn. have a nice day people. cheerious ! xD
and so, i was berdvd again liat ceritaa without a paddle. hahah. i know right ? balik blik ? awuu.. bruuthh kuu liat concentrate ! xP hahah. and so, after that, i went out and cri food. i ate i dont know what, but pokoknyaa, its nyamann. i even watched friends. fiffy was there punn. indaa yaa skulahh ! heeh.. pemalas ! and so, lepak sjaa smaa yaa. and since someone came over that noon. morning nyaa, me fiffy and aunty panyap my kapal pacahh room. hahah. whichh turned to be, gilaa waa.. hahah. nyamann juaa mataa memandangg laa. xP
done manyap bilik, i trus usai usai some stuff. and yeahh, meliat movie tiaa kuu. ceritaa the mexicann. fiffy was sleeping klii arhh sofaa. and then, around 11ishh, imanlove came and since shes coming juaa, but too badly, mummy asked me to go out and get some stuff. ngam kuu jln samaa abng, she came by. wel, not a problem punn that. shes part off the family sudahh should i say ? i dont know yet. x) shes been withh the family punn sudahh. wel, families should i say ? hee.
nahh.. jumpaa sii imanlove kuu tiaa yaa sudahh apaa. and yeahh, we're having lunchh together that noon. while fiffy, sibuk sibuk membuat choco tart klii. until, kakaa ikut ikutann juaa. so, jdi sibuk tiaa ituu ini apaa. and yes, kakaa booked her mintaa dgnkn buat ituu buat ini. whichh was sampaii bilaa ? mann, sampaii ahir waa tuu. magrib ? heeh.. and too bad i dint shot some photos thro my phoney. wel, i did gambar gambar, but then, kes salahh ngambil tpon, pkaii her phone tplngg. so, yeahh.. arhh phonenyaa adaa plngg tuu. hee. wel, yeahh.. to answer my ques tdi, yg shes being part of the family ? awuu, indaa juaa lgii.. munn sudahh bergilaa withh mummy tiaa apaa. dgn kakaa apaathh lgii ? she knew better. hahah. kann ? whichh i know, tiringg.. hahah. xP pitty her. and yeahh.. dont everything, whichh is berlunchh, beriman, bertart and all laa, shes tired and rest rest tiaa. ohh, i even bought her drink. while my drink abis kenaa minum ! ihh.. indaa lgii kuu tauu tuu. pachh aaa.. but, biar tiaa ihh.. samaa juaa ice lemon teaa yg satuu ani. so, yeahh.. x)
then, in the room, berdramaa laa sikit. pasal this and that. on and off. so, yeahh.. withh slap and tears involved ? gilaaa ihh.. hahah. but, thats all punn just to menyamankn hati sorg sorg. whichh, quite okehh laa. and yeahh, we're watching some dvds punn as well. siuk laa juaa. jumper one of it. alum yaa meliat nyaa. hee. so, mliat tiaa. x) dinner ! we supposed to had some dinner. but, kekanyang masehh. so, bekurungg sjaa. niniboy was out juaa. then, by 9, she went home tiaa. x) not bad laa. i just hope that she had funn. even tho theres quite different. but, so far so good ? x) still a big thanks to youu for coming by. x) her hadiahh punn sudahh tiaa bebagii. hee.
when shes gone, i was watching gothika. but, half way tetdur tiaa kuu. tired muchh juaa kn ? so, yeahh.. then, by 6ishh morningg, kakaa mc me blik blik sampai kuu tbgnn. then, knocks on my door lgii. aiyaah ! baik juaa kuu sudahh enough sleep baa. and shockingly, kl's chicks withh her. and yeahh.. shes sleeping over and my room juaa kenaa pkai. aiyo.. awal ani, akuu plngg di sofaa nahh ! my bed kenaa conquer olehh bothh kakaa and kl's chicks. hemm.. alright then. im gonna sambungg my gothikaa now. hee. til here thenn. have a nice day people. cheerious ! xD
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
HCNY ! x)
today, i started my day by eating, again the fishh and eggs and bread stuff. its nyamann pasal, was watching friends as well. as usual, done sjaa, i went straight to my room and terus berdvd. was watching the rumor has it. heeh.. what a stupid story ! a guy who had sex on 3 generations ? should i say, nini, mamaa and cucuu. hahah. untungg ihh that guy. hahah. untungg peluii ! xP
after movie, was bercintaa. was otp punn tdii. sekalii, done everythingg, i took my shower. then, lunchh time, abng came. as we had meetingg, so yeahh.. then, makan lunchh samaa abngg. since amway anii mengungtunggkn apaa, so i decided to bwaa mamann. whichh i did and he came by to my house. show everything and he interested. and yaa joined the meetingg. indaa rugii waa juaa. pasal, its our own business. and no one is the boss. atuu yg siuknyaa. and once youu know the useful doing and joined this stuff, its bebaloi should i say. indaa merugiikn. so, yeahh.. munn adaa yg interested, silaa ambil telephone dan telephone sii wiraa mengikuti namaa yg adaa teteraa di telephone bimbit andaa. ninimuu ajii ! hahah. xP
sekaliikn, kmi ketelatann for the meetingg. it was started pkul 2 til 3 sebenarnyaa. whichh, kmi sampaii pkul 3. but, indaa apaa. adaa demo demo after that. sampai laa 6ishh.. and today, i gave $68 to abng and jdi member. baik awal kn ? ahir ahir krg, rugii laa apaa laa. so, yeahh.. plus, this amway berjalan lancar drii duluu til today waa. i never heard that drngg bankrupt and all. so, yes.. if thh amway ani menipuu sekiraa, meaning that they lied for 90ishh buahh countries waa. and plus againn, the product is drii uk. always the best brangann if it from uk. so, indaa merugiknn. x) join thh.. and make sure 18 above ahh. munn below 18 atuu, and tells that yaa amway, menipuu matii tuu anak atuu. hahah. xP used the brangan, indaa apaa laa. and importantly here, its sound macam amway atuu memajal menyuruhh ituu ini apaa. but, sebenarnyaa indaa. munn, interested, join and if not, its all good. just think for the future laa. manaa adaa kdaii lain, once kmuu belii the stuff, the kdaii bgii kmuu duit blik as a bonus kn ? in amway they does. so, yeahh.. just, think, think, think.. nyaa iman following the cartoon my friend tigher and pooh. heheh. i miss imanlove sudahh. x\
and so, bounced from that place where was di rumahh dj fauzann around 6ishh to 7. and plan kn belanjaa abng makan. but, too bad, sanak yaa kn ke mall. so, since payah payahh cri tempat makan, dirumahh tiaa sjaa. tantuu, i belanjaa him for free. hahah. xP since lappy in my room, berlappy kuu sekajap. online apaa, then dinner tiaa. both mummy and daddy came joined us berdinner. siuk waa, ketawaa ketawaa kmi. hahah. x) ohh, my dinner, i ate fishh and sambal belacan and timun. hahah. org brunei, biasaa laa. nyamann waa ! xP and and, akuu sebenarnyaa tsliurkn makann nasii ayam penyet waa. x\ *sesiapunn.
done makan, titanic was on di tv. but, sanak juaa kuu tuu ahh munn kn mliat blik blik atuu. tauu laa astro, yg blik blik. awuu, adaa siuknyaa. tpi, adaa sanaknyaa. hahah. so, me.. i went to my room after dinner and sambungg berlappy. uploaded some gambars and yeahh.. facebook, friendster and i even i p site bruu. hahah. but, wait until i check it first. xP and around 9ishh klii, im done berlappy and berdvd kuu. without a paddle was the movie. atuu punn ahh.. blik blik kuu liat, tpi alumthh kuu liat concentrately. hahah. krgthh kuu mliat lgii. and so, in anyhow, i was watching it and all i know is, i arrived nnl without diundangg. and my dreams was siuk ! hahah. i was beroutting ke kk withh friends and chicks. hahah. xP indaa tiaa siuk tuu ! cubaathh bnr. ihh.. in that dream, tantuu thh the wat's was on. hahah. and chicks ? semestinyaa. 2buahh keretaa convoy. hahah. siuk laa pokoknyaa. xP
4ishh subuhh, i terbgnn and im hungry. so, i wanna fcuk some food to eat now. lapar waa perut i. bunyi bunyii tiaa.. aiyaa.. so, til here duluu kamuu. have a goodnight sleep. adious ! x)
not to forget, i also wanna say HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to all and, go get drunk and collect angpauu bnyak byak ! then, if sampaii $68, jointhh amwy. jgn batahh batahh. HAHAH ! xP nights.. x)
after movie, was bercintaa. was otp punn tdii. sekalii, done everythingg, i took my shower. then, lunchh time, abng came. as we had meetingg, so yeahh.. then, makan lunchh samaa abngg. since amway anii mengungtunggkn apaa, so i decided to bwaa mamann. whichh i did and he came by to my house. show everything and he interested. and yaa joined the meetingg. indaa rugii waa juaa. pasal, its our own business. and no one is the boss. atuu yg siuknyaa. and once youu know the useful doing and joined this stuff, its bebaloi should i say. indaa merugiikn. so, yeahh.. munn adaa yg interested, silaa ambil telephone dan telephone sii wiraa mengikuti namaa yg adaa teteraa di telephone bimbit andaa. ninimuu ajii ! hahah. xP
sekaliikn, kmi ketelatann for the meetingg. it was started pkul 2 til 3 sebenarnyaa. whichh, kmi sampaii pkul 3. but, indaa apaa. adaa demo demo after that. sampai laa 6ishh.. and today, i gave $68 to abng and jdi member. baik awal kn ? ahir ahir krg, rugii laa apaa laa. so, yeahh.. plus, this amway berjalan lancar drii duluu til today waa. i never heard that drngg bankrupt and all. so, yes.. if thh amway ani menipuu sekiraa, meaning that they lied for 90ishh buahh countries waa. and plus againn, the product is drii uk. always the best brangann if it from uk. so, indaa merugiknn. x) join thh.. and make sure 18 above ahh. munn below 18 atuu, and tells that yaa amway, menipuu matii tuu anak atuu. hahah. xP used the brangan, indaa apaa laa. and importantly here, its sound macam amway atuu memajal menyuruhh ituu ini apaa. but, sebenarnyaa indaa. munn, interested, join and if not, its all good. just think for the future laa. manaa adaa kdaii lain, once kmuu belii the stuff, the kdaii bgii kmuu duit blik as a bonus kn ? in amway they does. so, yeahh.. just, think, think, think.. nyaa iman following the cartoon my friend tigher and pooh. heheh. i miss imanlove sudahh. x\
and so, bounced from that place where was di rumahh dj fauzann around 6ishh to 7. and plan kn belanjaa abng makan. but, too bad, sanak yaa kn ke mall. so, since payah payahh cri tempat makan, dirumahh tiaa sjaa. tantuu, i belanjaa him for free. hahah. xP since lappy in my room, berlappy kuu sekajap. online apaa, then dinner tiaa. both mummy and daddy came joined us berdinner. siuk waa, ketawaa ketawaa kmi. hahah. x) ohh, my dinner, i ate fishh and sambal belacan and timun. hahah. org brunei, biasaa laa. nyamann waa ! xP and and, akuu sebenarnyaa tsliurkn makann nasii ayam penyet waa. x\ *sesiapunn.
done makan, titanic was on di tv. but, sanak juaa kuu tuu ahh munn kn mliat blik blik atuu. tauu laa astro, yg blik blik. awuu, adaa siuknyaa. tpi, adaa sanaknyaa. hahah. so, me.. i went to my room after dinner and sambungg berlappy. uploaded some gambars and yeahh.. facebook, friendster and i even i p site bruu. hahah. but, wait until i check it first. xP and around 9ishh klii, im done berlappy and berdvd kuu. without a paddle was the movie. atuu punn ahh.. blik blik kuu liat, tpi alumthh kuu liat concentrately. hahah. krgthh kuu mliat lgii. and so, in anyhow, i was watching it and all i know is, i arrived nnl without diundangg. and my dreams was siuk ! hahah. i was beroutting ke kk withh friends and chicks. hahah. xP indaa tiaa siuk tuu ! cubaathh bnr. ihh.. in that dream, tantuu thh the wat's was on. hahah. and chicks ? semestinyaa. 2buahh keretaa convoy. hahah. siuk laa pokoknyaa. xP
4ishh subuhh, i terbgnn and im hungry. so, i wanna fcuk some food to eat now. lapar waa perut i. bunyi bunyii tiaa.. aiyaa.. so, til here duluu kamuu. have a goodnight sleep. adious ! x)
not to forget, i also wanna say HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to all and, go get drunk and collect angpauu bnyak byak ! then, if sampaii $68, jointhh amwy. jgn batahh batahh. HAHAH ! xP nights.. x)
Monday, 26 January 2009
droped dead asleep.
damn, since i wokeup by 3ishh subuhh, i went menyubuhh and shit.. i dint go to sleep til batahh batahh. x\ so, what i did today was..
i dint btdur ! i just berdvd all sajaa. until i starved. i went out and cri-ed food to eat for my breakfast. wel, i did ate sudahh plngg around 5ishh to 6. i cooked maggie curry and campur limauu kesturii. masam ! *sour face.. xS
so, i went to the kitchen, it was 9ishh or 10ishh tuu. i found some ideas kn makan apaa. since theres eggs. so, i cri-ed lgii something buat kuu kayangg sekajap. so, i bongkar the freezaa and sebenarnyaa, i wanna makan ayam. but then, ternampak tiaa kuu ikan atuu. fishh that indaa betulangg and sliced sudahh. so, i asked genaa to masak that for me. before masak, i asked her to bgii some tapung so that yaa karup karup. thd tapungg was lainn. tapungg macam, ayam kfc ? yg bgii crispy.
so, anwy.. i asked her to cut into four slices. then, campur the tapungg, then gorengg. it tooks like 15mins klii sjaa. biar sekajap, so the fishh masehh juicy and freshh. done withh the fishh, i asked genaa to scrumble 2 eggs for me. done masak, i putt them fishh and eggs tdii on a same plate. and since akuu mauu lampuhh, so, never missed to galung and flood it withh mayo. so, i mixed it up smaa the eggs. and also the fishh.
when done, i bwaa the dinning table and enjoyed my breakfast. i ate them yg tdii samaa bread. hee. kayangg waa kuu. alhamdulilahh.. x) done breakfast, i went to my room and berdvd. plans kn panyap bilik since, maybe adaa org kn came by kn ? so, yeahh.. tpi, malas pnyaa pasal, berdvd tiaa sjaa. was chatting withh someone juaa. a girlfriend of mine. so, chat chat, until yaa kn mandi. so, mandii tiaa kuu juaa. since i wanna poo-ed out atuu juaa. so, i took my morningg shower, againn. xD
after shower, berdvd againn. awuu.. blik blik. mestii waa kuu puaskn myself nie. biasaa, ppb no outside world waa. cehh ~ macam dalam af laa tuu konon ? af apaa ! penjaraa adaa ! x\ but, im cool withh it. the more tough, the more easy for me to mendisiplinkn dirii. knknn ? yes, thats the reason why i joined ppb. mendisiplinkn dirii. x)
then, around 12ishh.. i received abng pnyaa text. says that, at 1 adaa meetingg. so, im all set juaa sudahh. so, i put on nice shirt and berhenchem laa. then, ke tv's room menungguu.
few mins, abng came simple-ly. pkai seluar pindik and bjuu rumahh. i was tekajut, i tot indaa jdii. then, abng ckp that he did text me up yg hes not going. so, i ran to my room and yeahh.. i received the msg. shit happens, was outside and phone dalam bilik. so, yeahh.. lepakthh sjaa nie di tv room. until lunchh.
abng lunchh drumahh. while me, indaa berlunching. pasal, im kenyangg still bgas my nyaman breakfast. hee. then, after lunchh, kmi liat tv sjaa. was teranahh muchh mliat csi suprme sunday. so, siuk laa.. then, we sambungg bertv by watching star world. was watching, less than perfect, hope and faith, the 70 show and also the reaper.
mummy buat cold milo for us. so, since akuu indaa betdur, bnyak waa kuu minum. then, around 5ishh, abng kn blik. then, since i got nothing to do, i decided to join him krumahhnyaa sjaa. so, yeahh.. i did. kononyaa kn adaa show plans. then, stucked meliat dvd kmi. but then, abng got plans jln withh his friends. so, i mintaa antar-ed blik laa sjaa.
it was rainningg. until smpaii rumahh punn raining still. the parents was there berdinner. its was 8ishh kuu smpai rumahh. and, yet.. i taknak makan. mummy offered me to had dinner withh them. antahh, ndaa moodkuu kn makann. i wanna eat shusii instead. x\ *sesiapunn.
liat tv, rush hour was on. after that, rush hour 3. so, i stayed outside and melayan sjaa. since its raining outside, semana manaa i was arrived di neverneverland. until the parent wakes me. whichh was, 10ishh to 11ishh klii. was palauu muchh. i moved to my room, tutup lampungg. trus tiaa kuu droped dead asleep.
i wokeup pukul 7ishh morning. so, since i havent makan yet, i think i wanna get going now. lapar waa i.. so, sampaii disni duluu kamu kamuu. have a nice day. adious ! x)
i dint btdur ! i just berdvd all sajaa. until i starved. i went out and cri-ed food to eat for my breakfast. wel, i did ate sudahh plngg around 5ishh to 6. i cooked maggie curry and campur limauu kesturii. masam ! *sour face.. xS
so, i went to the kitchen, it was 9ishh or 10ishh tuu. i found some ideas kn makan apaa. since theres eggs. so, i cri-ed lgii something buat kuu kayangg sekajap. so, i bongkar the freezaa and sebenarnyaa, i wanna makan ayam. but then, ternampak tiaa kuu ikan atuu. fishh that indaa betulangg and sliced sudahh. so, i asked genaa to masak that for me. before masak, i asked her to bgii some tapung so that yaa karup karup. thd tapungg was lainn. tapungg macam, ayam kfc ? yg bgii crispy.
so, anwy.. i asked her to cut into four slices. then, campur the tapungg, then gorengg. it tooks like 15mins klii sjaa. biar sekajap, so the fishh masehh juicy and freshh. done withh the fishh, i asked genaa to scrumble 2 eggs for me. done masak, i putt them fishh and eggs tdii on a same plate. and since akuu mauu lampuhh, so, never missed to galung and flood it withh mayo. so, i mixed it up smaa the eggs. and also the fishh.
when done, i bwaa the dinning table and enjoyed my breakfast. i ate them yg tdii samaa bread. hee. kayangg waa kuu. alhamdulilahh.. x) done breakfast, i went to my room and berdvd. plans kn panyap bilik since, maybe adaa org kn came by kn ? so, yeahh.. tpi, malas pnyaa pasal, berdvd tiaa sjaa. was chatting withh someone juaa. a girlfriend of mine. so, chat chat, until yaa kn mandi. so, mandii tiaa kuu juaa. since i wanna poo-ed out atuu juaa. so, i took my morningg shower, againn. xD
after shower, berdvd againn. awuu.. blik blik. mestii waa kuu puaskn myself nie. biasaa, ppb no outside world waa. cehh ~ macam dalam af laa tuu konon ? af apaa ! penjaraa adaa ! x\ but, im cool withh it. the more tough, the more easy for me to mendisiplinkn dirii. knknn ? yes, thats the reason why i joined ppb. mendisiplinkn dirii. x)
then, around 12ishh.. i received abng pnyaa text. says that, at 1 adaa meetingg. so, im all set juaa sudahh. so, i put on nice shirt and berhenchem laa. then, ke tv's room menungguu.
few mins, abng came simple-ly. pkai seluar pindik and bjuu rumahh. i was tekajut, i tot indaa jdii. then, abng ckp that he did text me up yg hes not going. so, i ran to my room and yeahh.. i received the msg. shit happens, was outside and phone dalam bilik. so, yeahh.. lepakthh sjaa nie di tv room. until lunchh.
abng lunchh drumahh. while me, indaa berlunching. pasal, im kenyangg still bgas my nyaman breakfast. hee. then, after lunchh, kmi liat tv sjaa. was teranahh muchh mliat csi suprme sunday. so, siuk laa.. then, we sambungg bertv by watching star world. was watching, less than perfect, hope and faith, the 70 show and also the reaper.
mummy buat cold milo for us. so, since akuu indaa betdur, bnyak waa kuu minum. then, around 5ishh, abng kn blik. then, since i got nothing to do, i decided to join him krumahhnyaa sjaa. so, yeahh.. i did. kononyaa kn adaa show plans. then, stucked meliat dvd kmi. but then, abng got plans jln withh his friends. so, i mintaa antar-ed blik laa sjaa.
it was rainningg. until smpaii rumahh punn raining still. the parents was there berdinner. its was 8ishh kuu smpai rumahh. and, yet.. i taknak makan. mummy offered me to had dinner withh them. antahh, ndaa moodkuu kn makann. i wanna eat shusii instead. x\ *sesiapunn.
liat tv, rush hour was on. after that, rush hour 3. so, i stayed outside and melayan sjaa. since its raining outside, semana manaa i was arrived di neverneverland. until the parent wakes me. whichh was, 10ishh to 11ishh klii. was palauu muchh. i moved to my room, tutup lampungg. trus tiaa kuu droped dead asleep.
i wokeup pukul 7ishh morning. so, since i havent makan yet, i think i wanna get going now. lapar waa i.. so, sampaii disni duluu kamu kamuu. have a nice day. adious ! x)
Sunday, 25 January 2009
i just done my simple meal. so, here i wanna sambung back what happennd. hee.
before that, fiffy rupanyaa yg buat the choco cupcakes and its all for me. hahah. xP so, yeahh.. as i was asleep nyamanlyy. i heard something boom boom boon on my door. but, macam mimpii juaa kuu. so, i ignored it and sambungg my sleepingg. hahah. xP
by 3ishh subuhh, i wokeup and biasaa, as i said tdi, trus blogging. and yeahh.. i went out after that, and makann. melayan footie sekajap and now im in my room berdvd. swordfishh is on awal ani. since, i watched it sudahh, so, liat cematuu cematuu tiaa sjaa. and yes, bgn tdur tdii, supposed kn call her. but, since no answer, indaa jdi tiaa. and yes, i miss her already. x\ she did mc-ed me masaa makan tdii. but, when im done everything, kes kn berotp thh nie. no answer punn juaa. so, i just let her sleep nyamanly. x)
and yes, nothing to say punn juaa here. i just posted juaa tdii. just that, this is the sambungg of my post, aiyahh.. thats why this post aiyo. hahah ! apaakn ?! lame ! xP so, i think im really done blogging for now. bnr, bnr nie.. hahah ! xP wel, bh, bhh.. will post more interesting stuffs soon when its happend to me. have a nice day kamu kamuu. adious ! xD
before that, fiffy rupanyaa yg buat the choco cupcakes and its all for me. hahah. xP so, yeahh.. as i was asleep nyamanlyy. i heard something boom boom boon on my door. but, macam mimpii juaa kuu. so, i ignored it and sambungg my sleepingg. hahah. xP
by 3ishh subuhh, i wokeup and biasaa, as i said tdi, trus blogging. and yeahh.. i went out after that, and makann. melayan footie sekajap and now im in my room berdvd. swordfishh is on awal ani. since, i watched it sudahh, so, liat cematuu cematuu tiaa sjaa. and yes, bgn tdur tdii, supposed kn call her. but, since no answer, indaa jdi tiaa. and yes, i miss her already. x\ she did mc-ed me masaa makan tdii. but, when im done everything, kes kn berotp thh nie. no answer punn juaa. so, i just let her sleep nyamanly. x)
and yes, nothing to say punn juaa here. i just posted juaa tdii. just that, this is the sambungg of my post, aiyahh.. thats why this post aiyo. hahah ! apaakn ?! lame ! xP so, i think im really done blogging for now. bnr, bnr nie.. hahah ! xP wel, bh, bhh.. will post more interesting stuffs soon when its happend to me. have a nice day kamu kamuu. adious ! xD
hello, and hey blogger. again here i am just wokeup and trus trus blogging. panat ? dont mention. hahah. wel, yes.. my blerg are being my friend and my share stories talk for what ive been doing since my last acident. and im doing it smpaii ani memblogging. just part of my the habit. so, here i wanna share a little story for what ive been thro today. quite advanture, extream ninimuu ajii. advanture apaa ! badtrip adaa ! x\
and so last night, when im done postingg, i was just berdvd in my room. done berdvd, i went out again to eat something. so, i saw antahh choco cupcakes. haramly, i ate it pasal im hungry. it looks nyaman and i dont know i should eat it or not. but, yeahh.. thats why i said haramly. x\ then watching tv sjaa. until i ate and all lahh. i mentiond it on my late posted. so, i ate that maggie, cornbeef, ayam goreng that i mentiond last time. and yeahh.. then, mummy bgn and checked the kitchenn. and even checkd the cupcakes. but, she dint even mad at all. so, halal tiaa sudahh. hee. and so, i went back to my room kn melayann dvd. im watching ceritaa august. borengg waa ceritaanyaa. maybe pasal akuu indaa paham klii. watchhed it smpaii abis. then around 7ishh morningg, i went out and evan almighty was on. so, mliat tiaa kuu. and what a funny stroy and stupid as well when they tried to copy and changed the real story about noahh. adaa samaanyaa. but, new york noahh laa konon ? bodohh muchh ! and so, while im outside melayan tv, abng came around 8ishh to 9. and as i said, we brothers klauu bjumpaa, nothing else but talking about future and lifes. and i even told abng that i joined amway. then, he gaves me advice and all laa. macam bedebate lgii tuu kn ? wel, chockingg it is.. x)
so, since the parents having their breakfast, so akuu mintaa masakkn arhh genaa. shes our maid now. yg before used to be iman's babysitter ? so, yeahh.. talking about maid, i realized that, philippinos maid are more way better that indos maid. bnr tahh.. know why ? since mary and genaa live in this house, gilaaa waa. dapur yg i always pkai selipar ksnaa punn, macam, jrangg kuu sudahh beselipar rumahh. bersihh waa rumahh. harapkn amahh indo drumahh ani ? duiii ~ haramkn bersihh rumahh anii. see, pkir org islam ani thh more bersihh ahh. ndaa juaa ihh.. better plngg phills baa. i dint say that muslim people indaa bersihh. but, just that. since theres, 5 maids drumahh ani. so, yeahh.. 3phillipinos and 2 indos. heeh..
and so, i asked genaa to make me maggin indo again for breakfast. along withh talur mataa lembuu halfcooked. then, abng mauu juaa as well. so, few mins siap. then makann breakfast. done breakfast, i buat manisann and still berdebate samaa abngg. until, bothh us masuk my room kn ongkii. then, i pasangg dvd. the sweetest thing. hahah ! nyanyat waa kuu meliat ! xP bukann plngg apaa. pasal unrated story waa. hahah. xP so, melayann melayann sampaii abng went out. since i was bercintaa as well. and and, berceritaa pasal mandii, shit.. keharumann badankuu atuu thh buatkuu alum mandi drii kuu meetingg last time ahh. whichh i still wearing the samaa bjuu and boxer ? hahah ! xP then, since shes gonna go mandi, i took my shower as well. and yeahh.. nyaman rasaanyaa mandii pagii atuu. biasaa, i never had chance mann. xP malam bruu mandii tuu. so, after showeer, i sambungg back my dvd smpaii abis. and since borengg ndaa lgii kn diliat, i decided to go out and blii dvds. since akuu mandii sudahh atuu juaa. so, yeahh.. x)
i went out and asked for car arhh daddy. so, i went out whichh daddy said jgn batahh pasal kn ambil fiffy lgii. since i only wanna blii dvd gnyaa, knaa pinjamkn tiaa kuu keretaa. it was 12noonishh.. on my way ke bangunann kuningg, my back tyre melatup ! xS but, i dint know that at first til i parked my car. went out, then hemm.. bisaii.. melatup waa. xS so, indaa kuu mauu stress, memilihh dvds kuu duluu. i even met some friends there. and yeahh, done withh dvds, kiraanyaa kn drive the car slowly smpaii rumahh thh nie. but, ijap pnyaa pasal, i stoped by di utamaa bowlingg and parked the car there. and damn ! panas muchh the sunn heat on me. so, i went to jollibee and belii some choco pearl coolers. and yeahh, called daddy and gtauu what happend. whichh frm g to z. ertinyaa indaa complete thh tuu. xP so, i waited outside jollibee and wait for daddy to come. x\
while waitingg, my ex's sisters came by to jollibee and yeahh, we talks and all. and her big sister pnyaa daughter kiut muchh. hee. x) then, drngg makan jollibee, and soon after that, daddy came samaa abng kanzul. then, yeahh.. doingg the tyre changging and all. gilaaa mann. im all sweaty muchh. adaa lgii chicks tuu ihh ! heeh.. but, fcuk that ! baikkuu ngusaii tyre. hahah. tantuu, at least i learned something. that chicks indaa juaa menanggung masaa depan kuu. cehh ~ lurusthh jodohhkuu, abis ihh. HAHAH ! xP and so, done everythingg, bothh me and daddy trus ambil fiffy. around 1ishh klii. then, blik home. fiffy bwaa lunchh, but i dont felt like eatingg. so, melayan dvd tiaa kuu. and, i bought dvd swordfishh sudahh ! xD pasal di tv last time becutt waa. borengg juaa tuu. was watching their eyes were watching god. halle berry yo ! xD then, abng came and joined me. when both fiffy and abng went out, i locked myself up as usual and finishh the story peacefully. around 4ishh patangg, the dvd abis and since im tired, i read book sekajap kn tdur. then, tdur tiaa kuu after that. x)
til here thh duluu kuu ceritaa. kn makan kuu. lapar ! xS ohh, and goodnight all. x) adious !
and so last night, when im done postingg, i was just berdvd in my room. done berdvd, i went out again to eat something. so, i saw antahh choco cupcakes. haramly, i ate it pasal im hungry. it looks nyaman and i dont know i should eat it or not. but, yeahh.. thats why i said haramly. x\ then watching tv sjaa. until i ate and all lahh. i mentiond it on my late posted. so, i ate that maggie, cornbeef, ayam goreng that i mentiond last time. and yeahh.. then, mummy bgn and checked the kitchenn. and even checkd the cupcakes. but, she dint even mad at all. so, halal tiaa sudahh. hee. and so, i went back to my room kn melayann dvd. im watching ceritaa august. borengg waa ceritaanyaa. maybe pasal akuu indaa paham klii. watchhed it smpaii abis. then around 7ishh morningg, i went out and evan almighty was on. so, mliat tiaa kuu. and what a funny stroy and stupid as well when they tried to copy and changed the real story about noahh. adaa samaanyaa. but, new york noahh laa konon ? bodohh muchh ! and so, while im outside melayan tv, abng came around 8ishh to 9. and as i said, we brothers klauu bjumpaa, nothing else but talking about future and lifes. and i even told abng that i joined amway. then, he gaves me advice and all laa. macam bedebate lgii tuu kn ? wel, chockingg it is.. x)
so, since the parents having their breakfast, so akuu mintaa masakkn arhh genaa. shes our maid now. yg before used to be iman's babysitter ? so, yeahh.. talking about maid, i realized that, philippinos maid are more way better that indos maid. bnr tahh.. know why ? since mary and genaa live in this house, gilaaa waa. dapur yg i always pkai selipar ksnaa punn, macam, jrangg kuu sudahh beselipar rumahh. bersihh waa rumahh. harapkn amahh indo drumahh ani ? duiii ~ haramkn bersihh rumahh anii. see, pkir org islam ani thh more bersihh ahh. ndaa juaa ihh.. better plngg phills baa. i dint say that muslim people indaa bersihh. but, just that. since theres, 5 maids drumahh ani. so, yeahh.. 3phillipinos and 2 indos. heeh..
and so, i asked genaa to make me maggin indo again for breakfast. along withh talur mataa lembuu halfcooked. then, abng mauu juaa as well. so, few mins siap. then makann breakfast. done breakfast, i buat manisann and still berdebate samaa abngg. until, bothh us masuk my room kn ongkii. then, i pasangg dvd. the sweetest thing. hahah ! nyanyat waa kuu meliat ! xP bukann plngg apaa. pasal unrated story waa. hahah. xP so, melayann melayann sampaii abng went out. since i was bercintaa as well. and and, berceritaa pasal mandii, shit.. keharumann badankuu atuu thh buatkuu alum mandi drii kuu meetingg last time ahh. whichh i still wearing the samaa bjuu and boxer ? hahah ! xP then, since shes gonna go mandi, i took my shower as well. and yeahh.. nyaman rasaanyaa mandii pagii atuu. biasaa, i never had chance mann. xP malam bruu mandii tuu. so, after showeer, i sambungg back my dvd smpaii abis. and since borengg ndaa lgii kn diliat, i decided to go out and blii dvds. since akuu mandii sudahh atuu juaa. so, yeahh.. x)
i went out and asked for car arhh daddy. so, i went out whichh daddy said jgn batahh pasal kn ambil fiffy lgii. since i only wanna blii dvd gnyaa, knaa pinjamkn tiaa kuu keretaa. it was 12noonishh.. on my way ke bangunann kuningg, my back tyre melatup ! xS but, i dint know that at first til i parked my car. went out, then hemm.. bisaii.. melatup waa. xS so, indaa kuu mauu stress, memilihh dvds kuu duluu. i even met some friends there. and yeahh, done withh dvds, kiraanyaa kn drive the car slowly smpaii rumahh thh nie. but, ijap pnyaa pasal, i stoped by di utamaa bowlingg and parked the car there. and damn ! panas muchh the sunn heat on me. so, i went to jollibee and belii some choco pearl coolers. and yeahh, called daddy and gtauu what happend. whichh frm g to z. ertinyaa indaa complete thh tuu. xP so, i waited outside jollibee and wait for daddy to come. x\
while waitingg, my ex's sisters came by to jollibee and yeahh, we talks and all. and her big sister pnyaa daughter kiut muchh. hee. x) then, drngg makan jollibee, and soon after that, daddy came samaa abng kanzul. then, yeahh.. doingg the tyre changging and all. gilaaa mann. im all sweaty muchh. adaa lgii chicks tuu ihh ! heeh.. but, fcuk that ! baikkuu ngusaii tyre. hahah. tantuu, at least i learned something. that chicks indaa juaa menanggung masaa depan kuu. cehh ~ lurusthh jodohhkuu, abis ihh. HAHAH ! xP and so, done everythingg, bothh me and daddy trus ambil fiffy. around 1ishh klii. then, blik home. fiffy bwaa lunchh, but i dont felt like eatingg. so, melayan dvd tiaa kuu. and, i bought dvd swordfishh sudahh ! xD pasal di tv last time becutt waa. borengg juaa tuu. was watching their eyes were watching god. halle berry yo ! xD then, abng came and joined me. when both fiffy and abng went out, i locked myself up as usual and finishh the story peacefully. around 4ishh patangg, the dvd abis and since im tired, i read book sekajap kn tdur. then, tdur tiaa kuu after that. x)
til here thh duluu kuu ceritaa. kn makan kuu. lapar ! xS ohh, and goodnight all. x) adious !
Saturday, 24 January 2009
" Man is born free; and everywhere be is in chains. One thinks himself the master of others, and still remains a greater slave than they. "
- Jean Jacques Rousseau.
- Jean Jacques Rousseau.
done blogging last night, i was on dvds sjaa. until the next morningg ? wel, its sampai tengahharii tho. i dint sleep at all. i even watched indo's movies. sjaa melayann. and also about books ? heeh.. since im into this amway stuff, they did mentiond that reading books only can changed ourself. whichh is ture. no one cann changed us right ? even our parents. friends apaathh lgii ? chicks ? if people says that, thats just a bulls talk. bnr.. so, i watched about this book smpai abis. i forgot the title. its something cool ideas. so, yeahh.. i learned that how books are so important ? wel, i know that we all learned that since we're a kids and thats why we goes to school kn ? i know that. just, in my case, im kindaa lazy for books and it always makes me sleepy. so, cant deny that. and yeahh.. before, i do read books plngg. but, bukuu yg weird weird. goosebum one of it. heeh..
and so, back to the story, i was just berdvds sampai tengaharii at abng place. while him, awal pagii dahh bgnn pergi kerjaa. and since i dint sleep at all, i feels like my eyes was bangkak. then, i went to the toilet and tengok. and shit ! no wonder my left eye blik blik tears itself. bangkak waa. labuu lgii tuu my eyeback. gilaa mann.. indaa sexy waa mataa tuu. hahah. i was expecting my body yg lampuhh pasal makan mayo ani, whichh it turned, my eyeback yg lampuhh. hahah. xP then, around 11ishh, abng blik and yeahh, he wanted to send me home tiaa. as he said last night. so, yeahh.. i grabed some dvds and bounced back home. x) i was tired muchh. and my eyes macam org stone sjaa waa. hahah. its been awhile mann ! x\ hahah. will be on track for that. hahah. xP anwy, it was a long way drive from jalan muaraa to my place tumasik. so, i was just resting while on our way home. x)
reached home, i dint terus tdur. since mummy and fiffy was there, me and abng hanged there. talking withh mummy apaa. and since im hungry, i dint go to bed. waited til lunchh sjaa. so, melayann tv kmi. youu wouldnt believe me what ceritaa kmi liat. hahah. was watchhing amboi, amboi, amboi.. HAHAH ! macam apaa ! bulehh ? belakuu ? cann ? hahah ! bancii kuu mliat sii azwann alii atuu ! kamahh sulnyaa ! eeeee ! xS then, lunchh time. i ate sadangg. apaa yg adaa, yatahh kuu makann tuu. nyamann makann kuu. abng apaathh lgii. he mentiond how he misses masakann mummy. i believe i will be cematuu tuu soon. x\ and so, after lunchh.. abng bounced back to work. and while me, hangout withh fiffy in my room. was watching dvd punn. ceritaa stone&ed. hahah. pacahh waa the story. and adaa this words lawaa and its banar. been there punn. it says, 'life is a lot better when you're stoneed' hahah. i am so agree withh that. why so ? pasal, it makes us rajinn. org yg salahh gunaa, abis laa. i used that stuff for my pce and pmb tho. npaa yg results bagus. wel, it depands caraa pembelajarann laa. in my case, there always musics on while im belajar and stoneed ? hee. o'levels sjaa akuu salahh gunaa. damn ! x\
and so, since im too freaking tired, half way the story, i fall asleep tiaa. awalnyaa, fiffy was there. when i terbgn around antahh, i wokeup, and lockedup myself and turned my aircond back on. macam bgas tutup karann perasaan kuu. so, tdur semulaa nyamanly. x) and by 1ishh am, i wokeup and im looking for food. hee. pelapar kliahh ! xP so, since theres food tersediaa, chilled kuu kajap liat tv. tpi, boreng borengg. and since its been awhile rasaanyaa i dint eat maggie indomie, i cooked satuu and eat it rice, chicken and cornbeef. and drink cold milo. so, cool down kajap liat tv pasal kekanyangan. then after that, i went to my room and sambungg my movie. and yeahh.. now, i just done watchingg it. peluii the story. hahah. time pacahh meliat nyamann ihh. confirmed ! xP so, yeahh.. advice here, people, please stay away from drugs. x) it cann ruined your life sometimes. so, yeahh.. unless youu used it in a good ways, then that'll be no probs. hee. sleep well and goodnights people. adious ! xD
and so, back to the story, i was just berdvds sampai tengaharii at abng place. while him, awal pagii dahh bgnn pergi kerjaa. and since i dint sleep at all, i feels like my eyes was bangkak. then, i went to the toilet and tengok. and shit ! no wonder my left eye blik blik tears itself. bangkak waa. labuu lgii tuu my eyeback. gilaa mann.. indaa sexy waa mataa tuu. hahah. i was expecting my body yg lampuhh pasal makan mayo ani, whichh it turned, my eyeback yg lampuhh. hahah. xP then, around 11ishh, abng blik and yeahh, he wanted to send me home tiaa. as he said last night. so, yeahh.. i grabed some dvds and bounced back home. x) i was tired muchh. and my eyes macam org stone sjaa waa. hahah. its been awhile mann ! x\ hahah. will be on track for that. hahah. xP anwy, it was a long way drive from jalan muaraa to my place tumasik. so, i was just resting while on our way home. x)
reached home, i dint terus tdur. since mummy and fiffy was there, me and abng hanged there. talking withh mummy apaa. and since im hungry, i dint go to bed. waited til lunchh sjaa. so, melayann tv kmi. youu wouldnt believe me what ceritaa kmi liat. hahah. was watchhing amboi, amboi, amboi.. HAHAH ! macam apaa ! bulehh ? belakuu ? cann ? hahah ! bancii kuu mliat sii azwann alii atuu ! kamahh sulnyaa ! eeeee ! xS then, lunchh time. i ate sadangg. apaa yg adaa, yatahh kuu makann tuu. nyamann makann kuu. abng apaathh lgii. he mentiond how he misses masakann mummy. i believe i will be cematuu tuu soon. x\ and so, after lunchh.. abng bounced back to work. and while me, hangout withh fiffy in my room. was watching dvd punn. ceritaa stone&ed. hahah. pacahh waa the story. and adaa this words lawaa and its banar. been there punn. it says, 'life is a lot better when you're stoneed' hahah. i am so agree withh that. why so ? pasal, it makes us rajinn. org yg salahh gunaa, abis laa. i used that stuff for my pce and pmb tho. npaa yg results bagus. wel, it depands caraa pembelajarann laa. in my case, there always musics on while im belajar and stoneed ? hee. o'levels sjaa akuu salahh gunaa. damn ! x\
and so, since im too freaking tired, half way the story, i fall asleep tiaa. awalnyaa, fiffy was there. when i terbgn around antahh, i wokeup, and lockedup myself and turned my aircond back on. macam bgas tutup karann perasaan kuu. so, tdur semulaa nyamanly. x) and by 1ishh am, i wokeup and im looking for food. hee. pelapar kliahh ! xP so, since theres food tersediaa, chilled kuu kajap liat tv. tpi, boreng borengg. and since its been awhile rasaanyaa i dint eat maggie indomie, i cooked satuu and eat it rice, chicken and cornbeef. and drink cold milo. so, cool down kajap liat tv pasal kekanyangan. then after that, i went to my room and sambungg my movie. and yeahh.. now, i just done watchingg it. peluii the story. hahah. time pacahh meliat nyamann ihh. confirmed ! xP so, yeahh.. advice here, people, please stay away from drugs. x) it cann ruined your life sometimes. so, yeahh.. unless youu used it in a good ways, then that'll be no probs. hee. sleep well and goodnights people. adious ! xD
Friday, 23 January 2009
the sweetest thingg.
after blogging last night, i was haunting the food. cause im fcukingg hungry brabis. and againn, my main problems drumahh atuu. no foods and had to cook same shit all the time. and gilaa mann.. membiii sanak juaa tuu. bnrthh.. but, againn.. i cooked maggie curry and egg. and now, cold milo. pasal, i was kepanasann. biasaa, bgas tutup karann kn.. so, i endup makann and watchhed footie. and yes, hotspurs gonna meet united this final. HAHAH. gilaa nie.. xS
done watching it, i was tengok random stories. til, i finally stoped changging the channels meliat the simpsons. haah. pacahh.. melayann kuu sampaii abis. so, since i tot friends adaa mainn. but, i was wrong. ngalehh sjaa kuu nungguu smpaii 8pagiii. but, hey.. americann idol was on. melayann tiaa kuu lgii smpaii abis. shit mann, lawaa lawaa laa the voices. i laughed plngg apaa. pasal, adaa yg calii. then the parents joined me. so, we shared laughs and all. was funn tho.. x) withh parents are always the best time ever. right ? hee. x)
after done, daddy biasaa laa, withh the news. so, interested tiaa kuu. so, meliat sekajap. then masuk bilik. i supposed tdur, but antahh.. i couldnt shut my eyes. so, i lay down my body and doing nothing. i was just wondering on somethingg. something that always haunt me whenever i cant shut my eyes. so, yeahh.. since i complained to mummy that im hungry. then, mummy cooked nasii gorengg for breakfast and shes making holick as well. cold one tho. macam, its been lamaa lamaa sudahh i dint minum that. so, kenyamanan laa kuu. sekadar ! HAHAH. tpi, bnr kn ? once thing yg kmuu jrang buat and rasaa or whatever, then when youu doing it againn. it feels, aaaahhh.. nyamann ! knknn ? hahah. and so, i ate nasii gorengg and minum atuu while watching tv samaa mummy. done eatingg, i went to my room and locked myself up sjaa. sampaii 12ishh ? baruu kuu tdur.. x) but then, since i had kindaa meeting at 5, i set my alarm and yes, just hoping dapat tbgnn. x)
and yes, my hopes tercapaii pasal alramkuu annoyingg brabis bisinggnyaa ! so, opend my eyes and macam sii bnar kn bgnn. liat the time, its 5 sudahh. then, ambil my phone, tutup the alarm and tdur semulaa. hahah ! until abng came and knocks on my door. so, yeahh.. had to. *kataa kataa kuu bgn tuu ahh ! xP
so, mandii kuu begeragas and bebajuu. and since, we're late, indaa kuu sampat makann. plus, the food was for tahlil later juaa. whichh, im out. adaa meetingg yo. what to do. x\ and so, i went out samaa abngg. x)
sebenarnyaa the meetingg was in gdg, but tukar tiaa ke mamihh qlap. ngalehh sjaa kuu behenchem. hahah ! so, arrived there, trus kuu ordered makanan. and some milo ping. so, yeahh.. meetingg. x) was great. i learnd something juaa about it. and since abng tired, we bounced around 7 ? so, yeahh.. he supposed to antar me blik. but, since adaa meeting lgii pkul 8, i just followed him blik. and yeahh.. here, we jumpaa some of his friends and shows some stuff and all. while me, playing samaa baby named, adit. hee. kiuuut ! but too bad, i dint took any shots. heeh..
around 9ishh, bruu we reached his room. so, abng took a shower, while me melayann dvds sampaii anii. the sweetest thing was one of the movie. thats an old story, but yet, it was funn muchh. hee. I couldnt stop laughing. bowhh.. atuu labihh tiaa. hahah ! but, it was funn. and since i was so lapar still, i go complaind complaind arhh abng and even mintaa antar bliik. pasal, its late sudahh. and the meetingg, abng was too tired and smpaii indaa kn tejlnn. send me home punn payahh payahh. heeh..
and yes, i forced him to dgnkn masak. whichh, we cooked antam antam. abng plans want to cook nasii lgii apaa. but, me.. i felt like meratahh. so, i sliced some crabsticks and hotdogs, then put some plantaa on the pan since nadaa minyak ! ihh.. mengcomplaind kuu nie.. xP so, masukkn them yg i slices tdii. then, abngg putungg some potatos and masukkn. and we gorengg all smpaii darkishh sikit the colour. whichh adaa yg smpaii dark abis ! hahah. meaning, angus laa tuu ahh.. then, abng macam, ihh, munn campur cilii nyamann nie. so, i was, awuu awuu sjaa tiaa. kes lapar sudahh ! xS then, masukkn cilii and i tot cilii merahh, rupanyaa cilii ijauu. hee. merahh ijauu juaa dii otak atuu ! bowhh.. xP
and so, menjdii tiaa the antam antam resipi whichh nyamann bauunyaa ! what should i called ahh ? hemm.. the hot crabs black paper potatos jushy ! hahah. ngam tuu, since abng added some black paper on it and the jushhs lgii membuat. so yeahh.. antam ! HAHAH ! then, we bgi halfed, and put some green cilii lgii supayaa padas. atuu, abng pnyaa ideaa. while mine, i put some mayo to it. so that im gettingg fat ! and shit.. lapar pnyaa pasal, nyamann juaa ihh ! hahah. xP so, we went back to the room and makan snaa. trus liat dvds. ohh, and our drinks was nescafe. indaa tiaa pandaii tuu. time outtingg tdii, minum milo, time kn tdur, minum nescafe. hahah ! dont try this at home ! apaknn ?! xP so, yeahh.. its nyamann tho. ohh, i took some shots. will share how nyamann it looks like. hee. xD then, after makan, abng terus went to bed. while me, err.. doingg something else ? xP
was otp actually. since kenaa msg time masak, so after makann kuu bantaii. xP and yeahh.. otp sekajap, then online. then, otp lagii.. to the same chicks. hahah. i love my chicks ! ;) so, after done betelepon. i sambungg berdvd tiaa. since ndaa kn dibuat atuu juaa.. and yes, was watching ceritaa the invisible. and til now, berdvd. so, i ended here for tonight. goodnights kamuu ! xD
done watching it, i was tengok random stories. til, i finally stoped changging the channels meliat the simpsons. haah. pacahh.. melayann kuu sampaii abis. so, since i tot friends adaa mainn. but, i was wrong. ngalehh sjaa kuu nungguu smpaii 8pagiii. but, hey.. americann idol was on. melayann tiaa kuu lgii smpaii abis. shit mann, lawaa lawaa laa the voices. i laughed plngg apaa. pasal, adaa yg calii. then the parents joined me. so, we shared laughs and all. was funn tho.. x) withh parents are always the best time ever. right ? hee. x)
after done, daddy biasaa laa, withh the news. so, interested tiaa kuu. so, meliat sekajap. then masuk bilik. i supposed tdur, but antahh.. i couldnt shut my eyes. so, i lay down my body and doing nothing. i was just wondering on somethingg. something that always haunt me whenever i cant shut my eyes. so, yeahh.. since i complained to mummy that im hungry. then, mummy cooked nasii gorengg for breakfast and shes making holick as well. cold one tho. macam, its been lamaa lamaa sudahh i dint minum that. so, kenyamanan laa kuu. sekadar ! HAHAH. tpi, bnr kn ? once thing yg kmuu jrang buat and rasaa or whatever, then when youu doing it againn. it feels, aaaahhh.. nyamann ! knknn ? hahah. and so, i ate nasii gorengg and minum atuu while watching tv samaa mummy. done eatingg, i went to my room and locked myself up sjaa. sampaii 12ishh ? baruu kuu tdur.. x) but then, since i had kindaa meeting at 5, i set my alarm and yes, just hoping dapat tbgnn. x)
and yes, my hopes tercapaii pasal alramkuu annoyingg brabis bisinggnyaa ! so, opend my eyes and macam sii bnar kn bgnn. liat the time, its 5 sudahh. then, ambil my phone, tutup the alarm and tdur semulaa. hahah ! until abng came and knocks on my door. so, yeahh.. had to. *kataa kataa kuu bgn tuu ahh ! xP
so, mandii kuu begeragas and bebajuu. and since, we're late, indaa kuu sampat makann. plus, the food was for tahlil later juaa. whichh, im out. adaa meetingg yo. what to do. x\ and so, i went out samaa abngg. x)
sebenarnyaa the meetingg was in gdg, but tukar tiaa ke mamihh qlap. ngalehh sjaa kuu behenchem. hahah ! so, arrived there, trus kuu ordered makanan. and some milo ping. so, yeahh.. meetingg. x) was great. i learnd something juaa about it. and since abng tired, we bounced around 7 ? so, yeahh.. he supposed to antar me blik. but, since adaa meeting lgii pkul 8, i just followed him blik. and yeahh.. here, we jumpaa some of his friends and shows some stuff and all. while me, playing samaa baby named, adit. hee. kiuuut ! but too bad, i dint took any shots. heeh..
around 9ishh, bruu we reached his room. so, abng took a shower, while me melayann dvds sampaii anii. the sweetest thing was one of the movie. thats an old story, but yet, it was funn muchh. hee. I couldnt stop laughing. bowhh.. atuu labihh tiaa. hahah ! but, it was funn. and since i was so lapar still, i go complaind complaind arhh abng and even mintaa antar bliik. pasal, its late sudahh. and the meetingg, abng was too tired and smpaii indaa kn tejlnn. send me home punn payahh payahh. heeh..
and yes, i forced him to dgnkn masak. whichh, we cooked antam antam. abng plans want to cook nasii lgii apaa. but, me.. i felt like meratahh. so, i sliced some crabsticks and hotdogs, then put some plantaa on the pan since nadaa minyak ! ihh.. mengcomplaind kuu nie.. xP so, masukkn them yg i slices tdii. then, abngg putungg some potatos and masukkn. and we gorengg all smpaii darkishh sikit the colour. whichh adaa yg smpaii dark abis ! hahah. meaning, angus laa tuu ahh.. then, abng macam, ihh, munn campur cilii nyamann nie. so, i was, awuu awuu sjaa tiaa. kes lapar sudahh ! xS then, masukkn cilii and i tot cilii merahh, rupanyaa cilii ijauu. hee. merahh ijauu juaa dii otak atuu ! bowhh.. xP
and so, menjdii tiaa the antam antam resipi whichh nyamann bauunyaa ! what should i called ahh ? hemm.. the hot crabs black paper potatos jushy ! hahah. ngam tuu, since abng added some black paper on it and the jushhs lgii membuat. so yeahh.. antam ! HAHAH ! then, we bgi halfed, and put some green cilii lgii supayaa padas. atuu, abng pnyaa ideaa. while mine, i put some mayo to it. so that im gettingg fat ! and shit.. lapar pnyaa pasal, nyamann juaa ihh ! hahah. xP so, we went back to the room and makan snaa. trus liat dvds. ohh, and our drinks was nescafe. indaa tiaa pandaii tuu. time outtingg tdii, minum milo, time kn tdur, minum nescafe. hahah ! dont try this at home ! apaknn ?! xP so, yeahh.. its nyamann tho. ohh, i took some shots. will share how nyamann it looks like. hee. xD then, after makan, abng terus went to bed. while me, err.. doingg something else ? xP
was otp actually. since kenaa msg time masak, so after makann kuu bantaii. xP and yeahh.. otp sekajap, then online. then, otp lagii.. to the same chicks. hahah. i love my chicks ! ;) so, after done betelepon. i sambungg berdvd tiaa. since ndaa kn dibuat atuu juaa.. and yes, was watching ceritaa the invisible. and til now, berdvd. so, i ended here for tonight. goodnights kamuu ! xD
Thursday, 22 January 2009
tutup karann !
as i was cant sleep early last night, i was menyubuhhing last night until the sunn rised up. it was maybe pkul 9ishh in the morningg ? bruthh i finds myself sleepy. then, obviously i went to bed.
then, her msg wakes me and saying that, at her place, teblack out. but, i had no power to reply her msg and sambung my tdur. until i relised, here in my room macam panas. and yes, blackout also. i were planning to go to gdg today. reason kn buy so stuff for idaah, who is just turned 16th today and bgii someone stuff as well. since, casby kononnyaa kn krumahh berlunchh and ikut ke gdg, indaa tiaa juaa timbul timbul. and my date punn macam indaa jdii. so, blackout blackout punn i tabak tdur juaa.
until i promise to abng that i wanted to join him for building up my future, so his texts wakes me and it was 7ishh malam ? and thats when i relised i slept bepanas and my place was tutup karann as well. so, i forced my body to wokeup and terus took my shower. and shit.. bnyak waa candles when i went out. i asked mummy, turun karan rupanyaa. and simple answerd, she said, andangg drii patangg sudahh. ko gnyaa indaa pndai sadar. so, like.. i just grabed some candle and terus mandii. gilaa mann. its so romantic when we took shower bercandle candle gnyaa. hahah ! romantic apaa ?! berijap waa.. xS
done shower, when down and abng was there sudahh waiting waitingg. so, bebjuu and all. before jln i had my simple dinner. indaa bnyak kuu makan. was just mengisii parut. atuu punn i plate shared samaa abng. hahah. suuuweet ! xP then, we bounced away from home.
we reached mataa mataa where it supposed the thang going on there di scouts buildingg. but, since its galap and tutup karann as well, so we tukared spot at dj zuraa's place. so, reached there and started to listen some advice for the future from someone successedfull life. and shit.. it really does opend my mind and i wanted to join them all. since im not the only person who was new there, so why not ? rmai unknown people there. but, seems friendly.
the future im taking about is, joining the amway's business. confirmed tertanggung masaa depann. whichh, i once kenaa told olehh sii naddy way back 2 years ago, tpi that time, im not really interested, pasal the parents was a member juaa before. we even used the products punn. whichh no complains ? so, why not i joined now kn ? plus, the more i understand this business stuff, the more money comes haunting my account. so, siapaa juaa indaa mauu kayaa kn ? so, people, lets rmai rmaii joined this business and be involved withh it and confirmed tertanggung masaa depann, more info, drop some questions arhh my cbox. will explain details insha-god. x)
and so, theres a successfull major who building up this business and shared withh us who already had a successed life. macam, walaupunn yaa retired sudahh, but then the income from amway is still banking on his account everymonths. indaa juaa rugii tuu ? in my kes, the more younger i am, the more bright future i had. hee. hopefully and aminn kuu success. why he cann, why cant i right ? thats the spirit. x)
back to my story, i wasnt really banganggishh to this stuff. but yet, i still wanted to know it more mendalam. so, ngam juaa the person where i cann sit and talk withh ani org yg kuu kenal juaa. he used to be my football team mate. so, indaa rugii laa. whichh tomorow we had meeting againn. now i know why and what makes sii naddy went out everyday and night. and yet, theres something going on this coming marchh. and by april, adaa seminar di jekartaa. siuuk waa tuu ! xD mudahannthh kuu kenaa lapaskn ksnaa. aminn.. and indaa rugii if we joined the member awal. all we had to do is just, byar $68 and confirmd bulehh kayaa. xD
i was there until 12ishh. i even kenal withh rmai orangg there masaa at dj zuraa's place. theres even one girl who i kenal-ed and shes youngg still. around 16 years old ? shes seems friendly. and incase youu read this, youu are yet kanak kanak. xP heheh. i laughed withh her apaa. we even shared fb and email. so, yeahh.. x) what i like about her is, yaa trus kenalkn myself to her mumm. whichh her mum is a successful in this amway thingy. so, her mum tought me some advice as well. x)
and so, we bounced from there around 12ishh tdii. i was so lapar, but since abng had work esok, mintaa drop home sjaa kuu. and yet, it was still blackout. gilaa waa. makan pop mie thh kuu gnyaa. and kes kn tdur ahh tv's room laa nie. tpi, borengg. so, i went to my room along withh the candle i drop dead asleep. x) since i dont know bilaa kn bukaa karann ani, i just cucuk the charger on my phone. pasal, its lowbatt sudahh. and yes, i sleep tiaa. x)
by 3ishh, i wokeup and finds that karann was bukaa sudahh. my batt on my phone punn full sudahh. so, i went out, and now im watching the news. hee. wel, till here duluu thenn people. goodnights.. x)
and ohh, not to forget, happy birthday to idaah ! xD god bless youu and semogaa diberkatii rahmat. hee. menagih kuu nie ! bilaa celebrate samaa kawan kawann ? xD just text text me yes ? again, happy birthday ! sweet 16 huhh ? go bnyakkn makann gulaa gulaa and tambahhkn the sweetness. hee. xP alright thenn. nights.. x)
then, her msg wakes me and saying that, at her place, teblack out. but, i had no power to reply her msg and sambung my tdur. until i relised, here in my room macam panas. and yes, blackout also. i were planning to go to gdg today. reason kn buy so stuff for idaah, who is just turned 16th today and bgii someone stuff as well. since, casby kononnyaa kn krumahh berlunchh and ikut ke gdg, indaa tiaa juaa timbul timbul. and my date punn macam indaa jdii. so, blackout blackout punn i tabak tdur juaa.
until i promise to abng that i wanted to join him for building up my future, so his texts wakes me and it was 7ishh malam ? and thats when i relised i slept bepanas and my place was tutup karann as well. so, i forced my body to wokeup and terus took my shower. and shit.. bnyak waa candles when i went out. i asked mummy, turun karan rupanyaa. and simple answerd, she said, andangg drii patangg sudahh. ko gnyaa indaa pndai sadar. so, like.. i just grabed some candle and terus mandii. gilaa mann. its so romantic when we took shower bercandle candle gnyaa. hahah ! romantic apaa ?! berijap waa.. xS
done shower, when down and abng was there sudahh waiting waitingg. so, bebjuu and all. before jln i had my simple dinner. indaa bnyak kuu makan. was just mengisii parut. atuu punn i plate shared samaa abng. hahah. suuuweet ! xP then, we bounced away from home.
we reached mataa mataa where it supposed the thang going on there di scouts buildingg. but, since its galap and tutup karann as well, so we tukared spot at dj zuraa's place. so, reached there and started to listen some advice for the future from someone successedfull life. and shit.. it really does opend my mind and i wanted to join them all. since im not the only person who was new there, so why not ? rmai unknown people there. but, seems friendly.
the future im taking about is, joining the amway's business. confirmed tertanggung masaa depann. whichh, i once kenaa told olehh sii naddy way back 2 years ago, tpi that time, im not really interested, pasal the parents was a member juaa before. we even used the products punn. whichh no complains ? so, why not i joined now kn ? plus, the more i understand this business stuff, the more money comes haunting my account. so, siapaa juaa indaa mauu kayaa kn ? so, people, lets rmai rmaii joined this business and be involved withh it and confirmed tertanggung masaa depann, more info, drop some questions arhh my cbox. will explain details insha-god. x)
and so, theres a successfull major who building up this business and shared withh us who already had a successed life. macam, walaupunn yaa retired sudahh, but then the income from amway is still banking on his account everymonths. indaa juaa rugii tuu ? in my kes, the more younger i am, the more bright future i had. hee. hopefully and aminn kuu success. why he cann, why cant i right ? thats the spirit. x)
back to my story, i wasnt really banganggishh to this stuff. but yet, i still wanted to know it more mendalam. so, ngam juaa the person where i cann sit and talk withh ani org yg kuu kenal juaa. he used to be my football team mate. so, indaa rugii laa. whichh tomorow we had meeting againn. now i know why and what makes sii naddy went out everyday and night. and yet, theres something going on this coming marchh. and by april, adaa seminar di jekartaa. siuuk waa tuu ! xD mudahannthh kuu kenaa lapaskn ksnaa. aminn.. and indaa rugii if we joined the member awal. all we had to do is just, byar $68 and confirmd bulehh kayaa. xD
i was there until 12ishh. i even kenal withh rmai orangg there masaa at dj zuraa's place. theres even one girl who i kenal-ed and shes youngg still. around 16 years old ? shes seems friendly. and incase youu read this, youu are yet kanak kanak. xP heheh. i laughed withh her apaa. we even shared fb and email. so, yeahh.. x) what i like about her is, yaa trus kenalkn myself to her mumm. whichh her mum is a successful in this amway thingy. so, her mum tought me some advice as well. x)
and so, we bounced from there around 12ishh tdii. i was so lapar, but since abng had work esok, mintaa drop home sjaa kuu. and yet, it was still blackout. gilaa waa. makan pop mie thh kuu gnyaa. and kes kn tdur ahh tv's room laa nie. tpi, borengg. so, i went to my room along withh the candle i drop dead asleep. x) since i dont know bilaa kn bukaa karann ani, i just cucuk the charger on my phone. pasal, its lowbatt sudahh. and yes, i sleep tiaa. x)
by 3ishh, i wokeup and finds that karann was bukaa sudahh. my batt on my phone punn full sudahh. so, i went out, and now im watching the news. hee. wel, till here duluu thenn people. goodnights.. x)
and ohh, not to forget, happy birthday to idaah ! xD god bless youu and semogaa diberkatii rahmat. hee. menagih kuu nie ! bilaa celebrate samaa kawan kawann ? xD just text text me yes ? again, happy birthday ! sweet 16 huhh ? go bnyakkn makann gulaa gulaa and tambahhkn the sweetness. hee. xP alright thenn. nights.. x)
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
always be a winner.
so, i started here by talking for what i did since last night. after done blogging and all, i was just antahh ahh. bhapaa kaa kuu.. lost ! but, all i remember is, i was in my room and sketching some cartoons. yes, cartoons. i like to draw myself as a cartoon and anyone who i feels like to sketchh. i wishh im blogging here usingg lappy. so that i cann upload the sketchh that i draw.
to bad, im just blogging through my phone awal ani. and so, since shes done sudahh sketching my face, i was drawing hers punn tdii pgii. but, not as good as her sketchhed on me. i'll upload it soon enough thh. and yeahh.. after done melukis, i was antahh.. was reading some blogs klii. or checking my facebook. and so, after that, i went to bed tiaa. around 9ishh morningg klii.
i had a nice and bad dreams. but, now i cant recall back whats it all about. pokoknyaa, it wakes me then i smiled. whichh, i realised it was 7ishh malam. it was raining that time. i felt like tdur semulaa tho. but, yet.. antahh.. i was lapar by the same time. and then, daddy knocks my door and bought some dinner. so, i went out, kes kn bwaa nini makann, but nini was out. so, i had my dinner alone. after dinner, i had my ongs then trus mandii.
after mandi, i was watching the news about how rmai org was there waiting outside the white house just to wait for the president-electd barack husein obamaa. gilaaa, 2millions people waa. time sii bushh, ndaa sampaii cematuu. and i felt lucky, cause i watched the history going on, in americaa. cause, i always thought that how lucky is our moyangg and nini was being in the history. like war and all. thats why i thought about, everytime i had my history lesson way back my school days. hee. and, now it happend to me sudahh. i saw and see the history. x)
but, since here, hujann labat, indaa tiaa mauu the astro. tauu tauu laa munn ujann labat. kecundangg tiaa. then, i went to my room and tengok dvd. kes kn tdur thh. but, indaa. i was watching ceritaa scoop. it was funn movie tho. watchh it until i heard the parents pnyaa voice. so, i went out and joined them liat the news. so, i stayed there and watchingg the history on makingg. hee.
since its late, around 2ishh klii, the parents naik. so, i was watching on my own while eatingg orange. hahah ! sajaa celebrate chinese new year awal. since i'll masuk ppb soon. and yes, corrections here. i was wrongg on last time pnyaa post. yg sii athh dint make it ? shit ! hes dapat rupaanyaa. but different course. hahahah ! confirmed tiaa begilaa nie ! xP hahahah ! xD ohh, back to the story, i was berlimauu. nyamann waa limauu chinaa. manis lgii.. hahah. awuu, celebrate awal kuu sorg sorg. xP
few mins after that, the parents came downn and drngg tdur dbwahh tonight. arhh living room. so, i went back to my room and sambungg my dvd. i was bercintaa punn juaa. so, yeahh.. bercintaa bercintaa, until a friend texted me and tnyaa that man united adaa matchh or indaa. i ask her back, tpi, yaa punn bangang. so, i went out mencheck. and yes, united had matchh against darby. whichh they wont the semi's. by 4-2 on the night and 4-3 on the agg. hee. since, im kindaa lapar tdi, i cooked maggie curry and eye withh some limauu kasturii. nyamann waa. xP and awalnyaa tdii, i ate pop mie. gilaa.. i ate alot this night. HAHAH ! xP
done berfootie, i went to my room and sambungg againn my dvd. blik blik bepaused waa. hahah. and yeahh, here i am blogging. hee. tpi, tpi.. since i had plans esuk, i think i should bounce now. sleep well ya'll. adious ! x)
to bad, im just blogging through my phone awal ani. and so, since shes done sudahh sketching my face, i was drawing hers punn tdii pgii. but, not as good as her sketchhed on me. i'll upload it soon enough thh. and yeahh.. after done melukis, i was antahh.. was reading some blogs klii. or checking my facebook. and so, after that, i went to bed tiaa. around 9ishh morningg klii.
i had a nice and bad dreams. but, now i cant recall back whats it all about. pokoknyaa, it wakes me then i smiled. whichh, i realised it was 7ishh malam. it was raining that time. i felt like tdur semulaa tho. but, yet.. antahh.. i was lapar by the same time. and then, daddy knocks my door and bought some dinner. so, i went out, kes kn bwaa nini makann, but nini was out. so, i had my dinner alone. after dinner, i had my ongs then trus mandii.
after mandi, i was watching the news about how rmai org was there waiting outside the white house just to wait for the president-electd barack husein obamaa. gilaaa, 2millions people waa. time sii bushh, ndaa sampaii cematuu. and i felt lucky, cause i watched the history going on, in americaa. cause, i always thought that how lucky is our moyangg and nini was being in the history. like war and all. thats why i thought about, everytime i had my history lesson way back my school days. hee. and, now it happend to me sudahh. i saw and see the history. x)
but, since here, hujann labat, indaa tiaa mauu the astro. tauu tauu laa munn ujann labat. kecundangg tiaa. then, i went to my room and tengok dvd. kes kn tdur thh. but, indaa. i was watching ceritaa scoop. it was funn movie tho. watchh it until i heard the parents pnyaa voice. so, i went out and joined them liat the news. so, i stayed there and watchingg the history on makingg. hee.
since its late, around 2ishh klii, the parents naik. so, i was watching on my own while eatingg orange. hahah ! sajaa celebrate chinese new year awal. since i'll masuk ppb soon. and yes, corrections here. i was wrongg on last time pnyaa post. yg sii athh dint make it ? shit ! hes dapat rupaanyaa. but different course. hahahah ! confirmed tiaa begilaa nie ! xP hahahah ! xD ohh, back to the story, i was berlimauu. nyamann waa limauu chinaa. manis lgii.. hahah. awuu, celebrate awal kuu sorg sorg. xP
few mins after that, the parents came downn and drngg tdur dbwahh tonight. arhh living room. so, i went back to my room and sambungg my dvd. i was bercintaa punn juaa. so, yeahh.. bercintaa bercintaa, until a friend texted me and tnyaa that man united adaa matchh or indaa. i ask her back, tpi, yaa punn bangang. so, i went out mencheck. and yes, united had matchh against darby. whichh they wont the semi's. by 4-2 on the night and 4-3 on the agg. hee. since, im kindaa lapar tdi, i cooked maggie curry and eye withh some limauu kasturii. nyamann waa. xP and awalnyaa tdii, i ate pop mie. gilaa.. i ate alot this night. HAHAH ! xP
done berfootie, i went to my room and sambungg againn my dvd. blik blik bepaused waa. hahah. and yeahh, here i am blogging. hee. tpi, tpi.. since i had plans esuk, i think i should bounce now. sleep well ya'll. adious ! x)
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
hello blogger. and if youu do read my post awal awal, last night, nothing special happens. wel, maybe it was for me. but, yet no biggy deal. hee. and since i dint slept smpai ke pagii, i went to the kitchen and started to cook my breakfast. again dealing withh eggs and cornbeef. since its been awhile i dint eat that sudahh, so yeahh.
after breakfast, i hang di tv's room. and watched footie stuffs. and after that, was watching some thai's movie. im watching pasal the lady who plays there the face macam someone's in thoughts. or maybe i was angauu. dont know laa aah. heeh.. x\
and after that, i watched friends. and its been awhile sudahh kuu indaa mengikuti that story. hee. and yeahh.. melayann tiaa kuu kajap. when, im done, daddy came and yeahh, indaa jdi putung bjuu today. so, i went to my room. and since im wide awake, yada yada yadaa. that posted dbwahh. hee. and i slept nyamanly. x)
and yes, nyamann bnr tdur kuu ! xP i wokeup late tdii. err.. againn at night ? pukul, 8ishh ? hahah. no, its 9ishh klii. then, bwaa niniboy makann apaa. i had my dinner after that. i dint really eat muchh. done dinner, i took my shower. sajuk waa.. brabishh ! tpi, nyamann. xD
since the parents were home sudahh, as usual hang around sekajap. then, daddy indaa sempat belikn my drinks. but, he bought me roti john instead. but, i ate it late. kenyang masehh juaa. so, i let it ampai ampaii sjaa di dinning table. and so, i just bertv. and yes, since kuu terbacaa di some blog adaa org beceritaa pasal ceritaa waitress. so, since its on dii tv. meliat tiaa kuu drii awal. not bad laa the story. banyak pkai nice words. hee. kindaa funny story. and so, i watched it smpaii abis. x)
since the next movienyaa is the halloween. so, im done here. im watching it now. and shit, rugged waa the story. xP i mean the halloween. since im on it now, i bounce duluu then. goodnight all. adious ! x)
after breakfast, i hang di tv's room. and watched footie stuffs. and after that, was watching some thai's movie. im watching pasal the lady who plays there the face macam someone's in thoughts. or maybe i was angauu. dont know laa aah. heeh.. x\
and after that, i watched friends. and its been awhile sudahh kuu indaa mengikuti that story. hee. and yeahh.. melayann tiaa kuu kajap. when, im done, daddy came and yeahh, indaa jdi putung bjuu today. so, i went to my room. and since im wide awake, yada yada yadaa. that posted dbwahh. hee. and i slept nyamanly. x)
and yes, nyamann bnr tdur kuu ! xP i wokeup late tdii. err.. againn at night ? pukul, 8ishh ? hahah. no, its 9ishh klii. then, bwaa niniboy makann apaa. i had my dinner after that. i dint really eat muchh. done dinner, i took my shower. sajuk waa.. brabishh ! tpi, nyamann. xD
since the parents were home sudahh, as usual hang around sekajap. then, daddy indaa sempat belikn my drinks. but, he bought me roti john instead. but, i ate it late. kenyang masehh juaa. so, i let it ampai ampaii sjaa di dinning table. and so, i just bertv. and yes, since kuu terbacaa di some blog adaa org beceritaa pasal ceritaa waitress. so, since its on dii tv. meliat tiaa kuu drii awal. not bad laa the story. banyak pkai nice words. hee. kindaa funny story. and so, i watched it smpaii abis. x)
since the next movienyaa is the halloween. so, im done here. im watching it now. and shit, rugged waa the story. xP i mean the halloween. since im on it now, i bounce duluu then. goodnight all. adious ! x)
Monday, 19 January 2009
as i was sayingg, i dont wanna go to sleep since daddy wanna brings me out in the morning, so i kept my eyes wide opennd. but, then daddy came down and said, maybe later. so, since he said that way, i rann to my bed and had my rest. but, i cant even shut my eyes either. since, my body were so weak enoughh to walk around, so i let it rest by laying down on my bed. i know that i need to sleep though. was tired as well. since watching some dvds no longer working on my sleepless, so i started to figure that i should read something. reading always makes me wanna sleep. its since before way back to my school time. so, i was thinking that, why not i read some blogs ? it might helps my sleepless i thought. so, i grabed my phone and started my readingg. funny thing happend. instead of getting sleepy, i enjoyd reading it. i read one to another. whichh all ? yes, i read all blogs that ive linked. and no excluded. some blogs that i dont feels like reading it, also i read. i was just being random and wanting to know that something i dont ? so, i noticed something while im reading all of it. that is, where some of youu blogger had the talent. what i mean by talent is, the way they posted and created their blogs. like, how young their were created their own blogs. just so people will enjoyd their blogs and stuff. some, they interest people by editting their photos. did youu see what im trying to reachh youu here ? back to my case, cause of thats all, my eyes wont shut easily. i enjoyed visiting and reading it. eventhough, theres some spelling error or whatever. but yet, i still cann understand what their trying to tell. i even laughed for some funny stories. i even cann tell whos being sad, happy, stressfull and even missingg-ing there passes. i even more enjoyed reading when its all about their lifestyle. i even realized some blogs impressed their feelings by posting some pictures, video songs and even wrote some lyrics on their blogs. ohh and the way they put and adjust their coloured words. its just interesting muchh. different people, different feelings, and different blogs. since im reading it from a to z, my eyes were still wont shut. until i covered my face withh my 'bantal busuk' where we used to call it, and yeahh.. again i majaly enjoyed reading your blogs people. ohh, and some blogs i realised that, they even link me back ! hahah. but no sweat, shit happens right ? hee. so, enough said. till next time againn will read all a to z bloggers. x)
the Black Dahliaa.
and so, last night went menyubuhh and all. whichh smpaii ke pagii. and since the maids outside my room bisingg. againn withh the angkat angkat stuffs. then, im up till everything settled ? and it was pukul 8ishh to 9 pagii. gilaa mann.. then, terus i went to my never never land. nyamann. was tired punn juaa. so, yes. was asleep peacefully. x)
until, abng jozy came by. he knocked my door til i wokeup. so, bgnn tiaa kuu. we were talkingg about some stuff. and even about ppb. just, life talking future talks and all laa. it was lunchh time tuu. 12ishh ? he even wanna brings me out. since im tired muchh and havent tdur dgn nyenyaknyaa. cehh ~ malas tiaa kuu pigii. i endup tdur blik. ngalehh muchh.. so, bruuthh i slept peacefully bnr. x)
then, when i wokeup, i find out diluar galap sudahh. and liat jam, shit.. it is malam sudahh. hahah ! 8ishh ? nyamann waa tdur kuu. indaa lgii ingatknn duniaa. hahah. sekalii, berlazy di blik until 9 klii, i went out crii food. tpi, ndaa. x( i was lapar.. so, i checked everything and i found choco cake dalam peti sejuk. so, i ate sikit sjaa. and makann kerupuk. heeh.. asal berisii waa parut ahh. x\
then bukaa tv, the black dahliaa was on. so, meliat tiaa kuu. since im also into that scarlett johansson, teranahh tiaa kuu mliat smpaii abis. then, i went ongkii andd was chat smaa sii ayam. wel, imissher really. thats because i was going thro all my pictures in this mmc. and yes, since my mmc fcut up, i used my old mmc. so, yeahh.. bnyak gambar lamaa lamaa. hahah ! mostlythh gambar the dmgs. heeh.. "good all days" thats the only words cann describ how fun we were before. hee. *smilingg..
then, the reservation was on hbo klii. but half way sudahh the story, so, i watched it smpaii abis, then i took my shower. its was 10ishh klii. after shower. i lepak withh the parents sekajap. talking about ppb thingy and what i needed to bwaa ksnaa. and since i wanna putungg some bjuu, daddy ckp esok pagii thh. and since daddy said pagii, malasthh kuu tdur tuu. plus, i miss having breakfast before i went to bed. so, yeahh.. heeh.. then, when im done withh then, i went to my room and listed out things that i should bringg there. and things that i need to blii. serious shit, i want all my stuff gonna be in red colour. hee. why not ? or maybe black and white and red. so, yeahh.. dont know yet when im gonna go shopping for all this stuff. munn smpaii segalaa baldii waa mestii dibwaa ksnaa. atuu banaaa ~ hahah.
then the parents went up. and still, theres no food. wel, adaa.. but, just me who takde mood kn makann. tpi, lapar.. heeh.. x\ and so, i saw pop mie. and since im sitting downn meliat ceritaa seram, indaa plngg kuu tegarak kn bgnn. ujann lgii lambat dii luar.. nyamann rasaanyaa sudahh duduk atuu. jrngg lgii sudahh i watchh horror movie. so, yeahh.. melayann sekajap. and i was chatting withh her. then, bruuthh kuu bemood makann. cehh ~ hahah. xP so, i buat pop mie and makann. x)
then, adaa this movie was on. its siuk.. ceritaa swordfishh. gilaa waa ceritaanyaaa. nyamann kuu melayann. i watched it smpaii abis and was berchattingg punn. indaa tiaa berapaa concentrate. plus, i was terlalaai punn watching that movie. hee. siuk ahh.. swordfishh. kn mencrii dvdnyaa kuu. siapaa tejumpaa ceritaa atuu, let me know ahh ? hahah. xP
and so, after abis, we endup our chats to on the phone. hee. talking talking and all. and andd.. siuk ? xP indeed ! HAHAH ! thanks youu. ;) and since i had the dvd ceritaa the black dahliaa, meliat tiaa kuu after otp. pasal tdii bercut bnyaak ahh. heeh.. its still on now tho. and im sure shes waiting for me either.. so, till thh sajaa duluu. nothing muchh happening punn. so, goodnight people. sleep well. x)
until, abng jozy came by. he knocked my door til i wokeup. so, bgnn tiaa kuu. we were talkingg about some stuff. and even about ppb. just, life talking future talks and all laa. it was lunchh time tuu. 12ishh ? he even wanna brings me out. since im tired muchh and havent tdur dgn nyenyaknyaa. cehh ~ malas tiaa kuu pigii. i endup tdur blik. ngalehh muchh.. so, bruuthh i slept peacefully bnr. x)
then, when i wokeup, i find out diluar galap sudahh. and liat jam, shit.. it is malam sudahh. hahah ! 8ishh ? nyamann waa tdur kuu. indaa lgii ingatknn duniaa. hahah. sekalii, berlazy di blik until 9 klii, i went out crii food. tpi, ndaa. x( i was lapar.. so, i checked everything and i found choco cake dalam peti sejuk. so, i ate sikit sjaa. and makann kerupuk. heeh.. asal berisii waa parut ahh. x\
then bukaa tv, the black dahliaa was on. so, meliat tiaa kuu. since im also into that scarlett johansson, teranahh tiaa kuu mliat smpaii abis. then, i went ongkii andd was chat smaa sii ayam. wel, imissher really. thats because i was going thro all my pictures in this mmc. and yes, since my mmc fcut up, i used my old mmc. so, yeahh.. bnyak gambar lamaa lamaa. hahah ! mostlythh gambar the dmgs. heeh.. "good all days" thats the only words cann describ how fun we were before. hee. *smilingg..
then, the reservation was on hbo klii. but half way sudahh the story, so, i watched it smpaii abis, then i took my shower. its was 10ishh klii. after shower. i lepak withh the parents sekajap. talking about ppb thingy and what i needed to bwaa ksnaa. and since i wanna putungg some bjuu, daddy ckp esok pagii thh. and since daddy said pagii, malasthh kuu tdur tuu. plus, i miss having breakfast before i went to bed. so, yeahh.. heeh.. then, when im done withh then, i went to my room and listed out things that i should bringg there. and things that i need to blii. serious shit, i want all my stuff gonna be in red colour. hee. why not ? or maybe black and white and red. so, yeahh.. dont know yet when im gonna go shopping for all this stuff. munn smpaii segalaa baldii waa mestii dibwaa ksnaa. atuu banaaa ~ hahah.
then the parents went up. and still, theres no food. wel, adaa.. but, just me who takde mood kn makann. tpi, lapar.. heeh.. x\ and so, i saw pop mie. and since im sitting downn meliat ceritaa seram, indaa plngg kuu tegarak kn bgnn. ujann lgii lambat dii luar.. nyamann rasaanyaa sudahh duduk atuu. jrngg lgii sudahh i watchh horror movie. so, yeahh.. melayann sekajap. and i was chatting withh her. then, bruuthh kuu bemood makann. cehh ~ hahah. xP so, i buat pop mie and makann. x)
then, adaa this movie was on. its siuk.. ceritaa swordfishh. gilaa waa ceritaanyaaa. nyamann kuu melayann. i watched it smpaii abis and was berchattingg punn. indaa tiaa berapaa concentrate. plus, i was terlalaai punn watching that movie. hee. siuk ahh.. swordfishh. kn mencrii dvdnyaa kuu. siapaa tejumpaa ceritaa atuu, let me know ahh ? hahah. xP
and so, after abis, we endup our chats to on the phone. hee. talking talking and all. and andd.. siuk ? xP indeed ! HAHAH ! thanks youu. ;) and since i had the dvd ceritaa the black dahliaa, meliat tiaa kuu after otp. pasal tdii bercut bnyaak ahh. heeh.. its still on now tho. and im sure shes waiting for me either.. so, till thh sajaa duluu. nothing muchh happening punn. so, goodnight people. sleep well. x)
Sunday, 18 January 2009
pantaii serasaaa.
today, i woke up at at 4ishh to 5 klii. was tired punn juaa. indraa texted me. pacahh waa. HAHAH ! he reminds me how hott was this girl that we saw last night, thenn sudahh nyaa ketawaa. tebauk. HAHAH. tebauk is, yg macam babii ahh. hahahah. bidaa waa tuu. lawaa sudahh mukaanyaa. hottt, sexy.. tpii, kecundangg. hahahah ! panat muchh. theen, i asked kakaa, drngg menggail or not ? thenn yaa cakap, awuu. so, i joined them tiaa.
then, before jlnn, i ate first. lapar kuu. but, indaa bnyak. thenn, around 5ishh to 6 klii. bothh me andd kakaa kenaa fetchh tiaa. indraa andd kairol was there too. begilaa gnyaa waaa. thenn, singgahh kiulap kajap. belii saome drinks apaa. thenn, we went passed bandar andd reached jambatann queen klii. ngail snaa tiaa kmii. padaa mulaanyaa ndaa beorangg. sekaliii, memajal tiaa juaa org atuu kann ngail juaa. andd abng didi dapat fishh there. this fishh..
rugged waaa. tpii menyanggat nyaa drngg. andd so, since ramaii, wel, indaa berapaa laa, we bounced ffrom there tiaa. plus, adaa sebab tertentuu. org dalam keretaa tdii sjaa bulahh tauu tuu. :P
thenn, we had a long drive to pantaii serasaa. ramaii org bermaksiat ihh snaa. jgnn indaa galat ! HAHAH. andd yes, its saturday night juaa kann ? so, yeahh.. we crii spot andd dapat yg tempat rugged laa. bisaii. munn membawaa chicks, romantic plngg tuu. HAHAH. tpii, bnr.. tersediaa waa tempat duduk apaa. andd so, melabuhh thh kmii disanaa. andd not to forget, the weather was just find tdii. anginn punn menyegarkann. hahah. plus, theres stars andd moon punn juaa.
since, suasanaa romantic atuu, i called her up. was berchatting punn mulaanyaa. kes kann menjealouskann laa tuu ahh. :P so, on the phone tiaa sekajap. i was just wishh shes withh me tdii dii snaa. hee. next time thh if umur panjangg. andd then, sii bob datang. kesiann him, damam. get well soon bro. ;) tpii, masehh juaa joined memancingg. hee. andd againn, no luck for me. :/ abngg didii dapat ikann sjaa. hee. abng didii pnyaa harii today. hee.
andd, since the weather indaa mengizinnkann. plus, its late juaa. at about midnight, we bounced from there tiaa. siuk begilaa tdii dalam keretaa. pacahh.. thenn, we sendd indraa blik. since yaa ke kk esok. aiyo.. esok rupanyaa. hahaha. so, yeahh.. indaa tiaa kuu dapat join him ke kk tuu. after that, antar sii kairol blik. sudahh nyaa ndaa dalam keretaa, sunyii tplngg. ndaa org becalii. heheh.
thenn, we arrived home around 1 klii. so, melapur and stuff. after that, makann thh kuu. nyamann waa makann kuu. hahah. i ate alot, but yet, belum mauu lampuhh ihh. :/ heehh.. after makann, i went onlinee with herr. :) webcam it is.. siuk, sampaii ke pagii. hahah. pacahhly, we went ber*tut* tdii. hee. thenn, endup bertelipon tdii. :) tiring muchh. skip ! :P
andd since tertutup, blogging sjaa kuu. was berdvd as well. hahah. she knows what ceritaa. :P andd now, its pagii sudahh. tarangg waa di luar. andd ohh.. since i received my letter about the ppb thingy, gilaa mann.. confirmly, i'll be gone by this coming 4th feb til 10oct klii if im not mistakenn. so, yeahh.. sure will shes gonna miss me. :/ heehh.. but yet, i wanna meet youu before i masuk there. andd all my temann temann seperjuangann. mostly thh sii casby. rinduu bnrr kuu kann begilaa smaa anak atuu. adek eqahh, khals.. maybe bothh idaah andd reen. siapaa lgii ? sii athh. since, yaa indaa dpt, sorang sorangg thh kuu nie begilaa dii ppb. heehh.. kecundang !
andd so, since im tired berabis awal anii, plus my back sanggal sudahh. kann patahh juaa gnyaa indaa rasanyaa. harii punn tarangg sudahh punn, i think i should have my rest now. so, sleeep well everyone. andd a very morning to those yg awal bgnn. andd also, have a nice day. adious ! :)
then, before jlnn, i ate first. lapar kuu. but, indaa bnyak. thenn, around 5ishh to 6 klii. bothh me andd kakaa kenaa fetchh tiaa. indraa andd kairol was there too. begilaa gnyaa waaa. thenn, singgahh kiulap kajap. belii saome drinks apaa. thenn, we went passed bandar andd reached jambatann queen klii. ngail snaa tiaa kmii. padaa mulaanyaa ndaa beorangg. sekaliii, memajal tiaa juaa org atuu kann ngail juaa. andd abng didi dapat fishh there. this fishh..
rugged waaa. tpii menyanggat nyaa drngg. andd so, since ramaii, wel, indaa berapaa laa, we bounced ffrom there tiaa. plus, adaa sebab tertentuu. org dalam keretaa tdii sjaa bulahh tauu tuu. :P
thenn, we had a long drive to pantaii serasaa. ramaii org bermaksiat ihh snaa. jgnn indaa galat ! HAHAH. andd yes, its saturday night juaa kann ? so, yeahh.. we crii spot andd dapat yg tempat rugged laa. bisaii. munn membawaa chicks, romantic plngg tuu. HAHAH. tpii, bnr.. tersediaa waa tempat duduk apaa. andd so, melabuhh thh kmii disanaa. andd not to forget, the weather was just find tdii. anginn punn menyegarkann. hahah. plus, theres stars andd moon punn juaa.
since, suasanaa romantic atuu, i called her up. was berchatting punn mulaanyaa. kes kann menjealouskann laa tuu ahh. :P so, on the phone tiaa sekajap. i was just wishh shes withh me tdii dii snaa. hee. next time thh if umur panjangg. andd then, sii bob datang. kesiann him, damam. get well soon bro. ;) tpii, masehh juaa joined memancingg. hee. andd againn, no luck for me. :/ abngg didii dapat ikann sjaa. hee. abng didii pnyaa harii today. hee.
andd, since the weather indaa mengizinnkann. plus, its late juaa. at about midnight, we bounced from there tiaa. siuk begilaa tdii dalam keretaa. pacahh.. thenn, we sendd indraa blik. since yaa ke kk esok. aiyo.. esok rupanyaa. hahaha. so, yeahh.. indaa tiaa kuu dapat join him ke kk tuu. after that, antar sii kairol blik. sudahh nyaa ndaa dalam keretaa, sunyii tplngg. ndaa org becalii. heheh.
thenn, we arrived home around 1 klii. so, melapur and stuff. after that, makann thh kuu. nyamann waa makann kuu. hahah. i ate alot, but yet, belum mauu lampuhh ihh. :/ heehh.. after makann, i went onlinee with herr. :) webcam it is.. siuk, sampaii ke pagii. hahah. pacahhly, we went ber*tut* tdii. hee. thenn, endup bertelipon tdii. :) tiring muchh. skip ! :P
andd since tertutup, blogging sjaa kuu. was berdvd as well. hahah. she knows what ceritaa. :P andd now, its pagii sudahh. tarangg waa di luar. andd ohh.. since i received my letter about the ppb thingy, gilaa mann.. confirmly, i'll be gone by this coming 4th feb til 10oct klii if im not mistakenn. so, yeahh.. sure will shes gonna miss me. :/ heehh.. but yet, i wanna meet youu before i masuk there. andd all my temann temann seperjuangann. mostly thh sii casby. rinduu bnrr kuu kann begilaa smaa anak atuu. adek eqahh, khals.. maybe bothh idaah andd reen. siapaa lgii ? sii athh. since, yaa indaa dpt, sorang sorangg thh kuu nie begilaa dii ppb. heehh.. kecundang !
andd so, since im tired berabis awal anii, plus my back sanggal sudahh. kann patahh juaa gnyaa indaa rasanyaa. harii punn tarangg sudahh punn, i think i should have my rest now. so, sleeep well everyone. andd a very morning to those yg awal bgnn. andd also, have a nice day. adious ! :)
Saturday, 17 January 2009
last night, since my back was too sangal berlappy, i tukar-ed beronline thro phone. so that i cann limpang limpangg and all. so, was bercintaa withh her back smpaii pagii. kes smpaii kn tdur laa nie. too badly, shes got dc-ed. since its morning sudahh, i went to the kitchenn to jumpaa the maid. mummy was there, so i told mummy that, theres fishh i wanted to bgii them. the fishh yg kairol dapat. and so, ive heard they said, the fishh called ikann lelayy. then i went back to my room, terus tdur tiaa.
by around 2ishh, i was terbgnn pasal my msn berbunyii. then i saw i had 1msg. she msgd me and explaind what happend tdii pgii. i replied and tdur semulaa. was tired muchh punn. then by 5ishh patangg, i wokeup and terus bermsg withh her. i even bergossib-ed samaa adek eqahh punn. HAHAH ! our no 1 fans eqahh ? xP
then went out, and diluar was sunyii. i went to the kitchen and genaa was there. shes iman's used to be babysitter before. then, looks for foods tpii antahh, takde seleraa. ke tamuu seleraa kuu mencrii seleraa. HAHAH ! apaakn ?! so, i endup bertv. was bertv smpaii 7ishh klii.
then, kakaa came down and asked me to be ready. wel, since we had planned to liat diki spinn. and so, i took my shower and terus bwaa niniboy berdinner. soon after that, abng didi and indraa fetch us tiaa.
so, we went to batuu besurat. diki adaa spinn di wardrop. antahh, lurus kaa tuu namanyaa ? pokoknyaa adaa war war laa. hee. anwy, reached there, rmaii org disnaa. it was 8ishh klii. and many faces yg i used to see di gadongg. and to be tepat, rmaii org facebook baa. heheh.
diki was there spinning sudahh. and yet, theres not a party. diki adaa demo sjaa. so, hang there sampaii abis. i meet some friends there punn. and by 930, everythingg done tiaa. since, diki adaa spinn juaa at rienaa's aunty pnyaa house, so we bounced ksnaa.
we singgahh ke rumahh abng didi first. diki wanna ambil some stuff, then bounced away to selambigar. on our way ksnaa, adaa car crushed dii trafficlights gadong. gilaaa ! berijap baa. we stoped kesiringg then went to tempat kejadiann. i saw, adaa bini bini ampai ampaii. it was org chinese. the car was ancur and theres small kid involved. kesiann. damit lgii masehh tuu. x'S macam, 3-4 tahunn. theres blood tiaa apaa. then, rmaii org dtg meliat. and thank god nothing bad happend. that girl pengsann sjaa klii. read newspaper for tomorrow. maybe adaa tuu.
since, the cops came by, and everything settle maybe, kmii menerusknn perjalanann tiaa. kindaa sunyii tiaa sorang sorang dalam keretaa. atuu kn awalnyaa kmii beibun ibunn. kakaa apaathh lgii, traumaa smpaii menanggis waa. xS
then, when we arrived rienaa's aunty's place. rmaii baa keretaa. and surely rmaii org punn. whichh it was. rupanyaa adaa bday party. so, we masuk and everyone was mabruks. then, kmii kenaa suruhh makann apaa. but, i dint makann. pasal, im sure i'll be drinkingg. takut menjeluak waa.
so, i mulaakn dengann drinking martini's, andd smpaii melarat melarat. banyak drinks there. macam, youu cann just chose what drink youu want. hee. sanangg atii ! xP then, after done makann, diki start to pasangg the equipment and yes, the party started ! xD
since im in my other world. melayann thh kuu gnyaa. gilaaa mann ! all that reminds me of kk. where we go clubbin rmai rmaii. and, yg dgn dgnkuu tdii anii lgii yg semuaa dgn kuu dii kk. hahah. rinduu kuu plngg. HAHAH ! indraa kn bwaa ke kk. maybe this sunday or next sudahh. but, yet.. i still wanna make sure the parents melapas or not. heeh.. and so, i was melayann until i kindaa lost abit ? bruuthh kuu bermoodkn menarii.
then, when im nyamann enoughh, ihh.. menarii thh kuu ihh.. hahah. siuk laa.. happeningg. diki lgii mainn. lost waa olehhnyaa. hahah. nyams berabis ! xD and so, we dance, we sweat and we bergilaa muchh. hee. lost abit sjaa. bukannyaa club punn kn lost berabis. xP
melayann, melayann.. sampaii adaa org endingg. xP heheh. ohh, anwy.. happy birthday againn to birthday girl. hee. god bless. ;) stay hott.. xP cehh ~ indaa biasaa ! hahah. then, by around 2, the party ended tiaa. plus, rmaii yg bebalikan waa juaa sudahh. wel, org kerajaa kn ? HAHAH.
then, we panyap panyap things and bounced home tiaa. since adaa org endingg, we send him home duluu ke rimbaa. then, since im tired, melimpang thh kuu gnyaa dalam keretaa smpaii tertdur. kakaa wakes me, pkir smpaii rumahh sudahh. rupanyaa, makan duluu. it was di mata mataa. arhh liyanaa. after makann, blik rumahh tiaa. smpai rumahh around 3ishh to 4 klii.
sampaii to my room, i terus called her melapur dirii. hee. and yes, we supposed berwebcam this subuhh. but, since im too tired to do so, on the phone thh sjaa. done otp, we went chattingg. but, then i've got dc-ed. munn kn online semulaa, kesian juaa her. i woke her up when i called her. so, let it be sjaa. will msg her punn after this blogginn. and since im tired sudahh katik katik anii, i think i should need my deep sleep instead. so, till here thh duluu yes kamuu ? goodnights.. x)
ohh, and photos will be upload soon enoughh. IF.. im to rajin to do so. so, nights people. adious ! ;)
by around 2ishh, i was terbgnn pasal my msn berbunyii. then i saw i had 1msg. she msgd me and explaind what happend tdii pgii. i replied and tdur semulaa. was tired muchh punn. then by 5ishh patangg, i wokeup and terus bermsg withh her. i even bergossib-ed samaa adek eqahh punn. HAHAH ! our no 1 fans eqahh ? xP
then went out, and diluar was sunyii. i went to the kitchen and genaa was there. shes iman's used to be babysitter before. then, looks for foods tpii antahh, takde seleraa. ke tamuu seleraa kuu mencrii seleraa. HAHAH ! apaakn ?! so, i endup bertv. was bertv smpaii 7ishh klii.
then, kakaa came down and asked me to be ready. wel, since we had planned to liat diki spinn. and so, i took my shower and terus bwaa niniboy berdinner. soon after that, abng didi and indraa fetch us tiaa.
so, we went to batuu besurat. diki adaa spinn di wardrop. antahh, lurus kaa tuu namanyaa ? pokoknyaa adaa war war laa. hee. anwy, reached there, rmaii org disnaa. it was 8ishh klii. and many faces yg i used to see di gadongg. and to be tepat, rmaii org facebook baa. heheh.
diki was there spinning sudahh. and yet, theres not a party. diki adaa demo sjaa. so, hang there sampaii abis. i meet some friends there punn. and by 930, everythingg done tiaa. since, diki adaa spinn juaa at rienaa's aunty pnyaa house, so we bounced ksnaa.
we singgahh ke rumahh abng didi first. diki wanna ambil some stuff, then bounced away to selambigar. on our way ksnaa, adaa car crushed dii trafficlights gadong. gilaaa ! berijap baa. we stoped kesiringg then went to tempat kejadiann. i saw, adaa bini bini ampai ampaii. it was org chinese. the car was ancur and theres small kid involved. kesiann. damit lgii masehh tuu. x'S macam, 3-4 tahunn. theres blood tiaa apaa. then, rmaii org dtg meliat. and thank god nothing bad happend. that girl pengsann sjaa klii. read newspaper for tomorrow. maybe adaa tuu.
since, the cops came by, and everything settle maybe, kmii menerusknn perjalanann tiaa. kindaa sunyii tiaa sorang sorang dalam keretaa. atuu kn awalnyaa kmii beibun ibunn. kakaa apaathh lgii, traumaa smpaii menanggis waa. xS
then, when we arrived rienaa's aunty's place. rmaii baa keretaa. and surely rmaii org punn. whichh it was. rupanyaa adaa bday party. so, we masuk and everyone was mabruks. then, kmii kenaa suruhh makann apaa. but, i dint makann. pasal, im sure i'll be drinkingg. takut menjeluak waa.
so, i mulaakn dengann drinking martini's, andd smpaii melarat melarat. banyak drinks there. macam, youu cann just chose what drink youu want. hee. sanangg atii ! xP then, after done makann, diki start to pasangg the equipment and yes, the party started ! xD
since im in my other world. melayann thh kuu gnyaa. gilaaa mann ! all that reminds me of kk. where we go clubbin rmai rmaii. and, yg dgn dgnkuu tdii anii lgii yg semuaa dgn kuu dii kk. hahah. rinduu kuu plngg. HAHAH ! indraa kn bwaa ke kk. maybe this sunday or next sudahh. but, yet.. i still wanna make sure the parents melapas or not. heeh.. and so, i was melayann until i kindaa lost abit ? bruuthh kuu bermoodkn menarii.
then, when im nyamann enoughh, ihh.. menarii thh kuu ihh.. hahah. siuk laa.. happeningg. diki lgii mainn. lost waa olehhnyaa. hahah. nyams berabis ! xD and so, we dance, we sweat and we bergilaa muchh. hee. lost abit sjaa. bukannyaa club punn kn lost berabis. xP
melayann, melayann.. sampaii adaa org endingg. xP heheh. ohh, anwy.. happy birthday againn to birthday girl. hee. god bless. ;) stay hott.. xP cehh ~ indaa biasaa ! hahah. then, by around 2, the party ended tiaa. plus, rmaii yg bebalikan waa juaa sudahh. wel, org kerajaa kn ? HAHAH.
then, we panyap panyap things and bounced home tiaa. since adaa org endingg, we send him home duluu ke rimbaa. then, since im tired, melimpang thh kuu gnyaa dalam keretaa smpaii tertdur. kakaa wakes me, pkir smpaii rumahh sudahh. rupanyaa, makan duluu. it was di mata mataa. arhh liyanaa. after makann, blik rumahh tiaa. smpai rumahh around 3ishh to 4 klii.
sampaii to my room, i terus called her melapur dirii. hee. and yes, we supposed berwebcam this subuhh. but, since im too tired to do so, on the phone thh sjaa. done otp, we went chattingg. but, then i've got dc-ed. munn kn online semulaa, kesian juaa her. i woke her up when i called her. so, let it be sjaa. will msg her punn after this blogginn. and since im tired sudahh katik katik anii, i think i should need my deep sleep instead. so, till here thh duluu yes kamuu ? goodnights.. x)
ohh, and photos will be upload soon enoughh. IF.. im to rajin to do so. so, nights people. adious ! ;)
Friday, 16 January 2009
no fishh againn. x/
so, i was locked up in my room last night. wel, was menyamal punn tho. adaa thh tuu sebabnyaa. so, i was berdvd. jumper was the story. andd yeahh.. i never get bored watchingg it. i even still remember how silly i was masaa baruu baruu meliat. casby was sleeping over tuu that time. andd pacahhly, after im done watching it, i bgnnkann casby andd iskiily mauu mauu juaa jdii jumper. HAHAH. i rann to my wall tpii, indaa tambus ! heeh.. sakit sjaa badannkuu. but, since luann iskii hantap, blik blik juaa kuu buat. mentall sii casbyy selajuur. just, for my sillyness i woke him up. hahah ! sorry dood.. :P
done berjumper, i went online. was online punn, but appears sjaa. plus, i was waiting for someone punn. sincee, kmii bercintaa terputus. so, yeahh.. lambat baa yaa crii picture atuu. :P heheh. *hugs youu. wel, we had this thing to do. since we bothh sukaa melukis, she asked for my picture. shee wanted to lukis it. so, to make it fair, i want her's as well. tpi, tpii.. ihh ! jubur waa.. :P heheh. takpe, soon soon yes ? hee.
so, i was bercintaa back withh her. we stoped until i asked for her phone number. wel, since i was menghilangg, andd she was waitingg sampaii tertidur tidur, so, i called her up as my sorriness. andd yeass.. we're on the phone ! hee. andd dint sangkaa her voice gonna be that err.. cant discribe ho. hahah. lainn muchh. cute for sure. xP me likee.. hee. :D
beteponn, untill i went out kann meliat tv. checking channels, until i saw mann united had matchh against wigann. andd againn, my team will never disappointd me. they won by 1-0 to wigann. rooney scored for man unitedd tpii, injured tiaa yaa. heehh.. was still on the phone until tertutup. then, i decided to sambung bercintaa thro msnn sjaa. pasal, i was berfootie juaa. so, berchatting tiaa kamii. since its late sudahh, like, 5ishh klii, shes tired and need her rest. so, she went to bed. :)
then, i watchhed footie sampaii abis. chealseaa punn manang yo ! heeh.. but, come on.. liat table ! whos beingg on top soon ? HAHAH ! liverpool ? duii.. tinggalam tuu ihh ! liat sjaa. hahah. cehh ~ confident ! :P:P andd so, abis meliat footie, i went to my room kann tdur. but, semanaa manaaa, i cant sleep tiaa. so, i checked some blogs. but, antahh.. macam ndaa mood juaa kann bacaa. wel, since BANYAK ALUM BEUPDATE !! mostly thh adek eqahh's. ohh, i evenn terviewed someone's blog. hee. berblog tiaa yaa sudahh org ahh. heeh. thenn, sooner after that, i went to my other world. whichh is, sleeping zone !
andd againn, i woke up late. around 4ishh lgii. went out, tercium bauu makannan. andd yes, its thursday. tahlil here as usual. imanlove was asleep. so, since im lapar, i went to the kitchen andd mummy was there cookingg. so, i asked mummy for food. she said, ambil sjaa. so, i took some chickenn masak black paper, daging masak antahh but nyamann andd also, crispy udangg masak tapungg. shit ! indaa waa kuu teabis makann. hahah. kanyangg basar waa kuu. hahah. tpii, nyamann.
after that, i went to my room andd bekurungg sajaa. thenn, a few mins, i went to took my shower. since some relatives adaa datang sudahh, full house tiaa as usual dii tv's room. andd their watching americann idol klii. wel, i wasnt there tho. after shower, i went to my room andd bekurung sjaa. was bedvd. antahh.. takde mood punn tdii. so, beingg alone helps me to kill the mood. was watching fridaa tdii. salmahh hayek played as fridaa. ohh, about that name, it reminds me of my kenalann dii kk. she works at the hotel andd yeahh. was kenalann cematuu cematuu. skip ! :P
andd so, was bekurungg sjaa dii bilik. until, kakaa says that she wanna go out kann menggail. so, i joined them. andd by 9ishh klii, abng didii andd sii kairol fetch us. it was rainning tho. but, we still carried on punn. we went to bandar for fishingg. we found our best spot. but, its raining ho. borengg muchh.. sorang sorangg indaa dpt fishh.
until we changed spot dii ideal klii. bruuthh dapat ikann. wel, i dint tho. no lucks for me anddd abng didii. kairol dapat ikann basar. andd adaa tuu i upload the photo dii bawahh. hee. andd some pict of us berfishingg tdii. tak bnyak punn tho. kakaa dapat 2 fishhs anddd kairol punn as well. but, i only took shot on the big fishh sjaa. andd yeahh.. few hours after that, dikii came withh reinaa. org yg bruu dtg plng dapt fishh ho. aiyaah.. but, its all good. theres always next time kann ? hee.
andd so, chilled there untill the time ticks to 2ishh to 3 klii. bruu kamii bounced from that place. ohh andd since esok dikii adaaa spinn, so esok im gonna go out againn klii. inshaa-god. andd yeahh.. we went to gadong sekajap. kann ke kadaii. andd antared kairol dii katok. then, we blik. on our way blik, we saw adaa this kucing buluu tabal melintas. warnaa putehh lgii tuu. kiuuut, but i hate cat still. no change anything. why i hate cats ? pasal, they always do the suprised. the jump thingy ? berijap waa. apaathh lgii yg kukuu panjangg. cukup sekalii kanaa. heeehh..
i still remember this shit happens pernahh terjdii. i was melimpangg limpangg dii tv's room. andd was ber invited invited samaa cimmy andd rumms. its was awal pagii. thenn, as usual, the maid do the sapuu sapuu andd the door was opend. andd i was bersiuk sudahh chatting chatting untill theres a black cat jumped on my body mengajutly ! shitt !! ketungkalann waa kuu. beteriakk berabis waa kuu tuu ! :S:S i was mad berabis arhh the maid tplngg. pasal, they let the door opened widely. shitt waa. see.. i hate cats so muchh mann. apaathh lgii black cats !! eeeee. berijap !
andd so, back to the story, we went home safely. and its 3ishh. blik rumahh, terus i called her selajur. kann melapur. heheh. so, we're on the phone sekajap punn sjaa. thennn we endup berchatting tiaa. sincee i wanna post some photos, so, yeahh.. we even still berchatting now tho. hee. andd yes, youu makingg me miss youu. benar. *imy. :) andd to kamuu kamuu, til here duluu yes ? post soon lagii. so, goodnight kamuu. andd sleep well. adious ! :)
done berjumper, i went online. was online punn, but appears sjaa. plus, i was waiting for someone punn. sincee, kmii bercintaa terputus. so, yeahh.. lambat baa yaa crii picture atuu. :P heheh. *hugs youu. wel, we had this thing to do. since we bothh sukaa melukis, she asked for my picture. shee wanted to lukis it. so, to make it fair, i want her's as well. tpi, tpii.. ihh ! jubur waa.. :P heheh. takpe, soon soon yes ? hee.
so, i was bercintaa back withh her. we stoped until i asked for her phone number. wel, since i was menghilangg, andd she was waitingg sampaii tertidur tidur, so, i called her up as my sorriness. andd yeass.. we're on the phone ! hee. andd dint sangkaa her voice gonna be that err.. cant discribe ho. hahah. lainn muchh. cute for sure. xP me likee.. hee. :D
beteponn, untill i went out kann meliat tv. checking channels, until i saw mann united had matchh against wigann. andd againn, my team will never disappointd me. they won by 1-0 to wigann. rooney scored for man unitedd tpii, injured tiaa yaa. heehh.. was still on the phone until tertutup. then, i decided to sambung bercintaa thro msnn sjaa. pasal, i was berfootie juaa. so, berchatting tiaa kamii. since its late sudahh, like, 5ishh klii, shes tired and need her rest. so, she went to bed. :)
then, i watchhed footie sampaii abis. chealseaa punn manang yo ! heeh.. but, come on.. liat table ! whos beingg on top soon ? HAHAH ! liverpool ? duii.. tinggalam tuu ihh ! liat sjaa. hahah. cehh ~ confident ! :P:P andd so, abis meliat footie, i went to my room kann tdur. but, semanaa manaaa, i cant sleep tiaa. so, i checked some blogs. but, antahh.. macam ndaa mood juaa kann bacaa. wel, since BANYAK ALUM BEUPDATE !! mostly thh adek eqahh's. ohh, i evenn terviewed someone's blog. hee. berblog tiaa yaa sudahh org ahh. heeh. thenn, sooner after that, i went to my other world. whichh is, sleeping zone !
andd againn, i woke up late. around 4ishh lgii. went out, tercium bauu makannan. andd yes, its thursday. tahlil here as usual. imanlove was asleep. so, since im lapar, i went to the kitchen andd mummy was there cookingg. so, i asked mummy for food. she said, ambil sjaa. so, i took some chickenn masak black paper, daging masak antahh but nyamann andd also, crispy udangg masak tapungg. shit ! indaa waa kuu teabis makann. hahah. kanyangg basar waa kuu. hahah. tpii, nyamann.
after that, i went to my room andd bekurungg sajaa. thenn, a few mins, i went to took my shower. since some relatives adaa datang sudahh, full house tiaa as usual dii tv's room. andd their watching americann idol klii. wel, i wasnt there tho. after shower, i went to my room andd bekurung sjaa. was bedvd. antahh.. takde mood punn tdii. so, beingg alone helps me to kill the mood. was watching fridaa tdii. salmahh hayek played as fridaa. ohh, about that name, it reminds me of my kenalann dii kk. she works at the hotel andd yeahh. was kenalann cematuu cematuu. skip ! :P
andd so, was bekurungg sjaa dii bilik. until, kakaa says that she wanna go out kann menggail. so, i joined them. andd by 9ishh klii, abng didii andd sii kairol fetch us. it was rainning tho. but, we still carried on punn. we went to bandar for fishingg. we found our best spot. but, its raining ho. borengg muchh.. sorang sorangg indaa dpt fishh.
until we changed spot dii ideal klii. bruuthh dapat ikann. wel, i dint tho. no lucks for me anddd abng didii. kairol dapat ikann basar. andd adaa tuu i upload the photo dii bawahh. hee. andd some pict of us berfishingg tdii. tak bnyak punn tho. kakaa dapat 2 fishhs anddd kairol punn as well. but, i only took shot on the big fishh sjaa. andd yeahh.. few hours after that, dikii came withh reinaa. org yg bruu dtg plng dapt fishh ho. aiyaah.. but, its all good. theres always next time kann ? hee.
andd so, chilled there untill the time ticks to 2ishh to 3 klii. bruu kamii bounced from that place. ohh andd since esok dikii adaaa spinn, so esok im gonna go out againn klii. inshaa-god. andd yeahh.. we went to gadong sekajap. kann ke kadaii. andd antared kairol dii katok. then, we blik. on our way blik, we saw adaa this kucing buluu tabal melintas. warnaa putehh lgii tuu. kiuuut, but i hate cat still. no change anything. why i hate cats ? pasal, they always do the suprised. the jump thingy ? berijap waa. apaathh lgii yg kukuu panjangg. cukup sekalii kanaa. heeehh..
i still remember this shit happens pernahh terjdii. i was melimpangg limpangg dii tv's room. andd was ber invited invited samaa cimmy andd rumms. its was awal pagii. thenn, as usual, the maid do the sapuu sapuu andd the door was opend. andd i was bersiuk sudahh chatting chatting untill theres a black cat jumped on my body mengajutly ! shitt !! ketungkalann waa kuu. beteriakk berabis waa kuu tuu ! :S:S i was mad berabis arhh the maid tplngg. pasal, they let the door opened widely. shitt waa. see.. i hate cats so muchh mann. apaathh lgii black cats !! eeeee. berijap !
andd so, back to the story, we went home safely. and its 3ishh. blik rumahh, terus i called her selajur. kann melapur. heheh. so, we're on the phone sekajap punn sjaa. thennn we endup berchatting tiaa. sincee i wanna post some photos, so, yeahh.. we even still berchatting now tho. hee. andd yes, youu makingg me miss youu. benar. *imy. :) andd to kamuu kamuu, til here duluu yes ? post soon lagii. so, goodnight kamuu. andd sleep well. adious ! :)
Thursday, 15 January 2009
berimann. x)
last night, while i was berbloggingg, i was bertv punn. titanic was onn. and shit ! lamaa sudahh i dint watchh that movie. so, i sit my butt down and teranahly liat titanic. wel, not that teranahh plngg. was bercintaa punn that time. bercintaa as in berchattingg tho. hee. and, yeahh.. talking about titanic, i always adore the part where they bothh berdirii dii dapann kapal atuu. heehh.. i always wanted to buat cematuu. but too bad, i takde my own rose to hugs from the back. heeh..
and yeahh, i was menyubuhh punn last night after blogging. and still, i was bercintaa punn. she temankn i menyubuhh. we shared talks and all. and shit ! it was funn. been awhile sudahh indaa bercintaa cematuu. last was withh someone who i used to syangg the most. but yet, i cant find any love in me to her. heeh.. but, no matter what, youu'll be always on my mind girl. maybe. x)
and so, chatting chatting, until my perut starvingg. so, i went out and masak some food. she temankn i as well. and again, that reminds me of this someone punn. where she would always be there for me. and yeahh, i even remember how terlalaii-ed i was berchatting withh that someone by duduk duduk macak katak dapann the almarii where food been kept. hee. funny things happend and yet, shit happens as well. x\ so, back to the story, i was cookingg maggie curry and egg. and since its cold, i buat hot milo. it really does warmed me a little bit. and after that, never never land been waiting for me. so, i arrived there as usual, peacefully. x)
since i slept at 5ishh klii, i wokeup late. around 4 ? and i realized that, my lamp was still on. gilaaa. i slept berbukaa lampungg rupanyaa. heeh.. and so, i went out and my imanlove was there. so, beriman tiaa kuu. siuk melayann imann. hee. she cheers my day up. x)
so, as usual, played around withh imann apaa. i even laughed alots. hee. funn muchh.. and shes so belabihh ! bnr thh ! hee. never get bored melayann ituu budak. and yes, calii part when imann took her ninigirl's tudung and tight it on her head. kiuuut ! then, kakaa usaikn tiaa. and suprisingly, she like it. so, we took pictures and i posted it di bawahh. hee. see how cute iman is withh her gayaa gayaa ber posed. hee. and by nearly kn magrib, iman pulangg tiaa. i send her to the car. hee. and shes cute muchh when she does the flying kiss thingy. hee. and yeahh.. blik tiaa imann. x\
since, i havent makan yet, so i just ate tunaa toast and yeahh.. since mummy's cake was adaa still, i ate some punn. and yeahh. after that, i took my shower. then, yeahh.. meliat tv sjaa. was berfacebook punn that time. until, american idol was on. so, melayann tiaa kuu samaa the sisters. and shit ! adaa hotties ! hahah. xP and theres a dood rugged rambutnyaa ! gilaa mann. panjangg and hes like, 18 klii ? lawaa lgii suaraanyaa ihh. and even a bikini's chicks dpt golden ticket waa. pacahh ! calii calii lgii tuu ihh.. and yes, there one girl i find it rugged. the girl name emily klii. shes a rockstar ! hahah. dpt lgii golden ticket. heeh.. and so, we laughed and all. hee. sii fiffy lgii panat ! heeh..
then, after that, we bawaa-ed niniboy berdinner. and i ate nyamanly tdii. nyamann waa cornbeefnyaa. bbq cornbeef. x9 manaa lgii beribun smaa fiffy. ihh.. pacahh waa. after dinner, we watched tv again. tomcat was on. so, meliat thh kmi. it was ceritaa lamaa tho. tpi borengg ! bnyak bercut. heeh.. kn crii dvdnyaa kuu plngg rasaanyaa and also dvd titanic. hee. x) so, melayann tomcats smpaii abis tiaa. and the girl who belakun there, i used to like her. pasal, shes hott ! she even played on scary movie and also americann pie. hee. then, chilling out sjaa di tv's room. nothing muchh happend today and night.
and so, i was berlappy sjaa. atuu punn checking my fb and fs. and i even download some songs. one of it, that lguu putus nyambungg. hahah. kakaa asked me to download it. heeh.. sekalii, meliat random stories sjaa kuu. and by 10ishh, the parents came. and daddy bought me nasii ayam. and yeahh.. berlappy tiaa kuu. berblogging and postingg gambar sii imannlove. was busy bercintaa punn. hee. so, yeahh.. nothing muchh to say.. and now, im lockup in my room watching jumper. hee. so, till here duluu then kamuu. a very goodnight to all from me thenn. sleep well and nights againn. x)
and yeahh, i was menyubuhh punn last night after blogging. and still, i was bercintaa punn. she temankn i menyubuhh. we shared talks and all. and shit ! it was funn. been awhile sudahh indaa bercintaa cematuu. last was withh someone who i used to syangg the most. but yet, i cant find any love in me to her. heeh.. but, no matter what, youu'll be always on my mind girl. maybe. x)
and so, chatting chatting, until my perut starvingg. so, i went out and masak some food. she temankn i as well. and again, that reminds me of this someone punn. where she would always be there for me. and yeahh, i even remember how terlalaii-ed i was berchatting withh that someone by duduk duduk macak katak dapann the almarii where food been kept. hee. funny things happend and yet, shit happens as well. x\ so, back to the story, i was cookingg maggie curry and egg. and since its cold, i buat hot milo. it really does warmed me a little bit. and after that, never never land been waiting for me. so, i arrived there as usual, peacefully. x)
since i slept at 5ishh klii, i wokeup late. around 4 ? and i realized that, my lamp was still on. gilaaa. i slept berbukaa lampungg rupanyaa. heeh.. and so, i went out and my imanlove was there. so, beriman tiaa kuu. siuk melayann imann. hee. she cheers my day up. x)
so, as usual, played around withh imann apaa. i even laughed alots. hee. funn muchh.. and shes so belabihh ! bnr thh ! hee. never get bored melayann ituu budak. and yes, calii part when imann took her ninigirl's tudung and tight it on her head. kiuuut ! then, kakaa usaikn tiaa. and suprisingly, she like it. so, we took pictures and i posted it di bawahh. hee. see how cute iman is withh her gayaa gayaa ber posed. hee. and by nearly kn magrib, iman pulangg tiaa. i send her to the car. hee. and shes cute muchh when she does the flying kiss thingy. hee. and yeahh.. blik tiaa imann. x\
since, i havent makan yet, so i just ate tunaa toast and yeahh.. since mummy's cake was adaa still, i ate some punn. and yeahh. after that, i took my shower. then, yeahh.. meliat tv sjaa. was berfacebook punn that time. until, american idol was on. so, melayann tiaa kuu samaa the sisters. and shit ! adaa hotties ! hahah. xP and theres a dood rugged rambutnyaa ! gilaa mann. panjangg and hes like, 18 klii ? lawaa lgii suaraanyaa ihh. and even a bikini's chicks dpt golden ticket waa. pacahh ! calii calii lgii tuu ihh.. and yes, there one girl i find it rugged. the girl name emily klii. shes a rockstar ! hahah. dpt lgii golden ticket. heeh.. and so, we laughed and all. hee. sii fiffy lgii panat ! heeh..
then, after that, we bawaa-ed niniboy berdinner. and i ate nyamanly tdii. nyamann waa cornbeefnyaa. bbq cornbeef. x9 manaa lgii beribun smaa fiffy. ihh.. pacahh waa. after dinner, we watched tv again. tomcat was on. so, meliat thh kmi. it was ceritaa lamaa tho. tpi borengg ! bnyak bercut. heeh.. kn crii dvdnyaa kuu plngg rasaanyaa and also dvd titanic. hee. x) so, melayann tomcats smpaii abis tiaa. and the girl who belakun there, i used to like her. pasal, shes hott ! she even played on scary movie and also americann pie. hee. then, chilling out sjaa di tv's room. nothing muchh happend today and night.
and so, i was berlappy sjaa. atuu punn checking my fb and fs. and i even download some songs. one of it, that lguu putus nyambungg. hahah. kakaa asked me to download it. heeh.. sekalii, meliat random stories sjaa kuu. and by 10ishh, the parents came. and daddy bought me nasii ayam. and yeahh.. berlappy tiaa kuu. berblogging and postingg gambar sii imannlove. was busy bercintaa punn. hee. so, yeahh.. nothing muchh to say.. and now, im lockup in my room watching jumper. hee. so, till here duluu then kamuu. a very goodnight to all from me thenn. sleep well and nights againn. x)
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