Monday 7 June 2010

My monday.

And so, its monday. Kononnyaa kn krajaa laa nie. But, then.. Indaa tbgn. Wel, tbgn.. Its just that, i was too tired. My body was weak. And barat rasanyaa kn bgnn. So, it was 6plus. Juaa lgii, kononnyaa kn sembahyang subuhh tdi, but then, indaa menjdi tiaa juaa. So, yeahh..

Then, i wokeup around noon-ishh. Then yeahh.. Since i was takut terbuang waktuu, i prayed for my zohor prayer. Then, i took my lunch and mandii. And shanaa was drumahh withh fiffy. Then, liat dvd in my room. So, since fiffy kn jln so, i bring along shanana with me. Pasal, i was gonna agaa my cousin. So, agaa my cousin, then drop shanaa home. Then, we went to masin. And yeahh..

Blik krumahh, menyampati asar. Then, my cousin blik. Then, got tea time with the parents. We talks, chitchat, bergossip segalaa laa pokoknyaa. It was funn, when youu had the time with the parents. Thats what i wanted. Just a time withh the parents, the family, the one youu loved. To have the quality perfect family time. I even want that to be happen in the future. A perfect family. Thats what she wanted actually. And as i promise, i will make it happen with guide of my prayers. And if theres god's willing aswell.

Anyhow.. While waiting for magrib prayer, withh the parents, then sembhyangg, and yeahh.. Stay drumahh sjaa membangang. Then, mummy mintaa antar ke rumahh my bungsu. And yeahh.. Since isyak was at 7.47pm, so i drop mummy at bungsu's tiaa. And now, im home alone drumahh. Nyehs.. Niniboy is out.. Kajah's not around.. Fiffy's not at home.. And the parents are busy with their business matters. While me, im gonna have my time alone for awhile. Since, my baby's gonna do some revisions, so yeahh.. To youu, belajarthh bnr bnr. And dont ever forget to sembahyangg syangg. Everythings gonna be just fine, lovee. I love youu.. Incase youu read this, by now.. I miss youu awal ani. Just be remind.. Hee. Just, contact me when ever your free dear. Ily, iwani. ;)

ohh.. Deep plng kuu nahh.. Nyehs.. So, yeahh.. I think sampai here thh sjaa duluu yes ? Im gonna hit the jack pot. And yeahh, a goodnight to all and have a nice sleep. Cheeeerious ! ;)

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